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This paper has written to fulfill the assignment of Pronunciation Subject


Selma Susilawati








Bismillahi Ar-rahman Ar-rahim

Firstly, I would like to say Alhamdulillah my gratefulness to God Allah SWT who has
given me ability to write this paper sincerely. I also thankful to my mother who accompanied
me when I was interviewing strangers, and my father who supporting me by his material
when I need amount of money to buy tools for doing this homework. Not to mention, my
friend who works with me in a group when searching strangers together two weeks ago.
Because of them I can finish this paper as well as I can. The last important is my lecture of
this subject, I am so thankful with this task, because I feel braver when I greet some strangers
on the road, more important, I know their way to speak, and I can imitate it for my needs.

This content maybe still not enough, especially the interviewees, because not all
strangers want to have some conversation, and they also have activity particularly at the
night. Also, the way author’s write still not enough to result a good paper. Still and all,
authors hope this paper will help us to correct our wrong pronunciation and motivating us to
speak in English fluently.

Thank you so much for all parties who has help me when doing this task.

Bandung, May 29th, 2017


Selma Susilawati


TABLE OF CONTENT....................................................................................................ii

Chapter I: INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................1

A. Background ...........................................................................................................1
B. Formulation Problem.............................................................................................1
C. Purpose..................................................................................................................1
D. Benefit...................................................................................................................2


A. Theory....................................................................................................................3
B. Hypothesis.............................................................................................................5
C. Practical Frame Work............................................................................................5

Chapter III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY..................................................................6

A. Kind of research.....................................................................................................6
B. Time and place.......................................................................................................6
C. Population Sample.................................................................................................6
D. Technique of collecting data..................................................................................6

Chapter IV: DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS DATA.....................................................7

A. The Way Hollander and California Speak.............................................................7
B. The way Hollander and California pronounce some particular words..................7
C. Analysis Data.........................................................................................................7

Chapter V: CLOSING.......................................................................................................9

A. Conclusion.............................................................................................................9
B. Suggestion.............................................................................................................9



A. Background
Pronunciation is the way how we say a word when we speak. Every language
has their way pronunciation, not to mention in English. It is really needed to learn
more to make people speak correctly. Pronunciation has two kinds these are General
American and British English. The owner country of General America is United
States and British English is United Kingdom.
Another country which is use English as their second language suitable the
kind of pronunciation by their country. Actually, so many countries used English as
second language. Also, we are as Indonesian who use English as International
languages have trouble with speak English and the way we pronounce. Especially me
sometimes always wrong when say some words, do we speak in general American,
British English or both of them? Indeed, we choose to use General American when
we speak but we still wrong when we pronounce it. Also, we cannot distinguish what
the differences between General American and British English when pronounced a
word. It is really important to know, because we as a future English teacher should be
able to teach our student well. We need to know how strangers pronounced a word
correctly, so we can imitate their way to speak.
This paper is talking about the differences pronounce between Holland and
California, because every country has their own way of pronunciation, we have to
choose what accent pronunciation will be use. Also, we have to know how we can
speak well used that accent. In this paper, there will be some analyze about
pronunciation, hope it will help us to speak English more fluently.

B. Formulation of Problem
1. What is Pronunciation?
2. How is English in Holland?
3. How is English in California?

C. Purpose
1. To know about Pronunciation

2. To know how is English in Holland
3. To know how is English in California

D. The Benefit of research

1. To correct our wrong pronunciation.
2. To motivate us to speak fluently.


A. Theory
1. Definition of Pronunciation
There is some definition of Pronunciation of English. According to
Oxford dictionary Pronunciation is the way in which a word is pronounced. In
Cambridge dictionary stated that Pronunciation means how we say words.
Most people speak the dialect of standard English with an accent that belongs
to the part of the country they come from or live in. From another source, in
Mariam Webster dictionary, Pronunciation is the act or manner of
pronouncing something.
So that, Pronunciation is the pattern and way we say a word, but there
are several differences of pronouncing some word according to the country
someone live. We know that there are two countries with two different accent
that being standard of speaking English. That is General American of United
States America and British English of United Kingdom.
Most of the differences between the English of the UK (which we shall
call BrE) and the English of North America (which we shall call AmE) are
vocabulary differences and differences in pronunciation and spelling.
However, there are some differences in the way grammar is used. Almost all
of the structures in this book are used in both varieties, but there are often
differences in how common a structure is in one variety or the other. There are
fewer differences in writing than in speaking. (Cambridge)

2. English in Holland
Netherland is a tolerant country whose embraced open minded. Also,
this country has so many relations of history with others countries, it causes
many people migration to Netherland brings theirs culture and lived in
Netherland till now. Estimated 190 nations have lived in Netherland. Holland
in one of biggest province in Netherland. On stated that
Holland consist of two territories, north and south, this province is the most
developed province in Netherland since 17th century. In Netherland, People

speak in some language, Dutch still a national language of Netherland, but
some people speaks in English and French.
According to English First as world renowned course institute,
Netherland ranks in the top one of 72 countries in English skills. 90%
respondent in Netherland said that they can speak English fluently. How
come? Not only doing bad thing everywhere, people in Netherland prosecuted
to speak English. However, they should be master of English when they want
to joint with global market. They should speak English when they travel, some
people in Netherland also like travelling and it compel them to be able speak
in English. Moreover, a western movie never dubbed, so they should be
understanding English. And the most important is Dutch have same language
structure with English, so they not too hard being a master of English.
So, this is not a surprise that Netherland is top second whose speak
English fluently like has been stated by Elsinta news.

3. English in California
California or California is a state located on the west coast of the
United States, with residents in the US. If California were an independent
state, he would be in the 6th and 9th place of the world economy. And also,
the most diverse state of the tribe in the US, its official nickname is the Golden
State. But, until now America does not have authorizes language and this is
the only country in the world that has no official language, because the
government only wants the United States to be a monolingual country that is
English, but on the other hand many American population who speak Spanish
and French and they can’t and do not want to learn English because they love
the language so in decision making to determine the official language of the
United States does not reach consensus, because English speakers do not like
if the Spanish and French became the official language as well as speak
Spanish and French do not want Only the English language became the union
of the United States.
English speakers, and Obama in his speech said that all Americans
must speak in English, and immigrants also must speak in English. Maybe he
has never studied American history that all American are immigrants from

Europe and Africa-Asia. Including Obama himself, or maybe he do not feel
that he is a black man whose ancestors immigrated from Africa is really ironic.

B. Hypothesis
Holland and California people speak and pronounce English in different

C. Practical Framework
1. Independent Variable:
a. Pronunciation of Hollander
i. Historical country Factor: which is have a strong history with others
ii. Accent Factor: national language’s accent (Dutch) quite same with
iii. Needs: People need to learn English because their needs in economic,
hobby, and tourism.
b. Pronunciation of Californian
i. Historical country factor:
ii. Accent factor: California accent different from English.
iii. Needs: people do not really need to understand English because in their
opinion that California also a part of European.
2. Dependent Variable:
The differences pronunciation when Hollander and California speak


A. Kind of research : qualitative method that is to investigate the phenomenon of

pronunciation of Holland and California.
B. Time and place :
a. Time: 23th Mei 2017, around 6.30 PM until 20.30 PM.
b. Place: Braga street and Cihampelas Walk.
C. Population : some English native at Braga street and Cihampelas Walk.
D. Sample : three Holland people, one California people, and one
Emirates Arab people.
E. Technique of collecting data: by interviewing some strangers that want to talk with


A. The way Hollander and California speak English

As author’s stated at the theory in chapter II, Hollander and California have
different accent and perspective about English itself. Most people in Holland cannot
speak English correctly, and most of California can speak english fluency. It becomes
a problem for those countries because their needs of English, Hollander need English
for their activity, their hobby, and their economics. Moreover, California use English
for communication daily.
When author have some conversation with strangers from those countries,
California could speak fluently and more understandable than Hollander. When
California speak, it heard clearly, but when Hollander speak some word not really
heard clearly.
B. The way Hollander and California pronounce some particular words
When author ask Hollander and California to say word better, tonight, and
come here, both of them say it clearly, but California heard well than Hollander in
some aspect such as stress word, spelling and tone.
C. Analysis Data
Table Data:


CALIFORNI /ˈbedər/ /ˈhʌz.bənd/ /ˈsmoʊ.kɪŋ/ /təˈnaɪt/ /kʌm’hir/
HOLLAND /ˈbedər/ /ˈhəzbənd/ /ˈsmoʊ.kɪŋ/ /toˈnaɪt/ /kom’hir/
EMIRATES /ˈbedər/ /ˈhʌz.bənd/ /ˈsmoʊ.kɪŋ/ /toˈnaɪt/ /kʌm’hir/

a. Better : As we have learned from class, it is proved that California

people, US English, pronounce ‘better’ as /ˈbedər/, even the same for Holland and
Emirates Arab people.
b. Husband : California people pronounce it as /ˈhʌz.bənd/, same as Emirates Arab
people. But as for Holland people, they pronounce it differently, /ˈhəzbənd/.

c. Smoking : As we have learned from class, it is proved that California people, US
English, pronounce ‘smoking’ as /ˈsmoʊ.kɪŋ/, even the same for Holland and
Emirates Arab people.
d. Tonight : As we have learned from class, it is proved that California people, US
English, pronounce ‘tonight’ as /təˈnaɪt/, while as for Holland and Emirates Arab
people they pronounce it differently, /toˈnaɪt/.
e. Come here : Holland people pronounce it as /kom’hir/, while California and
Emirates Arab people pronounce it /kʌm’hir/


A. Conclusion
In conclusion, California speaks fluently than Hollander. It causes because
several reason that Holland have national language’s accent (Dutch) and California
use speak english in daily activities. Hollander’s needs higher than Spanish in
speaking English, Hollander needs for daily communication and Spanish use English
as International language like Indonesia.
B. Suggestion
This paper still have some grammar error, authors need to learn more to
writing in good way. Also, the content, the way author collecting the data still not
enough to say this is good. But hoping this paper will help the readers especially me
to speak more fluently to reach the real nature of communication that is understand
what are the speakers talking one another.


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