CT070-3-M-NDP Network Design Performance Online Open Book Exam (Individual) Instructions

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Network Design and Performance (NDP) CT070-3-M-NDP Online Open Book Exam –QP Page 1 of 3

Network Design Performance

Online Open Book Exam (Individual)


 Answer ALL questions. This section carries a total of 100 marks.

 You are allowed to refer books, including electronic books, journals, articles,
conference papers and online trusted web sites. All your answers are to be cited.

 You need to ensure that you maintain originality in all your discussions and
justifications. Copy paste work will not be entertained. Your reference list should
be complete and accurate. Also, make sure that you cite other people’s work
properly. Not allowed to refer from blogs and forums.

CLO1: Explain suitable technical goals, tools and technologies to design, implement and
monitor network communications (C5, PLO2)

The Company AMS (Aqua Materials & Services) is a major supplier of material and
services to the industrial sector. Its business model relies on electronic transactions with
key customers and suppliers. To support its business model that heavily relies on e-
transactions, the company has a Tier III data center which is located in Kuala Lumpur.
Recently, the senior management of AMS has realized that the network in the OAC
(Operational and Control Room) building is not working completely as they should and it
poses a lot of inconvenience to the OAC staffs carrying out day-to-day transactions
through internet. In this regard, the management has directed the CTO to start the review
process and redesign the entire network infrastructure to make sure that the OAC
building has a dedicated LAN that supports high speed internet for staffs to carry out
their duties without any glitches. The CTO has directed you (ICT Team member) to
conduct preliminary investigation (Refer the following questions) on choosing
appropriate internetworking model, design approaches and performance metrics that

Level M Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation 202108

Network Design and Performance (NDP) CT070-3-M-NDP Online Open Book Exam –QP Page 2 of 3

exactly fits into network design requirements of OAC building. Also, he wants the
answers before you proceed with the actual campus network implementation.

Question 1

Networks must meet the current needs of organizations and be able to support emerging
technologies as new technologies are adopted. Network design principles and
internetworking models can help a network engineer design and build a network that is
flexible, resilient, and manageable. Also, choosing the right internetworking model for
designing the network is a critical factor for the successful implementation of any campus
network. There are few internetworking models proposed by different vendors for
designing a network. In your own words, which internetworking model is the best and
who proposed it for designing an effective and efficient network? Also, justify your
choice by discussing its engineering principles.
(25 marks)

Question 2

In addition to choosing the right internetworking model, choosing the appropriate design
approach that best fits into your needs will also result in a stronger network
implementation. There are two network design approaches that plays an important role in
the implementation of a campus network. What are they? Discuss the two network design
approaches and choose the best network design approach that starts analyzing the
requirements of the organization first, the technology that is needed, then the design, and
so on.
(25 marks)

Question 3

After choosing the right internetworking model and the best network design approach, it's
time to start the 1st phase of the project by analyzing the network requirements. There are
two goals, business and technical goals are to be considered while analyzing the network
requirements. In your answer, you are to provide a discussion about some (at least SIX)
common technical goals will an organization generally have as part of the 1 st phase of the

Level M Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation 202108

Network Design and Performance (NDP) CT070-3-M-NDP Online Open Book Exam –QP Page 3 of 3

network design project. Also, your discussion should be supported by an example for
each technical goal.
(25 marks)

Question 4

Network performance metric is the process used to track, evaluate and diagnose the
performance of a network. To ensure optimized network performance, the most important
metrics should be selected for measurement. Most importantly, companies have to focus
on the most meaningful metrics that plague the network, and not every metric is going to
be important for to look at. In your own words, discuss those key metrics that your
company absolutely must keep track of for monitoring the campus network.
(25 marks)


1. You are required to complete the Online Open Book Exam individually.

2. Your assignment will be checked for Plagiarism through Turnitin. Plagiarism is a

serious offence and will automatically be awarded zero (0) marks.

3. All information, figures and diagrams obtained from external sources must be
referenced using the APA referencing system accordingly.

Level M Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation 202108

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