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Gastrointestinal foreign bodies in dogs

and cats: a retrospective study of 208
OBJECTIVES: To establish predilection sites of obstruction and to impaired oral intake of fluid and nutrients
(Boag and others 2005). Gastrointestinal
investigate clinical factors associated with a poor outcome. foreign bodies may cause complete or par-
METHODS: A retrospective study of 208 consecutive cases over a tial obstruction. In general, complete ob-
struction is associated with more dramatic
48-month period from first-opinion practice. clinical signs and a rapid deterioration
RESULTS: Overall, 91 per cent of cases recovered with higher whereas partial obstruction may be associ-
ated with more chronic signs of maldiges-
survival rates from discrete foreign bodies (94 per cent in dogs and tion and malabsorption (Papazoglou and
100 per cent in cats) as opposed to linear foreign bodies (80 per others 2003).
The majority of obstructive non-linear
cent in dogs and 63 per cent in cats). English bull terriers, springer gastrointestinal foreign bodies compro-
spaniels, Staffordshire bull terriers, Border collies and Jack Russell mise the blood supply to the intestinal
segment by luminal distention leading
terriers were over-represented. In dogs, 63 per cent of obstructions to intestinal wall oedema and progressive
occurred in the jejunum but foreign objects were encountered at all necrosis. These factors contribute to ileus
and to an increase in the number of patho-
points along the gastrointestinal tract. A longer duration of clinical genic intraluminal bacteria leading to the
signs, the presence of a linear foreign body and multiple intestinal breakdown of the mucosal barrier and sys-
temic endotoxaemia (Ellison 1993a).
procedures were associated with significantly increased mortality. Alongside the challenges of diagnosis
Neither the degree of obstruction (partial or complete) nor the and anaesthesia, surgical treatment and
wound healing are compromised by intes-
location of the foreign body was shown to have a significant tinal wall viability, intraluminal bacterial
influence on survival. overgrowth, ileus and hypoproteinaemia
(Allen and others 1992, Ellison 1993b,
CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Prompt presentation, diagnosis and surgical Ralphs and others 2003). Enteric wound
intervention improve the outcome of gastrointestinal obstruction breakdown and leakage are the most se-
rious and catastrophic complications of
by foreign bodies. At surgery, the minimal number of intestinal surgery on the gastrointestinal tract (Allen
procedures should be performed to restore the integrity of the and others 1992, Evans and others 1994,
Shales and others 2005).
alimentary tract. Retrospective studies concerning lin-
ear foreign bodies exist (Felts and others
1984, Evans and others 1994) and two
case series in dogs have been published
G. HAYES* INTRODUCTION (Capak and others 2001, Boag and oth-
Journal of Small Animal Practice (2009) ers 2005). These studies all originate from
50, 576–583 Gastrointestinal foreign bodies are com- veterinary teaching hospitals, report a re-
DOI: 10.1111/j.1748-5827.2009.783.x monly encountered in first-opinion com- ferral caseload and focus on different as-
Accepted: 27 April 2009; Published online: panion animal practice and may present pects of presentation and treatment. To
8 October 2009 with a variety of clinical signs depending the author’s knowledge, there are no stud-
on the location, the degree and the dura- ies from first-opinion practice despite the
tion of the obstruction (Aronson and oth- fact that the vast majority of gastrointesti-
ers 2000, Papazoglou and others 2003). nal foreign bodies are probably managed
Gastrointestinal obstruction results in in first-opinion practice.
disturbances of fluid balance, acid-base The aims of the present study are: to
RSPCA Greater Manchester Animal Hospital, 411
Eccles New Road, Salford, Manchester M5 5NN status and serum electrolyte concentra- report a large series of cases of gastrointes-
tions due to hypersecretion and seques- tinal obstruction from first-opinion (char-
*Current Address: The Queen’s Veterinary School
Hospital, University of Cambridge, tration within the gastrointestinal tract ity) practice; to report predilection sites of
Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0ES which is exacerbated by vomiting and obstruction and types of objects recovered

576 Journal of Small Animal Practice • Vol 50 • November 2009 • © 2009 British Small Animal Veterinary Association
Gastrointestinal foreign bodies

and to investigate clinical factors associ- Diagnosis and food 18 to 30 hours postoperatively, at
ated with a poor outcome. Cases were investigated and treated by nine the discretion of the surgeon. Intravenous
veterinary surgeons with variable clinical fluids were continued until oral intake was
experience working within the limited re- sufficient. Antibiotics and analgesics were
MATERIALS AND METHODS sources of a charity hospital in the context normally continued for at least three days
of a persistently high caseload. Diagnostic postoperatively. No cases underwent re-
The case records of all cats and dogs ad- workup was limited to that necessary to operation.
mitted to the RSPCA Greater Manches- make a tentative diagnosis or to indicate the
ter Animal Hospital with a diagnosis of need to surgically explore the abdomen. In
gastrointestinal obstruction due to a for-
most cases, the decision to perform a co-
eign body during the period June 2003 eliotomy was based on history and careful
to May 2007 (48 months) were reviewed. clinical examination, with particular em- Eligibility, clinical signs and pre-
Gastrointestinal foreign bodies were de- phasis on abdominal palpation. If further sentation
fined as all clinically significant ingested investigations were necessary, abdominal One hundred and seventy-four dogs com-
foreign bodies (whose main bulk was) lo- palpation under sedation (or anaesthesia), prising 24 different breeds were included
cated distal to the cardia. Case details re- abdominocentesis, radiography and endos- in the study (summarised in Tables 1 and
trieved included age, breed, bodyweight, copy could be performed. In certain cases 2). Ten individuals were presented on two
presenting clinical signs, duration of blood tests and radiographs had been per- separate occasions with gastrointestinal
clinical signs, surgical findings and treat- formed at private veterinary practices be- foreign bodies, hence 184 distinct inci-
ment, postoperative complications and fore a charitable referral with or without a dents (cases) were recorded.
outcome. The duration of clinical signs diagnosis. Twenty-one cats were included in the
was either the time since known inges- study (summarised in Tables 1 and 2).
tion or from the start of clinical signs if Presurgical treatment and Three individuals were presented on two
ingestion was not observed. The surgi- surgical technique separate occasions with gastrointestinal
cal findings and treatment recorded were All cases with a history of vomiting received foreign bodies, hence 24 distinct incidents
the site of obstruction, type of foreign fluid therapy before anaesthesia and coeli- (cases) were recorded.
body (that is linear or discrete), the de- otomy. All cases received intramuscular or Presenting clinical signs included vom-
gree of obstruction (that is partial or subcutaneous 15 mg/kg amoxicillin (Be- iting (87 per cent), anorexia (72 per cent),
complete) and the treatment (that is gas- tamox; Norbrook) preoperatively and pa- greater than 10 per cent bodyweight loss
trotomy, enterotomy or enterectomy and tients undergoing enterotomy or enterecto- (8 per cent), diarrhoea (5 per cent) and
the number of incisions made into the my also received iv 10 mg/kg metronidazole haemorrhagic diarrhoea (2 per cent). In
alimentary tract). Patients which passed (Flagyl; Aventis) intra-operatively. A ventral 14 cases animals were presented before
the foreign body before diagnosis were midline coeliotomy was performed and the clinical signs developing as the owner had
excluded. entire gastrointestinal tract was examined witnessed ingestion of an object. In a total
Dog breeds which were over-represent- before replacement within the abdomen. of 54 cases (26 per cent) the owner was
ed had a relative risk calculated (relative to The obstructed segment was exteriorised aware of foreign body ingestion (Fig 1).
crossbreed dogs) taking into account the and packed off with swabs. Enterotomy
prevalence of these breeds in the hospital incisions were made on the antimesenteric
population. Selected ratio measurements border and all enterotomy, enterectomy Diagnosis In six of 184 cases (3 per cent)
were summarised as mean (±sd) and sta- and gastrotomy sites were closed using two a linear foreign body was evident in the oral
tistical comparisons (independent t-tests, metric polydioxanone (PDS II; Ethicon) in cavity or at the anus during clinical examina-
with the type indicated by Levene’s test for a simple interrupted appositional pattern. tion. In 139 of 184 cases (76 per cent) the
equality of variances) were made between A two-layer closure was performed follow- foreign object (or an intestinal abnormality)
surviving patients and those with a fatal ing gastrotomy. The exteriorised segment was palpable in the conscious patient (111
outcome. Nominal data were statistically was lavaged before omentalisation (simple cases) or anaesthetised/sedated patient. Ab-
compared between surviving patients and wrapping with or without tacking sutures) dominal radiography was performed in 42
those with a fatal outcome (Fisher’s exact and routine abdominal closure. cases, which was essential to the diagnosis
test). All variables were examined with the Cases with multiple ruptures, gener- in 21 of 184 cases (11 per cent), and two of
null hypothesis of homogeneity between alised peritonitis or extensive non-viable 184 cases (1 per cent) underwent endoscopy
the groups with significance taken at p bowel were generally euthanased intra-op- to confirm the diagnosis. An exploratory co-
less than 0⋅05 (two-tailed tests). Logistic eratively at the discretion of the individual eliotomy was performed in 16 of 184 cases
regression was performed on selected vari- surgeon (with informed owner consent). (9 per cent) without a definitive diagnosis
ables using forward stepwise regression for the investigation of chronic vomiting, the
and verified with forced entry regression. Postoperative treatment owner’s insistence of foreign body ingestion,
All statistics were performed using SPSS All patients were offered oral fluids 12 to previous history of foreign body ingestion or
for Windows 16⋅0 (SPSS Inc). 24 hours postoperatively (unless vomiting) the presence of fragments of foreign material

Journal of Small Animal Practice • Vol 50 • November 2009 • © 2009 British Small Animal Veterinary Association 577
G. Hayes

Table 1. Breeds represented dogs the linear foreign body originated

Breed Number Relative risk* 95 per cent
at the pylorus in 20 cases (67 per cent) as
confidence interval summarised in Fig 3.
Dogs (n=174)†
Staffordshire bull terrier 52 3⋅3 2⋅2-5⋅1
Complications and outcome Of 184
English bull terrier 13 10⋅9 6⋅0-20⋅0 cases admitted into the hospital, 169 were
Jack Russell terrier 13 2⋅2 1⋅2-4⋅2 discharged (92 per cent) and made a full
Border collie 9 3⋅0 1⋅4-6⋅1 recovery with follow-up for at least 10
Springer spaniel 9 8⋅3 4⋅1-16⋅8 days (summarised in Table 5).
Yorkshire terrier 7 1⋅0 0⋅5-2⋅3 Of the five cases euthanased, one case
German shepherd dog 6 1⋅1 0⋅5-2⋅6 was euthanased preoperatively (on hu-
Labrador 5 2⋅2 0⋅9-5⋅6 mane grounds), two cases were euthana-
Bull mastiff 4
sed intra-operatively (both linear foreign
Cocker spaniel 3
bodies of five days duration, with multiple
Golden retriever 3
Shih-tzu 2
ruptures and generalised peritonitis) and
West Highland white terrier 2
two cases were euthanased postoperatively
Dobermann, Dalmatian, Rough collie, 1 of each (mean 4⋅5 days later; range 4 to 5 days)
great Dane, boxer, Rottweiler, Samo- with signs of peritonitis suggestive of en-
yed, Toy poodle, Lurcher, Border terrier teric dehiscence. Four of the five cases eu-
Crossbreed 36 1⋅0
thanased were linear foreign bodies.
Cats (n=21)†
Of the 10 cases which died, one died
Domestic shorthair 20
Siamese 1
preoperatively (six hours after admission)
and nine cases died postoperatively (mean
*Based on incidence proportion per breed relative to crossbreeds in the hospital population, calculated for breeds with at
least five individuals represented. 3⋅1 days later; range 0⋅13 to 10 days). Of
†Ten dogs and three cats presented on two separate occasions (174 individual dogs and 21 individual cats with
208 distinct incidents of foreign body obstruction).
these nine cases, one was an anaesthetic
recovery death, one developed pancreatitis
and jaundice and seven developed signs
Table 2. Patient details at presentation of peritonitis suggestive of enteric dehis-
Dogs (n=174)* Cats (n=21)* cence. Three of these seven cases (and the
Age (years)
one case which died preoperatively) had
Mean (sd) 2⋅5 (3⋅0) 1⋅8 (1⋅8)
been treated with anti-emetics for periods
Range 0⋅10-14⋅0 0⋅2-5⋅3 of between 3 and 14 days by the refer-
Bodyweight (kg) ring practices which were thought to have
Mean (sd) 13⋅8 (9⋅8) 2⋅8 (0⋅8) masked the progression of their clinical
Range 1⋅1-39⋅4 1⋅4-4⋅9 signs. It was not possible to statistically de-
Duration of clinical signs termine the contribution of preoperative
anti-emetic usage to the outcome.
Mean (sd) 4⋅8 (6⋅8) 6⋅2 (7⋅7)
Minor complications were recorded in
Range 0⋅04-60 0⋅08-30
seven of 184 cases (4 per cent) and includ-
*Ten dogs and three cats presented on two separate occasions (174 individual dogs and 21 individual cats with 208
distinct incidents of foreign body obstruction). ed postoperative pyrexia, anorexia or vom-
iting treated medically (five cases), wound
infection or seroma (one case of each).
in vomit or faeces. These 16 cases had no pal- 152 cases as summarised in Fig 2. Fifteen The average period of hospitalisation
pable gastrointestinal abnormality and no ab- cases ingested two or more different objects; postoperatively was 2⋅8 days (range 1 to
normalities on abdominal radiography. One in six of these, concurrent obstructions 10 days).
case died between diagnosis and surgery. were present at different levels of the gas-
trointestinal tract. In 126 of 180 cases (70 Cats
Surgical findings Overall, 199 foreign per cent) the foreign object was subjective- Diagnosis In six of 24 cases (25 per cent)
objects were recovered from 183 cases ly judged to be causing complete luminal a linear foreign body was evident under the
(Table 3). Two cases passed the foreign obstruction and partial obstruction in the tongue or protruding from the anus dur-
object in vomit or faeces after diagno- remaining 54 of 180 cases (30 per cent). ing clinical examination. In 14 of 24 cases
sis but before surgery. One hundred and One foreign object was removed from the (58 per cent) the foreign body (or an intes-
eighty cases underwent a coeliotomy omentum, having penetrated through the tinal abnormality) was evident during gen-
(summarised in Table 4). duodenum (Hunt and others 2004). tle abdominal palpation of the conscious
Discrete foreign objects were found at Linear foreign bodies were found in 30 patient (13 cases) or anaesthetised patient.
all points along the gastrointestinal tract in cases (16 per cent of all canine cases). In Abdominal radiographs were taken in six

578 Journal of Small Animal Practice • Vol 50 • November 2009 • © 2009 British Small Animal Veterinary Association
Gastrointestinal foreign bodies

80 obstruction in the remaining 14 of 24 cas-

es (58 per cent). In one case a trichobezoar
70 was removed from the duodenum (Barrs
Owner aware of foreign body and others 1999).
ingestion (n=54) The majority of discrete foreign objects
were found in the proximal parts of the
Owner not aware of foreign gastrointestinal tract as summarised in
Number of patients

50 body ingestion (n=154) Fig 2. One patient had foreign objects at

two locations.
40 Linear foreign bodies were found in
eight cases (33 per cent) originating from
30 the base of the tongue in five cases (63 per
cent) as summarised in Fig 3.
Complications and outcome Of the 24
cat cases admitted into the hospital, 21
10 were discharged (88 per cent) and made
a recovery with follow-up for at least 10
0 days (summarised in Table 5).
<1d 1-3d 4-6d 7-9d 10-12d 13-15d >15d Three cases were euthanased intra-
Duration of clinical signs or time since operatively (linear foreign bodies of over
ingestion (days [d])
14 days duration with multiple ruptures
FIG 1. Graph to show the duration of clinical signs or the time since known ingestion before and generalised peritonitis). No cats died
presentation for definitive treatment postoperatively and only one minor com-
plication was recorded (an upper respira-
tory tract infection). The average period
Table 3. Foreign objects recovered from the gastrointestinal tract of hospitalisation postoperatively was 2⋅2
Type of foreign body Dogs* Cats† days (range 1⋅5 to 4 days).
Latex teat 58 5
Plastic/rubber object 32 6 Statistics
String/rope/fishing line 22 8 The relative risk for eight dog breeds with
Stone 19 at least five individuals represented was
Balls 15 calculated based on the incidence propor-
Underwear/nappy 9 tion per breed relative to crossbreeds in
Corn-cob 9 the entire hospital population. Five breeds
Leather 5
were at significantly higher risk of requir-
Metallic object/coins 5‡
ing treatment for a gastrointestinal foreign
Bone 3
body than the “bench-mark” crossbreed
Cassette tape 2
Needle and thread 1 3
dogs (summarised in Table 1).
Fish hook and line 1 Owners aware of foreign body inges-
Plastic bag, blanket, 2 ft electric cable, peach 1 of each tion presented animals for treatment
stone, wooden skewer, potato, pine cone, bead, significantly earlier (mean 2⋅8 ± 3⋅6 days
lolly stick
of clinical signs) than those not aware of
Dustbin contents (multiple small objects) 9
foreign body ingestion (mean 5⋅7 ± 7⋅6
Sellotape, almond, trichobezoar 1 of each
days of clinical signs; P<0⋅01).
*One hundred and ninety-nine foreign objects from 183 dogs (12 dogs had two types of objects and two dogs had
three different types of objects). One dog died preoperatively and the foreign object was not identified. There was no statistical difference be-
†Twenty-five foreign objects from 24 cats. tween surviving cases and those with a fa-
‡One case had 20 coins in the stomach.
tal outcome with regard to age (P=0⋅98)
or bodyweight (P=0⋅65), but surviving
cases which were essential to make a diag- Surgical findings Overall, 25 foreign cases had a significantly shorter duration
nosis in three of 24 cases (13 per cent). In objects were recovered from 24 cases of clinical signs (mean 4⋅6 ±6⋅8 days) than
one of 24 cases (4 per cent) an exploratory (Table 3). All 24 cases underwent a coeli- those with a fatal outcome (mean 8⋅7 ±
coeliotomy was performed without a diag- otomy (summarised in Table 4). In 10 of 7⋅7 days; P=0⋅02).
nosis to investigate chronic vomiting and 24 cases (42 per cent) the foreign object There was a trend for foreign bodies
anorexia following unremarkable blood was subjectively judged to be causing judged to be causing a complete obstruc-
results and radiographs. complete luminal obstruction and partial tion to present earlier (mean 4⋅1 ±3⋅5

Journal of Small Animal Practice • Vol 50 • November 2009 • © 2009 British Small Animal Veterinary Association 579
G. Hayes

Table 4. The results of coeliotomy in dogs and cats days) than those causing partial obstruc-
Treatment Dogs (n=180) Cats (n=24)
tion (mean 6⋅7 ±10⋅8 days; P=0⋅06), but
there was no statistical difference in the
Gastrotomy only 28 3
outcome between foreign bodies causing
One or more enterotomies only 115 14
complete or partial obstruction of the
Gastrotomy and one or more enterotomies 24 3
Enterectomy 2
gastrointestinal tract (P=0⋅59). Too few
One gastrointestinal incision 137 14 enterectomies were performed to judge
Two gastrointestinal incisions 14 2 whether this treatment was associated
Three gastrointestinal incisions 8 1 with a poor outcome. There was no signif-
Four gastrointestinal incisions 1 1 icant difference in the outcome in relation
Five gastrointestinal incisions 5 2 to the location of discrete foreign bodies:
above five gastrointestinal incisions 2 stomach (P=0⋅36), duodenum (P=0⋅28),
Foreign body removed per rectum 8 1 jejunum (P=0⋅22), ileum (P=0⋅73) or co-
Foreign body removed from omentum 1 lon (P=0⋅63).
Euthanased intra-operatively 2 3
The presence of a linear foreign body
was associated with a significantly higher
mortality rate than the presence of a dis-
crete foreign body (P<0⋅01), and cases
undergoing multiple gastrointestinal inci-
sions had a significantly higher mortality
than those treated with a single gastroto-
my or enterotomy (P=0⋅01). However, the
presence of a linear foreign body closely
correlated with multiple gastrointesti-
Oesophagus† nal incisions (P<0⋅01) making it diffi-
cult to evaluate which variable was more
Stomach 16% 2.9 ±3.5 days 24% Independent variables entered into the
logistic regression model included the
duration of clinical signs, type of foreign
Duodenum 14% 4.1 ±2.3 days 24% body (linear or discrete), number of in-
cisions, degree of obstruction (partial or
Omentum 1%
complete) and the interaction type of for-
Prox-jejunum 23% 4.3 ±4.6 days 29% eign body times number of incisions. The
Jejunum* 7%

dependent variable investigated was out-

Mid-jejunum 26% 5.5 ±9.1 days 18%
come (dead or alive). The only indepen-
dent variable included in the final model
Distal-jejunum 6% 11.2 ±18.5 days was the number of incisions (OR 1⋅807;
95 per cent CI 1⋅255 to 2⋅601). All other
Ileum 3% 2.6 ±0.6 days 6% variables were insignificantly associated
with predicting the outcome and were
rejected from the model. This suggested
that the number of incisions was a more
Colon 4% 3.0 ±1.4 days significant predictor of a poor outcome
than the presence of a linear foreign body
or an interaction between these variables.

FIG 2. Diagram to illustrate the locations of 160 discrete foreign bodies in 152 dogs‡ (left side)
and 17 discrete foreign bodies in 16 cats (right side). For the dogs the mean duration of clinical Presentation
signs (±sd) is also displayed for each location
* Sub-division of jejunum not specified.
Staffordshire bull terriers, English bull
†Oesophageal foreign bodies were excluded from this study due to the differing pathophysiology terriers, Jack Russell terriers, Border col-
and treatment. However, to increase the usefulness of this diagram the author would like to report lies and springer spaniels were found to be
that one feline and 10 canine oesophageal foreign bodies were presented during the course of this
at higher risk than crossbreeds to require
‡ One dog died and one patient vomited the foreign body preoperatively after diagnosis. treatment for a gastrointestinal foreign

580 Journal of Small Animal Practice • Vol 50 • November 2009 • © 2009 British Small Animal Veterinary Association
Gastrointestinal foreign bodies

intestinal tract, with the jejunum being

Tongue / Mouth
the most common location. Most patients
presented within one day of ingestion had a
gastric foreign body, although foreign bod-
ies were found which had moved to the
mid-jejunum within one day. With increas-
ing duration of clinical signs objects were
Oesophagus more likely to be found in the proximal and




mid-jejunum. This suggests that (initially
at least) the majority of foreign bodies will
slowly move distally along the small intes-
tine despite causing clinical signs of obstruc-
tion. Some may pass all the way through
but most are eventually immobilised by the


distended small intestine or a physical bar-
rier such as the ileocolic junction.
The location of the canine discrete for-
eign bodies in this study is comparable to

that recorded by Capak and others (2001)


where the mean duration of clinical signs

at presentation was six days. The series
reported by Boag and others (2005) re-
Ileum corded 50 per cent of foreign bodies in

the stomach in comparison with 16 per

cent in the present study. The median du-
ration of vomiting in the Boag study was
Colon two days (mean not reported, 124 dogs),
whereas the median duration of clinical
signs in this study was three days (mean
5⋅0 ±7⋅0 days, 184 cases). These factors
imply that the referral population of dogs
in the Boag study was different from the
Anus first-opinion (charity hospital) population
of dogs in the present study. It is possible
FIG 3. Diagram to illustrate the location of linear foreign bodies in 30 dogs (left side) and eight
cats (right side). The circle at the beginning of each arrow indicates the proximal “anchorage
that many of the cases in the present study
point” and the arrowhead indicates the most distal extent of the linear foreign body had a gastric foreign body for a period of
time and were presented for treatment
only when the foreign body entered the
proximal small intestine and their condi-
Table 5. Summary of major complications and outcome
tion deteriorated.
Species Foreign Total inci- Total surviv- Euthanased Died Total surviving
body dents ing (per cent) (per cent)
The survival rate for the treatment of
discrete foreign bodies in dogs in the pres-
Dogs Discrete 154 145 (94) 1 8

24 (80)
16 (100)
5 (63)
169 (92)

21 (88)
} 190 (91)
ent study was 94 per cent. This compares
favourably with the 83 per cent survival
rate reported by Capak and others (2001),
but is less than the 99 per cent survival
Totals 208 190 8 10
rate in the study by Boag and others
(2005). These are “crude statistics” and
do not take into account any confound-
body. Breed predispositions have not been rate declined with increasing duration of ing factors between the study populations
previously reported. clinical signs of obstruction. These intuitive and institutions. Capak and others (2001)
Owners aware of foreign body ingestion findings have not previously been reported. reported a higher survival in dogs less than
tended to present their animals for treat- two years of age but this was not found in
ment significantly earlier than those not Discrete foreign bodies the present study.
aware of ingestion. This is important be- This study reports foreign bodies causing For cats neither the locations of discrete
cause this study also found that the success obstruction at all points along the gastro- gastrointestinal foreign bodies nor the

Journal of Small Animal Practice • Vol 50 • November 2009 • © 2009 British Small Animal Veterinary Association 581
G. Hayes

surgical survival rate has previously been This study reports a significantly higher although further investigations (such as
described. There appears a more uniform mortality rate in animals presented with a abdominocentesis and cytology) were not
distribution of locations than in dogs, al- linear foreign body (rather than a discrete performed to confirm this diagnosis. How-
though far fewer cases were recorded. All foreign body) and in animals treated with ever, these figures do allow an estimate to
cats with discrete foreign bodies in this more than one gastrointestinal incision. be made of the dehiscence rate of five per
study survived. There are likely to be many reasons for the cent. This dehiscence rate may have been
lower survival rates for linear foreign bod- higher if treatment had been attempted
Linear foreign bodies ies. First, linear foreign bodies may cause on the five cases euthanased intra-opera-
In dogs, linear foreign bodies accounted a chronic partial obstruction. Secondly, a tively. The comparison of dehiscence rates
for 16 per cent of the foreign bodies in greater proportion of the bowel is likely from different studies is complicated by
the present study, and the most common to be affected and compromised. Thirdly, the large numbers of variables between
anchorage point was the pylorus (67 per multiple ruptures and peritonitis were a and within studies. The presence of a gas-
cent) with the foreign material extending common finding during exploratory co- trointestinal foreign body, preoperative
into the proximal jejunum. Canine linear eliotomy in this study. Multiple incisions peritonitis and greater than 15 per cent
foreign bodies are usually fabrics, plastic were required for most linear foreign bod- preoperative weight loss all increase the
and textile materials. ies (and in some cases with multiple foreign risk of dehiscence (Allen and others 1992,
In cats, linear foreign bodies accounted bodies in the gastrointestinal tract) which Ellison 1993b, Evans and others 1994,
for 33 per cent of the foreign bodies in the increases surgical time, contamination Ralphs and others 2003). Reported dehis-
study, and the pylorus was an unusual lo- and suture material usage. It is intuitive cence rates following foreign body surgery
cation, with the majority being anchored to minimise the number of gastrointesti- are 27⋅7 per cent (n=36), 13⋅9 per cent
around the tongue (63 per cent) and nal incisions, and in certain cases foreign (n=122) and 2⋅9 per cent (n=138) (Allen
mostly comprising single strands of thread objects can be manipulated along the ali- and others 1992, Capak and others 2001,
or string. mentary tract to the rectum or stomach. Boag and others 2005).
Gastrointestinal foreign bodies have A technique of single enterotomy removal This study reports a low incidence of
been previously reported to be linear in of linear foreign bodies has been reported cases treated by enterectomy (two of 189)
50 to 61 per cent of feline cases (Felts and and used with good success by others (An- in comparison with other studies [13 of 32
others 1984, Basher and Fowler 1987, derson and others 1992), although many dogs with linear foreign bodies (Evans and
Bebchuk 2002) and 36 per cent of canine chronic foreign objects cannot be safely others 1994), 12 of 123 dogs (Capak and
cases (Boag and others 2005). These pro- manipulated due to severe compromise others 2001) and 38 of 138 dogs (Boag
portions are higher than in the present of the local gastrointestinal segment. The and others 2005)]. The five cases eutha-
study which may indicate differences in number of intestinal procedures performed nased intra-operatively may have been
first-opinion and referral populations or was found to have a detrimental effect on treated with this procedure, had treatment
in the definition of a linear foreign body. survival in a study reported by Wylie and been attempted. This low rate of resection
The survival rate for linear foreign bod- Hosgood (1994) but this association was and anastomosis may reflect differences in
ies in the present study was 80 per cent for not found by Evans and others (1994). the way surgeons judge intestinal viabil-
dogs which is very similar to the 78 per Over half of the animals euthanased ity, may reflect a reluctance to perform a
cent survival rate reported by Evans and in this study were euthanased intra-op- more complex procedure in a first-opin-
others (1994) but less than the 98 per cent eratively due to multiple ruptures and ion practice or may be another reflection
survival eluded to in the study by Boag generalised peritonitis as a consequence of the different patient populations seen
and others (2005). of chronic linear foreign bodies. This was in first-opinion and referral practices.
For cats the survival rate for linear for- performed at the discretion of the surgeon In this study neither the location of the
eign bodies was 63 per cent which is lower (with informed owner consent) due to the foreign body nor the degree of obstruc-
than the 84 per cent survival rate reported perceived poor prognosis (Evans and oth- tion were shown to affect the outcome.
by Felts and others (1984) and the 92 ers 1994, Ralphs and others 2003) and the This finding does not seem to support
per cent survival reported by Basher and inability to provide intensive care postop- the widely held belief that patients with
Fowler (1987). The duration of clinical eratively. Some of these cases may have complete or proximal obstructions tend to
signs was not recorded in the Felts study, survived with extensive bowel resections deteriorate more quickly than those with
and for the Basher and Fowler study the and intensive management of peritonitis partial or more distal obstructions. An-
median duration of clinical signs was only (King 1994, Mueller and others 2001, other interpretation could be that animals
two days (range 0⋅5 hours to 10 days). In Staatz and others 2002, Costello and oth- with more proximal or complete obstruc-
the present study, the median duration of ers 2004, Boag and others 2005). tions recover better or were treated more
clinical signs for cats presented with linear In this study, of 189 cases that under- quickly.
foreign bodies was four days (mean 10 ± went intestinal surgery, two were euthana-
9⋅9 days, range 2 to 30 days). Of the cats sed postoperatively and nine died. Nine Limitations of this study
not surviving in the present study, all had of these cases showed signs of peritonitis There are many limitations inherent in a
clinical signs of over 14 days duration. suggestive of enteric wound breakdown, retrospective study performed in a busy,

582 Journal of Small Animal Practice • Vol 50 • November 2009 • © 2009 British Small Animal Veterinary Association
Gastrointestinal foreign bodies

first-opinion urban charity hospital. The A limitation of one aspect of this study nal obstruction by trichobezoars in five cats. Jour-
nal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 1, 199-207
treatment performed and surgical success is the low number of cats presented, with BASHER, A. W. P. & FOWLER, J. D. (1987) Conservative
rate achieved depended on many factors insignificant numbers for statistical analy- versus surgical management of gastrointestinal
linear foreign bodies in the cat. Veterinary Surgery
including the owner’s wishes and expecta- sis. Only 12 per cent of the cases reported 16, 135-138
tions and the experience and clinical skills were in felines despite cats accounting for BEBCHUK, T. N. (2002) Feline gastrointestinal foreign
bodies. The Veterinary Clinics of North America:
of the veterinary surgeon managing the 35 per cent of the surgical caseload of the Small Animal Practice 32, 861-880
case. There was no financial motivation hospital. It would seem that cats are genu- BOAG, A. K., COE, R. J., MARTINEZ, T. A. & HUGHES, D.
(2005) Acid-base and electrolyte abnormalities in
to treat cases or perform extensive workup inely less likely to ingest significant gastro- dogs with gastrointestinal foreign bodies. Journal
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