Penguin Readers - Misery (Stephen King) Level 6 (By Kurd)

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H, "i,J '0 ,,,'" 0"", "j if.' ""I. S" o"'or IMm "'" !", .i,
brek," 1'1' ""• • ,"t.(<d i>oJy "f.". '" .bq. /lon" 1"""c. '0'"' oI
,., 1'~"iJ '" '0 IIi! l'jJ "okl' "n. "m, mo<, ,,,,,, ,., 'I~"' of ,h,
'TIl", "'OM" b< '",,,. f<>'., "",d. /I w,"', b< b,d,'
It', "0 good "«,m;"8 no Ono Wl ho" A,,,I ,f you '~;n~
'h;np "0., b.d" 'hoy a" got, jus< Ii"o" '0
,ho '",,,,,,,',
1',01 Sh,hlo" " , wo<ld_r,,,,,,u> w,,,«- 0" h;l w'y ,,,
ddiw, d,o 'Yf><w"""" p.gOI 0; h" 1,<0" book, he h .. ,,,
,eeid,,,, Oil" ,<now_eov"M 'o,d. Whon h, w,k" up, h(', III

"' B "t ;,'1 ,"" • hOlp,,,1 bod. And ,hough 'ho WOlll'n who
.",<d lam i, 0"0 of h" g'e"= .dm,,,,,;, ,he', .1", d.,,~,,_
Il,,,ly "'Uno, A~<I;" hc' lo~rly ,o"nuy h..,m" ,~. h", 1'.01,
h;, log, b.dl}' b.oke" 'nd ;" ex1<,mo r.m, """'plo'dy '" hu
poW<I. Wh«l ,he b"" ",10" he h•• J0"' do,," '0 M,,,,,,,
Ch,<t,;n, h" ('VOU'I<O eh"""t<. fro", h" b<:x.>k!, I'.u; 'nOl'"
h'" ,tl 'ro"bk. d'<r troublc
Tho 0"0 ,h;ng j'OU <I",,', do "';th A"n;e Wilke,,, "',k, her
.ng.y. Sh, know, bow to e.u", r.ill. Tb, ,,"l~' quo<,,,,,, ;,.
how much e.o. m'" "'0,1,
S'ephen Kmg "prob.bly ,he mo" popul" .urhor now writ_
ing. There >fC ,,\'<,
1.';(\ ",;11,,-,,, cop;" "f h" """01, ,,, pIm,
.,,,1 ho ,,,,1«, S2 ",;Ihon, ",n",h (",,,, h" hQok> 'nd 'ho film,
ofh" boob.
I k w>< hom ;" NI7 ;" ~""b"d, )l,h,,,<,, USA ,,,.I
• full·';mo "''''01 .(<<, hi, ,,'" nO"d, CO"" (1973), w., '0ld
(0' S400,():)j, M.tly of K",~. ,>("-'"
h"'c beell ",.de m'o
r,I"", The ,",o<n ",,,,on Ilf Mi""r W>! Ilne of ,h< mOlt
)"-'1'"1,, film, o( 1990. K.,hy [};l<' WOn '" 0,"" fo' I'I'r mg
Alln;" Will." J.",o, Cw, pl'I'M 11..,1 S~ldol).
You con ..1>0 «.d S«l'hen K">g', n< B""hrnS .\J<I" ••• "d
no lJoJy m 1'0"8U'",",
CH",PTIlIl. O:-lE
Til th~ uarha:
III add ilion 10 all 'he bngu,gr form' of level, One 10 Fwe.
Memory wa••low 10 relunl. At fir.. tll<"f. WI' o"ly pa,n, The
which .., "kd .g.m .t ,hl1]<\'c1 of 'he ,..nO"<, ,he m.,,, verb P"" w •• loc.l. "~".ywh,,,o .... ,h~, ,h".. w>\ no ,oon, foo-
f",m••nd len.... u,.,J ., level S,,,, ..c= m"moo-y
Thm he ",,,I('mbe.,,d ,h~, hefor"'M p.m ,h"", w~•• "10",1.11,,
• fu,u'e l"',f«. "e'bs, p.l,y,...... "h conti",,,,,,. 0' perfect
could lei I"mself 110 ,n,o th." doud and ,hen: would be no l'I,n
upecu.nd ,he ',h"d' condltlon.l ",nil ronut"."", fo,m. He- ntt<kd only to "01' b,,,~,h,",_ It w:as '" e~,y. lJ,,,.tlllng only
• mod.l verb<; _ _ 'r.nd ~'f ~~,... {IO np'l'$5 .bien« of
,,"","yl. _ I I ('0 <b-r'be lub""•• ""It
...,non.). ~IJ
brough. 1'1"'. • nyw.y,
Bu, ,he Jle.KO of ,he cloud "'''''' ,po,kd by the VOI«. "T'Iw
.nd sJ.,oU Iww Cro cxp"'" prolub'lny or (.,Inl ".p«'_ voia _ whICh w'" "'..mun'. vo;a - s.ud. ·U~""" You "'....
...on). "'.1 ....... and "'~ .d.. .
(10 up'''' pol$.tNh,y) .....1.1 b<-e~""'. "'1'1" So",,"h..., hIt hi, me.. ...ud. ~..d .hm foul
.....nd .. _Ii ...... (10 upIft, pa.... unfulfilled p"'"bdny b...,~th w:as fO««! """ II.. mou,h by umun hi"'- "T'Iw bps wno
Of hhhhood) dry and the b,,,.th """lkd of ,too <Ulc: w ....... ,he tu,,"d of m
Abo uttd .....,
~round n,lw.y; " .... elkd of old duu. and ,1," Ue begm

• non-<kf""nll ....h",·c

'" b<-e.. he .g;\m 10,Iu, ,he bps ""ould no< K'lutn ",·,th .he" foul
Sp«>flC """"IOn I< '0 voc-.hub.y <kvcloprmm III ,1><0 Along w,.h ,he 1""'. ,h.,." w"", oound>.. Wh"" the 1'.10
Voububty Work r~ttnSN at ,It< end of ,I>< booIc 1"""'" COy.,.ed ,too ,horo of hi' ",tn<!. lik" • h'gh I1dc". til(' ooulldo had
curci....., .,,,,«1 .t '..,,,mg .. ude.... to .... Lorge tbn, no me.nmg: 'UrNl 0.,., "'1<$ 'In',>"W Whm ,he ,>de: ""m' QUI.
vocabulary .yOlcn.."",Uy 'h«:>Ugh ""cU,g"", .codmg and .he ...... nd. beanl(' word•. He ~I.e:ady lor",.... ,h•• oon,e,h,ng Md
cIT.cIlve "IC of. d'<1'o""y. hut h.ppmod '0 I"m: now he: bqpn '0 .e""""bo,.
He w~, 1'...1 She:ldon. He ,nHlkc<l to<> n,uch. He h.d m..nod
,w;ce. bu' b<l<h ""TrI.get h.d cndod in <1,~orce, He was I
flmo". wmc•. lIe wu .100 • good mer llu, he "'~. nOl
Dictionary Wo"ls:
f.m"u, ••• good ""i,er; h. w.,f.mou ,he ere"O' of Mile'y
Ch"I.i" .• bo.,,,if,,1 wo,mn fron. Ilin"..",h-<-cl\\uty "ngland.
• A, yo" 'Nd Ill" bo0k. yOLl will find ,11., so,,,e wo,dllle III ",ho«c .d~e .. w,c••"d lovc bfe "OW filled eigh' volume< .nd
d"ke' bb"k 'nk d"" ,he mhet< 0" tho I,,~e, look 'hem "I' h.d ",IJ ",... Y .."II"m' "r cop"".
,n yOll< d":tI,,na,y .• f )'"'' do "0' .1,c.dy know lhom. or ltV He relt \'~I'l'ed by M'Ie'y '" ho wro,e ,\IIH""/
'0 KUO" ,he '''0''''''11 "r,h" wv,d, ~l\t. ,,,d ,h"lllook 'hem C/'ild, I" ,he fi".II"K'" "f 'h" I>ook M,,,,,y died "'hi1e giving
up l>le., '0 cl,,·ck. binh '0 • d.ugh,.,. He. tk.,h ",.dc \',,,1 free, .nJ ll(' ;mrnedi-
"l<'ly ....,ed '0 writ •• oonO'" no ...d .• bou, the lire of" )'oung
(';I._,h;ef '" Now yo,k,
He fi",shN .... "ovd J.,e in J~n ......,. 1987. As " .....1 he
{"';Ihed n in • hOlel i" the Tnnu"'.,,,, or Coloudo; he {",i,hed ,~-_•
•\1 hil boob it> Ihe ..,"e room, in Ih... me bOlel Now he could lie lOOn lc~rlled ,h.. n w>l A"nie W,I~c< wh n e",n",ll, ,III.
d",'e '0 ,he ."port .nd Ry '0 New Y<l'~ for Ihe publication of n,le,. She W.I giYII>~ him tegular do.., of. p.,n.~,lltllg ,hll~
Mistry'l Child, .nd " ,he ,.&1ne Itlne h. coul,l deliyer Ihe ,.ned Nov,,1 When 1'.,,1 w., cnnleious mO" Ih.n toe ".,
lype...;P! oflhe ocw noyel. "hich wos eallfil Fdj, C.". '"1<01""0111 n' .<Iccp, he knew th., NOY"l w., • powerful
The we.. on ,h...d,o ... ,d dw ,he 1I0rm would pa.. ,l,ulr h. knew bee.u,,", he could no longer l,ye wnhOl" It, She
10 Ihe lOulh of CoIo<adn. The we'lhenn.n w., wrong 1'..,1 w•• ~,y",g hlln Iw'O ..ble" .very fom hoot...nd, by the "n,e
wa> dr"""l!: along. mounU", lO.d, ,urrOlmded by plOC forCSl. Ih,.., or Ih,..,..nd-.-h.lf hou .. h.d pa=d. h" body w»
when lhe .. orm >truck. Wnhm ntlnulrs • Ih'ck Laj..,r of "'ow ",.e..",nl!: (or lit< rehef whICh only the dfUll CO!JId b"njf..
covered lit< «»d. Tbc c." w"f1C" We" un.bk '0 k..,p II.. The mOIl ""poru", Ihmg he le.rn«!. howe'·er. dunng I.....
wu\dow. clear and ,he ,ym COUldn'l gnp ,he ""fue of II.. fin! few ",·..,k. when ,hr nde of p;>ut lOlled m .nd 011' "'.. Ih..
,0»<1. P.ul h.d 10 figh, '0 keep me car 00 lhc d,pflC'Y road . .. Ann .. W,lkn wu lnulM'. Some JU" of hi. m,,,d klM'w ,h.. even
,hen 00' JUfncularly ..eel' «><nc1' hr couldn·' COf\uol tl. He"'d before he oprnW lui eyn.
Itme 10 no"ee Ih.. lhe >l:y...d .hr I,ow,d ch.>nl!:ed pben ,n .n Eve.ybody m ,hr world h» • c I... WlulCyer mood •
unbel..y.bk w')'. Tnco the eL.k ck>ud <IcKct>6<d over hn
penon ",n, "'....
CVCf riorhn he Of n we""'l!:. we 'ccop>"e
,h.. penon benu", he or !he Ius • sobd b.",. Even If we
He 'emembered .u ,his bef'>l~ he opmcd h" e).... He w'" hov....·t ...... ~ for nuo)' ye.n, we 0;>0 . .,II .ccogm.. tum
aw' ..e of ,he wmo.n wttmg ...""0 hn bed When hr opened hn IOmcthmg ,nlOde hIm" pcrnuncn, .nd ,he .. me .. tl .Iw.y<
eya be looked 10 her du""tion. Al tim he couldn'l SflC.k: h" w...nd .l.... ys w,n be. All. peno....' other", twm round
hps we,.., 100 dry. Tnco he nun.ged 10 ult. 'Whe,e .m 1: thIS cenl,..,.
'Near Sidewmder. ......,d. 'My tume ;, Annie AllOt< W,lk", oce>lOOlUlly Imt h<:r cent... Fo, pc-nod. O{lIme
W,lkn' Sh.>mlled. 'You know. you',.., my f....ottnle .utho,.' whIch could 10.. only. few .......dl 0 .. longer, Ihere wu
nothmg IOlod ,n her, E"ery,h,ng .OOu' her w.. ,n n,onon, ...uh
no bUll on wh,eh 10 reu It wOl .. If. hole opened ttl' It'i,de he,
.nd ,w.llowed "'ery hnm.n qu.h,y she po>"'.... d She ICCntcd
10 rl<' n,emory o( lhe", ,"nC<. In contlOll. howe"er, he,
body wu ycry ;.chd .nd .lfong, c<pcci.t1y for. n"ddle-.ged
There w••• quC!tion P.u1 w.mcJ 10 'lk, 11,. qtte",o" wa •. wom.n.
'Why"" I not '" • h",pml?' IlUl by ,he "me hil ",i"d w.. A, f,,,, 1'.. ,1 w., only .ware ,I", ",,,,<'hil\g w'i wrong with
clear ~"ottgh 1o f,,,," ,he qUC!tiot>, h. ll,e.dy knew b<:nc, Ih.n hcr, wilhoUl ~nowil\g ".clly wlut. H .. ~N direc' <'Ipcr,enee
10 .Ik II. of ,h. hoI. during. \CCmilttlly ord",,,y eon"e'.. IIOl1
fur ,wo week< P...I drifled on Ih. lide of ".i" Wh." the lide Am"e wn.•1 II<oal. gOIl'l!: on ,bou' how pro"d ,he w., 1<>
Wli Oltl he of ,h. wom'n ltnilll!: belide hi, bed. More h."e P."l Sheldon _ ,~r 1'.,,1 Sheldon - m her own hnme 'I
o{tC" rh.n not ,he h.d one of hil bookl - hil Mi",ry book<- knew yOltf f....' 51'e, 'bo' ;, w·.. only whnt I looked '"
oflCn 00 h<:. lop. She ,old him Ihe h.d rud .hem.1I m.ny ti",a your,h.. I It ...... you.'
.nd could "'rdly walt for !he public...on of M"ery', C~IIJ 'Where 'I "'y walle" by ,he w.)'1':uked p.ul
1 l~pt " ,..f~ for you: <he ~n'''''(T«I. H~r .mik suddenly f.>C. I WIS .st.,ng him lbou. ,ho. pubhu.ion dlle of .\f<ltl}".
-.t 1QI0 • """OW ~ wInch P.u1 d,dn" Itk.., it OilJ He .old n... btgltorm w·•• somg '0 Mnke, so I <kcidcd
_ bk~ drKovcnng IOmnhmg rottn> ,n a field of ",mmet to my w.y home, although my ",r "'n any
IIow~". 'Why do you .,kr .... wrot on. '00 )'011 ,hlr1k I'd "<01 'm(DJot of <now. 1 .....' )·OU. "'. u",,,k do.....-n m the"""0' bed.
..."'Nh,"g from It? Ii that ",lut yOll tlllnk. MUler M.n/' I dt>ggod you ollt of th. wfCck Illd I CIluld Itt "'>lgh, IW'y
A. ,he w.. 'I>c.k"'l\. th~ hllic IX'ame wider .nd wid.., ,h.. your leg. were. m~...'
bl.cker .nd In th~ 'p.c~ of • few ,«ond. "'~ w•• She tud pulled back ,h. bl~nke.. the d~y bocfofC to show him
.p1Utng word. ou, vic-.oly "",~>d of p<>IHely. II w•• wddc-n, Ius legs Thc-y "'ere brokro IOd t"·,,,«I. CQver«l in >I""g~
ohod",g. vK>lrnI. luml" and btu"..... HIS \0(1 k...." WIS .wollc:n up ro ,w,ce ,..
'No, DO,' .. ><I r.ul, dl'il1l""g h" \hock. 'h', JUII • h.bll of norm.1 ..!c. She lold hu" tit .. both leg< were b,ok.., ,n .bou,
mu" '0 know ,he ",he..,.bou" of my ,,·illel.· !leven Of eighl pl",....ud ,h" .hey would uke momh, '0 he,!.
JUIl 'S ,uddcnly •• tl h.d opcnt<l. th~ hok "' Anll1~ clod up She h.d ned .pllnts fim,ly Ind do~nl\' 0" '0 both less. She
'g'"' .nd the ",ule return«l to Iter r.ce, But from thelt On I'.ul ~med '0 know wh., ,he ...... doi"S ."d '0 .n e"dle..
w1l c.reful .bou' wh., he or did. So ~ didn"t a.k .bout .upply of medic,ne.
lw<pual. and ~ d,dn", ..k to ring h" d.ugh.Cf .nd h,. ag~m on Plul 'W'm m .nd Out of ron'OO"........ "d,ng on w.,'O$ of
the pbonc. In my caw: he "'AID" worrxd. H" c~r would ~ druggod tulf_pl"',,, Ann.. conunued wllh he. ,tory.
found loQQn. Evro ,fh" eu wa. """er«l wHh St\Ow for ""«k-. or 'h wll • ,,",ggl< g<tung you '0 tho. Clf. I an .ell you I'm
month .. he "';ll a world-f.m""" wnt~. and p«>pk would ~ ....,.,g. but the 1Il0W "'"' w .... dcrp. You ,,-c,c unconlOO....
loul"'''g for h,n, wh,eh "'" • good 'hing. I go, you home and put you 00 ,he
lIut th"e wcre .ull plenty ofqucllio", wbid, r.ul could 'lk, b«I. Thcn you ..,.."med.•"d I know yo" WCrC going to live.
So h~ g.. du~lly found ulli th.. he wu in the guest-room OIl Dy,ng n..n do,,', "".,m 11," twi.. over the nUt fow d.y, you
Ann..·......ll fum. AnnIC kept ,wo row., so"'~ chickens _ IOd """ly dlC'tl- once wh.., I w~, pl."""g your Ipllllll on ,nd once
• pog eolIcd M,stry' Her .... mI nnghbou ........ Royd"",m, "."'" )'OIlJu" nelrly .ltpped IWI) I h.d.o tue ernn-goncy >leps.'
• IOJIa, .w.y·. "'hod> ,nnni tI... lhe town of Sr<kwmdef She bluohed 01 the memory, :md P~ul.oo remembered. He
"'" ~vro furth« .w.y. The Roydon.n. ""v~. ,·,,,t«l. beaUK ~ ..,momber«l th.. her b..,.. h .mell«1 foul, ., If SOlflC(hlllg h>d
..curdong to Ao",~ _ th~y dldn·.1tke her. A.......,d th" r.ul died in"de her,
c.ught >r1O,h~r quick fb.h "f,ha, d.. kness. ,bot S'P, 'Now you ",,,,t ",.t. I',ul.· ,he ge,d,,!; up off her
D.y after d.y l'.ullill".. d for VtlUo". bu, '00 O'IC "me. D.y bedside eh." to Ie,ve the loom 'You ""," reg.'" your
Ift~, ,by he hllC.. tcd for ,he phon-e. bu. II never nng. He bc-g.n ..rength.'
.0 doubt thlllh«~ w•• one In the holI!Ie. lie WI' completely 'The plm,' ..... P,u1. 'My ~ hu.. •
hdplC$S; ~ could DOl. mOve h.. legs.t.n 'Of cou"'" they do. 000', DC • baby. You e.... h.v" JOme
All ",fo,m,"on lboul hC't neighbourolDd.he tOWn h.d '0 be m«llCloc ",.n hour.'
squC(?«I Out of Annie wllhout n"k",g Itc. "'.p,nout. II w., ·Now. plu... I n~ It "ow.' He telt ..h.",«1 .., heg. :ro, h..
.."et lO get hce 10 ,.lk lbout ,Itc d.y of the ItOrm. Jlttl! ro' ,he dr\lg ",.de h,m ,10 It .
'I W~I in t<>wn,' .he sn"led, '"Ik"'ll 10 Tony .. th~ lhop. In 'No,' lite .. id f"",ly, 'In .n hour' Then.•s ,he ...... !c.ving

• 5
th~ room, .h~ turned Nek tow..d. him and uid, 'You ow~ m~
you. lifo, Paul. I hope you .emembe. that I hope you']] k""p "
In mind:
Then ohe IcfL


T'Ilr hour paued slowly. He could hea. Ion watelllng td....i<ion.

Sll~ reappeared a. ooon u it wu eight o'clock, ,,~th two ublou
and, gla" of w.t~r, Paul eagerly lifted him..,lf up on to h"
elbowl when she oat down on hi. bed,
'At Ian I got you. new book, twO d,y. 'So: she told him,
'Milfry'j ChilJ. I love iI, It', a, good a,.ll the others, Bene<, in
f.«. It·, the be.t.·
'Thank you: Paul u,d. He could f",,1 the ,weat on hil
fonhea<!. ·P1ea..... my legs ... ve.y painful.,.'
·1/....". she would nurry Ian: .... oatd. sm,lIng dreamily, 'and
I believ. Ian and ~(f.ey WIll become fnmtls Do t:hey?
No, no. don't tcll me, t Want 10 find 0111 for myxlf:
'Pk.", Miu Wilk... n.. p""",:
'C&U me Annie. All my fnmdo do.'
She gsve him t:he gLau. bul kept the ublets III her Iwtd. Then
>he brought tbem towndl hIS mouth, which he immedl••ely
opened., .•nd then lhe took he< hand .way ogaln.
'I hope you don't mind: mc >aid. 'but I looked In your b.g:
'No, of counc I don't mind. The mediei"e-'
The .we.l on hil forehe.d Ii"t <old arid thon hot. Wo, he
goingto ",reaml H. th/lugh, pe.hap' he WOJ.
'1 see there', • typescript III the bog: loIle wen' /In. She idly
./liled the IIbl= f,om one Iwtd to the other. Paul followed
them "",th his eyn. -,,', oiled F.., eo... h', OOt a MlXry novel.'
She looked I t h,m ",,"h faint dt"ppro...i1 - boot II ,..", mixed
","h love It _ the kInd of look 0 mothtr gives. child.
'Would you let me .ead K1'

·Yn. of cou......' H. tried 10 ~milc through th. ·Th.t'. "ur to lif•. A,,,, ... don't you ,h",k
'1 wouldn't do ."ylhi"g hk. 'hat wilhout your pe.milollon. 'People do .. Ik d,.1 w')"n , •• Ilik·
l'.u1, you know.' IlK ..K!. 'I mpcc1 you too "'och for tlUI. In ·No. they don·I: ......K!. ",·utl hIll, • h..d look 'Wh" .1"
f.CI. l'.uI, llo,~ YOll' SM b1~ .g..... wddtnly. One of tho. you think I do when r 10 Ihorr,og '0 1010'''' 1>0 )...... thut!< I
.blcu dropped on 10 ,toe hLmlr.~ P.ul gnbbcd .t '1. bu' she ..y, "N"",', I,n me ",me of lh>! ....'••• _...·ord bre.d• .and th>!
W>$ quod.r. Thm .... w...., VK:lnl .nd .lre.n,y 'V"" 'Your ,w.n-word butle.'" Aod docs ,he "'oplr.ocpc... y. "All ngh,.
"""d. 1mnn. I,', yoo. "'md llov., I'.ul.' An"lC. Here you e..-IO·o.d .r.'?'
·No. ple.~ tr.d it: l'.ul .. ,d in ,lcsper.t;o". 'But .. H~. f>ce w d..k II • 'hut\rienlQlIll now, .nri .h. w••
'You sec.' A,,,,i. u;d. 'y,,,,',. good. I k".w you mUll be .houting. It w"n't >!.II '''''''mg Ih.t .h••0uldn·tllTlng horself
good, No on. h.d could CTe'" M,~,y Chllwn .".1 brc.. h~ lif~ to .. y the 'e.1 word.; thl! ",.de th. ,,,u,Um' .11 tit. ",aU
uno he,.' th'.>1.",ng. ".ul by h.ek. fnllhtmcd. The so"p howl w., a' .n
Now .... wddotnly pul her fingcn .. h" mouth .....1 he :angle III her ho,K!. >nd loOUp ..... Il.. nng to ~pt" "",.
grcnloly RKkcd II.. ubku oul of .... h>nd, ,..... bout w ..lmg fo' 'And then do I go to tM bo"k ",d uy. "H ·, ooc hog
the w.tcr. ._..- ·.,..d .heque .and you'd homer Ill". me fifty ·.u-wo,d
'J~t bkc. bohy.' ....... ,d. uug!'nog. 'Oh, P."I w • .., gOIng cIoIu ·' Do Iou th,,,k lIul ""hen r "'., m !'OUt< 10 Den,'cr -'
'0 be 100 h.ppy ht.~.' A 1I,0.m of lO11p fell on to the hl.ok.,. ~he 100kCtl >t ". lh....
And 1'."III1O<1gll" I '0' in so much tTOuble h.r~. ., h,,,,. ,,,.I h•• f,cc Iw"tN 'Now look wh>! you',·. , m'
'\'m sorry.'
CHAPTIIJt FOUR "'", "", y..... 'O!' .... ~"lrncd.•".1 ,I,e ,hr~ ..... he b<lwl into
the comc.-. It bro1:e mtO 'my p=" "'tI tour <pb,hcd "I' lbr
n.. next m"'"'.ng .... b.""ght h,m • bowl of ""'1'....·hoch w•• w.lI. 1'.u1 gnpcd tn ......k,
h" '''Ull food thc!o: d>yo.. told b,m "" b>d ,..,..1 fOely ~g.. She 'urned off then ~hr)"", .. , thttc for nul'be t1uny
of h.. 'ypclCnpt sn.. ,old b,m she .I......, Ih'nk " wos •• good os _ODd,. Dunng ,Iu., IIInC 1'.u1·, ht.n ... me-d to lIop GndUllly
h" othen. ...... m~ boek.
'It', lurd 10 follow.' "'e .oo,pl.,,,cd. ·It keep' )ump"'g '1 h.~~ .".h • '.mper.' !h. ronf""cd like • hule gltl.
on. "'"~ 10 .."'tb••. · 'I'm lOrry.' 0'" of. tlry fhfO>!
'Y...' .. id I',ul. 'Th>t'. ,,".mlt: tho boy " oonfu..,d, So th. 'You ,hnuld I>c. I ,hll1k I'll fom,b Mlwy', Q"ld '''d then
eh.nK" in Urne rdkot the .0"f"lJon m h" mind.' He thougb' ret"m 10 tho <Mher book .f,erw"d,.·
.... n"KIlt be mt...lled in. wntcr'. w'Y' 'OOU'I do thai if,t m,k.. you .og.y,' he ..K!. '1 don', hkc ..
·H.·, coof"IC'd,.n nghl: .epb.d Anni., She ...... focdrnll h,m when you Irt '''g'T I. I do n«d you, you know.'
""'1' .utonutically .nd w'P"'1 the comer of lin o,,,,,do ...."h ,he She did not ,.."urn Itu "",Ie 'v 0$. you do You do. don', you,
ILl' of. doeh. bk•• 'rue prol....olL.l. he ,.."hud tN' "" mU'" p,,,l?'
0.... h.v. been • nunc. 'And he ",.-c.n .11 the time. Nurly She came luck ""0 ,he rOOm ,wo hou'l u,~•. 'I "'ppoloC you
e'C'Y wo,d" ••",..._wor.l' W>n' your <I"pul mrt!i<i". now:"'e ..,tI

if you do ,h.t I will ",oke you bn"g lhe", stuigh' b>eke OU'-
'Y($,' <.lid P.ul.• nd 111m ,en,ember.d. 'Y($, plr.....• I',..... believe ",e wilen t uy ,11>11 on you do ,h>l '
'Well, you're I",ng '0 lI.v. to w." for ",. lO de.n up tlli. He look'" ,,,,,de ,he buck.. mel .. w ,he do'" .n ,lie grey
mOS$.' ohe uid "The meos l"" "","'.' She took • bu<:ken of w .... w>l..... nd to.\p t\o;oung on ,... .."r,.e. He dunke """,kly. H ..
~nd • doch 0"" .0 m.. cornn' and OU ..... fo ek." up ,he lOUp "om.. h .UrlN 10 nlOve .. ,f'" wu goonS '0 be IKk
'You di.. y bud,' <he ....I. ·It'••11 dned lIOW. This i. 100ng '0 'Don', be 51,ke, l'>ltI,' ......,d. 'Thn.·U be no more ,.bln. fo.
t.k. 100m. tin"" I'm .f",d, P.ul.' four h""".' She lookeo:d .l h,m for. "'omen' with ...... /U"
I"ul d,d,,', d.... to .. y '''I',II,,'g, altllouHII ,II. w,•• Ir••dy e"'pty, ."d ,he" mlllo:d 'You wou'! ",.ke me '''Bry .g.i",
I". w;tll II" med"",••nd th. J"'" w., lemb1•. H. w"ehcd in w,n you?'
horro' .nd f."in.tion wll,l••lIe ,klll.d Ihe w.lI. 511. did i, 'No.' he whi11.. red.
slowly, d.hberudy P.ul w...II.d th. ",''' d'",ppur. 1·[. '110". you,', ."d k, d him 0" ,he <h""ke.
couldn·' .... II.. f.«, bu. he w•••fnid til.. ohe Iud gone bbnk 1'.01 dnf,cd tn'O sleep. H .. I conKlOU' though" "'...... Why
...,d "'ouk! ' .. y d,• ..., for .v... Wlp,ng the ",.U ,,~.II ,"" doth. ...... '" .""" "' Dr..",,' A_ II'hy _'" sIs<...- "',... _ ,,,,-
AI L1~ .•f..... lulf.n hour of growing p.1,n. " .. fim9>ed. She got _,1
up, Nilii'. tb<>ught I'.ul. "._ t"•• _ lI..r _.lor, ...
lIut '0 lin .",.u,nm, ,J,. left the 'OOtn. H. he.,d her
poI.nng ,h. wlter .w.y 'M ,lte" rd,lhn!: th. bu,k.,. Site (';1"'.
b>ok ",,,h ,h.lJu,·ko, ."d doth
'Now I mu\, w.,h .11 ,h,t >0,1' otT the w,ll: ,h... id. 'I Illust Two doy. b'.r .h. "m. "UO hi••oom e~rly ill th. moming.
do every,lnng "gill, MI' "'oth" nught "" thlt.· H.. "">. Krey. P.1I1 ""••• La,mo:d.
'No. pl••",. ,ltel'.i".]'m dy,ng.· 'M,.. W,lkes? Ann .. ? Arc y<nI 00 nght/'
'[)on', be "Uy. You're n<>I dYlnil ltju\I Itur". In .ny cue ,1'. 'No.'
your f.ult ,h•• lluvc 10 dun up fll.. nlaO.· SJor', W • lor... • ua, ,boogh' Poul, lJId ..... uum """
'1"11 tert.m,' ..... td ......tlng '0 Cf). Crl~"g hun h.. let. >nd rcpb<cd ~-,
hurl 11I.1>e1r1 SIs<, ""me and ,,00<1 ov lu. bt<l, 1ook,,,S down >l h.m OUt of
'(',0 .....d. Ihm.· .... ",phed. ·Sc",.m. No 0.... will II....' h•• p.~.._wh"e f.... Her nc<:k 10'" ,ense >nd ..... opened hc.
H. did,,·, """m He w>!eho:d It.. ,"dl<" lili ,h. doth. lund••ud ,II." d~ then. ,"'0 fig'" fim, .g'''' and ag'lll.
w,f'<' the w,l1 ,ltd "I'ICe" the dotb in'o til. hu,ke,. A, I", .he ·YOIt.,. you, .. you J'''1 bird!' .he'l.mmcrcd.
KOt up .goin .tid """ 'wcr t" IH\ bed ·Wh.,? t do"', "ndermnd.' !Jut ,uddenly he did undersund
'I Ie,e you.f<: lII. ""d .."dr,ly, holdmK OuI hi. two ,.bl",. He rem.mbered th., ymerthy ohc w.. ,h=-qu.II'." of the
II. ,ook ,hem ,!uICkely "'to h,. mouth, .nd whm he looko:d up w.y thr""gh M,,,,,.!'.
C/JiIJ. Now ohe luscw " illS"" blew
... uw"" H"ng ,he yollow pLa"", bLltke, 'ow..ds lIim .luf I....n<! M,.....,. could no! hav••hildrm; ..... u..,.. ,b...

'U.., ,.... to .",.llow d",m.' .... U1d. II.... V<:>ioc w•• ,ull

lie >l ......

IIlnery g.v. b...h 10 Geoffrey'. child wei died III the proccJl-
'SJor ._'1".Mll' Ann.. Wilka """.med>I hun H.... lundJ
opened:and cIokd f..........d• Misery C/t&ol...If , . _ . . Mill!'
'[ know yOll ('.11 .",.now ,hem """hou' """or,' .... u,d, 'hu'

'" "
· .... ,""~, pl ••",. CHAPTER SIX
SIll: I,icked up' h~.vy jug of w.,or fro'" ,h~ "bl~ n.x' '0 hlS
bod, Cold w.,"" 'p;Uw on to him, She b,ollgh, " down II. wal "noo"", when she ",'u",w. fif,y....,,,. hnun la'~'.
,ow"d, hIS h••d. bu' .1 ,h. I." S<'Cond lurned and Ih,.w ;1 ,t She "...10 h"" OIl up .nd .... g.vo hint oo",~ drop! of WU~. '0
'M door "",•• 0.1 ofhrr.king hll h••d "pm. It..l hll cr.eked lip! and dry mouth. He ""ok. up .nd In~d '0
Sho looked .. h,m .nd hru,ho:<l hor hm ofl'her fac•. Tw<> ro:<l ,w.llow • lot of w~,~ from the gI..........., hoIdu,g. but ....
ma,h h.d on hor eheoh. ·V..... dll'y bnd.' .h. ",d. only In h"n h."" ,1"lIe "",e.
'Oh, y<HJ dIrty bIrd, ho",' rould you do ,h.. ! V ou k,Uod he,.' 'AnnlO, the ",edlCon(, 1'1 now.''''' g.opcd
'No. Ann.... I dldn'l. h"JU>I' book' 'Soon, de... lOOn.' she ..rd gently. '1'lIp"" you you. mod..
She pun"hlOd her f..., down 10<0 'M P'Uo~ nUt ml", Iw:>d. arK, hut fin' you .... v• • jOb m do. 111 be b.ack m • "oomClIl '
Tho whole btd \hoot .r><! ",ul cnod .....1 10 p",n II. knew tIu, •Anmc, ....t' he Kft.mod as .... got up and kf' the room.
he was do",,'o d<-.,h. When .... ~a .... bxk he !houghl Iw: w·as suU drnmutg. It
'/ ~,""'r /nil lor," he shou'ed oonnod '00 >lUng~ 10 be real. SJo., was pu.slung • batbeeue
She >lopped ,r><! looked .. ibm wllh d"" hi..." >lOve ;"10 the room.
uP""""'" ,Iu,gap 'Anmc, 1'10..., I'm on ...-nblc paln.' To... were ""~m"'l1
'Qh no. of rou )'ou d,do" Well. JU>I ,dl ,m 'hI" 'hrn, do.... htl f.ce.
M'>I~r C · , ,f " dldn·. koll ...... who d,d! JU>I ,.11 me 'luI. 'I know, d<-ar. Soon.'
You 'ell 10 I .hough, )"OU wcre good, bu' you'", J"SI d,rty md She Itfl and ..",e ba.c:k 'g:un w'lh ,he 'YJ'"<'npc of F"lI c...
bad hke .11 othen.' ..,d • box of """docs.
SM W"('ll' bl.nk .bn,. SIw: >lood up >,,"gh'. with her 'No,' h.. u,d, «Y'''' ..,0.1 siuhng. ·No.' AnJ .ho ,hough,
lungll'g dnwn by h.... "dn., .,,0.1 look..l It noth,,,g...,"I rc.h:ocd burned '0'0 III, our><! like aad: .'-..-ynnc had .Iw.ys ..,d du, he
'hat h~ ...,,10.1 k,ll h",. If'ho", Iud hoft,. r'c« ofbroten gbl< wOl onay ,lOt '0 lit,,,, 0"1"'" o{]". 'yp".. npcL
from ,he J"II ,,' hi' h."d. he: 0",,10.1 pushod It 1010 ho. 'V....' .l1t- ",rd. he' {... d . . . .nd ..1m. She hold oul lhe:
,h,{}.I1. m..<he, '0 h"n. '1,', foul, and i\', no good. BUl you',.. good.
Sho <">"'.
b••k • hnl" ... nIl"~ .,,0.1 the '''g.', "
Ie.... w1S p.ul. l'lItJulI hdl''''S you '0 be good.'
go",. 5hel"0,,0:<1 dow" .. h,m, 'I tllmk I '0 110 .w.)' ·No.l wo,,', do It.' Ho ,hm hi••y.s,
for' wh,le: .h...,d. 'I ,hould"', bo "'" you. If I ,lay here I'll Wh~1I he op<:"cd ,hom .g~ill .he was holdmB • l>1ckel o{
do IOmClhmg ""1,,<1.' Novrillll f'olll of ,h~",.
·Wh.,e will you go? Wh" .wut my medicincf' I'.ul ••11.0.1 '1 think I'n gIVe you four: she sa,d... if sl,~ wU "0' 1.1";lIg 10
.fl•• he. " 'he w.lhd ou, of ,h. '00'" .".1
locked ,he door. hi'" b", '0 hc,.. lf, 'Vel, four. ne., you'l1 f~d pc~ctful .tld lhe
B", the "nly '"ply wll ,hOIOUnd ofh.. Car nlhe drov~ ,w'y. poli" will go. I bel you ·t. hungry. 100. 1 bot you'd Ilk. IOnIC ,o..t.'
H~ w.' .k",. in Ih~ ho...... Soot, .... pain cam. 'VOU'f~ bad,' said p'ul
'Ves,,h.", wh.. d"Id,,," .Iw.y> sa.y 10 th." mOlhen. BUI
lItOCoo knows bose. I'm wa'"ng. p.uL Vou·,.. be"'ll • very
ItUbborn lIule boy.'

" "
'No.1 WO,,'l <10;1.'
'I'm 110' IUrt til., you'l1 ever w,ke "I' ,f you I"'e wnsciom" ...
•g,",.' Ih. re",.,ktd, '1 think you',e 01"", '0 ,,"consc;OUllltSi
Ont In,,,dr,,,! .nd n,nt'y lhou ... ud WOrdl. Two )..,.n· ""ork,
Bu' mo,e ,n'po,wltly,,, wll ""h'l ht uw •• tht ",nh. 'No.'
The !ltd movtd 1I lilt lIot up. '1 c.u·, ltay hne .11 d.y. I
hu,ried to IU you. and now )'ou beh,ve Itke. ,poiled li,d.
boy, Oh w.lI: sht 11ghcd. 'I'll rou,. I.,c,"
To.. burn it: he lJ1oulcd.
'No. " ,m", be' you:
WMn <he e,"'C b.n '0 hour 1,1.... he look tM m.,eII... He
....n"'mllt'ed ,.... JOy of wn"ng ""mothmg good, oomedung rou.
'Ann... plC'... don', me do ,hll,' he Solid.
'It', )·ou. ChOlCe.' Ihc .nlwcred.
So he burned hll book - • few paS", C'hough 10 pIC'.... her, 10
<how her thaI he WI> good. Then Ihc pu.hcd lilt b.a,bccuc OU,
.g'ln, .0 fimsh ,he JOb hcnclf When !he Came bad, <he g....
h.m four .. bleu ofNo'·nl.nd he ,hough!: 1'''1'''''110 MII,u.


When he woke up from h.. druucd IIcq> he found h,m....f I l l .

wheelchair He ,e.h.ed lhat <he was .."'1' >crung' tbc ~ lifted
10m up and put h,m 11'I ,he whttldu•• 00 gC'htly that he bad not
w-olen. up. It hun 10 III m lilt whttkb.... bul'l was n.... 10 bc.blc
10 .... ou, of.he' wmOOw; he CO<lld only ..... bule when he ""..
II,,,ng up III bed. 1ltc whcdriu., ...t i m front of. t.bloc by the
wondow of h" rooo. lie looked Out on to a .m.ll ""' -co,........
f.rm .n,h. bun for the .n'm.lund"!".p"'.... t. The 1110 ,,11
<lc<cp and the,e w .. no "gn m.. " "'" gOing 10 melt yet. Beyond ,he
f.rm ....... n.rro....... d.nd ,hnI ,he Inx-<'Ovcrcd mowIUI....
He he.rd Ibe W>Und of • key ,n lhe lock She .nd fed S<>1tc """.,.j I.i....... -. " ... M< ,(ft,,>Il(1r '0 rl,~'" /or" 10 .b.....
tum >orne soup,
/or, IIwf /or 10'011 ,fH'I

'I ,hmk you',. go,ng fO g.' b<:".,,' ,h. "id, 'Y.I, if w. don',
h.v• • ny mo,. of ,hose argllmall', I rhmk you'll g., h••hby 'Uu, "nnie, Mi",ry'. d..d.'
.nd U,ong.' 'No, ,he', nl)(. Even ,,'hen I "'J! I"gry .. )'QU I kn.w lis<
Bu, Paul k...w ,h. w., l)'Ing. One: day 10,••n ....ould b<: ",un', re.lly I knew you .ould,,', ....lly k,U he" b«lUS<
fouod, One: day IOn,fOM - . pc,lupl_ ....ould co.... you'.... good.'
.nd .It. 10..- qu.,nonl. OM day lOlDC'th,ng would h.ppm whod> 'Ann.., ,,~ll you ••Ume one thing?'
would m.k. Ann.. Wllkft fngh,ma!.nd angry. Shr W'I goutg '0( coune. de...'
10 unrkound .hu you an', kidn.p propk.nd Shr w .. 'If 1 wn'e Ib" book for you. WIll you let me go ...hen I've
gout, '0 luv. 10 go 10 OOUrt .g.m••nd rhn nm. W m"h. nOO fuushedr
........... court. fm: WOn"n. Shr wu gOIng '0 ,••1... ill .10" For. momen' ..... ....,mcd uncomfo,ublc•• n<! <hen she IookN
.nd be .f,..d ~.nd 100 lohc w"IOIng 10 h• ..., '0 kIll P.ul. How .. tum ""efully. 'You till: a. ,f I "'u k..-put8 you pmoncr,
long Was " b!:f"", .... U>Qw m.htd' How long brio... 10" car PO'll.'
w•• found' How Ionl dId he luv••o love? He didn', ... p1y.
'I hough' YOll '''01'''' prn<n','S ,,·e1I., ,h. wh«leh.",' .... 'I 'hmk: ohc ',10.. when you've flnl5hcd you should b.-
w., ... ying. 'I'll go .nd ge, II for you.' She "" .... w"h .n ,..dy '0 meet o,he< pcoplr'
old bbek 'ypcw'''.r. 'Well?' .h....,d. 'Wh.. do 1'()lI,h,nk?' Ou, she WI< lying. She kne", .hlt she w.. lylnil, :>nd 1"'11
'It', gro.,,' '" ,••1 '''lI~ue.' knew ,h. wu lying 100. The d.y he fmi,hed ,h" new novel
I I., f.r, e10uded ov.r, 'I <Ii,h,', "or il.,.n '''''q"e,' ,h. "id. would be ,he d.y of hi. d...h, She JUned locking ,h. doo, of
'I go, il "'orld-h,,,d, It w.s •, '00, She ""me<! forty_ his roo", ",heneve, ,10, left i,.
flv. doll .., for 'I, bill I gO! il for fouy b<:cau" " h., "0 '.".',' Two ",oming. 10Ie< ,he hcll>cd hi", 'n'o hi. wM.ld'a;, a"d
She looke<! pkued wuh h."e1f. 1',"1 could h..dly belo."e ,t: f.d him 0 bigger b...lf,1( th." ulual. 'You'll need your ......"g,h
she w.. plc."'d" bUY"'Il' broken old 'ypewn'.'! now, I'aul, I'm so cxo,e<!.bou. ,he new nov.l.'
'You did .....lly ,,'ell,', d""o,",:n"ll ,10.. Ibur.y " .., H. roIle<! Oycr 10 ,be ubk by ,he WIllOOW -:>nd.o the """Ull
...y. 'ypcwn''''' ThIck mow ",os f.lllng .nd Il wu difficuh 10 ttCogmzc
H•• smile bc<-a"",.vm wtdcr. 'I ,old her lion "n" w., one of ooj« £vm the bnn W'IJust. ulO",_aw...ed lump,
d.. Iet,..... In my f.voun,e ",'",..-'. n."",.' She nmc mlO the room a'rytnl aevcn.l pack"" of 'yptnll_
'h'. ~ of ,he k"." on my f.voun'e n"...', ru ....: ... plied papn-. H, IlIw .niBl" .w.y <hll rho< p.>pn- w., Cornlllbic
Paul, lunng hImself. 'Uu, wtu, will I "-n'e on WI ,ypcwri...., Bond .....l .... f... fcU.
do you <hink,' 'WIlI,', rho< nur....r ....."'<d.
'Oh, p.ul' I don', ,h,nk - I kno,,'! You're gO"'8'o wn.,. 'Noohm.,'''' ",><I qwelcly.
'Somefhin." the m......: .~. ':>d. 'T.1l m. who. i, ,,:
,..w novel. h'U he ,he Msc yef. M<JuT'. Rmm.'·
P.ul fd. <>o,hmg, ..,d nooh",g: he "'•• ,<>0 ''''prrJC<f, Um he, "I;.
'I'd 10.... d,lferatl JIIpn- If you could get il.'
'D,tr.....n' from ,h.. ? ll", ,10" II ,he "'.,.. .xpcn.. ve p.prl
f... w., 'hmmg wllh grc>lJOy ."d ,h. "'a, "'y"'g: 'It'll be. book
jill, for me, Ir'll be my l"y",e"I for III1..",n" you h>ck '0 h••llh. Ihe.e is, llUUJ for ,he mot! 'xpc:nSlve paper.'
Th. only ropy m ,he ",Iouic wo,ld of,be new,~' M,IO'y book!' 'Didn', you, mo,h... eve, leU you ,10.. ,he mot! .xpellliv.
,hing' ..e nO, .I",ayl,he be.."

'No, "'~ ,lid ....... Wh .. she ,old m~. Mm~r Clever. " <h.., 'Oon', m.k~ m~ bugh.' she: ... id .."e....uUy 'N" 011< h..
",I>rn r<MJ buy cheap ""ng, )'<MJ ~, ehe.>p ,hmKI.' S"" "'.. k-m 0" my 1Nk.U1C<" my mo,her d..d """"'1' y~... '11:0.'
dd"...,..,.., no'" and I'attl gl>C'UC<lllul she would gfl angry ....",. 'You can ,h,nk ",'ha,)'Ofl hk~: ......K! ...., .ny rate )'Oll m,,"
Palll "' fn/lh,rnro, but he I:new ,ha' ... had to Ify h) ""I",.., ,n., I'm 011 ,]WO book·• ...x. If I I)'~ " on COr....1>k
control a l"rI... If .... al",.yo ""011, ",nhou, y ......Uncc IXlnd. III <en Y"...' If"..., ,hcT~'U be notlnnllld"' for you '0 ",.d.'
from h,m would g~' ,he habn ofbe'ng angry lth h"n. and 'AlI ngh".n "lI:h,.' she: saId 'I'll go _ .
Ih" ""0\,k1 be Wone. UIl' .,,, n...d fOt h~. ,nd for Ih~ drug I-'~ullUddenly ",,"~mbe.c.J ,h.. i, w.' ,,,n~ fo, h\\ medlonc
made hIm W'Il' 10 keep lIn h,pI'Y: " ,..,.,k ""'y .11 h" coungc 100" md he beg.n to ~Cl !\e'Wm'. 1loti h~ ~o,,~ '00 f.. 1 Would
'0 .. urk he•. .he di"'pre" fM hours ,nd hou ..1 He necd"d hi. ",({hnne.
A'lI1i~ "'.. beg,,",,;,,!: '0 bt~.,hc ""0«' "I"dly nolV, .,,<1 he, 'Tell noe wh.. kmd of P'rer '0 ge,.' .he .. id. He! fact h.d
h."d. "'e,"" pumping f..." ...,d f....., 0P<"'"nll.nd clo""/I' lurned to .. ",,~. He ,OlJ I",. ,he "."'... of"'tn~ good k",d. of
'A"d )'O'l'd !In,er "OJ' ,h., '00: he Io...d. '''dUn/l angl)o p'pn-·
111:Nl't change .. ,hmg.' Sbe .m,1ed .hrn - • hombk- •.."Ie '1'11 go .nd ger rou'
Sbr ftou .. ,I' he IuJ Ilapf"<'<l .... r, .nd looked at h,m, papn,' ..... sard. '1 know)'ou w.lJ'lt '0 .u"" IOOtl •• you an,
woundC'd 'TIl" ... ,,,eI<.' 1M !.lid. 'You don', wan, '0 w",~ IU>tt you'.~ Oft "'I JiM -' ~ lall ...."O<d.......'" .pokrn wIth
my book 'nd 100 you' .... findmll ."co.... llut '" 'U". J kn.w rou ,ernbk 'So l'n. no, ~ ...n gOIng lu pu' you ,n'"
....·ould. ' you. bed. Of C""t~ u w,1I hUrl you '0 '" In the ",""<kh,,, for
'TI",', "Ily.' he ."phed. 'O,d I "y ,10.1 I w., nn, gemg lO 10 l"ng .t first. Prtb,l" ,h.
p,;n will b< '0 gro" ,h..
you h,v,
IUr'" to del.y mrdug '0 WIlte. llut th..·• '00 lo.d. J h"'e '0 >to.
'No, b\ll beca.... yOll w.1It your pre<ious, <lurId. M",~,-Ckvt, .peci.1
'[ - gO'"8 '0 "an. Come .........nd I'll .how you d~ prob-'
lem.' Suddenly her lion)' fact ..... med '0 b....k ""0 ~. She "'..
·Wh.1?' IUndmll .. d.. door on her WlY OUt, .nd s.hc: ruohcd K"'" t ....
'W'tch: roOIn 'I h,m. ~ ",,'.:amcd Ind pund>nl her fnt down on ,,, ....
He pUI a pIC'« of ,he p.lpe' ,,,to .he 'ypewnt<r .nd w,or~, ''''oIlen lump ·h"h " ... P,ul'. lef, kn«. He threw hlS he.d
'M"..,y', Rrll" by 1'.,,1 Sh.. ld" '. H, 'ook th, p.lpet u\Il .nd bilCk ~nd .el ned 10<>; ,he p,lln "rr~",ed ou' f,om h'l knN '0
.uhbed bit fi"g", {w" ,h~ wOTd •. TIl<' wu,dl ;",mcdutdy .v~ry p~rt of hll body
MeWoe i"d",u,n .,,,t f'lll' 'So youj,,,,,i, ti,,,
,bel•. ' ,he lO,d.]'" lip. ,"11 pulled '"
'Do you IC'C1" hornbl~ g"", ',nd ,hmk .1\0", who i. in eh"!.,,, h,,~,.nd.n ,he
'W"e rOll go",& '0 TUb tvery P'll~ of yout t)'pncnpl ....~'b ,hings I c." do '" hurt you ,f you belu,,,, ~Iy 0' try ." .riel:
),ou. finger" ...... You .....m to tlunlt I'm $fup"", ou, I'n, not. And you can N)'
'The ",ge. 'lP,n" one .nothcT ............ 1<1 be enough' and shout all y"" w,"" "'h,k I'm .w.y, br-c.u~ no .........·ill ""..
'AlI nglll, II.h>t~' ;\bn: .... ..,'" m. eompuming """.~ '111 you. No one ro".... herr br-ca...., .hey.n ,hutl: Ann", W,lke. is
&d your ""pld'.1"" ,ell "'~ wn., '" 1I"'.md 111 ger" ' auy. They.lI know ,,·h.. I d,d.• hhough , .... COUrt dod ... y ,n.,
'Uu' you ",ull unde"und ,h.. we're On ,h..... me <ilk.' I w•• "'ROCrnl. Then: w.m·, rnOllgh ~v,dc-nu'l"" IC'C.'

S~ w.lked Co t'" door >nd cumed 'g.,,,. He >
•gm 1>«."", he expe.;ted .lKII.hC'C Nih .nd more p>ln. Th.t Th'nk )"OU. God: he wh"pcrN.
mad. her grin IJ>O<'e WIdely. A bad mon,nll _ no. nO( • bad momnll..... wful
Shot left the room. Jo.-ktng the door- bdluld her. A few momnll - when II ....mn1 •• if the ..·httklu" would no! fit
minm.. l.ter ~ hc:ord ,... ro>r of her e•• eng,ne. He W>l left through the doo•. SN m..u Iw.v ~"'''.I'h, lI"rID I~ _f~1IhJ up.
Wifh h" fe." .nd I,,, I>e R.h~ed, In ,he e"d h~ h.d '0 h,)ld on to ,h~ frame of Ih~
door .nd puff bi"'~lflhrough n. The wh.~h rubb<:d 'g.i"II th.
f.. m~ ."d for o"e trrribl~ mmnmt h~ Ihoughl the ch." w..
CHAPTER ElGIIT gotng '0 mek thn~ Bu, Ih.... he " .•••uddenly Ihrough l~

His nen .ction. mIght .iCCm ""rotc, hot ,nugll!ed.. ,f oomeone

Aft.....lut I>e f.trued >&>",.
Ioolcd n J"'" the .ocnon. wnh<MI' Jeang m"de hi. mmd. In When he woke up. lbe ltl!-hl ,n .... corridor w•• different.
,mme,,5C I"in he '011<:<1 the whoekh." over to , ... door, He Jlid Quue some Um~ h,d p....d. How long d,d b<: h.v~ kfor~ sI,~
dow" ill the ch,ir I<) th,t hi. h."d, cO\lld touch lhe floof. Thi, returned? Fifty nOllu. hk~ the I"" ,ime. or five ",i"uI"?
nuw him >0 milch p.. n th.l he f.imed for. few minllla. When He could"", til( b'Ihroo.., Ihtough ." open door down Ih~
~ "'oke up'" remembcrc<l wh>l he w., Irying '0 do. lIe looked corndor Su...,ly the would kttp the mnlKinc theR. 1·le roll<'d
.1 the fIoot ...,. ~w the ~uJ>ln ·I"eh be Iw:I noucro enlier. down I~ corridor .nd .Ioppnl ...... huhroom door. A. I.."
1l>ey hod f>J]rn OUt of Anme', ~, ·hen obe Iw:I n.ashcd >I hun. thIS door w ... h"k ...·ider. He .urnn! htlll..-lf round ... th>! be
Slowly. I"mfully. "" m>JUged to ptek lhotm lip. There "ere <ould go ""O,m, M,h.oom b>ekw>rdl. Indy for. qUICk escape
Ihr!'C of Ihem. Siu"'g up .g.m In II><: brough, fTesh ,f"......,,,,,y.
of p'IIl. Inside the b.throom there w>s •, 'n open <upboo.rd for
Wh,le "'rilmS l'OIl em he hM l1ugb, hin".df 10 opcn lock. stor"'l1 towe;, .nd<cu.• - .,,0.1 • ",<'d,eme cupbo>rd
wnh thmlP like h",rpins 11 h.d helped h,m wnre .hotlr • nr- On lhe "".11 O"~r Ihe b..m! lIuI how could he n f,om lu.
,hod. 11 ....."ngly e»y. No" he W•• golI1g '0 open the "'hedch",? It ""ao I.... lugh up the w.ll. And ~"en if he could
door-...,. go <MIt u,tu the!>oute. <e.m Il wIth. ,,>dt or """,""""g. he would only ",.k~ .honlP
Whn m>Oe h,m o':ereome .U hIS 1"'" .nd do thi.' Wu II f.n 011. of" >nd bR.k III the b",.,n, And then whn would ""
be-c.u.. he w••• hero? No, " w" b«."", he needed SOme tell h....r n ... M'Jery Iud done n Whll~ Iooklllg for lOme
NovTil ubleu ."d w. . .f,... d ,f,., Annie would nol retlltn mWletn~ to bring her b,d to !lfd
fur ho.. ,., or woul,l lIot give them to hi", when Ihe did re'um. Te... of "'get - ."d of Ihl"'~ ,t hi. ",!'Cd for ,he medicme-
And he- fell h-e needed 'n enu .upply.•0 "'11' him dunng b<-gm to Aow dow" hi. cb<'t"kJ. I~e .lmOiI g"'e tn .nd s!>ned 10
.hose pc""", ""hen she- "'.. ,ot> .ngry wnh hint to gIVe II>e", to Ihtnk .bou. rcwnung to 1m room. Then hlS C)"C t.1W Klmeth"'g rn
.....owel C1,Jpbo>rd. l'tevioulJy lu, C)'e h>d only quodrly TMMiced
It "",.n old. ""n')' lock. One p,n 'p""g OUt of hi. ~nd•. the tO~.nd bbnkets on .he IbelYei au, there on f~ Aoor
,bted Uro.. ,he w<><><le-n floor .nd d'''' "nlk. the: b..'!l. unden> .11 f~ she-Iv... were t,,·o or .hm: boxes. He rolled
The .econd on,' h",kc - hUI >S ,t bwke. the door "I><ned. htmotlf ovo< '0 the eupbo1rd. Now he could 1ft JOme word.
ptmted on One of the boxes: "'SOtCH SU'PL'U. HiJ he"f !e.pc.

lie ,c,chod III ,,,d 1,,,lId ,,,,c
of th" h" ••• ""I. Ther< wer< tho whecleh",.!O ,il... bc c""ld roll to I". ,oom. when he
""") k",d, of d"'I:' IIl,i,k rh< 100. - d",g, f", ,11 "Oc" of ".h,ed th., ho wa, po"""'g toword, ,hc ,i'"ng-,oo,,,. An id.,
rlr",~..e' - htlr "" N,,,,,,I. Ik J",r "",,'It'..J
l<' ,o,eh • ocrond b"nt mlo h'l "",,<I hke • Iigh'. H. co"ld ~tnlt»' I« the
h", A;:"" he ,,~. f,«.1 ""h ,,' .\{"""I",,~ "ollew"" "f 'elophmle; hr """Id ,nug",e 'hr (o",'er\./."O" "·,,h lhe police
",oJ" "'('1,. "he nlllU I","," ":.,-,, ,I"",,, i"""
h'hl,,,..I, <Lr .f'eT .....Oll. Would ,hey he IUrpnocJ '0 lc.m 'h" rUty A"",e
,I". M",' "f ,10<- dr"". "."". '" "".Ii '1'"''''''<'''
She h.,1 l>ttn W>lk ... lud kidnapped hu,,?
B", he ,...".",betc<l ,h., lie hul ne".... he..d rll(' pltone nng.
<..,,1,,1' ~h~ h""'r I,,, .. ,......" ........,,'" tI"'l "'oulrl h..·•
c.. ,,~hr 1I,·c. Hc knew" ... .1\ "nhkdy t1u, thcTe even ..·.1 I phone m ,IK
II,' ,<,"clKd IIlt"""h rh.c 1><" TI""e., rIK hotlom "'crc ~ ~. OUI 11K p""Utr of.IK pltone In .... d,o\'e h.m 0<1;
nuny ...... :.Ch ",- No...;l ,,1>1<'«; e•• h p•..-ket (OOlumcd
j:..... ,
elKhl uhln•. lie ,....."'..-J 'hr«- ,.I>ln. 14"'llhl '''-'y. h"dly
'"'''''''1:''''' bllle. UilC
I I"" "'."'. p.o~lCh "o..IJ IK ul<c '" "h"... I".,. .....1.."'1:: du.
IK rould feci Lhe mol pl."", ... lUI h...d. IK... be loOU"d of ,he
phone 'n .IK polIce ......on. Ho rolled lurn..elf "ttO ,IK Utt"'l-

He looked .round.. l1>c rOOm <moelled <Uk .and ...~, filled

hc Il.o.I ...... oJ .he "ore' H< li,·c f'l'-ln•• roJ p~ .IKrn ..·,Ib uRly fu,n"ule. On a <helf ...... , Lorge pholog,.ph, on a
..1<"... ,t.., 1'",,,, ../ h" .n ". 1<> i~..." I", h~. II'« for
1"',10'''11 ,I>< ""h.,d II< I.~ l..d .. ,,,. ,It"!'. 11l dl<" .....~ TIM'\'
loki fume. ofa "'orn.n w!to rot1Id <>nil' .... Anmc', mo<hrr.
I k ,oiled funIK, ""0 the 'oom. l1>c W, <Irk of d-e whrrklu"
h.J ...... I;oc... III ..,y lu,n,'UI" "r.l" l~ ,,,.e
IK ",... 1Ied .h., \>0" hn a "bloc ... hoch h.d doznn of !-nUn fill'''''' on n. On<e of the
.. ".11 .. h 'I"-.J 'Iu'A""k' ""uld .. ,~ ".",,~... ", d"k,,"'·<' fillmn - a ilymll !n,d of >on.., bnJ - fd! 011 ,he fdge of 11K
lI"'Tl.•"h"I",,,,,, h"h,·..J,h ."..... 0" .. '" uble. W"hout ,h",k.m~, P..ul pu. OUt .... lund .nd (.lUllht II -
II,' ,t''',:h,,,,,,-.I '" ,IK,h.". n~. ",J,. II" ",< A",ne he " ..- """ 'bC1t ,c~hzed ... be h.>.d done. If IK Iud thouKb' JOOu' ,t
rk.. .1 II· m"ld,,', l;M "",'k 'v ,h~ IK-d"..,,,, .. I",k 'IK d"m , , he wo"ld no< have been .ble '0 do n, It w.u pu" "UUn,', If lhe
Ill,,<. ",I IK h.J "" ,1""1,, ,h., ,1>< ""ul.l be ,,,,,, ,,'It')· t" "op fig"ro h.ld b"d«l On ,he floor It "'ould luw b,okC1t. Hc pu' II
her",11 k,lhnl' 1m" 1l"",,,,lL••o1y ~he """Id to'l'rl ,h., me back 0" lho t.lblr.
dl<!u'r w,,,t ,,, k,1I hun beforc h~ h,d W""~ll 11,.,,(, R,,"IW. On a ,m,1I ublr 01' ,h. mhe, ';dc of the room s,ood 3 phone.
~h,' "·",,I,l n," I", ,bl,· '" """,,,11..,,...-11' 1'.. ,,1 ( ..,ftlily nude hll ..... y pu' lh. ,h.". 3nd !Of... He pICked
Tho ,,,,,,,d "I ,10..- cor grew .".1 'hon 1:"lerl """ 'he "p ,ho phone. lldo,e h. put it 10 his ... b. h.d a" odd fc,~nll
""Wh" "n 'l,,' ,,,,.1 """"k. of f.i1ure. A"d ycs - the'e ....s no ",,,,,d. Th, phono w's not
{)/o.., r,'''·'·' 10./'/ p"" "'J"H",~. ho th",,~h, ,'",,1' i"1 lim< I~ working. Every,hi"g I""k.d ,11 ,igb! - 11 w•• ;,nl>o,,~nt fo,
"'WI'I I~ r"'" """" 'I'he ,,,xl c." "",Ill' ,~,,J,/ I" I,m Ann;e III h,ve Ih"'II' lookmg all 'igh! - bllt ,he h.d d,sconnccted
Ilc ,ollc..l "r!! oltl", 1."10"",,,,. d,,',kllll: '" n"l~ <nrc ,h" he th. phone.
h.d len "" <r>cb on rhe fl"o,. How ",,1,- open h.d ,lie Why b.d sho done ,,? He Ilur>..d ,h.. whrll ,h, b.d amwrl
b.,h",...", ,lvor bcr,,> He 01"",,1 ,t • Imk "'~y It I,"'ked ,..,gh, in S,dc... mde, lh<: had been She thoullh, ,h.. proplc
nOw ...Ot.Ild find ou' .. bout wh.~<·"" hod h.ppC1tcd ,n Dcnvcl and
TI... druK ",,", beg,nmn!: ,,, u.kc eff,:"I, <0 rh.,." "'~, k<o p..ill "'ould ""I IKr up. \'"'" liJ tl, A"".e! W. ~ ...'" y"" liJ. Tltty Itl
now Ii" "n",ni.. ,c n=J w......"tied lie ,.....' lun'''g to t"m )'<'W te, "" y"" 'to "'" '''''''''''', .to Y"", AMI< IV'/KS11b<:y WCre
.\1 'I" II" h<, ,he Il"yd""n" everyone, N<l o"e liked her. He po,h.d og';" .nd ,g,i" ., the lock. ,,,d he.rd • noile
I he wml,l ...... , ~ ,brk 1.I,a fnll of prople look"'8 ,t her with ""idc ,h. OOor, H. kn.w ",h.1 it w." Ih. b,,,ken h" of lhe
''''1'''''''' '0 .
.".1 IU\I'cd So il wu be" Mnee the phone for ever h.i'pin "'.I' ",.k"'g ,h.lotk ,uck, 'Cm".., on,' he "'hllpcteJ '"
-Just" lhe would .ilenee him if"'e diKovered Ih" he h,d b«n dc>pc",,"on .nd ICHO•. 'Com. 01',' Hc l>e.Ird her ""lk"'g ,0-
'" ,h" TOOm. WITd.,1I< houle.
Fe.. luddenly o'·er.,me him .r><! he ,u"..d the wheekh.;. He ",o~.d ,h. ,ongue ,n ,nd OU'. '" ,nd Ollt. bill Ihe b,ok ...
•round ,n order len", the room. It, ,h., moment he hend III< pIll ... ye<! In die lock. He hcud her ""lk"'l "p ,II< Otlt,.do
...und of '"01'hcr en••nd he kncw th., th.. "n.. 11 ~. Itnn... "epl.
He w., e')',nll no...•••"'..... nd U::ln "",,""g logo'.... down
.... fl«. 'Con,e on . eome on __ . <:orne on,' Th ..
Ol.AP'TER NINIl ume the tongue IIlO"e<! flllther uo. hut ",II .- fIT mOtlgh for
die doo, to c...... He he.rd the .owxI of the keY' III her h.and
He ""•• filled .... Ilh the JI>OI< eX'l'CnK teoror he Iud eveT kno....... OtIt..Je the fro"t door
.nd he feb .. gu...y .1 • child who 1u< been nught ....obng • She <>pmed ,he door >!WI ttl... It. It, enctly.he ~me tune ,he
ag.Jl'Clte. I k rolled ,he ""hcek.....11 ou, of.he .000n .. quodly •• \od; on I'~ur. door lUddcnIy d.~.-ed >!WI he dosed hi, door 0.1
he could. P'U$IIIg on ,he .....y only to look .nd rruke Wre dut lilt ~., ,lui' SItt ....Sf . .,.... But the IIOilt of the f,ont door
nex/ung w" OUt of platt. ~Ie .,,,..,,j h,m f 1I...ght .t hi, covered lhe no,,,, ofh" door.
bedroom door.nd ,ried fO go lhl"OUgh" pen!. bur tho: ngh. ·p.ul. I'm home: Ihe nllcd cheerfully, T"e lot you, p.aper:
wlo«l cnlhed "'lO d... doot-fUIII<. OJ Y<'" .,.,tlr ,..,,,,>
l~ hi< He rolle<! over to ,he ..bk .r><!",n.."j to fxe the door.jlllt ..
mmd "'omcd .. lum. lie looked down. but t~ w" only. >h. fitted her k.y ""0 ,he lock. H. pllj'cd thlt ,he brok ... p'"
,n..11 ",ark ...Tely '00 .mill fot .... to noci«. would nol U"It .ny probl.n". It didn', She opo,.."j tile door
He he•.,l dl< nolle of her tI, on the I'Olld .nd 'hen ,,,ming in ·P.,,1. de... you're <:o~.rcd In ,"·ut. Wh" h"'e you ~n
tow.rd, the h"use '0 p.>rk. He rneJ to mOve Ihe ",hcelch.i, domg?' lIIe .,ked ....plCloudy.
geudy through Ihe door without hu"y",g. but .g"n he h.d <0 .[ dunk you know. Itnm•. 1','. be.u 'n p.m C." 1 h..·• my
hold on to the f..",. ,nd pull himself th.(mgl> It. lit lOll II< w.. .,blell nowl'
in the roo"', 'You It.: ,h. Uld. 'You ,.,l1y ,hQuld,,'1 nuke nle .ngry, I'",
Sit, 1t#1 ,I"n,tl '" {"rry. h.,,,ld hi", ..lf, II ",ill I"kt ,."Ii"" 10 ~tl ,n.", ,,,re you'll I••.", ."d ,hcll "'c'll be >'Cry h,ppy logethe', I'll go
"U, t>jlht ,."",dbring II,,,,, I" II" h,'uu. YO" I,""t • fltv mi"u'l' <Jill. ,nd get yo", pill. no",,'
H.lIlltled lli,mc1f ,ou"d, gr>boollhc h,,,dle of dIe dom ,nd Whil..... w.l Oul oflhe rOO'" P.ulp,,-,h.d Ihe p.. keu of Nowil
pullet! It '1< $I\ul, Olltsid•.• I>e .witched ofT lh. e••, eng"'. which h. h,d !>ken >I f" .. he c,-,uld ulldeT the ",.Ure. . ofh" bod,
Now II. h.d ollly '0 p",.j, '" the tong". of lhe lock ","h hi. They would be ~re .her." long .. >h. d,d,,', t"rn ,h. m>ln«•.
finger. lie hurd ~ c>r door d""", She Ume buk .nd 8'" him tb,.., .,ble«, .nd ",,,hln • f.w
The l"",,". heg.n 10 mO," - .nd lh.n 'oIOpped It w'"' 1I0ck. m,nute, he WII unConK"''''. Ile'd had 'ox "bkll now ."d II<
It"odler O. door ,hm: she ,n"" h.v. got ,II< gr<X'Cn« .nd "'.II c~h,u..ed. Whe" he wok. up, fou"..,,, hOIlT. h.d p.,,,,d

p.per ""l "f,he It... ,nd 11 wll 5I'I0w'''1 01"" OU,""".

''''r~ you .11 righ., P'ul? Arc yOIl lloing to ",...,,,? Anyw.y,
CIIAPTER TEN wh,. 1'", "ying i•• h.. ,he w.y ,hc hero csc.~d w,. often
unhkely. bu••l..... y. Then DOC weck Rocket M." WI< Ill.
h w.....,,,mingly ~ ..y '0 \lan wti,ing about M'loCry .g.m. It Of. He w .. tied up ond ,he C,r hld nu h.,k". H~ d,d,,',
h.d been • long ,irn~ .nd ,hnc w~"" h.rdly ,ok.1 (l.cumll.nceo; any sp« l equ'pmtn,. We ...w hun m the lilm >ftugglmg 10 ga
bu. M,~ry', world w., eM'p, and r<'fum,ng ,0 " fd, hlr.o ftff; "'e h,m ..ill >ftusshng Whde'M CoU" "'...,1 off'M edge
putnng on I n old, f.m,bn gloy~ of I mounllln and bu... JOtO \Unstl. I >p(fl' dK ...·hol~ ...·«k
Annie put down'M lim .hl'« 1"&'" oh"" norw 'ypcynpt. "yml'o gu"' ·h•• would h.pP"'. but I couldn't How could
·Wh•• do you .h,nk'· P.ul."ked- he csc,~? It w"
rally <'Xe",n,. I the fi... '" do<" qun>< If
'h', "'" tight,' ......1d the OI>Cfn.lo ,..., nexl Wttk. And wha, do you thmk happme<l,
·Wh•• do you me"'! Don")'OU lih ,," Paulr
·Oh. In. 11o"e ... Wh.... Ian l",!oed her .. Anti .. wa' v~ry 1"uJ dldn', know 'M ....Wa '0 her qun.IOO, bu. sh~ WI>
,Wtt, of y<>U.o ,..., .fter mt" nIh" of cou,..,. H~ h.d eMa,td. And ,he wn.. ng hid !>«t,
a,,~,. h<: ,hough. [0..'.. IwN'. Ioo' ..... ybt <!'w•. wooden, '00.
'Th~n ...hy" i, nOt "ghl?'
'll=u~ you eh~ ..rd: Ihe expl.ined. 'Tlle doctor eom"-
'The ..Dry .l... ·'"&
>f.tted by sho... ,he cndlllg from I...
",«k, So we s.ow Rocket M.n '" ,he e", bu, .h" lime.
whc" he couldn', hn'c come. A, ,he end of Mi,,,y', Child jUl< before .h~ co' re.ched ,he edge, [he si,Je-d<>or ilcw 01'~11 .nd
Geoffrey .ode.o felCh Ihe ,Iocto,. bu' hi, ho.'" fell ,n,1 bto"'. Rocke, M," fcn O"t on '0 ,he ru.d Then ,he e.r wen, over .he
leg.•",1 Geoffrey bruke hllshoulder ."d 1'1' '" .he •• i" ,II nigh. edge. AII,h~ ".hcr childrell ill Ille c1l1em. wcre ehee,m!; Ixe,,,,,,
\I".il ,ho 1110n,i"lI. whw ,II" hoy found hUll. ","d by ,hen Rock~. M," WII ..fc, hut I w..,,'. oh""""g, No' I <toad np ,ud
M,,,,.y WI< d<ld. ])0 you ~r ....oll.ed. "TIm i. wrong! Are you .11 ""rid? TI,i. isn', wh..
'Y",,' Hou. ~'" I ,(Oin.~ 19 pit.!#' ".,? Hou' (~n I ~"'W MI!#'ry ""''' happ"ncdla" Wttl:! The)" chuted!" I w~1lt on .nd on, .nd d\(l'
'0 11ft U·;,hoUl .lIorolli"t.' .he ",.n'gor of ,..., CUlerna e."", .nd ..ked mt '0 k,vc. "All
'Whn> I W'I' • ch,ld: Ann.......... ying. 'I ,,!oed '0 go ,0 •..., righ,. I'll I<lve," I <old h,m. H.nd I'm n~VC1" coming b.ack,
ci,... m,~,y"'ffk. W~ hvC'dln Ibkcnf...Id,Calofom'•. TI..-y-'! b«aUloC .h.. is ju... dm}" <.'" ".
'0 ohow Ihort film, .nd >t 1M ....d I"," hero - Rock.. Man or Sho looked .. P'ul.•nd "1..1 sow ck.. rn",dC'I in Mt cyn.
lOIDdIody ~ ..... alw.Y" WI "ouble. p.m.!" .h<:cnm,,,.h had ..~d Ahhou,h oM wa. bnnf!: chlld,sh. 1M "nfalm", oM fd........
Inm '0 a du.. ,n • bumlnl hou>c, o. M w., unconJnOUl ,n.n .bIolutdy re.l for her.
XfflpU ..... n... M'o .lw')"n<"'pcd, but you I>ad '0 ...." unullM 'The ca, ......... OVC1" the, tdge and he WI' >flU m" Do you
....", ....ttk '0 find oul UO<lly win. h.ppm«! Ilovni lbote fil"". If "nderst.nd th>t, p."I? Do r- ~ ...",_r
I w.. bot<'d. or if I w.. looking .f,a IhoK hornbk child..... She J"n,pcd "p .nd P.ul thoulh, sIle WI' going .0 hurt !urn
do".. n,..i... I u!oed to IfY'o g...e>s h,pP"'ed nexl. God,I ho,ed b«... loC he wa••nother wn,~r who h.d chclted m hi. >fol')'.
Ihooechildtm. Anywly,lOn'CI,m", I ·.. "gl"lnd IOmCl,meol w·.~ 'Do> I""~?' She oci~ the fronl of hu "'in Ind pull~d h.m
w,ong. Thlt dldn', ""tte'... long h~ hero""'pcd In • f... w.y. for......d SO ,h" IhclT h .... w~re limo<, '""ehmg
I'.ul tried '0 "op h"nloClf It ,he p'<lure In h" In",d 'Ye>, Anme. y~ •. l do.'
of youllg Anme W,lk ... '" .he c;ne"1>.
Sh~ ,u,...J ., h;", w"h Ihll lllgry, bile\; ,u,~. She mUll "'ould (,II,h.oogl> 'he hole ""0 ,he world of M,,,,.y Ch~.. l>t"
><en;n hi, ,\"el ,h., hr w~"dlll\g tile 'fu,h.I>t"\lS< ,he 1<1 go of ."d htt lov~r1.
h"n. qU'<len~d down ",d m b,,1: '" her eh.".
'Th~n )'"'' know wh .. '" do:,h~ .. i,l. ."d len Ihe room.
Ilow e""ld he I',mll M lloCry b>ek '0 li(e? (;1l""'T~" 1ll.IIVEN
Wh~n he ...." • dllid I~ "",d hl rl.y • g.n... ,.II~d 'Can
You" wilh I group o( o,h('r d\lldf~" A" .dul' would ,un. 'Well" he .,ked .....' d'j.. I>,«. wh"" .10.. ""<'rIlp,,,d h,,,, ...,
"-OTy .1>0", • nun .. 1I~d C..d"'l COTrlg'''' W"hm • few il f.i."
KnW'C~' C""'T~kl' Corns", wOllld be ,n • hopd= ",u"ion - A"nt< '" on hIS Md. hold'''g <I... (,,,, .. x durtcTl of 'he
,ulTou",k.l by h""gry bom 1><:,h.I'" Then <I,~ .duh wOIlld pall 'yptKt,pt. Sltc looked .Im ,,,I<.
,lie ..-or)" on 10> QO>~ or lIo~ eh,ldr~n, 1tr wOIlld .. y, 'D.",d. un ·O( ro"'''': >hc ..,d.... ,( .h..y bo,h .l.".d)' ~n<w 'Il<" .",.... c.
YOll?' A"d ,1><:0 DI",el Q. one or Il~ OIh"t ch,ldren - h.d to - wh'ch he ,ul'pt><Cd they dtd '1,', rlOl Otlly (.lI. n', .1", good
,Ure ,lie 0I0r)' '11a'" ",,,hm ICfI second. 01" he h.d ",lcd. Exciu"g:
O",:e D.",el bId ,old IllS «ory. upll",mg 110,,' C..d ..... 'Sholl [go Otl" hc "k..d
Cornll:.n e..,'d fro'" lhe hom. II><: ...tull .\ked .1>< o,h" 'I'll km you ,( p'u "on'," ,he rcrllCd. ,,,,,long. lIuk ".ul
q\lt<f ....,,: 'I),d 1><:" And ,f '"OUof II>< ch,ld'en 1"" 'h"" 1> h".. d.d,,'1 "",It back Th" ronl1"on rem•• k "'0111<1 o"r< h"'e
In II><: ." .nJ 'Illff'<! ,h" C.....k .. Co.-nit'" JiJ - 'ha< whu \tt,ntd otdm.ry .0 hun; wlll"n Ann" W,lke. ..Id ll. 'I dodn·.
D.mel Iud "oJ "aI.n nllh, - lhen 0.n",1 w .... Ik>wnl 'o ....y ..,."." ord",,,y 11.
,n 'I>c It.n,.. 'You won'. h o k,lI me. Ann,,: he ..,d.·1 _10 go on.
11>t" r"les Ol.he g"'''' '" Ofe "x.",!>' ,he- .."...... Arm"', ruin. So ",'hy don'. you Icn-c n,,'o "'"le"
The "o,y d,dn', h."e u, "" 1,l«lr. bu'"dod b"'r 10 Ixf'''' A,. 'AIl "gh.: II>< ...,d She ,,<>0<1 up .nd qudly dlOrpt'd ,he
ch'ld, 1'.111 hId .lw.Y' b«n (l:ond •• ,he I':"n,.. 'YJ><"C"pt on hot ..bit...Id lhen moved ......)". h ........ ,f II><
S. (_~ l""',/'.I> \'r., 1(_. /'. _ w'ntr. 1 I...r..J ~"fTI_""r ""u .fnld of hemg b"l1\td tov h,m She w.. ,h,nklng of h,m
.......... '(.~. I""'~~.,~ ,'I.'~", 1'_,~.'" Lo. A":f<k< Nt ,.. 1 now ...he f.mott....,,!>or•• he one ,,·110 could up""" he-.- ,n .....
<"~. 17K", _" "Jr.y "11""f'1t ..."" "'" ... nr~ Hf'~' ,Jo- I ( , ..., ""gCl of h" boob.1td bu.n hn "',,1> the he>< wh,m h" word..
...... ~ lJtt IS 'IM ""', _ , , - . ""'r.j<w """". ~ .p J-.
,...... ,urk, Rwf ,... .......t. ~ w, f.-" _, ~, .,... M,,~'y, wIr;t. " ,... m".
'Would )·ott hl<.o re>oJ tl >II "·"le ,," he Hked
...- 'In"f , ...,.~ e II \ ...., rt"' "MI, 1, , -..J <~.. .,. Anno< 1n..1cd. 'Y...~ h wottld "" ~In..,.. I,k... hoot film. when I
,.,.,. , , ..... H .... 'I...' , loot if Y"" - _ ... , T"" -"r, ,- w"young:
fn:t"'<I' 1""'. /o_...At y ''I' •• . . l.. )"" ,,,,,I•. ,Jon> .,... Il~" '1 don', ...... lly ...... w nlY work hc-forc ,,', .11 finllhni.' he ...,d.
b.~. An"'" "nil" .,Id "on.! .. lhe- en.un.... '0 ,,"'."on.
Two h"
room. \he Jo<IOd I,... lonlt ""'c. ", •• ,h~ I"", ,"'orl H,' " .."
'rrU'1! f.u.nJ hc ,1,,1,,'

,,,ro:,,c he-r ,u",h"l: .hct,· He .....,

'bu, .h" " ••pcn>l
chop''''' by ch.ptOf·
A_ . W> I'd Ix gl>d 10 >how U 10 you
HIM' ,.... ,.........., . . .., ",xII,. <Jj
SMIJtm. he .hough. '11u, "",11 you do IOn,nh"'B for "ot?'
HI<) btuy .1 """11 M' y to k '0 hf. w ....~, I..- ,.., ,.. "k"'l: 'Whu"
"ell. Imk ...,n""l ,,, 01""" '" <I,,' !"pc< .n foon' ,,( h''''' h.. 'Fd1 ",.11 ,hoot "n''': hr ",oJ

Sh~ ""ilcd ~t hun wuh ,c~1 w.. mth, ·Th.. would nuK. me Anni. h""ied 0'" of ,h, 100"'" '0 "'«l 'he m'n. Why ,~,'
w,y proud,' ~hc uid. 'rllie-vc you 110", now.' ,m'i" hiff' '''''.... A""i,? lho"gh' 1'.,,1. "yi"l1 "0' '0 rhok.. on
Bl" 11 W.. tOO 131o, he' 'IllCrrllp""" do",d ,he hole on ,h, 'he do,h. IVI'r J~,,', yo" ,I"·,,, 101m ,"k~, rl'" kt,p "uii/r tk, ii"",. ,I
p'!"" for ,h. rell of'!>e d.y. TI,.. nun p"lled • ptcee of I"PC' <not of 1", pockn .nd g....e i'
Enly ,h,· "c.l """""tll I'~\ll W'I '''u,,~ "I' ,n btd w,th hio (0 Annie.<! to he 'Jl<Ilog,~",g Sh.. I""k.d quickly"
plllowo p,led ul' b<h",,j h"u, d"'t~"'11 • eup "f "otT" .nd 'he p.per .nd h<-~." 40 ,pe.k 1',,,1 ro"ld,,'1 h... who< ,h. w ••
looking 'I lh(>\,(" ",,'kl ',lIl lhe lu.kl "f the dO<'>' SudJetlly Annoe "'ymg. but h.. could Ire lltc doud, of tntl( windt f"rmed "' ,he
,uohed "'''' ,he '<><l"', he' "ycs wtde ""h t"" In '><'" h.nd .he cold.or III (ron. o(he, mou,h. :>h.. w'.lllkmS f." .nd w"'inS
hd,1 , pte.., 01 dodt, III ,h. OlhC'1", >O1ll< rol"'. her finge' ill the ",sn', (sc...
·Wh., -1' She led lhe tn... , h,,1e w.y f'om h,. ru. lO II... p.ul could
Ir w •• ~II he I....d "Ille '" •• y :>he "'tzed hllu w"h fngh'on«l no lonlter Ire ,lI<'m. oo.1y 'he" "'.do...... H....bze<! th.. !he h.d
"",ug,h .nd pulled h,m for"'·"'1. 1',," - lhe W"nt for d.y. - don. " ron p"'I""C' ,f hC' (o"ld,," <tt ,h.. 'n'''. Ih." 'he m1l>
un dll""llh h" ieit'.•"d he ",e."..,d. Th,· co,t,... n,p Aew ou' couldn'l ..... h'm. n... tJ... do .... ".) 'here (0' Ii... e ",mu,,,,.
of hll lu"d .",1 hr"h' 0" ,h,' Ilou,. Il>, ttN lh'MJllh' .... dUl Onee 1'.ul heud An""·1 VOKe; she tJ>ou"nll "'&1"\'••1_
..... h.d ,en, the ",.,h Oil dK' ,1.,,,, ."d ,,,,,, .Iw., ,... goons 'u though he """ld,,', hu, .h~ .rlu.l or,k They "'ere live long
pu,,'''' Ium nu..u'e< (or 1'.,,1' ,he cloth '" h" "' th ....1 ",.klng hun ("I
'Shu, up. ""pld" >II(" ",'h"p<"'J UIge"d~. ~,. ,,«I h" h,nd. <irk.
hdm.,j hu" .. nh the "'I"'.•,,,1 JU" 'hen h. 11<'..d ,......,."Id "f • 1l>cn , "'.., W1t y"·.lk,,,. Nd: ,,, hIS cu. "",h A"",..
r .. 'un"", nif , .... '()1,1 .",11"..·.,,1, h.:' hou... bch"'d h" She ' HIll t>rk"'/I.•-Ie 'urned 10 "'Y ,omnh",g
lie ope"ed h" "'....,h '" .... )' """",du"l1 .,od ..... p".hed the before /leu",. "'10 , a •.• n.d I'.ul could ..... lOtl1. ern"tI"" on
doth ",to i' It u 1001 h.. f>a'. r.........., '1""e,"/I he ...... dt'Ru,lrd II " ... OO...ous
·""peomplndy 'tUK't.· >he .. oJ "h he, ...,.J <10M: I.. hu. 'I .Ino ,hough, she w y, n... whole I ·" proo.h1y
.... m y..... 1'.u1. If ... """ve. lh" " ..., ,,"'hIllS - 0. C"m ,( I reg I"" her H cnz~ ,"d he dIdn', I,k , .he JOb of
he.. >()me.h,,,s .nd ,1""" . . . ''''lIh, lu"r h.;"J ""......h"'S - I ";,nmg her
,,',lIl,n hun, 11K't, )""', ,hen ",y;.;I(' Btu T"" """, Ir_ II.t txt<l_ ~f Ite, ». • '1"'" lhough.
'\he nIl 011' 01' ,he "''''" .nJ I'.ul h..,,1 ...... p""mg "'" he, p...!. 1fT"" JJ. 1"'" ",,,,,/h', Ill"',..... Nrlr Ite.
e.... bool'- No the 111m gO! ,n.o Uw: 0' .n.d .u,,"" '0 re......... ,,,,,-.r<h
Th..... gh d", ,J,.'w he ~'" .ll <>1..1 O'e <>I" "01' """ •.n A"" ·• , .... Ann", h1d .0 ........, e....... I""d", k> Uur. he could
dden)' mm g~, , I'.ul g..........J Ih.1 hr hur on 'm':n ......, her ov~ •• he rwmc of the "'tt,nc-. and 1',,,1 he.. J he.......ds
buw ...... b«.u«: Iw. "oulJ Ih",k •.t nO U(h" "'.',0,' 10....yono< '00: ·V.... 'hlnk )......'" ... cle e•. ,Jon', you> y .... 'hmk you"e
10 ro"'''. T'hr Ill'" looLcd .. ~~ ......,.1 oft" .." '''''' • lHg ""hed. hdp"" 'he orld '0 'Ulll rourwl W.lI. I'll 'ell
p.ul ..... ofl"" ""'gnK'tl .oil"""'" rom",>!'u ,tIC' hou",_ I.. t.., y.... lOmelh"'g. M ..... "'t! W I little dofl. go I" lI... 'Olin .1]
m,nd ,he", y,,'ere $C"< .... I vefSloUl" ..r .. h... lupr,'t><'d. but our O"rr bog ",hed•. WI.., do yt>t> 'htn" .bou, '.... 1'·
'hLnIl w" ,hc ""'~ '" .. "'y Hit..", lhe "u, ol...".tcnrJ P.ul's When.he m... h.kl dn y. Ann ... """'"" Nck 'n'" 'ho:
lof" house. SlIC' "'u, lhe i'''''1 J.A>r h. loud NIll! ."d .... ull.... w

tlmlhe w» e~tr""'cly '''gry. He w>I frtghtentd If", her .nlle r """e. A"C: YOIl Ihowtd mr th,. 1 "''' going wro"lol. w",mg
with tho " .." wo"I,-I becom~ ,nller with h"". olhe, kmd. of hook •. Four hundred doll"l i, "o,hillg f"••11
She come '"l" his room ond beg.., t" ""~llt ,.ound. w.~ing tlw Ify,,,, dO"'1 r,k. tbr ",,,,,ey )'ou'11 ",.ke ,,,. f,d b.d.'
,he pttee of p.per in hOT h,nd ..[ owe th"", (,,'e hundred don,.. ·Wdl. ,f you ...y '" ... All right.' ,hc ...,d, "",11 "",I<.
~ "'y
I>X. Ile \.>Y" I how"t been I"y"'g 1h< .. Xon my h""..,. ht up. ·They.1I h~te me. you k<>ow. They·.-c ~Il.g""" ,ne, 1'.,,1.'
I)illy ,.X' I)"ty uwyen' J hue l.w)·u,!· 'So )'OU mUlt p.y the.. d,,,y ,n... 1("l>y,' J'.ul ... ,d 'TMt'n
I'~"I d'OltN ~"d mcd to ,pc.1t Ih..... gh ,he cloth. bu' "'C !how ,hen,. I bel tltere ..e <>Ih.. people on the to",n - the
dMln', 1«'" notlet. Sh< "'... ,n • world u( h" own Roydm.",. fo. enmple - who MVCIl" 1"'" ,Ile.. ux... for
'r",. lIf'oolmi .rwJ .." J,.,n.,.!· >he """LIed. 'And they "",d )"0'''' They're JUll try'ng 10 you go. Ann",.'
""'1C'Ol'O' OUI hcTc.o '~Sll ",'hen Ih<y Itnuw 1 don', W.n' ''')'''''' 'Yn. I'll ~y ,I><u .. "pod tu...: >he ..", 'Thll'U trKh lhem.
h<re. IloId ,h<m. Now h< "'"Y' dtO)'"lluke "'Y hou.... w.y from Irs>on. l'II .. ~y Iter<: ... d '1'" In thei, cyn!'
",e ,f! don', pn ""'" • She "'...." .o.nd (<tchtd h" w.nn. The t1tont'y .... .e,ll on u.
Sh< ~"""".m,ndtdly pulled lite po«e uf d",h from hlS mouth b." o~h... g "hod! <ho",'ed th.>, ,t bclonsod w P.ul Sheldon
~nd ...,,1 ,w.llo",'ed gre.' """'Ihf"b of .11 ", .ehef••r),.,g "'" Iud gon<. He rcmocmbcred goong 10 ,he hlnk .ud uk,ng Ih<
10 be IoKk 'My lund. . h< gnpcd money OUt The man who Iu.d done w' h.d fdt (lOOd. Ho hid
'Wlul' Oh. "C'. Sumetnne, y<1U'rc ouch • hlby.' She pulled J.... fi",lhc<l FOJI em.nd ",... f<,<llng )'OID1SO' ,han illS ajl;t. II"
h,m f"......'J .Il~'" - ",-h,th hurt 'Il''''' .",1 IIrMICd h" lund•. '1 Icp welC not """Ino ... d:s.
P~Y ,n) tun.' "'" 1'r<M""ni. '1 JII" ,h" "n", [ JU" . He gove AIt"'" ,he "'~ .uwl .he bent over ond kll~ h.m
You"'e htc" kCC'l""jl; lltO '" buoy , ",. ,Ite Itp', He smclkd 1M foul ,mell wh,m COlt'" from ,he
).... j.".'t-'" Jod~', Y<"". tI,,,,... ? I'"" rrt r~ ",Ui ,,·,rt,lunt Kt'" rotten pt.on ml-Mk Itcr '1 love ).............,d.
,,"m,.I, "",, y"" (.'.<:<" 111i, i, ,Itt ft'" Ill.... 1"'" ',., .r.'t"I"~ .~yrh,~ 'Would you pul me in ,Ite w!M:ckh.,,?' he ..,d. 'J w."t '0
,hu ~,.(, ,,~'r ,j, I" J.u, tI.m,', l"""'" K'I""~ "'<''''", .... ~·r r<'''' wnle.'
I'""',, ".'''ng y""'" "'C'r
I,' .l!'t .I",k dar. I'...., bI."k p""<>J•• ,, 'O( OOUI1('. mr de ...' .he replied. l1tcn shr left to go 10 low"
gtll"t,II I""J:" 0..J ".PPOllng ",e'" .(lr" .\/,,./ I,,~plt (a" ",,,.lIy Wholt .he wos out P."I Il"lochd ,he doo, - he now h.d four
'",'"0.l:r ,11m li"'I. • ,oJ 1O",,","rI - "I I ,'""k y." k,,,,,,' - I/"y t,1, ""der Ihe "'>It""', 11ex, 10 rhe .. blel. - .nd '"ed '0
."'.r ,""I< ••'''' ,'try ".'''r ",,,.,,,. flu, 11,,,,'1 " l>a,Jr, btlw,,~ dc." lho m.rk, On ,he d",,,-f,,'"e.
"""'"X",lIlr ,"",I...." ."d "",n,,,,,,.~,,,M, 'n"d,,(!!. ,,,"I y,",'", (rrnn.~ Th,eo weeki p"""d, Although the.. were Inne' wh,~, h. felt
ri"", 'oJ" "'''~ J"y .. ",,,1"0" <1 r"" k,,,'U'! ,I dOl( In "'''I, )l.ul w" on ,h, whol, """'HI,ly I>,I'PY, lie W>l
1'",1 h.d .1",110.", ,de•. '1 owe )'''11 "')' hr.,' he »it!. '",<1 I'", ""joyilt8 wri""8 the bool. U'u.lIy the Ill!»! he could wrile W1<
jUll' ",,,,,,,,,"e to \,ou. I've got .00u' f"", h"ndred doll,,, on my tWo nr ,hr«, lugel • d'r, hut he w., 'ooneU"'", w,,""g Iwel~e
",.net, I W>1" you 1o ,I.' p.gcs of .11'11"1'1 R,,,,,,, w.,
In • a.y' Hc ",,1, •
Iov'''g 'oguin
·Ob. 1'.,,1. I ,·""I<1,,·t.' She "" .. ]<K,king .t hu" ,n n,nf"""" ."d .... hhy hfc. Aunit "'" cooling b"n th,!:C ",e~ll. d.y. Ito
."d ple.''''<' w.",', d.."bng '''y .1<01101 or ,onokHl8 "g..,,,tO" he luffered
I'.ul ,It"led .ud l1icd '0 look •••",.-c,e ~. f"""bl. ·It', y""...' f",,,, "U"" of llll ",ual he.d..,hc<. He woke up in lhe I1\O''''''g,
Ite ~;"d. 'You U..N 1""0 h~ ..., )..... k""w - M,,,,ry', •• "'ell .. .Ie b...H.... WO'lkcd, b.d lund>, ,k", (or • wIllie, worked

.g'ln. "e 'I\.i"
."d d,~n ,Jep< h~~ • b.b)" .11 n'gh, long. TM,e chm. Sh.. ''''.... d ."d Idl """'''''1 'I"'.k,,'g ~,,()(he....",d, bcto,r
w .. n<>lhlHjt .1", (or hlln '0 do - """hlnil '" ,,""n'p' 'M h" ....'n"hrd ",,"" <o"lJ J"f"ncudc """If ,lo.. he h.d .e.lly >em
'00""". l.,k•• (or 'M book w,,,e "<.><>d,ng In'"
hI' mUld. e- hcr do ,lu, "he c\ ,tw: Jo,J•• nd locked "
1"'" h, I ,~" lie he•• J hcr ... do"" ,.. II f..-o"me dull. There ,,-.,
Th.." tM t.m .-.n...... no! e....n ,h'''j: (h."~,,,1 IIlenee. She J,J..', ''''I,h on tI TV .. 11"'-'1. Shr ""J'< , .....
",,,nil. ,h~... J"'I .u'm!: ,h.. ,e 00"1: .. u,.11 rtght,
The" ,".,r
".~, ,,,,,,,,d • ""1l1e. ,hup ",,,,,,1 wh..-h ,,-.,
r:ItAl'TER 1"\\'1:1.'110 ,,,u,,,,,,bbk ,I", 1,.d h" her...lf. hm1. '" the I,(c.
Hr re",embc,,-J ,e.,I",~ Ill" wh~" null I'c<>pk "." 'n
The b<1\",ninj: n( AI"') w., li"e. "Ih. 'II" ,h"",' ,-,("". d .... bc<om~ dccpl)". ...nuu,h- <lrl'.e""d, ,hcy hll" thcm",I~e<, Th"
hlue .~, .".1 ,t w .. w,"n e"ool\h t" ",d, "'",. ,·t ,1... "'ow. "Sn." tho ' .... of. 101'1\ J"f""od o( dcp,n,CQIl. He " .•• <lklJc,,',
MuJ ....... ii'.', ~.n "' Ipp.-Jr '" A"",e'. f,dd Alii"" """"'.. ,,.... ..ny
,ook l'.uI .., hIS w ...... l.h." 00"l ot .M "'...."' ... ,hr h><k, .,t.! k, She h.d,,·, .«"rnrd b)" ..k,·en tNt ",onunll. '" 1'.,,1 dcnck-J
h,m .., '" ,.... su",h,nc ."..1 ,~..I I t>ool ')h.: .. n~ "I"k W '0 try 10 get tn'O ,hr "·,, br h,m",lf; hr ...-... ,nI '0 ''1 ""
",,,,ked .10• .11I.1 ,he h,......... ,t.! Ilul'ho...t >l./"h... ,t", hc.,J or, d.. ...·...k. H .. ~.• hhough " hun 10,,,, ~ lot, ....s l.....olk-d
rv !lhe Idt tIl' ill",t ,,,,Io<h..t .",1 "1""11 "I"I.-.hc " •• '" tbe h,,,,,,,lf over '0 .......ble
hO\, .... 1',,,1 ",,,,1 ",,' '" ,hH1~ <It th,· """, ""'hll)1\ ",.I umu'~'­ Hc hc•• <1 'he ley j" ,h~ lock, A","e "'.. looklllK '" " h""
"'1'1""" llld bOT <j'e< "'","ed bl,ck b"k. j" h... f>ce. He. ,ight d,..ek w.,
nle' """"'''1\ nl do<' f",,""II,h. h",,,,,,,,. "'..'
",,,,,l)' .no ,h,ll. '",rllinll up .nd .he h.d be.." (.'mll J"" wilh hr. IUlul, Shc
""I A",,,.. ch."g:.. J_ "h.. did,,', ...."". """ h" ,,"'HI
",,,h I", Iook.-J ., h,m ."d 1',,,1 1ooI<.-J ., he•. Neilhc. o( th..,,, ",.1
"bk.. ulI,,1 "n.... "·d,,,:k .• "..1 "'V ,ben II< ",:...,Jr.'J ,hem qUl1e ."v,hmg for ....hik. Out<oJ.t. the Ii... drops 0( u,.. h" ,tw:
ludl)' - >0> b;odl) du, I>c "".,ll I'" "",.... ,,,"" umln ,he ...·....sow
m."""'" TMn. wMn "'" ,·.nK, she ......"Il '" IM:, lIlS...,-duthcs 'If)"OI> em get tnlo llu, ctucr h)- )"0".",1(. I'~ul: she UHi .,
....1 "'" 1><00!:'" h"n (111)' ,1M: ,.bk«."o brc.kl"•. llw:o-.. w('te b". " ....... 1,h,,,k )'OU (:.In f,llm )"01>' ''''1\ "upod ",,",:
,ed ...... l, on hc••"''' .nd c......L•.•"d he, "k..l..... ,,·c... ",n.y She dod ,he ..100' and locked" '1\'''' ra"I .., look,,'f.: .. "
"'"'" .p,lkd rood, ').... dUl\llni h~, te......1""1l ,he .-omd",. lie. 10' • long lImc, ., ,f , ...... e "''' ",,,,«h"'l1 '0 ...... He " " ,00.,
h", "'4>,",,,d,' ",d h," ,'ye< "'~,~ ,],,11 ''''1''''''..1 '" dll ,,,\,,hll1l\ clio<,
'Hert' Sh,· ·,h,e".. ,10,' pill> .11 I",,, ,,,,<I t1,~)' f.. lI ,,,(0 hil 1.'1" H~ did,,', ~ he. 'lI:.i"
"IIIil l>tc in lI,e ,flcrn""n Afte. her
')..... 'umeJ '0 ll.". dTJKl'm~ I",. Ie," ~'''l "'o.k ".; ,,"possible A, ''''0 1Il ,tw: If'emoo.. ,he 1"'''' ,,'.,
'A"n"," ')h.. \t0r .......1 "nl",u' tI"""'l:
"KIIIJ ·AIII''''.•,.' IOU bid rnoogh (u. h"" '0 uk" '''~ '~bkl< (.om under 'M m1l'......
~ll .,Sht" Thm he <lcI" on ,tw: bed.
'N,,: >he ....01 utd<->>1y•• ,..s tu.,....1 to f... hu" She Io.>knl~, When he woke up tw: dM>ughl .1 Ii." <lu, he w .. ,nU
hun ,,' th" Ame dull "')_ She: bcos'" '0 p".rI, her \O>W<". hI' d m111g. "h '00 , ,g.. (0< .e.1 hfe. A"" "","
bel ...·...... he. t''' .,..s thu",b ~ pullnl " "UI .ud 'wm.-J II. "lUng on , SIde O(h" bed" I hand ll... hdd. KIn, (ull o(
",h,1e 1'",.. h"'l: "h"d D."!" of Mood bel\'" '" (,II Jow" ht, No~ •.r I,bk "'hieh ...... plued 011 ,.... I.i>k ....x, '0 hI< bed III

.,. J5
ht. o,ht, h.nd woJ ~ '~I-lr'I'. Thn~ wo. ~ g.ey ra, 1Il "
The' '''I' h.d b.oken ,ht ..,', b.ek. The,", WJ' blood or"u"d '"
mOlllh, but" w"" ",11.lovt. II wo. :ltrulllh"lond l'I"eaking.
ThlJ WOJ no d",.m Ht ",.httd <Iu. now "" W.,
Jtt:Inll I""
.tol "nn",. Sht Ioolr.t<! ",rnblt. Who't,·.... Iud bftn wronl wllh
htr ,b; morning w .. much won<' by now TM fIcot.h on htr
"",mt<! 10 .. I dy "' I"" d ..lnn on htr body, Hn trn
WttC bl.nk. l'ht.t t'" IDOft.t<! mJlko on "". Jlm,.nd h.nd"
.nd mo", food .p.ead httt .nd ''''''t on htr clochn.
She held up ..... 'up. 'They conIC' ""0 ,h~ edlu ....·hen II
"''''.' >he e",pl.i"ro, 'I pu, down tnp'o I .Iw.y, ~ •• ch ~'gl1t Or
n;nt ..f them, So",ellm'" I find othe.. -'
She went bl",k ,he", She just "op""d l"d went bl.nk for
" •••ly tI"e<: ",inut"'. holding .h~ ... tbe li •. The only ",und,
wt'. the .>t', ><]u~oko. Y¢. Iho.,~h, 'hmgs (""Id,,', t" .""«', d,d,,',
'I""?YD."'''' WRQ;VCt
'- d.own~d on ,h~ eo.n.... PonT !hongs!' Sht 1oo1<n1 do....n 01
,he r,' ond. ",,, f~U on '0 "' fu•. '1'00', poor ,hm&,-'
She clooc<l """' .. f ..... "tons hond, O1....nd the n, .nd ~.n
'0 Jqt>«1't Thc ••• :ltTUggkd :and ....h,ppn! ttl uil Ikk .0
"de. "nn",', t"Y"'........". ..... ,Iu, b1mk, ""'.n, look 1'.,,1 w.."t<!
10 look '''''.y, bu. COUIdn'I; " w.s dili":It,,,., bu. f.lCln..",s
"nn't', h.nd dooed tn'" I fnt, I'.ul ......d ,ht ",', bones b",.k
.nd blood ron OIl' of It, mOlllh. "nntt Ihrtw ,ht ~ru"'ro body nlto
• cornet of,he room. Somt of,bt ,..', blood WI> on her h."d.
'Now"', ..,' .ht .. id, .nd hltght<!. 'Sh.lIl g~l my g"",
I'.ul? M.ybe .he "c",' world ;, bcrrn for I'""ple ., well OJ fo.
rau - ,,,d people >t• • lmo" ,he .. me" r>"o"yw>y'-
'W.i. for mc '0 (,,,i.h.' hc ,.id. It w~. ha.d to .<pc.k: htl
mouth fel, ,hick ,nd huvy. 1'", tlD«" ,. Iltot~ '~"M /,," ,"" b,,"
OM "'1 lifr, he though., HI""«, ,lit "".IU i,. SIor'J., "'","'., ,Itt
""sHnJ "'... "'",." ~IJ ",.wit J-"1 wji>", lr,II",: ~i"'«'!f - .tWI
"'''' ,~,, Itt is w,•• t-xJ """'-I.1t.!j..,Itt,
I.. Itt, .,/or. ""It.! ..... ,."',Jp "'N'"
.,.... "..,.1uJ Iorolotlt ,Itt , ,
"'~ A"'r'"
lit" 'MII"y1' me .*cd, .nd I'.ul,hough. - or hoptd - .lut ,hc-tt
....~ ~ .my uK" ofbre ,n "" C)'a
·Y..: WI"" ,ho"JJ !" '"~ ,,'xl? How 'o"IJ h, ""P h" killi'lg 'How long w,1I yOIl be .w.y, AIln;e?'
1",,,,"[ ag'''e ,h.1 Ih" wo,ld·,.n .wf,,1 pl."•. [ m •• n. I'v" ~n 'I don', know. I've b.OI,ghl yo" pic"')' ofp,II•.'
'" $0 ",Ilcb p"" ,h.lor I.n f<'w weeks. blll-' Ru, u.h,,, ......,fooJ> A", I ,uPP"«J,~ ,."h., M?
·P.",?, She lIU."uptO'd h,m, 'You .lou', k"ow whal p.>1ll ". She kft ,he .oom .n,1 h. h.,...." to he' w,lk",g ••ou"d 'he
I'.ul Yon h.ven·' .nv ,d". at "II.' Sh.luokcd., h'm wllh .on- ho","" Se",ng re.dy ,n go. He "ill h.lf eXp<'<:'ed be. ,,, Come
«n,p', b.ek ",,,h he. gu".•nd he didn', .eI.x u""l h" be•• d Ih. e.r
·No. I ,upp<I1C "01- nOl "''''p...d w,rn you .•"y",.• y d.soppc."ng up the rood out>ide.
.,l,.l'l nght '
'llm I w.,,' '0 fimlh 'hi, book. I w.n' 10 s« what h.ppen' lO
M,Ior'Y' And I'd 10k. )"00 10 M ...... '00. llon', you w••11 to find CtiAPTEit THtRTEL'l
ou' wlu' Iupp«"?'
Thcf. "I" • 1",,0<.• lC'tnble ........, for • few o«on<h.. .nd Two houn ..,.. p.ul unlocked I", door wlIh ....."·pm for t....
">n' ..
~ ~. 'Y... [ ... ppooc [ do w.", '0 know ""ha, Lnt "me, .... hoped. He "'... dc'rrmllxd 10 <$ He hod
'lOp?",l. Tho.I'..... ""Jr,hlllg Icf. ,n II.. wQ<ld Ih.. I.ull w.n•. ' b..nk .... and .11 h" ubkn on h.. lop. ~odcw'n<let- ,.... downh,1l
W"hout «"aII.IIlg ",ha' ~ "I" JoI"g ~ Ix,v" u, wck the from ""....nd. e.'en of he Iud '0 <lid< .11 "'" ,...y ,n tM "Ill.....
w', blood oIT lit. fin]!:"", "'Imdcd to lOy
'I un ",II do II, 1',"1. I 0" \I,ll 1:0 .nd ~'" my ICun Why nOl Why h.d,,'t he ">c<lIO...::ape l>efo.-e? Wnung I"" book had
no"", bo<h of III ,ogeti>n? You' •• n.... lIur><! You know l ..n bccom' .n U","", II w" ''''e ,h.. " kept h,m .l,..e. ~""e "
,...."' let )'OU Ie.,·. hac. You',·. known ,h.. fo. lOrn. "m•• Ann... "'>on '0 w.n, him .l,..e: 1>< w.. h.. pel w .....,
1,."",,', y"u' 1."pJ'O'<' y"" think ,,( hh. ,., In > '''p. ",<>duong. book j,m fo. Mr. Bill " "".. ,Ir.. true thl! "" "'U
L1u' you .. n·, .... pe. You ,.n·1 1•• ,·. he.. bull roul<! go CIIJoYlng """"ns ,h. book .nd d,d,,'t to" au' now
",,,h )·ou ' h" did"" e.... Ann.. could dntroy the book if,he wlmed,
I' ",I f,,,('<'<1 h""..lf I<) keep h" .yr, lookmg "ulSI" Illto hen. H" .olled h,nll,elf mto ,he ,ini"g-,ooln. It hId boot" "dy
'w•• 11 IC" .ven"..lIy, don'l "'..... ""ie? II", 1\1 hk" ro fi",1h hefo.e. but now" w ... "''''', Tho-.r we'e d",y duhe! p.1O'd "I'
whl' l'v.,uTI",,1 f,,,I.· on .11 'he lIl.f,erl. Empty "om.i"o" of ,w"",. ,h,ng. of.ll k'''d'
She "Sh",[."d ,,<><XI "l'. 'All "gill. I ""'" h.v. know" ,h.,', - j.m, 'cc....e.",. bi,cuit,. Pep,i-Col, _ We'e .verywh.,•.
wh., YOl,'d "''''I, b.e.",e I've b.OI'SI" yo" YOllr 1"11" 1 don't There wI> "0 ,ign of "'y .'1'00'" or fork,; ... ""k "led her h.nd,
,<'",e",b", b'inlli"ll ,hem, hu' lone !I,,,y ''''. t IlOve to eu .w.y whe" ,he w.' '" Ii". co"d"i"". Ther. ",ere Ipl>Jhe' of ,eo_
f'" • wh,I., If I ,1o,,',. wh .. yo" u. I w.m won', "uk. '''y CTe'''' em Ih. fl,,,,. ,Lld ,he ."f.
,hITere,,'., I du d""g" yOIl ,..'c ... I g" ,,,,,,.wlle'e when I feel The figure o(the JlymS bird w"' "ill 0" Ih e uble, b'" ""'''
hh tI", _ • pl"e m ,h,' h,ll', lull" my L.\\gh",S Ploce, Do of the olhe. fog,,,., h.d ~n ,h.own i"',,' corne'. whe'. they
you .emembe' 11... I '"ld you 1 w.. ,o"""g bock lrom b.d b.ok." inlo ..h••p li"le p,.e"'. In ,he n"ddle of the Aoo'
~,dew,,,d.r '" he" I fou"J you m lhe "",m' I h,~1 I w., e""""11 w., 'n ov""u.n<'1l valor of dead 1I0we... U"dc"""h • "'lOll
b,<k (.om my L."gb",!>, ,n f.ll So"""me. I do I.ugh table "y • pho<ognph .Ibum. Don', "".. Ii".".. II" .. b.Jd ,Je" '"
wh." ['n, ,h<T". bill u"..ny lJu" "'...... '" . ,h,,,•<>u, ,'" ,..., .."'" "",,',..fn1inl Jep,....~d. A"",d
lie 'oiled ~cr<>l' ,he ,oom. S".igh, .he.d ....1 ,he xi'chen; on f.mily ."il of An"ie henclf wh.n 'he W>l y"uIl/lOt. Whe" h"
'he ngh, w., 'he h.lIlc.dlllg '0 'he f,on' door, He knew ,here opc"ed the ,Ib",,,. howO\·... h, found ,Il.. ;t w.l fUll of ""ri"
w" • do<>, ,,' ,he k",hen .nd he hop<d 100 llI,gh' get ou, of 'ho eu, (rom "ew'p.pct>.
hou", ,1m w.y. Bm f"" he w.n'cd 10 chock ,he f,on, door; h. The for>! two p.g.. ,old of ,Ire weddmg of An"'.·1 plot.""
nngh, gel ~ Iwpme. ."d ,he: b",h of he' elde' b'OIhe', I'.ul - ."<>tb.,, V.u) '" h.r hf.
lie tI,dn't. There were 'hr«lock, 0" ,he door. T,,'o of ,h.m - .nd o( Armoo honelf. She w .. bom 011 1 Ap"l 19-t3. She mu"
"'en Kre'gl - ,he bnt lock$ U1 .he world. A d,Otl...,d lulrpin. hucd being." Aprol fooL
WOtlld be u",ku_ And Annie of .<MI'' ' h.d ,he key. wIth her. The neXI p.g" .000""'cd • rep<>t1 Qf. ,;.. ,n .. houSt in
He ''''eoed do,,'" 'he ..... U ""d "'m' "ltO ,he The 8.kc"flOld, C.h(ornu, ,n 19504. Fi,..,
peopl. h>cl docd ,n ,he Ii...
rOOm "·~I r>ol .. ",uch of ~ ,......., ,he ""'''g_'oo,,,.•It''''''gh Th"", of Ibm> Iud bttn ,ho .hildr<n who hvcd '" ,he gfQUnd-
,here w., the ",,,,II of ",um food. Here" w., ,he me: "orr: IIoor 'P"Ullm'. down".,,, fron' the Wilkn (.n"ly (wbo h.d
,he door Iud 'k u",e ')'Item of loc-h. Roydm." y ou,; bttn Otll "f ,he hou II.. lime). "Jloc Ii... h~ .nflcd beau",
I'.ul, loUy" He ."'.gmcd he-< uugllll,g. of .. ng.a'''''' ,n .he n .
The w,ndo.... "-cr<: '00 high. E...... ,( he dod m''''g. '0 10...10 Ann..,'1 ........ tdIocd In P.ul'. mind; G>J. I Iwf.~ I~ ,"',..
OrM".nd l"'lllllmodf ,h.ough I>t ,,"ould prohably ~.k 10" hack ,~.
!.Il,ng on '0 ,he ground The" ho:-d h.~. '0 pull h,n,,,,lf 'Q
Plur, blood beg.n nm cold.
'hrough dttp mud .Uld ern" "I' to ,iN:' ",,><1 '" 'ho: bope of BotI ,It< ..... ....IT .Iew" rem ~.
be,ng ("",ud It ..... "01 • good Kk. T7s.ol', t>I~ ..-~. - .1cI ........1'. ,.. k, • ,_I. ""'" ......." I" lit<
A"",ho:. door '" ,iN:' l",e""" 10• .1 110 lock •. P..II opened" ."d ",II,,, "', ,10< ft- ,,,,,Lllig" .1""'14 pttrt>/. /,',." .LI''J(....'
..,w ,10.. II led do"'" "'n•• 't p >U'n '0 tI.., «1I.,_l1e he..J ,ho: funl,. "" M.r"" ,It< J"" ""ffI,J I. jnj'N'" ,10< ...J M'idr'"s.lIy
"l"".kmg of .....".1 ."'ell«l foul .,,>tll uf rot",,, .·cg.... bl... J,J ...." d " ,..... &1 fit< J,J II. P...I. Y.., " J,J"
lIe qu,.kly dosed ,he door. ~Ie ,um«l ,he .nil found. llo,y .bout ,he de.. h of
P.ul (cit ~P<"''''' The'" w" "0 w.y otll. Fo' • ,nomen, he An",.', f..her. He h.d f.llen ove, • pile of .10,10.... " the 'op of
,hough, ~00u' k,lhn& h,m",lf. H. h.d fom,d plcn,y of food i" Ih. ,Um III hll hou...nd broken hi' n..,k. The new'p'l'" ••lIed
•• ni 0" d,e k"eh,'" >l,d~e•.• ".1 .1.0 >U,,,e bo~., of """,10... it •. ellriou, .e"'dem' .
1'.. h.I" he ,h"nld just b"", ,b. wlrole 1I011\(' J"WTl III revense. 0" the n.xt p'l;e , "ew'p.per from l'" A"gdOl, )"",<I..d. of
.nd kill himself" ,ho .. nte time' milOl ffll'" lhkc"f,dd. u",d exactly ,he lime words -. '''''';0'''
,-\lory". I ",iii ,,",'. ,,, hfl mr"Jj "'"""",lIy. bur 1'1/ kill il" jim. .cdd."t'. Tilil ,i"'e It "'''' .,,,de'" ""ne wlro 1r1d f,lI.n ovc,.
'/"1", 'I my I''''''';''. I ",iI/ ""'" gi,', "I' de~d el' II ,he l"l' of ,h. ,ui....nd h'okcn Ir.. " •• k. TIr., "."'.
of ,h. I,.noll wll" Ih.,ed tlr. "ude"", .p"tme,\( ....1 Annie
W,lkes. Tire yoo, w>l 1'.lS9
ClIAPTER FoURTf.lo'" p.ul f.1t pu.e «"0. <>"" "I' III Ir,,,,.
The ',cr"",,," h.d happe".d m ,' 1'1.«. ~nd~, ddl"rr-
0" I", w.y h..k ,lrroullh ,I", .",,"It-ro',," 1", '"01'1"'.1 '" p,~l m, "",es. • n,1 no 0". h.d mIDe ,h. CtJrlncn,on Why <h""ld
op ,he .Ibu", 1Ie " .., (U"U'" ' " "'" rl""<>~fJpl" of """IC', ,hey? 1"~>l'le w~,e .Iw.)". f.lh,,!!: down ...,n.

" "
Why h,d ,he k,lIed thom? 1t. '~Illed to heu Anni.', .."w.n Then d,r,. w... roporc, f'olll .... uSUIl 1980, of chd, divnr,<.
in hi, nllnd. The .",wen We,e ,bloOlllcdy m.d, .nd 1'.,,1 knew It w.. d .... ,h.. ht h.d divorc..d h., mhr, ch." ch. o,he, w.y
,hey wer. rIght. 'ound. H. h.d und.",ood w",r,h,,'g .bout hor. M.yho he h.d
I killrJ /on ""~"st I'''' 1'1.~rJ I'''' ,• .1", I.,e ., "'!i/ol; I kilJ.J /on seen ,hr c.t at d.. ,op of,hr.uJr'- ,II. On.. he w.. ,uppolOd to
"«oult ",. In I,,, b<>yfrj"'J k,'u /lc, ,,," ,",,,h; I kill.J h" 1I«0u" I f.U over. Anni.. h.d ,orn ,nto th" repo't wHh a p"11 . . .h. w,,,te
,""ghl /It! ,hr.""I; I kiUrd ht, /1(,OU" drc 'aughl "'. ,/o,.'ing. I "iciou, wo,d. 'nOlI it. loO ch.c I'.ul h.d ditlicuhy ,e.dillg i,.
hUrJ." I. SIt "'.tI...I.puld Il'hOl dot, ,I ",.m...> She WOf jUII ° Annie movro to ......pll.I'" llould..,. Colorado. h w.. d ...
Miu Clro.... - Sl} I k,II.J Iff,. , w.. v••y hun .nd very .ng.y. bealuoe che killing.
Tho nexC 1"1It' of dlC" .Ib"", >howrd tlm Annie h,d gnd"",ed ,uned .g.m, .nd mOr" ofcen ch." befor.: ,h.. lIew.p.~' repom
•• , nu"" ,,,.1h.d got 'Job., S'}<n<ph', Ho,pi"l in I·enn,yl ...._ .'m. <"r.y f.w d.Y'.
ni•. The,e followed ~v<:ral palin COO".IIlUlg ,hon "ew,p'p'" God, lie", ",~"y 4i.l.1tc k,II' !Yhy 4i4 """,,y ~u?
repo"~ of, 'c ,h. ht»p'c.1. The,. w.. nOlh'ng 'U'I"C1QU< A' 10.., in 1982. AnnIC • m"lOk... She moved to c""
• bout .ny of chest de.. h~. M"", nf ,he p<'OPle "'e", old and had ,hildbmh dtp,"mtn' ofthr ho.p'''1. Anlt .. b.d arefully kep' •
bttn ,II for • loug Um•. St."ne "'ere y"""ll - on<: W"' ","en a 'coord of thr whol. "0'1'.
duld - hut .hey all Iud """0"' ,II"""". Of ,nJun... Killing .... ".-1>0'" b.b II d, f,om k,lhng badly llljUted
"'nd what " .... ,hc:tc "'pom dol,,!: '" .... nn ·, album' She "r ...nouoly IIl.duhL l:hb dol,', 0(,,," die and I"'Ople not;e" if
h.d ktlW them .11. 11lC" r<po<'~ w••• It) "",n ,Iu, ...,,=.1 could they do. 1'''''''<$ "'e .. ,,·ell. And Ann.. hod "."ed co kill evrn
rol 01' • ungk r.g. of ,"" .Ihun, - .nd the .11n'n' w", thICk. "".!shy bab..... ~ mu.. h" 11 mrd to "'" 10 be- 'poor.
Ag.,n ".ul .uk..,J ,h. 'luotoon' Why. A"",.' lI'hr kill lhest poor Ihmg,' by 'lOW - now ,h w.. rvm cune, Ibm
~.'pk' ""~.
Ag.'" "" hc:>rd Ann .... "0"", ..... omg "' h" m,nd: 1ltt_st Fi,·. bab.... <Ltd bet"'eal J.nw'1' and Moreh 1962. A .....p,..l
''''y ...... "'IS ,,,. ".p. And he , Anmc', tean f.lling ;""""'11""'" found nothmg ou'f"C'OU' .n th.... de.. hs - ,,·hidt
..... the ra. the ""Id ,n he. h."d. "'h,le the ..,.I; '!'-,."...,. '.'''1,,' w:n not ourpnsu>g, 'bough. P.ul, """ Annie "'... doc choef
0,.... ,he nex' few yt'.n the b.d nJO"ro fn,m ho>po..l '0 "u.... o(.he ......."men' .nd w •• probably doinK lilt "'....."11._
10"'1"..1 .round the eot"",)". The pme", '" ,he album w.. tIOn hetxlf.
. 1",.), thc: .,me: ro.... , ,he h.. of_' .....1"..1 ....If. ""b Annic'~ Another boby h.d dl<'d III Apnl Two.., M'r.
, .me .mons,""nl. ,bm P'ge> 0(11Io,. '''POrt> 0( "u,hL Tben •• ,"" beglnn'ng o(}un< ,he.. " ........,,"1'.1'" rq>On
In 1971l, mne ye... '1\0. the h.d 'rM"ro . . . ht»ptul in Wlth doc hc..w.1I" HVas. "",UIU QVUTlONfiO 0" .A.Y
>en....... Colo,,"oIo. Th.. ulU.1 P'lI<'YJ> beg... 'g.", wlIh. report O .... TH~. The pol..... " repo"ro ....ymg ,h.. the " ... not
of ,he de.. h 0( .., elderly "'om.,, Then ,ho; P"tt", chmgni. unde.......... nd '''''y "' not "".w,ns ...... 0( anythlllll: chcy
·n...... of "ron, of dc~"........ c " ......port of Ann..', w J"'" 'luotoon,ns !ltr. And .h.....xt daY' HVUI "'" Ll U n·
,..n.1t<' '0' "'." c.>llnl R.lph Dug.".• doctor. Th<-rr "'... I ".
photosrapll of,he hou~ ,ho;j had bnul;h. """tdc S.... wmdcr III SlIt had g<>"""Y with ,r Ho"," P.ul....,ldn·. 'm.g'..... bu, the
1'J79 'Iou """'". Scvct~l "N)",h, had p.......t wllhou, .ny Iud got ''''or "'"h ,t. Now. he .h-ough,. >he ",11 mO".. lO.nother
kllbng'. I, w.. unbel...... ~bk. bu, A""", Ill"," """e btt" h.>ppy! .....1',,.1.., .n"'..... ,own.llu' no: >he wu to<> m"".... for ,ha, no"'.
Th~ &0<1«, ""nl'J. 2 July: TIII 110•• 0 I co I'l T' .. Uu: TI'l '11
P.g.. :and p>gcs o( 'M .lbum conUlnt'd repom of Ann..'.
ureoc .nd ,n>!. Ann.. Iud 11'0 mdudcd. ",!«non o(ku.., (.om l'b<, "o.m ron.",ucd Ihroughou, the riot.., .uv. n..
,hf ofBouldfr ,Iu, h.d b«n pnn,ht ,n lhc n....... p>~n. [. n'Sh, 1M cloud, blew ..... y ~,t<Ilhc ,rmpc-r.. u"; dropped An ,II<
w>l dnr ,h" ohe lI,d eh........ he mO$' v:iciou, of lhc 1m.., - thoot wotid oU'loOck {mu soI,d TM rmd. werr purr I<e AnlU~
wll,,11 rcmm<kd h~r ,h.. ~v~'yo"e w" .g.'m.II~, .nd ,II.. n w•• couldn't eo1\1~ w.d, ,h.. dJy CVct, jf ,he w•• rrJdy '0. .
Ih,,', rault. The new'p'p<:Il!>tg.n tt> can h~, ',ho D •• go" lady'. And th'l w., too b.d for rh~ .0i",,\I. He could he.. ,"~ cow,
!Jill ,hoTe W., nOt en<>Ugh ~v,denc., 0" 16 D~con1ber the eompl.i"i"ll in the b.m: An",e h.dn·t milked 'hell1 .nd ,hey
hll'gt ....dmg in .II~ p'~' ,~.d: DRAGO .. 'AllY tNNOCII'lT! w~t< '" p.m. A, ,h~ day, p• ...,J II< h~ .." no "'0", "oi", {10m
Thtr< ""= plm,y mOrr p.g.. In 1M .Ibum. but few O( .hem ,he",.
hod b«n uot<l. A"".. Iud k~pt '''y (un..... rf'pOn, th.. the lI.d P."J'. roUltrlot y. nunng th~ d.y'imc h~ 'le food
0«f1 .houI 11K boby <k.dn.. bu, thorr• .......-K no more klJlmll' ..iUdO Ann....."OIlId noc n,,,, {rom til< k"dtm. She h." IIO."<!
un,d 1984. n.. Sl<kwU><kr CUlM hod ~,ht In NovcnlOO hundred. o{ Urn offood, .nd i, ....... ~.,y for P.ul ,,, .. k~. {~w
of ,h.. yo.. ,ho dncov~ of ,he body o{ • )'OUng m'n (llllht Un. {Tom here .nd • {~w frorr' ,her. 10 ,h.. Ann.. would no<
A"d,~w Vom~roy. Wh.t w•• lef, o(h" body - ",m~ btts h.d not"e. So hc hJd enough '0 eJ'. h. '....k hll .. bk-" regubrly.
!>ton cu, oIT wllh an RX~ - h.d borl1 found ,n' me.m bod ql1lle d~p' ~nd w.o,el", novol; in ,h~ ~V<'n"'g, h. pl')',,<!'Can VOl'"
• (ew mite. f,om,loe IOwn, How /., j",,,, "",,'I'.ul wo"de,~<1, wllh ,de.. ,bo", killillg Annie. A lu' o{id... ""'e", h"". but
H. wmed 'h~ P'll~ .nd l<>ok~d., ,h. Iw r~port in ,h~ .Ibum. milll uf ,h.", ..... ~,~ n"poss,ble or ''''' "'Il1plif":l't'd. Thi, W>I " "
For. momen, II,. brr.. h >lOPped' " w" .bou' h,m! 'Tht '~po" g."". ,hll ..·u h.. li{•. It would luv", to be ",m~,hmg '""pk.
""" onl)' ,wO ""t:'("h old. I. Iud b<en lU' OU' {10m ,"n<'1I"'!t~ In ,h~ ctld M wml '0 till' ""ehen .,ld cho:t.., 'M long....
.nd ,old how ·{.rnou' novd... V.uI Sheldon. Iou 0«f1 H'Vm oh.TJ>CSl bu,,11<". Im,fe II< could {md On 'M y b..,k "'10 Iu~
w<'d:•• go '" Bouldr>-. Colondo' w" mm,ns. Tht~.. hK room M KOppnl <0 rub •• ,.... n~w ",..k. II< n..lung on ,II<
"" ,~'...ed p."r,.I""" bu• ...., Iud r>OC brom worried. pr~bly door-{•• m~ l'b<, ,n.rk ere ck...... ,h.n be{o..,- &, " <4H,,,',
to« s< oh. 'hough, P."I wn ".ymg wnh a "'·om.n he had "'<Il'"..... ,hought. bn u JS ""'" dS ,Irr """..... /Irr Jim """ ,lot
m~,! Well, ,lu, w" " .. ~. ,hou!>h, V.ul. <omu. m'. "'y ,"""' ..
He pu' ,h~ .Ibum down ('''{<llly '" ,h.. Allni. would not ICC lie p",hed ,h. "mfe "lid"" ,h~ "'''''''$<, Wh~n A,""o o,"'~
lha, It h.d ~"ll1ov~d He {cit lI~k .nd clost' '0 le..... h. w"' go,,& '0 ..k her fo, • dri"k of w:lIer She would
OUhick, ,he w,nd .U<!<knly bkw huvy nIl' .!>"nll ,h~ hou,"" bend O"cr l<. g,,"~ i, u. hInt .nd ,h~lI he would ... b h.. lTl ,h~
.nd l'.uljumped ,n {~." thto... Nodll"g cornplia,"<!
An hour lu~,. {ull of Novn!. tho wmd lottmrd com{o."ng P,u1 dou:<I h.. ~)'n :and wan '0 sJ«p. Whtn Ann,,', 0"
ro,II<. ,lun {""h,.mnjl; He tI"""",,,. s.. ,M",'. _ -r'" e.n... wh"Jtl"'ng in.o ,.... form .. fOUl o'dock ,lu, morning.
1'....",,'/ nt~~, ..J s..~"" '. '''''' ...., "..,'''t./ol i .. H.Ilyw<l<1J .. uh It. ''''S''''''toJ ... ltgh...wilcltcJ uIT. he did n<.. n,o,·c. [,
/lol, rlot",'.~ ... ,k,,1t ,... .~.. '" em l"'" P""P C ,... 40 "' The .... onl) when ",. ,i-It ,II< '''"g ill ,h",« on 1m .nn JlIJ
only w.y ou, o{,h" w •• '0 k,ll h••. 1'". I (~" "'"k,·'o ....., her t"c d"", '" hI' rh.. h~ kncw.M "J, b.,·k

In hi. dr~.,,, h~ w •• >tung by ~ b«, SO~, lim he 'hought he w ..

In h" d,~.m <he be<: w •• dan",ro,," and he wan,cd dor'p<wely
llu, w:os no" Won Ann ••• voice.
He forced h" eyeo open. She was .undUlg rbne on rm,
lh~doW1 •• ,f "'" Iud """<1' been aw.y. weumg her lilly
cloIbn.. He .. w rhc .yrinle ,n her h.nd and wllkntood WI It
h.dn't been. b«, <he twIl'vm h"".n IllJ«l:ion. Bllt wh.t h.d
<lie -1
Fe.. c.,ne .g.m, bur hi' m,nd "'IS too dull to f.,..1 If mOllgly,
Whl'eve. dill' ohc h.d glY.... him WI!"g thing. unrc.l for
h"'l. He lri~d to lifl hi' h.ndl.nd" fd, •• ifth.. ~ w~,~ ;"vi"bl~
wdghll h'"~lIlg f'o,n th~""
11'1 ,Jo, 'Old, he thoughl. 'fI" ,,,,! of ,,,, "ory of 1'.,,1 SI"IJo",
CuriomJy. lhe thought .Imoll h,,,, h.pp)'. Th' ,,,J '1,h,
,HOU/."J ""J 0'" n;'~hu. Stunge, h.lf.formed ide.. hpt ,o""ng
m'O h" m",d ., the pow<1'ful d,ug crept "UO .11 lhe eomen of
h" br.,n.
'Thcre ,.,., ne!' AllnK""..! 'I ..,.. )'011, Palll .. ,hose bl""
eyn. DId r ,vcr Iell )'OU tha' I th'nk YO"' <yeo Ite \o"ely? BUI r
suppose plenly of ""omen MV' ,old you ,Iu. - .nd bold«
womcn Ih.n mc.'
She w ...""nll on the cnd of h" bnI She bent down to d>«l
so"," on the ~ and fo' • nlOnlCllt .ll h~ could K'C .....,
he, bro.>d, luonll Iud. II, heattl the ..... n.d< of so","I""1 n1Cul
.r>d ""nl,th>nS woodm - ."d the u",,,,,,.hbl, K>Und of. box
of m"chn..
Sileo [umed luck ,oward. h"" ."d ,,,,,Icd. Wh .."·,,, ,Ilt
H, '.~·I/v "n~t<' In IIu IuJ...s .~d ~,.J",looJ ,11<11 " W~', h,,~. "'ighl t"ve Il1pP"'ncd. lhc w., "" I""ll'" depr<Ucd. Th., n'"If
h",' ,II, h'- JI'"'~ h".. ... i..; "',.... be Kond. """,,,', 'I?
'Wh~t do you W~nt fi,,,. P~tll?' ,lor .. I:td. 'Thc good "cw, or H. ,hould f.d .ngry Or di"pp<Ji".td or IOnte,hing. he .ul'_
thchd ....w,1' p<JkJ, but.he drug mod.: '. ""po..ible.
'Good n."" !it'll: H. nun.. g.d ~ btg. fooli'" gnn. '1 wppooo ·Any......y. w. were IIlkmg .bou' )"00.1' en,' ""e .. t<!. '&rly
,h. hd I! ,10.. you don', ",.lly hh the book I mtd. 1 )'eSterd.y .ftc"""", I f.1I • Ioc bett..... I spntl mOM of !he "me
though' .. w~'IOlng .....ell.· up t.....e on my kncn, pr')'lng to God; .nd yoo know. P.ui.
SN Jooktd ~t h,m ..tIly. '1 J.o... 'M book. 1'.,,1. Why do you "'hen you pr.y IIn«rCly '0 God he .l.... yt .n,"·m )..,." pr.)'en.
thmk I ~<ktd you to fill in :011 tM "n'" )·o,..,dP 8«.a_ I don', [ kne..... wlu. [ hsd to do [ put tM <p«t.I,yro on the Clr. for
W'nnO ...,.d .ny mo,. W>til the end I don', wan' '0 'POd If.' dnv",s on ICC. snd dro... oIowly dow" from tM "'II<. I.......
P.."I·. druggtd gnn WltImod. [f"".Io"td dx book w wSJn', v..y d.ngerou•. p,01. bue I fel. ufe m th..."" of God:
gOtng 10 I:tll 10"" - .. 10.." not yet. ·TIt•••• vcry nICe. Annl.: I'.ul mcd to ..y. bu. the lOtmd~
Annt••n"l.d b>ok at him. 'n.. good now.,' ,h. u,d. '11 ,h., ....... tnd'.."'el: n,,,,',h w'r "ISIte A"",•.
your c-.. h•• go"., rv. OOn vc'y womcd .bo", n'.
your 1'.,,1. I '1 It0l'pod on the w.y down to look fo, your Clr. [ knew
knew only • hi~ "orm would w.,h ;t .w~y. When ,he mow wh.t I would h,ve.o do ,fl 5,lW it. I(;t WOl there. vi,ible, there
",dted in the 'p,i1'g the ","e, (,om the ",,,untsi,,, ws, ."o"gh to would he Gtlc"ion,.•"d I'd Dc the f"" one .hey'd GunltOll
wuh .......y th. body ofth.. dirty bt"II'orn.,oy. 10m • ear u much bec.use they know .bo", nI)' p.". AClU.lly. 0". of the '''IOU' I
he.vier th~n. m.". ,,,,'t II? Au. the ltOrm .nd tM n,d""gulo",' ,..."td you .nd brought)'OI> home w•• ,10.. you n."'ed th• ...,.·
...he ume lime d,d ll. You, ar .... , gor>c. Th..·, the 1D"fI now.: ·W..... do you m..n?'
Alsrm beU, flng In ... u1', m,nd. Who ...u Po",eroy? TIt... '1 pnkcd the.... In exactly the .. m. pI........ hm [ go< rid of
he remembered; the young mUl 'n AnlUC·. album. thll POItKTO)·.' She ,Isppcd nd trI con.m,pt 'He uid he
'Don't pmmd. I'.ui: ohc ul<l. '1 I:»ow yOll kno bou. "'11 .....n,... b", he ...... J"" .anot: d'ny blrd. He w .. hi.d••
Pomeroy. I I:now you've resod my album I wppooc l anttd b,k"'S.n<! I pocked htm "p. He ...1<1 "" " soonS'o Sid....·,ndcr
y<>U to ...,sod "; otlxrwne. why .......ld I hS''C kf. " ou.? lIu' 1 to do.j<>b !here. I .... "'m lU)' hcrc. W e Io"'n.· '0 be 'ute' -.n<! when I c-.. me b.M:k the h~Ir wa' brok...: Sh. Iooktd ..t ['.,,1. clulkngmg hIm '0 deny >t. He dtdn't oay
·H.,rl· he '"'''' f",n,ly. .ny,hmg, bu' he dtdn·. bel.............11
·Y.... [ re.d .bo", " ",,,, If you thmk JOmrone 10.., 'Thm I fuund Out .hst h. d,d,,'1 h..v•• )ob 'n S,dewmdcr. I
bc-tn looking th'Ollgh yo"r belo"gmgl you ,,,d JOIll. h.or OV<r looktd •• JOme o( hi. drlW'"gl .nd .hey t.rnblc. I could
the dr1wen 0' the hook or wh.tover. Thc" ,fth. [,," il bfohn h.v. d"Wll heller pieu""" He j" whilc 1 WII loobng,.
0' moved YOIl \;'now that wmeo".Il>l been there.' th •." snd w. h~d.ll .rgume"t. [Ie I,tlghed II 'ne, SO [ .. .' d,e bent Over thc end of the bcd. there WOl. the 'You bUtd hll": I'Wlllid,
lOund. o( JOmcthtttg meul .nd ",melh",g wooden. She le'C",ed unromrorllblc, '1 gue.. " ....... something like
'So [ crept ttl thn ",nrnmg: ,he ",1<1, .~. qUl.t ••• '''0'''0 - thll I don't «member very wdL [ only "'m.mber 10,m betng
.nd yet. all .hr.........,n were brok.n, 00 I k _ you'd hem tkld. I re'....mbet gIVIng hu". b..h,·
1ooI<",g.t my .Ibum: SN p>-uoN•• nd omilcd .g."'. '1 ......""t He.- 1ooI<td .. bet Slt<! '-"1. OKlo. soopy I>ocror lie rould ICt' tit
IUrpn...... I kntw you ....d hem ...., of ,he room 1l.or'. the bid hI! ""nd Pomeroy'. body 'n the h>,h ..... ,,1> no elothe, on. ern
t>C\O·<.I'.. ul 1'",' known for • Ioog. 100>1 lime' open.od .... nng up .. ,he mlms ...
nOl,ecd Ih"", ",..kl on ,h, dot>r ow, rhere ."d ... h,ed \'ou It,d
·1/,..J.o: <h~ 'You poob.lbly don'l know wh" ,h~ polt<~ bern ou' ol,hc room Th<:TI I ,..."cd <0 look o.refully ,,,d 1 ... w
"'n do ... nh JU<,t OIl<' h,,, or • r><"~ 01 d,n from \Om.,.,....'. ,h., one of ,h< fil:Ur" on my ubk ..... ,n • d,ffer""l p"'uion_
hn~r_ You Jon', u"'''·. Nil 1 do, b«.u", I worked In "",p".I. Thol bo,d .J~"'r! it,.. ""-,,h, 1',,,1. -Tht fi"" "me yuu "-n" out
fOl In, \...". I ~ ........ I ~",...... She " .. n,.kong hnwlf mil')' w., .f.... " ... h..J ,tu...lly fij:h••buu, .he l"pet' .....",'. "
,..i,h ,h., '1"",•.1 Inw Annl<' .n~~. ",h"h h~ k""w ... ,..011 by P.uE' .
""" 'Th<-{r<.11 ou, '0il'" ,ne,,11 ofll><",' l)o you ,h,nk ,II<')' ·Y<:<.' Wh" "'" ,he 1""'" Ul ""'1"'''1: It,
"-OIlld h>f'""u ,t I'd ,n<'Il '0 ,011 ,he"l .1>OI.1t h,m' Thcy'd 'Y o~ "·.,,,00 \ OUr p,n., of co',,!!,. I should lltt<">,.,d. bu'
prob.t>ly .. \. ,h.. I'd 1"c<1 '" 1<", h"n ."d ho bughed .. m~ lnd ,,-he" I '" .n~ry. rile' ... you k"ow ...
,hon I k,llrd h"n.· I "".w,lr J~ k""H', .~""".
,.1",1 y,," b,.'",",10.,..
~"''',.' 1 ,I,i,,' " ...I}"" ,",:~J" h< <1",0 I,' II.. 'Then 'wo ,by, I."er, on... f"·""",,, wholl yOu we,e .. ,Ieep, I
,,",I, ,,"cd 10 come "110 \'0'" rOOm '" ~"'e j'ou "ou, mcdi"IIl~ ,,,d
'Th, d,n)' bird• .,o""d her< wo"ld "')' ~nt'"m~ I nuke .hc door h"1<He ,,"ouk!o', 'urn" ("". There w ••• 1101" ",,,de
,rou1>le for nl<· Sh< p...."'d. br...I""g turd .•nd '1I,ltn Il...u " •• ,f ",,,,,,,hlttll w •• 1""". "0 r I"OU ",me ""Jnll"
'" ~tulknll" lum 10 d<ny ""m' W w" ....
l'''g· '1 "-,,h<d h,m ",,,h,,,,, '0 "uk~ ....." ,Ju, )'''''
,..ouldn·' ",·.k~ up"n,j r ,oul
",.tul "'... lef, of Itll" .00 tim"" up IrIIO It.. h,lk. I .h< "Ito"" k>ck .rid Iuridl~ off ,he door. >nd look' look "h.. I
p.,k<-d .nd urncd h"n .boul • nil"" ""0 Ih< ".00<1.. I didn·. fowMl"
h,d< h,m 01 m\-,hmg. No, I kIltw ,he snow would cover h,m She pu' oc, lun-J '" hn ""'k.... pulkJ "til • b,ol.<:TI bi, oi
.rid I lhoughl ,h~ 'pn"ll Rood. "'ould toke h.. body .nd 010,.... I""plll ,nd ",,,,,,-d,, to ",ul.
.w.)' It workcd n n l h<u<r ,hln I'd "'''!l,ned 1ll<y d,dn', find ·Th",. of ,0urlC. I ",.Ii,cd .... h.1 ... " h,pl"'''lIlll. ",d '~und
h" bolly for, whole \'e..1 !tnd Iw~n'\'..e'·~" mile' 'w,)'! !lu' ,ho ",uk. on ,he door-'i- ,rne. u"'.'
\'Ollt C" wo,,', go '0 flr. P",l. It', 100 Ito.v),. 1t'1I jn" b< "",k ".HlI eo"ld,,'1 hell' h"m-df; he bell'" '" laugh. Ik I,.,J I,.:""...,
",,,,rwll<.. '" ,ho Ih,ek (0'''1. r-.hyh< ,o",eo"e w,ll f,nd n,
' lIl l',J
"'''\ body In ,wo )'e.." ume or In f,ve yel1,' 11m,. whco wdd
.nlln.I, lJUlk .1><.. ho",~ 011 ,he b>ek "''' .od pl,nll .r<
IlfOwml ,hrough .... w,"do"-,. !tnd by ,Iltn ,he be>ok ,..,11 he
fin'Wd >-nd you'll h< b>ck '" New Yori< 0' ","",wI>«< .nd I'll
II<' Itv"'g ,ny qui« Itie hn~ ~hyhe "'e11 wnO< '0
~<>ch 01"'" When Ix- 'lUl"''''lC\.I down on., >Ik",1 'Ho,," n..")· "met d..J ,-ou
<om<I,n,n" She ,m,1cd .. ..." 01"&'''''''''1.
·lI.ny.....y, I w •• Ie"'e ,he ' .... m'·
thlllk",!:. ).""' ...... You"" tud gone, to I kne'" yOU ,,,,,U
,uy TItt hife_ 0/1, "", Iitt Itntfr_
>nd (,n"h IIt~ book, ...d ,h., nude rne h,pl'Y I>«,u,," I love \'011 'T"-,,,..No. ,h"-,,, """ I h,d '0 .:'" "'me w •• er \·r",',d.\·
'" ",ueh.' lJUI I w."" I <ry,,'~ Ul 1"'. !tn''',' I'", w,ittn ' , hook,'
·Th."k )'ou. !tmn• .' he ;"d. 'You did,,', try ,h.. ,d"l'h",,,,, I "'PlIO.... :. m""1,il("< ,he
'BUI would y"" u',1lI1 10 ,,,)'1' ,he wOnt On. ·Th.. w., Ih, lock,. N<>. y<>u w,'f< s"eh. good little hoI'.'
""""ion I h.d 'o ..k myl(lf. !tnd 1 k",w Ihe .n'W~r. I kll<'" lhe 'Of ."urse I ,lid' II. " .•, bell""""!; 10 "',sl, Ihe \\,oulJ jl;0
.n''''·'' even before I .. w ,h•• you w,re Iletting mong....nd
.w'y, The w.. ",.king him p>rtly ttll the !futh, but he 'All 'igh', .It dghl, I got the k"ife when I Weill for W1le',
.IIQ b.dly w.nted to ,Ieep, But. AI""e. wlu, did )·ou me." by "ope-ratio,,"?'
•HOK' ..~n1 ,i.." did l"'" go "",!' 'lthink you wen, Kv'tI ,""es.· ,he s."d .
"J lold )"<'u. omn." 'Yes. ;f,h.. ·, wh>t you Wlm to hen, lief. the 'OOm ,""Ven
'flo", "'0"1,,'.-.r He. voicc w., mingo 'Ttll,~ ,""Ir,' lima.' I'.ul",.... He w...ngry now, bcr:ouse he ",~s frlghte"ed.
'1"", 'tlhng ,I>< tru'h. un""l' Then she ,U.,ed '0 ,pc.k softly ."d he bcg.I" '0 d"fe. ,I",,,,,
.y ....'.., mc ILkc. fool.' Ill'o ..... p.
"A"""',, I .weOr -' '00 you know ,,·h., lho: Untilh used to do 10 .... o.k..., III ,h,..
"Oh. )In. y we". Pc-oplc "'ho tell hes Io~.o ...·c••. Le< dL1m""" mina who .ned 10 """'pc. 1'.,,11"
me tcll y..... M
up...,.... do..·"...,
Can'C'L 1 ..mdw:d h.," all 0"" tho: p1.",,-
to the born _ ."d a lot o£ .hem
'They blkd .hem" I "'I"I""'K.' ho: ",!d...,II wlIh hIS (')"CS

'Oh. no.' she .epbed. '1lL1e would be hke .hrO"l.""'g '''''y ,

A , W I ~ l'-' KpSU"" H_ ,...u I ....... 1"_ "'hoIr a. J bto"", lI..k thIng wo:n< wrong. No, the)·
_.wIt u, J BtJ. w didn', Il'~ hIm none.o prO'''''; she ",II needed , ", fo. the ""
couIdn'l run ·.r
'10 I....y J.... nuJe ...... d.... they
'g''''_ Thq. pc1"formcd • lonk opcu...,.,.
wo:nl .... 'lth. on
'So you tell one th.. YOOJ Ief. tho- .oom only ,hrtt om(:$, P.m. and tho.', ft.., I'm goong '0"" 'n )'ou I.", f", "our O"-n
M,.."" CIe."«••nd I'll ,ell you .h•• you'.., the fool" no< mc, good. Pie.", cry.o ..mcmbe< du._· •
11_ ..."1'.....·1' The ",e-cold ,nd of.c" ble,,· o,·c. I'.ul', boJy.nd h" ~)...
"Th~' llew open S j«)< up from 'h, bed .nd pulled b'ck 'hc

'On"" for mcdlOnc.' hl.nkcu SO Ihat hI> leg. "xl fcc. "-C" uneov.ted,
·Yes.' ·No.' h. s;lld. 'No A""", .. wh...v<r " " )."u·"
'Once for food: pb"",ng. " .•••" IOlk .ho"e ". c.n·1 wc? l'le.", yO" don',
'Yel.' hove ,,,,
•And once for wote•.' Shc bent "vcr .nd pl,kcd up ",,,lC eh"'g' from ,h.. A"".,
'Ves, Y.... I told you.' Whenlhe ",.""J "p <he w., holdlllil .n ae III """lu"d .nd •
She .eochcd ""0 her p<>,kct .g,;n .nd brough' Out thc blowl~'''l' III .h. other. Th. bhdc ofehe 'xc ,hnn. d"lly, Shc

butcher's kntfe. bell' dowll 'It""

."d pt<kc,1 up thc box of ",..(hes .",1 , hnllic
.'1 looked unde. you' m>ltre" ju,t before I you the of ,b.\:; IIq"id,
tl')e""", for yon. open!ion, .nd see wh.. I (<lund.' 'A",'i" "01' he ..."."",-.1. 'A,,"i., I'll ".y h",. I p'""",,_ I
.Jr, ffl'."
!I'l,., did ~y 'op".,i.,,·? J I. w1l ."ddcnly 'urc thO! K'OI'" t"'" .~" 0"1 4 btd. I'll do u,l"""·,, 1"" »y,.
>he ""ended.o u\C thc knife OIl h,m, ·h·,.11 ,iKh,,' ,h, "'ill, ",d It.. f"c "OW h.d Ih" blInk lnok.
'Uu, yuu did,,'t gct it o"t of , he kiteh e". dId you? You only Some p..e ot hi. mind whIch ..... " no. filled with fe•• k"ew .1>"
Wtllt for med,C"'C. food .nd wllcr. The knti.. "'uit h.... flown whe" Ih" "'.. ov,,,. """ "nul,l rt"l<1l11>cr huJI)' ''')",h",g at ,II
here.1I by "self Whll kInd of fool dn )'OU .h",k I .m" I'aul? .bou' " Th" w.. thc won..n .....ho gradu.ted in l'Kol, ,"d "Ow.
How' ...... ,y ..",..." '" 1987. tuJd I,u" ,h •• she h.d h«n • n"..... fo. only te" ),e.TS_
Slle prob~bly hordly remelll~red killing ~U thole b,bi"" He
.uddcnly knew ,h" thi, w.. ,he ne .he h~d uled 0" Pomeroy.
I-Ie continued '0 scro.m. He tried '0 <Urn over. "' ,f he eould
get IWoy her, but hi. broken leg' .nd drugged body
rcfuoc<l '0 o~y.
Ann,e pourtd some of the h'luW on .0 hos left .nkle .nd some
mO« 00 '0 the bl:a<k of "'e ne. 1M .moll ",m,,«led P.u1 of
docto"' ofTlCn in his ehildhood_
'The«: won't be m"",h 1"''''. p.u1. It woo't be Nd:
·A....... A"".. ~/r A_;" pk_ ... pic.. """, A_~ I _~, UI 1""
I'll k,.H I ........ 10 GIIfi t ' l l k ' " ,1c_I'W _ • ,fWNt I~ k
]U<l' huk f'O-"'. P.u1, and then tlln unpkn.nt nuna will be
hch,nd ...:
Sloe th«w me empty bottle OV("J btl .......kkr. he> roo::
C'Omplctrly bUnk now. She snzed the ne on bodo h."ds Ind
"",,"Cd h." fen so W "'.•, wndonS firmly on the floor.
'A ,""NtE 011 PLEASE PLF.A SF. DON'T HUR. T .\1 E!'
'Don't worry,' W said••nd he> eyn wac gentle. 'I'm •
nurse .
1M ne ""h".led through the ....nd huned Llself '" p.ul
Sheldon', left leg jus••\>o"e ,he ."kle. P.n, uploded in hi<
body. ll100d .pl.,hed he> .nd rhe w.ll, He he..d ,he
mh 'g.. n" th-c b<me ., <he pulled n free. He looked down .nd
sow 1", t..... ,,,ovmg. Then he ... w he, ni,mg the ne;
drop' of blood were f.lling otT it. Her w.s h,ng,nll loolely
oron"d ber bbnk. colln f.ce,
He ,ried ro pull b,ek in .pite of ,he p.i", btl! he ,e.lized ,bot,
'!though his leg w.s moving. his fOOt wo,n't. All he w., doing
w>l widening ,he em, ""king i, opc" like. ",ou.h. He,ed
.hl. his foo' w., jomed.o b" kg by only' lade f1.. h - .nd ,hen
,he o~e wl""led down, It cu' through h" leg .nd ...nk
o:Icep ,n,o the ,,,.ttr....
A"".. pulled ,h-c 'xc out of ,he m..U." .nd threw" OJ] '0 .~",. ...,,,.J ,I" U~ It.>fh hJn.U "nJ
!II ,,,,,,.,J .I'" .. In., in' ...,
,h. ground. She p'eked up the blowlo",p .nd hI" ,,·,th. m.,m. ""nJtll.~fi""lr ~n ,lor fl'''''
'Th~", un'l um~ '0 few all Ihn up: ohc npl.",ed. 'You',~ Ih"" .imply ronti'med '0 .)"1.... It '.... bell" .10., ...... y _ bell~r
lOSIng blood 100 f....' S}., turned II>; fUm~ on 10 the ••u"'p of "01 10 .d:, be".. DOl 10 prot~". Ann.., h.d bc-come 100 '!r.nge.
hIS kg, """" IW" ,...ud p.ul·. body. Swm-u.,dhng .... olr.~ He Iud kno""" for. long ...n ·h•• "" ..... top.& of doing:
dnfled up 10 hi........, bul LI.... rbys lit- couldn', g_ ·Iu....."Quld hc-r do If
'N~.,ly f""ohed.' "'" ..,d. T'ht bbnkr.. w"~ bumlnll nOw. So he connnucd ro work. bu' ,frer h"~ 0< ... p.g" lhe
Annl(" tlml do ....·n .g..n .nd picked up .IK yellow bucket. She ,ypc ....·"".r I",. Ihe '~'. ,h~ mOSI Co,nman Ie"er .n tIM:
poUfcd, over Ihe fl.",.,.. I'.ul ",,,,.rned .g.i". English I."gu.gc. 1'.,,1 mOlld /,.,<11)' believ. It,ll''''', sh.11 I <II>
An"ic llood .,,<1 luuked.1 hi",. ·Yuu'Uk.1I ';gh •.' she "id, "",,,1 h~ ,honghl. b"t of courlC the .,,. .....,, ..... ". obvlOm, He
HeT ~ycI l<:emed lu muve rouud Ih~ TOom .i",lessly. It w... would w,il' by h""d,
relief fo' heT ro "ou« somelh",!: on Ih~ lloor, 'I'U jU" gM rid of 11m "'" now. Thc hole til ,he 1"1"'" -Ihe hol~ Ihrough whICh
rh~ rubbuh.' w ..,d Mlfer)' ."d bn.nd Gcolfrcj'l,v"<l -Iud do..... wilh. , ...h,
She pocked up v,"r. foot. The I"'" w........ ,11 mov,ng. She He h",CI>C"fl '0 .he SOIlnd of.1>; la"'nmowu oulSldc. Annie
.....fiM.o w.. l: 011' oflhe room.nd lhen IlIrned.nd l»d. 'Don'. Iud. I>"'·n'no.... er wh"h ",•• I,k "".III..etor. A.lOOn .. be
bb,,,,, me for .h... I, W . . youT own f.lllt ' 'houghl of Annoc he rcmen,bc,"<l 'c r",ng md £.II",g. he.
1'.111 dwed in,o rhe cloud. .hn il would bring <JIm fue ."blhcd ....~Ih h" blood. He remembered .ver)' .....o.d
Ih" tunc. ,,01 juS! uncomciouI"ns. He dunly h~.,d ruml<:lf the h.d ,poken. <VtT)' word h.. h.d ",••• tnl'd.• v~'y sound ."d
",re,ullng .nd .mclled h.. h"'''ed 1I~lh, A. hOI .huugh.. f.dcd. mOve",.nl,
he .hough" D,as"" UJr' Kill y"u! Dr.,,,,,,,
IAdyl Kill you! Why could,,', he fo'~cI? V"','re ,upp,,><d to furg,·, ...,,,'.
The'll lher~ w.1 uu,h"'l1 excel" "o.hing. you? l'cople who h..·c .., " ...h". f"'Il~1 ..... 1'" l1>pl""ed ."
Jurp'i..... whcn ,hey ...... I:c up '" h""" ..I. So why couldn', he
CHAPTER EI(lKTEEN Ifrr_rc ..'"............. No<, "~"""J"t. PilOJl, "J'f'l",lIy ,Itt- "''''1'
1"- Ito",. if,.... FN""' "' .... nl... ·J ,.....Itt-
Itt ...,1/ ~IJ lJlWf of
Som<: week. I.,e•. an.he fi... d.y of ",mm<'l'.• he old .ypc "'e' ....,y _II ~'" "'_'N "'.f 0"" ,....x<1 ""wh.
Ion Il' 'I' .. well. V.ul Ihoughl: / ..... lO,nl ,,, 'o",pl.,,,. , "'" Verh.!" "'emory would h,,' h,,,,. B"I why shOllld he buthc-r
jusr t<'''W 'a .sk fo' ........ Iypc"'''''', I .'" to'''.f ,. dem.,,<I ",... , H> "",e",be,? She h.d done ". "KI .11 Ihc Inn< bel"'·....' Ih"n
kna,,' sh, t"" 4/"'" ". ....<1 "OW h.d hcen p"m'-;II ,tid bonng, ex,"e!" ",h." hc Iud
Of e'''''1( he would ..I: A"",e fo' nothi"l1 .nd c<nlOnly worked 011 1", .,lly hrKll: 111 ordet 10 e""I'" fed.,,!: .nd
would not rklTUnd. 0,,<:<: Iher. h.d bttn • m." who would ., be,,'g bored TheTe WI' no poim ,,' re",..",be.m!:. no I'",n. '"
Ie h.v~ .,IuJ. Th.. "1>,, h.d bcftl ,n much more 1""'. but h. '")'lhl"l;
..,II ""Id h.,.e ..ko:d IIuI 'here ........ The polD' ...... M,IC')·. beu,,« \1 ...·,y kept
fU h>d bttn .Iu, m.n M>d he IIJppo«'d he ought '0 be hIll, .1 , A. 1""1: •• ",. "'" '" ri,tng the Iont>1; A""", k, h,m
ash.mnI. bu, t/w m.n h>d , ....~ Ing .dnn••gn o"n ..... """, h". lIu ,.• ",·"null ,he looo>l: 10' An" he " ,.,
'h'" m." h.d .wo fC'<'l ...d ,wo Ih"",bo. .... ,n,,,!: lhe ho"'k ,,, ]>k.I<' Am",... Inn I,> "':'1'<' fr,'''' he•. A"d
P.ul ...Of quocdy for. mom"",. " ,he Iypcwril~r.• nd 'hen he "·.Ii,,.. 1 ,h.. ", )""11 ", I,,· ".,.. "'"n,,~ 'h.: 1<001: he I....

h""u/fhvc to<>, He could h,ve died rhlt d.y. the d.y of the ue.
but t... d,dn', -:trId he didn't bcc>UIC M W:trltro to flllUh ,he:
book! It ..·.on'tJu$.l Annie: Itt W:trltro.o know whtt htppcncd ,hlng
know rl... ,wo
,,·h., of
WI' .km ,n ,lut
'00 Moxry". advcn"'''''''
He w., • wn'<T.•nd ",nte" remembe. ev...-y,h,nlt, '" M In He h.od alw.}"' known hr could wm. toW b< ~ •• ~ loh
h""",lf .e",en,be. F~" Go.. - .Ild ,h••• he M,"'ry bo.",k. "cr~ J"" • ".y 01
11", little the cloud h,d l>(el1 ,b.h., tl""h., mH)OIhel. m.b"lt monq, Bu, ",l,v bld hi' w.itten 10 ",my M,sery
There Wal • f('(hug no, of 1\o1,"'g but of oinking. 5oll1«i"'e, boo~,? He h.,I)'I.,,,\, of """"y. It "at ,,,<I he .I"''''t Imcd.o
th"ughu ".me .nd ",m""mes, ilimly. t... h"..d Alltll"" voie". .dm" It ' " h'm",lf - 1>«."", ,he,' 11:.,'e hJlII ""n,cdn,,!; t", O(he.
She ooundtd .fraMi: 'Ilnnk ,h.., P..... , . you've ~ 'or' bouIt. d,d nor: tI... M, , bouIt. 11:1>·e In", the exntnt'cn, of
liow dOle hit! M COme to bng O<l ,he .... y of ,he >xc! He nct'd,nll It, k",w,' w ,,',ouIJ h.p...... In ,he .,h,etln'tC'. He
d,dn', know, btl. M fel, .1"' no p"" dunng ."" wed< .f,e. .......d th" w"h h.. null ot ...aden. "'00 .'II"lv tumcd .he
,he '~"l1o,,·. wh;eh "",,,,ed '0 <how th.t t... w,. dOle to paga. he <h••ed II>" wnl> An,ue. It WOJ <"rny H. wo, ~o"'g '0
de..h So did the fca, Jtl An",e', voice. d,. "'yw,y; ,he wa'l\o"'II'o ",II It"". 11m I" \,,111t..1 ,,, Wn,e,
He h.d 11m there, h>rdly brc..hing, And Wh" brought 11111I h w •• lIIor. ,b." JU" • w.y 01 e'('pmll the etl>cl rc.lity of hi.
ou, of it, OUt of'M cloud, .... MI.... y. Thc book WIS unfintlhcd. ,lto.llOn: he It:>d to finJ nut how ,he "0'" "'0111.1 ."d And n
I'.ul dldn', know wh.ot ,t... ... d,ng WIS B0tllg '0 be >nd hc y'., the bnt MIlerI' novel he- htd eve< wntten. J"" .. Ann", h.d
dodo', lno.. how"",,,, of the deui!o fitted lO£«het He '>eVe'< ..od " "'"",ld be
knc..• eWr)"hll1g .bal." .he novch M ...tOtc; he .Iw.ys ....,tCtl A. fino, ""'''g .nd ')"1""" ""e'" C>lltcrndy p..unf,,1 .Itl<1 he
to fllld "u' ., e.gerly ., .ny re.der. And th .. n"'J1tl ,h.. ,he.e could work 0,,11' for til" .. 1"-"",><1, of llme. The P'''' 'n h..
"'O.e unfillished quo""n, '" h" "';IId. Th"", queillon, ,,",,'"ed ""'''p wOllld bur" ''''0 ~ .. ne .nd II w"uld 6,.1, ,hrou!Ch hi.
h"" - .nd I<> he come our of ,he cloud to f,nd ou( wI,.. wo"ld body. H,,, g,."hully h, w., .bl. ,,, wo.~ 1IIo.e, .nd he w>s
h'PI"-"Il '0 M,,,,,y. lie el",,,, '0 I,ve righj' he d,d <C(('''' "''''. "'' ' 1':,1>. Ilc wo"ld oe'·e. be the ,".n
Shc d'dn', ....... to Ie, hun return to work - not .. fi He M had ben> '" tM ....$.l. hu, he d "" ver fOroe he-.lth
could ICC 1ft her .,.,..... th.o, .... Iud been fngh.cncd $.l,1l 0.", d.ov A""... had ron", In h ICC-<rc.m. Ald,o"gh
ut><'ct't:>In. She: Iud ron... elotcT to klllmg lum tlun h.od he d,dn', Ioke It, M ft>rcnlllltmClf to c•• " lor f(,l' of .n!t"nng
"tle"ded. She w., t.kmg extr.o,d",• .., cue ofh,m - c"'ng"'g he•. 111erc: W1l ",,,,,,,h"'l1 .bou, he. ,h.t d.y "h'eh "'o,ned
,he b."d.g'" on h,j """'I' every ••glll ho"", w.,h"'g h,m h,,,,. It w..., ,f ,he w., prCW\J",1': jO be eh... rful. "nJ ,het, lhe
down "'" with It <1.. 'caW" 10' th. WI' "f,hr ,e._cr."", She
Wh,le he wa< ''''CO'''''''''U' >he .11<> filled In.ll the 'n', In .he pu' he. 'pc>lIn d"wn, 'npcd her chi" wIth (he Nr~ of her h.nd
•ypcscnpt It w •• IS ,f wa, "Ylng.o hIm: y"" ,.~'r ,1u"'1ut arod ,lid p1c... ntly: -rell me iI............
/'.. """I '. ,....
.III""~ ....j,
P." / IHJt <!u, ,... .. well .......... "'nlt P.ul put h" " >pOOI1 00""11, "I bee you. 1"'Jc,n>'
Tell me.he ol ..... ..orv r c'''''''''It
lie was (,n~lly .ble '" her ,h~. retum"'l1 ." ,,"o.k He ough' to g"""'C\l ,h.. ,hn "·,,,,1.,1 h~l'pm, '1 ..,,'t do
would hclp IHln. ""t h'''n I"",. And ,he 'I>Q wm,ed Uf"c"dy '0) ,h.,: he ,,,d,
Her f>oe h.d d"kc"c,1 '''It,,ru;.,,c1y 'Why "<lt1'
'Il~c>".e I'm. h.d "",rytcneT.' re.lly w.t\l you '0 like ,he ltory. If I try to tell YOll it'lI COme
She ,te the re" of her ic~crco", in f"'e hug~ nlouthf"l!. l',ul'. out wtong, ,mil ,hm yOIl won't like i, 'nd you won't want ,ht
teeth 'ched j",t frOIll w>t<hing her. Theil ,he pu' h~r di,h down book .ny more.' And iiI'" wh... will hopperl ", m,'
.nd looked ,t him ,ngrily, not •• if he w>< ,he gre.. I',ul 'Um doe, Ilczekl1h rc.lly kllOW ,bo", Mi«:ry'. (ath.. ? Yo"
Sheldon, her hero, hut .. if he w., "'1ll«llle who h,d d..ed '0 could .. I.." tell tl" ,b.t.'
"itiriu the gre't 1'",1 Sheldon. '1)0 you w.'" ,he "ovel or do you w.n' , bedtime story?'
'I( you're, b.d "or)'t~llet, how h,ve you wri!ten w Ill.ny he "ked.
boob _ book, wh,ch ha'c wid ,,,ilhon, .nd lIul1ions of wpie." 'I)o,,'t yo" dore be SO . . rc~"ie wi,h "te!' .he .<hollted.
'I didn't "'y I w". h.d .tory-II"'"'' I thi"k I'm good.t ,h", 'Then do,,'t pretend tb" you dOll't ll"der".nd wh.t I'm
ill f.<t. Illu 1'1ll, ",de" !lory-I,ll".' ..ying,' ht ,hollted b1Ck.
'You'«Ju" m.kmll "p, ,tupld neu".' Now her h,,,d. w~re She ptliled bock ftl>m hi", in ."'prtse >nd ,he 1..( o( the
do.ed into flO,", ,ight .g.ttl!t the "de. "f her skin. He found lim hhekne" di.. p~>rtd from her
he didn't ""lIy nre th,t .he w" mgry. He wa< frlghrened of Hc h~d .bttd 0" ,hin icc th .. tim~. lie b.d e~pccted her to
I>cing hnTt .gain, but pUt of him d,d,,', cue wh" h.ppened. get ."gry or dtp'«scd, hut in'te.d they h.d re'urned to the old
'1,\ not.n excme.' he "id. 'The tWO thing. arc '1ulle different. routine; P.ul w,ole .nd Annie ro,ld wh.t he wrote e>eh d.y ,,,d
People who ,ell ,torte. u.u,lIy c'n', write "OflC•. I( you think (,lIed in the mi«inl: b'er<. lJut i" f,et ht h"d her .ngty.
wrUcn arc "'~ good a, talking you ougllt to w,teh .ome poor Her "'ge, ,"yed JII<I l>clow tho ,urf,re. however, so he w..
(001 of. no".li" l>cing inter"iewed on TV Ap'" from dut, I ,",'cr .'nre of i, - at I",,, "Ot "ntil ......t<"k I1ter, when he had
neWr 'l"ite know wh" ,he elIding of one of my ,wrie, i, going complained abo", the tyf'Cwritcr, ,bou, ,he ",i"mg 'n'.
'0 ht. I ouly rcolly know when I've written i,.' 'Well, if i, bo,he" you w m"ch I'll to give YOll
'Well, I dOll't want to ""it.' .he ",id hkt • ,poiled child, '1 "'mething to ",op yoo ,hlllki"g .bom ,b" ""pid "'n",' Annie
brought you wmt niet iee--erCOlll. lIld >t I.." yo" could tell me .. id. She left the roo", ,,,d he he"d hor in ,ht ki"hen, looking
.j,w 'hings. All r1l1h" you needn', ,ell",e the whole >tory. hu' for ,omethll,g in tht dr>wer<. She w•• ollr<mg in her f'Cculi>r
w.y .bo", '''"pid' thi. ,nd 'dirty' th't.
Annie fired "'me '1"e"ion\ at P,"I,bom the hook, hu' P.ul Ten nun"to, later .he It! with the <yringe, the bolde of
.hook h" head to ,how th.. he wOllld,,'t tell. d1rk li~lIid .,,<1 .tl eleerfle knife, 1'.,,1 illlmedi,,,,ly beg," 10
She< eve" bhcker. bill b"r "oice w., ,of, 'You're I"r<,m. All"e t~ ..ed ,he klllfo ."d I'oul ,g,i" beggcd ."d prom_
lll.kl1lg me wry .ngry. You ktlow tll>l, don', yOIl, P'ult ised to bt good. He t",i"ed .nd ''''"cd itll", wh,..,khm.
'SUy ",II.' sh~ ord~red. '", I'll me ,hi, ""ife I)ll yo"r thro.,.'
'Of COlOr", I know it, but I ",,'t help i, '
'1 cOllld mokt YOII ,ell.' ,he .. ,d. but ,he knew .b.
She cO\lld hurt him 10 th.t he ""d , lot of thing" but she
could,,'t. 11" "'yod 5till whil~ .he pourcd the Ji'lllid on hI< thuml, ."d On
tile bl,de <If the kr>iir. She .wltrhed the knife lin md hem o,'cr
couldn't "uke him ,ell. story wh"", t"ding he dIdn't know. him, cOllccntr,uing on her wwk, As ,h~ bbdc h" imo lho tbh
The bl>ckne« was begin"i"g '0 di..ppeu from her face. She be'Wttll 1", thumb .\1ld fmger ,he told him - III • "oice which
w., fIghting'" i"'l'o"ibk f'ght. 't1gge"ed ,Iut ,hi, W,l! gOIng '<I h"" hor ",ore ,h.n " w" gOlllg
'An"'t, I'm not l>clllg ,dtijh. I"m !lOt telling you benll« I to h"rt hi,,, - ,h...hc k,,'ed h,tn,
5ht h.d cu. hi.thuu,b off", .he rnom"'g, .nd don. ,hll "'ght typcw",.r, bu. th., WII .11 he ro~ld do. N<>th"'tl wh,ch h.d
>he Iud hurned ,mo h" .oom. CllTyu>g • .nd ""Stug h.ppcncd '" II... pUt - ~xcCf" pe.h.p1 for ,II< mon'.......he" ht
'Happy Il,nhday 10 You'll WI"'" hl$ blnhday. ~ were had r..l..ed ,ha,_ .I'hough lo" Ief. leg w .. muv'ng. II" fOO(
andlc1 >II over <M oke. In no order. 'fhcrc,. In <M exa<1 antre 10)'<'<1 ....u - w., .. 'e.rible as ,he hdl of 001 bn"l1 .ble '0
of <M, lake an exln big candle. had bern hl$ thumb - h.. mo'·e. fn rell Umc " dodo', lUI long - pe,h.", Ii,.. rcrond,
now-g.ey thumb - wuh Iht r, 1 • btlle <ooJl!:h ben"", he .0
lou' ,mtdc P'ul Sb<'1don', he.aJ " recmed go 0f'I fot , ...
..,metlll\C$ che...ed " whell he ,. hmklng. If Y"" ,,,.'••IIM I~ lot He c<>tJ.1d etapc' All he had to do ,..•• b.e.k .he ,.."tdu ....
g.-J. ,ht h.d '01<1 rum, )'<'II '~H 10. ~ p~t ~f (~kr, ""r "'.. .....H·I lerc...., Hdp _! H"p m,! So,,,;m Ann;" Sot.t .... Jf, ,,,,
ho". '" t.,.n~ "f rll< 'P<"~' ,~"dlr. So h. h.d promised to be ':'~g'm L.Jr' Uu, ... he "noc tn"e 'RO,he, v"'", W>j <cr.,ll\l1lK'
good - ."d 'rO he ....",', gO,llg to co"'pl.", thal the typewriter J Ii bt looJ, A",,,,' I ,.".,,', "''',''n! / pwmi,,! /).,,,', "" .iff .w,
hId no Iou ili'f ."d ," 'e':n ...dL "'~" 4 m,! He k,,~w k w .. f"llhtc"ed of her. h", he h,J,,',
P."I "euly ..I«p.•"ting m lo" ... by the ullul no .... he eX'm' of 11" fc.r.
,,·indo..., hltemng to the ".Idy <ound of doc uwnmower', H" "',nd told h".. ,h.. ht w., go",!: '0 d...n)·,..ay. A. «>on
""l!:Ule .nod ,emembcnng. lie Jumped and wondered whll had •• he h.d fi,,,,h..4 tI... bool >he .... going .0
l,U hu... So if he
wokm hu" up. A. fi... he dufn·. belleVC whll he ..... ou' 01' the Krutned .1 ,f,he poIi«n.." .. w h"".•
oo ,fth.. nude Anme

......dow .onung m'o Am".... fum; he I......... t M mull really be

It w ••• poll". el..

k,ll him no
life 110<
h....·...he d,Ana...... p,.,....". '.'0

sc.._' II' ,,~ ..,,,, ",i/~ l"" A .. ,n dI...oJ, ~N'

_ _ It ,. "'~.II"R•• HJ. I« Ie "'n, So> .......... P...I•

The pol'«",a" j«>< ou. of ,he .... H. ,. •• y"''''& _ ,

',.·e".,·« }'e.r. old - .".1 w•• ,,"e.rmll "~'l' dork gl .
CHAPTER N'NIiTIJIJN ...Inch cO'''I'I~.dy hid hlS eye. ,,,<1 roAt·n..l ,he h~h, 10k<.•
"n"o, He p'''led. ;m' ,w~"'l' ",e!re, .w.y fto", 1'.,,1',
'won', IaN"'! ...",dow.a",j ><lj""eJ h1<<,
He lit ., doc window. IOl>lIy ke "OW, .olllly ....ue .hl' St".",1 Dor,', ocre.",. &"4'" ~nJ , ...." oN..J. I'm nO( .k.d
the pollC'C elr he wa. iCCl"lI w red •• h" lef. fOO( had once yet. 1'.'.1 NOT l) [A [) YET' .sr.._. "10'
l ....~,J.

"'=. P.u1 fotced h"lop> opm. wcted ... ''''0 his lunp 1...1 doJcd
Snc_. ,.,.. jHJ. s<.. _~
h.. eY"'. I-Ic Iud no ode. w .... was loon!! '0 cOme out of h"
He w.rued 'o. bu. he could heir Ann....' voice "youll. 0",.', " Was a")'dun\lIlOJUIl'o co<rlc ou,>
1"" U .. sc.._. When I>c.ned to leream h" VOKe dned. up .nd • ORA CO" ,. P.ull<T<""ICd. ' DR A CO"" LA D) ,.
hi. mmd ,..•• filled wIlh plCtUret of the lXe ,"d the electne No,., his 'I..... opened ,,·iok. The I'ollce",." w., looIt"'g
klllfe. H. remembered ,he ..,und" he ",,,,,,,,,bered «re",ung IOw•• d, ,he hau..,. I'.ul could "0< I t t hIS eyet. 10m h.... ",.d '0
In,n. but nOlto g»n .lten"On f'ont .nyone, ha"c hc.rd "'me,hlT'g.
He tried agam.o ope" hi, mouth - .ml r"led, h. ,ried to r~i", 1'."llooled <Iown .. the ubi •. N<x, to tll< ')·)><w"'.r ......
hn h'nd. - .nd A f,im. low .."",d broke ou' fro,,, he.vy gl." v,'''. whid> Iud t>«n e"'IHy for ...eel<. He ",i,rcl "
be.wee" hll h!".•nd hu h.nd. moved hghlly on .hc lidC$ of ,he .nd .hrew i, •• the """dow. Tile g!. .. broke .nd fell on '0 .he

ground OUtllde. P.ul ,h""ght it wu the bat """od he h.d ewr t~e nos. out of h.. b.ack. He turned towardl her, .Cle Inll nr
hcard, I, madt hIS tongue free h.. gun, and she droYe the cron ,"to hi.
'I'.. ,",wi HtI,. _, IV.". _j.. ,. _ 1 Slot', " ••,/' 'ocr .... d ,he poIlC'em.., Ih" "me, and fell OIl to hrs knon,
The poI.a",.n Ioolo:«l !Craigh, •• p.ul. H.. mou'h dropped holding h.. 1tom:oc:h
0l"'n. He reacbed mto h" pock", ."d brought ou, 1O",,,,hIllS Anrne pulled rhe eron free 'It.. n .nd drow " in,o the
whICh eQuId ol1ly be • p,c''''e, He Iouked at It .od ,hen w.lked poll'em,n', b.ek. be:lwcen hlS lh""lde". The f'n' 'wo blow.
• few 'lepl dosc<- Th cl1 he .poke lhe oulj' four word. I'.ulewr h.d I"'.h,p' no, gone deep eno"gh to killl"m, but rhi.time the
hend llim uy, lhe b .. foul word. ~~r<''''' e~er he••d lnrn <>y. woodm pon wme .. Ie,n fi~e cmr;metra ,nto rh. kneeling
After tb..1 f he wOllld mok. fcw sound.. but no ...,al word.. policem,n'. bad_ He fell f:ace do"'n OIl to .he grotlnd.
'Oh, God!' ,he poIocc,nan ""dat",«l. 'It', yOll!' 'THEREr AnnlC' cncd. .und",g OWl ,he "un ."d puIlmg
I>.ul h.d bttn ...nng •• lhe po/Knn.", so he dido",.... A""IC ,heems!outagaio.'HOW 1)0 YOU LIKE Til AT, YOU
uonll! """t<>o ble. She ......nll I1d",g the !>wnmowCf, 10 ,h., DIRTY OIRD!'
•he l<'I:med to be h.lfh"""", h.lrsom",hi"S e1..,. For. mommt 'A~~;., "~I'"r 1'."lshour«l.
1'",1's I1n"d saw hcr ..." .ctu.l dragon, Her face Wll p"lI ed She lou ked at 10,,,,. Hc. d•• k eyCl ",one hke coi"t .nd <he w..
In,o.,, exprCSllOf' of eX"e'"c hatred ."d a"l:(er. In one h."d >he g~;"ni"g rh. grin of ehe m,d"',n "'ho hu 1I0Pl"'d e"""olling
was e"'1'm80 woodm e....... h,rnodf.r all. Then she looknl down 31 ,he policenlln 'gain.
Thc ems! h.d "u.ked the jl;nw of one of the COWl ,h., luoI 'TI~ ER E!' .nc cried, .nd ...bbcd the ems! mto hi. buk
doni wluk Arm", "'a, a....y ," her ....."gh,ol PIa« When the a...n - and then ",to h" ned, and then ..10 Iu< thIgh and hn
ground Iud b«ome 10ft m the 'p"ng. P'ul had " ..tebed Ann.., h,,,d.nd mto hn b.ek 'ga'" She ",.e,mod 'THERE" ncr)'
bml"ng ,he 'Otter' eoWl. It h.d ..ken ha m<>s, of ,,, dIg lime .... b,ooght,he c.<>s. dow". Ar 1>" the e.o" broke
,he hole. m ,he groulld, Then .h" ctr1gg.d the bodie' 0"1 of ,hc A"",e rhrew rhc hloody ,nd broke" Cro•• • w~y .. if ir "0
b.." with he. e.. and d.opped d'e'" i",o ,he hokl, Arter "'e 10"1'" ""c""<ted he. o"d w,lked .w.y frOIll the policem~"'l
h.d fill«l tllC' holn 10 .gaLn she oolemnly pbnt«l e........ on the bod,.
",In of e.nh.nd wd..,.... puye... 1"1'1 "'U sure dut <he would rome and kin bJ", "'xi. A, le"I,
Now <he Wa> ndmg towa.d< ,he poIoccm.n Wlth the <lurp l( site <bd "'tend '0 hun tum, be: hoped Il<>.t she would till hUll
end of the cross p<>Ultlog tow..d. hl< b.act. rather .b'n culaoy m"", p""a offl". boJy.
'BthinJ ""wi Look ~wl!' l'aul >ho"'cd. lie knew ,h" " \Va. roo Then I.. saw ,he polium.o mo .... H, ...., .,,/1 ~I;"r!
hte, b", he .homed '"yw'y. The pohoelll'o ... ",.1 hu hcad off 'he gro,,"d. I h. gl.."", Iud
Wnh. th,n cry Anme .ubbed the C.OIS ,nto the policem.,,', f~ll.n off ~"d ]',,,1 co"ld see h'. ej'a, He W>l "c'y )'uunl: _ young a"d hutt .od f"I:hrCll("d H c ""n'ged to [l:e, up OIl ro I",
, A C!' UI.d ,he poIlcenun, and took a 'ew l.l<'l" forw.rd. He b.""".nd l ...... bot thm.he fcU f"",·..d. He got up ag.m ."d
bent 1m bact and re.ched bolh lund< ovcr lui \bouldcr. He beg.n 10 ..a"'lto,,,.,d. 10.. c.. He go< ,bou, h,lf of ,he "'.y
Iook«l to P.ulli.lte a nu" who w.. trying 10 ......"h tus b.d<. "hen he fell OYcf. lie <tnrggkd up 'g"". P.ul ....'"Id ......he
I" the ",e.n,in", A"me go< off the I.w"mowe. o"d SIood bloody ""r" .pre.d,n~ on hl< u",fo"n,
w~tcllillg rh. policem.", Now .he ",.Iled forward md pulled Suddc"ly .he "'""d ", ,Ile bwnn,owc. W't Iou de.

'lAck "",)' 'SJt,', ."""ng '-It!' CuI g..... nO( prople', h..d•. '" it h.d r.llen OVIT - but the
The police"'.... ,umed hi, he.d ,,~th • look o( .I•• m on I", .eadent had u"fortun".ly nol hUrl Annie
faa. He re.ched fot h.. gUll. n ....'s "tlrl! <hough. 1'.,,1. lie lot p.ul fell terribly IOlTy for <he )-oung man. b'" w... wrpr'ocd '0
.... lun 0llI. flf>l! anori>tr f«1nt& ",,,,eel ,n w"h lhe _ro"". He rccog,u=:l
'SHOOT HER.!' Paul scrurrled. I'" fcd... g .. tn~y. 110c poh""m......·....Id neva go bon'" 10 h"
Bu' ",,,ead of !hoot,nl hIT ,he policeman's wounded hInd ....,fe and ehtldl'" if he hod ,hent. hul he h.d .... pI'd Anme
dmppl'd ,he gun. He ruched ou' h,s h.nd (or 11. Anme pulled W,lk",.
the whed o( ,h, l.wnmo"·IT-IUCIOt uound ,nd un OWl ,he Anme ,""'c rou"d the eMncr of the hou"'. Sht gr.bhe<l ,h.
ru,hlllg l,."d ,,,d "In. The yO"ng "IOn in ,he l'0liC<II ..,,'l poli,cm.,,·, bloody h'nd ."d pulled hi", down 10 'he bar". She
u"i(o,m ICr..",oJ III l"'IIl. Blood It,moJ ,he gn,s. dtove 'he pollee cor in'" ,he b.m ."d ,hen .h. drove ,he
A",,,. pulloJ ,he 1''''n",owOl .......nd .g.", .nd hOI eyes (ell closer 10 ,he born There ""I< blood oll over ,he bwn_
fo•• momenl on I'.ul. P.ul w~)Ure" w.. h" ,urn nexl. f,fS1 mOwer.
!he poI"e","n. then h'm. She fetehccl J bege p1>.1<1C .... &; ."d bq;.n to rody up, .She
Whnt ,he pollcem.n '"w <he I.>",,,mowet mm,ng fot h,m wh,odeel ...·h,1e sl'" pickeel up poccn of un,{orm. <he gun .nd ,he
.1..... he <neel,o .... ",1 un,," me, CIt. Bu' M w.. '00 f y brok... emu. and he-< fMC ..... nlm .nd ckar. Sbe took 'M bo.g
• nd he d,dn', even g(l cl<>oc. Ann .. drove the ,nClot as f as '0 ,he Incn door!.nd ,hTC"A'" ,n"de.
<he rould over h.. head. She C1'll' '0 'he fron, of .h. hOOJ'" ."d 1<0Pp<d QIJt!lde
P,ul'urneel,w.y .nd w., viole",ly 'ick on ,h. Aoor. P.ul', wi"dow. She ptCked "I' th. vue ."d p.,ocd " '0 him
poli'ely ,hrollgh ,he bcokrn w;lIdow.
· you ore. 1'0,,1: -Ih<- ••"d. 'I'll d••" Up Ihe link p,«es of
For .....ond he 'hough' of bnngutg <he .... V)· ,".'" do.... n on
He opened h" eyes .g1ln only hen he he.rd 'M oound of 10 <he back of he-< .... d •• she benr ovcr. Ou. ,hen he though<
Annie', key 10 <he Iod of <he ...oc door The ........ '0 hll ....h.1 -Ih<- "'.....Id do ro h,m ,(he f.iled ro k,ll her -.nd <he v....
room ...... open and he w..<heel her eomml down the hdl on wa, no< he.vy ....... g!> for hm' 10 be .ure ,h., he would k,ll her
her boot, and her m.n', !hi.......hich w"' .p1>!heel "'i,h blood. ...."h,L
He w'''<cd '0 ..y IOmClhing. '0 ,ell hec no' '0 CU' 'ny,hing elle \h. looked up .. h,m th'ough ,he hoi. '" 'Il, w,ndow, '1
off hi. body bee,me he would d,e - he would m4h hi,,,,e1f die; d,d,,', klll II"". yOIl k"c>w.' .lIe, "Y,'Jt ~,Iled him. IfyOll h.d
but no r••llOu"d. eun. out ofhil",o",h. kep' yOllr 1110u,II 01"" he would h,," lef, here .. rely. He'd be
Til conIC 10 you latec/ > She closccl hi' dOll, .nd .Ii~e "0.....11.1 ,he.....ould be ""'Ie of Ih" horrible nte" to
Io<keellli -Ih<- had finoJ ........· KCClg lock On". dnn up.'
He ru,nccl hi. he..! .nd Iookeel dully ....' of doe ....,ndow He ·Yn.' 1'.,,1 'And wh., .hou, ....,.
coulJ 0« only ,he 10"'.... Iulf of doe pohcenun', body. li"""
h" '1 d.:>n', k'......· ",Iu, you '.....n·
head ........ ill under the 1>.wnmowCt. Thc 1>."'"mo"'·" WI< 'H. h:od n'l' I"e'u..," I'.ul ""d. ·Y"" pICked" up J"S< now
neuly on 'll """. up og.m.. ,he pollce ClI. It wu ,uppooed '0 .nd 1'''' If '" y""" por;kct You know wh...11.. me'lll. If,
down Ihere On my b.ek o. <1,,11 I jUJl Ie, you f.n OU' of Ihe
po\ietm.n h.d my p,c,u.., ,hen my cn h.. ~en found. ~eY're wheekh.;r down ,holC .uin? ['11 giye yOIl five secondt '0
looking for "'., Ann;e, .nd you know It. Why do you ,hmk ,h. decide.'
poheem.n w.. here?' 'On YOll' back,' h. ",d .""ghl'w,y.
'I don', k"ow ",h>l you',. l>lIdng .bou,: uid "'nnie. 8uI ·Vc.y ICTlllble,' .he ... d She ,,00<1 UI' the .U,n m from of
r.ul.ould _ her f.ce w' $he did. The ulu.l m.dn... wol h,m lO ,h., he could flUl hI> .. 10. rOll,>d her ,,«k '1)0,,', do
,h... e. bu, oomnhong 01... - pu" eyd w" ,..... '00. •... nd I don', .nYlhmg "up,d. I'.ul Don'I ,ry to ehol<e me. 1'", very mongo lim. '0 ,.Ik .bou,,, now: >he wen, OIl, 'C,n', you oec I'm •• you know. I'll dtrow you to ,he ground .nd yOll'lI bre.k
busy?' y<>u.lw;k.'
By 1M cvenUlg sh. had fini<hcd demIng up. Tkre wu no She hfted h,m ullly oul of h.. eN.. Hti I ...... 'ed.ugly lego
sign of blood .nywheK ouui<Ic:. She had wuhc:d down rM hun@: down .. he. """"'- She had l;>ken lhc >pI,n.. oiT some
lawnmower roo - bu, P,ul noticed ,h., .no, fOfJOC '0 dean weeb .go, ,.."., Icf. kg "'... """......rror .h.ln lhe "gb. one by
untl.o:rno.,th " She often _rm<! 10 fotgCl dung. ,f ,hey ~ .houo: ,en em"me..n. He had tried >t:wdu>g on lhc roghllcg by
not dlrffCly In fronc of bel f:tee. "'nn",', m"id ....a' like the ,,,,,If.nd he could do ......... only fo•• I~ m,"ul" bcfo<e ,he
bwnlnO>Wl', Panl ,hough! - dun ... lhc ouUMloe bu, dllgUUing pm! heamc 100 g ......
wllkmc..h. Sbe ca.ried h,m dow" lhe ""'.... Sbe had rut • th... n..llI...
Af,... $ht hod finnhc<l ouuidc sbe •• m. ,n,O the hootKt. Ind on ,he floor. lOfl>C fcod .nd .... ter ,rid me n>ed,ClISC. She lei
P.ul heud her talnng iOInt thingl down '0 the buemen'. When h,m grt off Mck arid "",tu ,he 10.".......
her key .umed ... the lock 011 h.. door he ,hough,: Tlti, i,", When umed .Ollrid <he holdmg > I)·"nge.
SM', 1<" riot ut ~rttllltc·, ,.... "'1' ID 1'" _. 'No.' he d .. soon .. he n. 'No.....r
The door opened arid An",e ",cod th.=. Slit h.d mUlged
,n,O d••n clot..... '00. When >he c.m. In h. WI. J/Jrp",ed '0
ftnd .h>l he could talk '0 hco- qui,. calmly. He "id. 'Co on, CU"PTER TWENTV.oNE

pl•• sc do,,', eu, .ny,hi"l! .h.

,hen, K,ll m•• Annie. if ,h,,', wh.. YOU'y. come 10 do. nu'
off n,e.' ., .
'l'", not going '0 kill you, P.ul,' .he r.phed, I ,IoDuld k,ll you.
'You IllU" t111"~ rill ,,' •• c,ll>· b.d mood,' Anllle ..,d, '1 ",..II
you'd rein, Paul. I'm nof 110'''11 10 II"'. you '" ",)O(,ioll I'm
bUI ",i,h • Hili. I".k I won', h.,.. '0.' \.Hin~ ,he .yr",~~ Il~.e wllb 1'011, bee.",. it'. ihmp dow" here
She pushed him III hi, wh<:clch.;, .crOll ,h•• Otlln ."d duwn ."d \"our l<gt tlll~ll\ .che '1";t. b.dly 1",fo," I II'" b.ek. Now,
,h. h,ll. She opened ,h. knche" door ."d rulled him into th..., we J,.ye,o,'
Th. door to the colb. wll open .nd he could Imell the, She .."led dow" ."d lold h,m her pl.",. She ..... d,,"ki"g
She pushed ,h. wh«lch." to ,he edge of ,he 'I>,n down '0 Ihe eo"'Ut\ll~ from I'bme boule. of l'.p,,·Co[, She Ih ..
C.ll." II.. "ceded, I... of '''11.' .t Ihe momen'
Sp,Jm ""..." riot .., he ,hOllght. Mi'e .t.>... n '10.... Roars dew.. 'lmen 10 me We're 11°0111: '0 be.n "lIh"f" gel< dark before
riot.., ."YOl.. rom.. h> d ..<k nil Ih .. pohcem.n. h'll be d.. k '" .boul
·No. A"",e,' he 'I'm nOl gUing down IlItre.' .n Iwu•• "d • h.lf. If lO,,,<'On( COm" 'Oon", ,h...•• th",' .he

·Y... you .re: .he .. id. '11>c ...Iy qUn\ion ,I: ar. you gUing
I.>,d. She ",.<bed IIltO hec b.g ,nd p"lIed om tho poh"..""n', of """r",: r know thai. Hut r don', think ,hey'lI com. "lU'M
R"n. 'F"" J ltlJ whne"rr oom",. Ih." yo". tl~n me.' ""el,ion, before Ihen. They'll j"" drive .long ,i>c 'o.d,. Iookll'K
On"", " "u du~, she .. >d. me "... R0ttlg to dnve ,f><, poiie<' foe h.. (:>r. So in'm b.ek by tnidd.y I'll you buk ," YOUI
U, "p '0 f><,. t."ghml: PI,,,,,. ""h h<1" h".t>.n<f. old motor room bd""", <hey tome l'll.,-rn Ie< y<>lI w.tCh me ulk '0 them.
b<~e In d~ l»<.k SI>c rould hide chc e.r up ,he'e ,nd" wouldn', ,f yQo,l prom,.. '0 be- good I ...y "dInn" l>«JLI,", r ,hmk ,wo of
be found for n'!OI\lh, lhem ...,11 tome, don', you,.
'l"d uke Wk...."h me. lxc'UIC )ou·.... ot.o".., ,tu., you em be 1'."«<!.
• reol nUlun<:c: >he .. !d. 'bu, I couldo', bnng )'011 ,,"ek on <he 'I}", 1 "n h.ndlc 'woo ,f I nted '0.' She ",,"cd d>c h.u>db>g
b,h, I,ll be tu.d mough <!nvmg "'. ,ho!.< mou"""" I'",h, by who<:h held d>c polo<:c",.o', lIun. '1 YQo,I '0 ...member ....I
Illpdf. I ""Rh. f~1I ofT ."d bre.1. lOIV n«k!' )"oung rn.n·, gun wh,le you nte ,.Ik '0 !hem, P.ul. J
She bu!,:ho:<!., he. Joh. blO' P."I.,,,d, 'And ,hen wltat would W.", YO" '0 remen.ber th" It', going '0 be ,n here.1l ,be Urne
h.ppen '0 Ill<" I'm "Iking '0 'hem. wh~nev<r ,hey cOm~ - 'OmO"OW 0' the
'I)on', ro ",,,th. I'ml, you'd be fine: ,h. repiled, but d.y .ftcr 0' whenC"Cf. You "n ..., th."" bllt ,f'hey \tt yO\!-
he knew be wo"ld,,' .. He wOllld ,he I1h. dog down here in ,he cilhe< by >cciden, oc heCJ'''' yo" do ",,,,e,hinK <lllp,d like yuu
d'lllp b,~",ell' ."d nuke. me.1 foc .he c,,,, The'e w,•• Kre,g dId ''''by - if,h., h.ppe", I'm gOUlg fo uk. ,he gun OUt o"he
lock 0" ,f><, cell" dom by nOw .nd ,he ".,,, were >.t""p b.g .nd It.., shootu,g. "'nd r.member; y<>lI'r••lre.dy ,,,,po,,,i.
.,,)'w'y, T1JctC wife 'Ill)' wtndowi. h,ith "p one w,ll. Iou' 'hey hie for one poI'"",m.n'.'
were tonTo:<! III dll' ·Nonocn..: .. >d P.uJ. knowi"g Ih>! .... would hu... rum for
'So 1"01 ItOin/l: '0 pu' Illm In h'l ""r and h,m up.o m)' ...y'''g ",
I,,"gl:mg Ph« and lou')' h,m'~ _ h.m and h... " you know Uu, she dodn·t. She:}lI1t ""iled her aim. rnothrr_know... be>t
h.. ~," ""hc,... <:><><h-· "",k.
P."I ....-I rooch"'g. lIe JU" tCmembc«d ,he to.... (on'rl..."og 'M.ybe you don', cue for ttKm. P.ul. M.ybe you don', CJre
from the bJ.m ."d ,hen bttommg "len, Anme h.d I", ,hem 10 if yO<l k,ll 'wO tnOtC ~pl~. lilt, if I h."" fO kill u.o.c ,wo
doc .nd he hoped 'M "">n', gomg '0 forlte! h,m ,_. pol""''''.n. I'll It"'e '0 k.ll )"0<1 ....-I me., well.• nd I ,hink yO<l
'1 jU\' hope n..body tom... '0 ,he ho",", wh,le I'm .w.y. I ",II cue for yOIl""lf:
do,,', Ih,,,ft ,hey'd he .. yo" down he,e even ,f 'hey (.me ngh' 'No< 'e.lly, Anme: 1'."I ..,d. 'I don't .e.lly nnnd k.vIllg ,h"
\\p to ,he hOIl\<, !Ju' I'm gomll '0 pll' • , .e,,,,, ,he s ..e life '''y "'or<:
rfOlll the ro,d ,md I",,!\ • nO" Oil ,he ell';" l:ly;llg ,h.. I've 'Oh. yn, I've he..d til" befor.: Ih...iI!, '11,,, .. lOOn .. )"ou
I(0lle ....... y for. few d,y,. Th .. millh, l"'P ,h.", """''''II up '0 ,w",h otT thei, medinl equip"""" or pick UI' ,h. pillow '0 l""
,he hou",: n Oil ,he", f.=. ,It.... ,hey "tugsle .nd try to cry ou,:
AntHe w.. llOl t.king ~"y eh..,e.... P.ul ruliud. She "'., /Ju, 1'''' 'WI'" ~"Iw IMp t""'. J,J t""'. A,mi'"
pl.).;,,!: 'un You" '" .... Ilif~....·h,1e he could only play" ...·hen ·Anyw.y. 'j.m ",.n,('(! '0 ,ell you: tJte ..,d 'If you r•• II)
he ...... w"flnK boob. don't ...... ,hen "' , ,hey )'ou em ohouf '0 d~m 'Il'hm
I ,hotdd be b.d, by mod<by 'omorrow: ohc cononucd ., ,h~ ronl< ru m d~m .nd they'll ,10k tr~ .boul ,be young
don't apcct lhe pobce ...,11 tome bd"or. tbm. They .,,, come. po...... n."... V 11' ..y, "be wulocrc ) =....u). H. ,ho... ed

nl<' • pIC'urC of P.ul Shcldon. llold h,m I ....dn·l Sftn lurn ~ WI .... hen <hoey ",me lhey would ~ no<l"nglU'ptC'OOIn. U"ltu
.hen M W<n' ."'.y." They'll bt "'<pmcd. ..110.... can you be Iltty Ifol, " ...., .... low ..... ,. thoughl P."I. Bu.....h)" ...·ould
....'" ,h•• )"O<I'"c ""vn oem P.ul SMldonr' lhey11 .ll:. "Hc 'hey do th"'~
di...ppc.rcd Iw w,"'c,:' I'll ,cll ,hcm ,h., l'~ul S ldon I< my lIeforc ,h~ kft. 1'1111 .. ked her 10 br"'g him ",n,~ p.per 10
f.vou", •• o,ho.,.., I'd 'cm.mb", $(C1l18 lllm.l h 1o »y lh,l, lhat hccollid con,i""e wriling ,he book while ,Il<; ...... IW'y, Hc
1',01.00 you 'cmember?' nceded ,he drug ofwmmg. She lhook her hud ICgrClfuUy,
Hc ",,,,e,,,btrcd. lie retn<n\b<:rcd. ~raph III bcr albllm. '1 c....·t do tlut. P.ul. I'J haY<: '0 luve the 10gb, on down here
In <he 1"='" Ann", ...... "...on; '" pr_ ",ilik W W1! "'':llbng and IoOmconc mighl I « ,he Iogh' through the w.,dowt.. And ,f I
fo. "'" Jury 10 retun, 10 COUrt and p.onou'l« h... gu,l.y or I've you • ",.ch or a ,,,,dIe you "ngh' try 10 ,J"ne " Ihr'OUgh
",,,o,:en,, Unde. the 1"c'ure WI< ",m'en, M;,,,~b~! Nal Ihe Ihe w,ndow,:
D'~.\'a~ Lldy, tt.mi, ,;IS quitlly ond ...J! ",hilt sltt ",.IIS for tlot H~ thollgh' of bei"g left .Ione down helC in ,he cell.. in ,hc
JUry. And", 'hc pICture Annie "'u holdmg up her book so thOl <b.k, and hi, Ikin fell cold. I k 'hough, of lhe uti Iuding In
ev",yOllC could """.he was re;>dlng the b,est M'....y noo·d. mc.r hob ,n the ... alls. .... lImg for dalknns 100 Wt .hey rould
'So: Ann", "'en< on, ·I'll .. y th" "'" )'<>W'I pnlioonWl ",rote COmC ou'. He whclhcr thl)' could >nidi hi, fc••.
,II ,hlS do""11 'n hI< book .nd UK! dunk you. I'll ..y du, I 'I)on·. me In 'M d..k. AnnlC, The "'",'
'''''iled h"n ,n for. ""l' uf corrce. Ilc refulCd, but he ~e"ept<d a 'I h.w '0. Oot,'< be "uch, b,by, I've got to go nOw. lfyoll
bollle of cold I'ep". be",",,- lhe <by ",os so hot: She hold up a" need." injection. pulh t.... I)'rlnge "\to you' leg, 1)0"'. worry
emply bottle of Peplo>. 'I'm I"'''g 10 SlOp and ,h.ow llu. in , .hou,.M "fl. p'ul They'lI p,oNbly r«ognl,c W, you·",. ro,
dlldl ,hrtt UI fou. kd.:J<nct.... up "'" road: \I>c 101id. 'Bul fi... too,' She uughed ... her joke ...d CO<lunucd buglung.ll the w'l'
I'll pUl h.. f"'il.... ,U 0' e. ,to of course: up'he ....,n.
SM """led., hi", a dry om,k:. wnh no humour m ';, When she dMc'd lhc door '0 .he k"ehcn i, 'oully
'They'll find ,hc bOlllc, .od lhen they'lI know lh.c hc wCnl 1"" bl.ek, He eOLlld he" hcr drive ...... y. l!c in\Ogincd Ih" ,lte W,I
my houle ~ orchey'U Ihi"" ,hey kno.... , ....lllCh "JuS! .. good. ''''·t ill Ilill bllghing. I" the d"k""" hi"m.g",a."''' SOOn beg.n '0 pl.y
Tbcy'U ",.rch fo, him f.... , ....hlle. bul then ""'y'U corne b1d. Oh. g.amn with hI! mind. Ue ",..gtned th>! the young policcrrun
yn.IMy·1I come bod<, bee.UK l"m the Udy. I'm thconly COme '0 hfe in 'M bun and =",1cd up 10 ,he h""",; M
<ra:r;y On<' on lhe ""hey11 cOone Nck. and Ihey'lI rorne miD the im.g,nt<! ,h.. M through ,he w,lI ""0 ,Ite edbr. He fcl<
hOIlK ,h" time BUllhey'1i beh,ve me.c lim-th.I·"he potn'- So One of lhe policem,,,', eold, dc,d {"'ller1 'o\ld, hil check - bll'
we'll ",me "m•• l'.ul. Mayl"....' much.o a week.' Shc looked ilw"" only. l>rg. ,p,cier and 1'.111 ".hIed lh., he l,.d been
>l hun eoolly, 'You're go"'g to hove to Wnle f.loIC1. 1'..11.' drc~m"'g.
H" leg< wCte painful no.... ,nd be s,ve hlnudf an ,njection.
llocn he fdl properly .<k<-p. and. when M woke up. lhe duU
CMAP"TEIl TWENTY.TWO IIgh, o( ..rly mo.mng w•• lililng ,he cell.., He uw a huge r.r,
'Iltil1g ill the pl..e offoo-d whIch Ann" h.d left, "'lllg cbe....,
DorknCSI fen .nd no pollee nme. Amue 'PC"1 lhe Itme pUllmg He ..;reamed .nd ,he <>1 u" ......1·.
new glou in I'~ur" Wlndow.nd piektng up the broken pI«n, >0 He <001< "'''''' NQvri! ...d iool:cd round the celu., He I.>W.M

barb.,,,, IlOv~ wnh .11 ill 'ooh .nd ~qllipm~lll, ."d 'Cn,e", b.rcd
burning FOil C." ..• nd ,"dde"ly .n ide> burl! 'urO h" ,mild
Ith. b"gh, 111l1n. II" looked >I ,h~ ide. frotll .11 d"c.:1I0m ."d
1I .ull S«l1led 'w"", ....., I..t h~ h,d , pbn whlrll "UIII" b.
,uco....ful. ~le feU ...I""p .g.m wIth. ,,,,,I<- on h'l f"c. dre.u""'ll
.haul .he "e~, plges h. would wn'~.
.... nn~ "me bil<"k '" the ",L<kII~ of d... f'ernoon. Sh~ w..
",Inll, bu. s«m«lurN ... her- tlu.n tkprCW'd. P.ulllk«l .... If
",,~rythmg had gOM.ll ngh•• nd I!>r nodd«l.
'00 you W.1ll anothe. mJ""lon, P.ul" .h• .. k«l, 'You, kg>
"'u" t.. hurung.1ot by noW.'
lr w •• tnw: The domp Iud nude hn kp hUrl tr.... bly. bu, he
....".«1 .... 011' o(,he cdl..... '1uio::ll'" poOIibk. 10 he.old ....
he wu OK When he lot on to 00 NO:: fot ,.... nde up ,...
>t" ...... h.d to b,,~ hi> lipllO .. op hm"df sho""ns In p.l,n. A•
•he hauom of'he 'wn .... p.ou>cd. >nd he hop«! pn.ycd
th.. oM would not ~ 'he "'''''01 un of b.a,btror (~I, he
h.d pul!>rd It doWTI.he NO:: o{hi, .rou"",.
S'" dldn', s«m '0 not...... nything. When ........ b><:k In h"
'OOm h. J>ld, 'I,h,,,k I would h"~ .h.. "'./e.""", now, A"nlt:.·
She look~d .. hll (."", which " .. <OV<Te<! In ....... from ,hc
p.m.• nd ,h... nodded.
A, .00" ., ,he lef. ,h~ ,oom '0 (<leh ,he ",edlC''''~ he pulhed
,he ,,".II. A.. furl Un ,,,,de, 'he "'''''c''. lie h.d,,', hIdden
.ny,hlllglho" ,,"Ce ,h~ ""i(e, '" h" didn', C'Xpt'el her ."dd."ly
to look ,h",,,. A"yw.y, he w•• n·. pl.llllllll' ,,, le.vo II Ih..c (or
Af, •• ,ho h.d giv." him Ihe iujrclio" do. l1i<l ,hr wo< Il'""" 'u
,I""p. ·If. car ""me' I'll he.' il.· ,he 1....1. Til yum whcekh'i'
nex, '0 your bed 10 ,h., you n" p", up .nd work if yo" W.1ll ,n.'
'1 pmb.bly will. I.te.,' h~ ...,d. 'There i,n', mueh lime now, il
there, Anmr!'
s..Utlt/y." .<It. 60..../ ,mg /u', mtlli/ I,,,,". hng., Ilgk Ht 1"",",,1/ 11/ ·No. ,,,,", I'.ur. I'", gbd )'ou ""de-"'.nd ,It.. '
1M ok. F~'" .11 I/".WMS """ ./ ",11 1tt"",1 ",'ttl. 'A"'He: I\., uld Ill1lOCemlr. 'Since I'm geru"g '0 ,I\., end of
the book. I wonder If )'(),,'d do lO"'e1l';"1I f.". m~.'

·Wh.. ?· mor~ ,h.n • ch,ld; .hese IWO wcr. oompl..dy d,tT.",n!. On~
·Pl..... doo', rc.><i >ny more. When 1'". fim!hed II ,II. .hen w., 1II ulllfo<m and on~ w,•• delen,....,. Bolh w.", uld .ud
you can ,~><l ill <he 1>.. duP'efL \\Illl you do ,h..' h'D nuke II ."ptticnc'rd.. ",. tio:t«u"" looked nred, bul hIS ey.. w~,~
"'Oft nabng for ynu.' w.l<'hing .... l")·t!lIng. "T'Iw 0100 pol,"m>n was 1>....nd <>bv;'
·V.... ,h>ni< ~...... I'.w. Ves. ['II do .M.: ....s1y "'lf~mdy
Four hours ~ "'... Olill .s1~p. H. h>ti be..d ha go 10 "T'Iwy lOt Oul uf the.n and oco<>d cl.... 10 "'n"",
while ....y
bed UplC"f<" four o'clock .nd h.d he..d nolllll'g Iincc lhen. ••hd ha ..."" q......'OD. whICh P.ul could "01 he•• ~I. ,hough,
He fclt ..fe, H. g'" iUlo hIS whe,kh". •• quielly as .bou, b'e.klllglh. wmd"w 'g''''. bill 'wo dung. SlOPf"'tl him,
pOl.ible ,nd rolled h''''wlf over '0 hu ..ole by ,h. window. NO! Fi,,'. ,h~ d..ewvc b.d hi\ eo.( bmwll.d. so he would no, be
long .gl> he h,d dncovered • loose bo..d in ,h. Aoor. Und•• ,he .ble'0 g•• hi\ gun qu,ckly. If he b.d "on,..,d lh'l, ,hen ... ""i.
bo.ord w., , n.rrow .p."". Th. 'l"cc w,. J"S! b'g .nough fo.- cctUlIIly h.d Ion. She would !hoot" II... OIha puh,..,",." lint >I1d
.h. nn off",l. r'ul .. ghed in rdlCf when <he boord was b..k m ,hen lhe .... «"1,,"". 1l>c ....cond dung ,h>! llopped hun w>< Ius
pomon lie grndy bkw dull b>ek o~a ,he board ... du, " dc>rrc fo.- ,evrnlC. Tbc poll,.., wOllId only J'U' "'nn", ," p.-..on.
Ioo/r:cd <he ... me .. all ",rround.,. bo>rds. H. wrotc me H. Ium...1f, .... Id hurt hn, and he w."<Cd '0 do d....
""g.. of ,he book .nd ,bm " ...... b.ock 10 bed .nd skpl: pt ... ",. bog pohecrrun p<)lDlCd ,owud. ,nc IIuwc .nd "'nn IN
fully. ,h~m lU ,h,ough ,hc kuchn, dooI'. P.ul rould 'lOW ,he
eo,wc.... "oo. The puh,~,"e" w~.. ,.klllg h~, .bo;,,,,
K",h"cr, ",hieh w .. ,h. yo"ng ",.n'. "."'c.•"d ...,,"'. w••
CIIAP'lIlR TWIl",rv _THRill! tdlml; the", her s,ory, She """nd.d ve'y ,.Im. "m 1'.ult;'u"~I,,
h. "Oliccd 10"" SIgn. of sUlpi.:ion '" ,h, ""he~meu·. VOICe<.
N"" d>y ,he pobcc c,,,,.......1 hend ,he Q' ,nd thc" heud TIx-y Lc{, ."d "'run. "'"" ,nlo 1>.ul'•• Oom. She .. him
"'nnw: runmng do"..n ,he corndor '0 "" mom. He 1"" lhc fo,. fuJI n"""le.
pmctl ca.efully down on II... pape. he ..... 'O""lOg '" h,. 'Why d,d,,'. )'UU shou" ihc .slcd, She rouldn', "nJn1unJ
Wl,ody h.ndwnnng II. In be. world every""" w. . . g''''''
he., ... why !udn', he
"'nn"" •.rn nltO .he rOOm. ·Got (lU' of,· Ha f,,,, ..... shou,edl
,igh<. She .I".dj· h,d ,he b.g ",,,h ,he gu" >f""nd her shOlllde•. ·lknu... I ",·."t to fi""", the book: h~ ....d. ·Ik-c,u!< 1 W.IlI
'G~, Ou' of ....· Shel"u<.c<l .nd ..... ,h.. hc h.d .I.e.dy rolled ,he '0 lim.h" fo, you ...."",.:;, .w.y f"'IlI tI .. w;",l"", ...... ~ \,0\1 gOtllK to be good. She looked .. hu" \lle",,",ly. w''''llIll 'u belie,',. r,,,.lIy .he
P,ull' d,d beheve hlln. It w •• ,h. "mh.• nY''''Y
·V.. :hc .. ,d. lhrrc d.y. bter the 1"",1 TV new. progr.n""elC1U. '''''''
Her ey.......ehnl h.. f.ce. ·r", gOl"g '0 '''''' you.' ihc .. ,d. '0 "'no;"·. f""L "'nmc ""uled '0 let ,hem 00 '0 her I>,od and
st... lc{, <he room >l,d wen, ..... 10 1nC'CI <he pol,ecmcn lim! • !hot ""0 <he ." .0 ".,.., ,bem uff. "'flerv.-,.ds ihc ... ,d,
.....1 moved ....h,. he could 1ft ""I of <he wmdo........ ,d>ou, ·V.... lm"w wlu, thq. """. 1>,,,1' Th"" wlu. ,hey " ....... st...
being ...... h,mself. \,u'chcd h<-r f"",,,,,.d ~ ........Jy ""h he, linge..u,l., '" ,h••
Th. pohce",.n ,,'1>0 h,d come three dJp 'go Iud been hardly bloo.:! Aow"J ,luwll her f ,

'Anni,. MOp i'" 'No, Annic, you lIluSt w~il. II's "npo,untth~t you w.i,.'
'Th" .. wh.t d.ey want '00.' Sh, h.. he...,[( on the ,h""k, IjUl she h'" Gonc bl~nk .g."', He w~,,«1 p,,>cndy (or hcr '0
'And tit,,: Sit<: hn her o,he. died:, h..d. return ,nd thcn rcpc.. <:d h'l.m,,'cr, $0 ,h.t th'llLmc >he wO<Jld
'STOP IT"heKTe.mM. ~., ...
'/,', ...... rl.q ...."',. w OCtt.mN bKl: She p«Ued hn Junds 'I'll yt>U JH)"',' she s.,d. 'Bu, youll nIl me when y",,','c
.g.m.. <he wonnd. on hn- f"""",.d.nd .hen hdcI hn-Iunds "'" "rushed <he book, WOO't you> I""e gOl <ome etump>gnc III <he
'0 him", 'hu he rnuIJ >tt .he blooJ. Then ..., Ief, ,he room (OOI!' I don't kJH)w mlldt .bou, wm<:.and thing.. b.n <be nun
.nd he ,ool up h.. pencil .nd fdl ,luough ,he hole m d>e p.tpn .t ,he >hop uod tl w., 'M bcor. [w.". u<.o h-lve.he bnt, P.u1.'
·s"n. 'TIl" ",und< lovely, Annl<:. Bu< thnc '. OtIC Other tl'unll yO<J
11><: nex' &}' twO d,ff....", policen,,,, om". to ........ ("()(tId do fQr me. '0 n••h" $pCc..L'
mall h",. Sho ,old th"m ,he <lory ~bout Ku:llt"" .nd ,t><: 'Wh.!,.,h•• "
Pof"i-Cola boule. They • ..ked her .bou, th. ""ratoh", on h.r 'I'd re.ny hke. C1R1rClle - JU" one, whcn I tim.tJ. TIle" were
ford, •• d. 'How d,d you II"' tho",?' -'O1ll<: cig.rettc. '" my lUite.""
'I h.d. b.d drc~m I... ,,;ght ' 'U"t ('g1relles ..e bold f~, you.'
'WI,.,?' 'Annie, d" yo" ".lfy ,hi"k I '0 worry .hum dying (rom
'1 ,h.. people remembered "I<: ,ftcr .n thi. nm••nd ltllok",g IIOW' Do you re.lly ,ltUlk ,h..,'
.u,,«1 com",/! Ollt he." '11'''': Annie ... od, Sll<: dod,,', s.y .nr,h,,,!:.
Wh.., <be)' h.d gonc Ann", am<' mtO h" n)Qm, Her f."" Wi, 'I JUM w.", onc "K~""c. )"'c .Iw,)" ,cr.~<:d ,,~.h • oS.,cnc
d'lUnt.nd 1M looked ill 'How mlKh longer, P.ul? When W1U 'n",lCdu,dy .f'eT /in,.tJ"'1I • book.'
you r.nUlt d>e book?' 'All "gh,,' >he .. od. 'UUt Ions bcfOtc <be etumP>Iln<:· I don'.
Tomorrow,' he s..d. w.m '0 dnnk CJlpen.. '~ etump.tgnc ",.h my f.,."..nte .utho<
'Next lime .hey'l m"" perm ........ to ",... h d>e hou",: Ihc WIIh .lltme don)' smol<e.,.he ",.'
s.od, :tnd Ief. bd"orc he (Ottld ,eply. I. dodn't uke h,m 1on1l10
Ilet back '0 ""o,k HII .wollen fmg," "'ere ItiU lodced lightly
on '0 th( pencil. Now mo.c ,h"" (Ve. he ntt<Icd '0 fmi'" the
.nd.She lef• ."d • wh,le Lller nmc b.ock "·,,h ...nllle 0lln"te
bo~ of m"chn _ wnh ooly onc m.tch til It, She pu' ,t><:n,
qUIetly 00 ,Ite .. hk .nd crep! Ottt of ,he 'OOm, not w.ntmG '0
boo' d,sturb her f"'""me .utho•.
Sevc..1Itour. I.te, 1'.,,1 W'Ot, tit, 'wO wo,ds wh,ch ,very ,",hor
loves ."d I",c' mOi': Tl-l E Ii N D. I Ie .., ttl . .,;s(."iott.
CltAI'TIIR TWENTY_I:OUR Thcn he ben' "w, '0 ,he I""" ho..d ,,' ,he 11<>0"

She wot. h,,,, up thc next mo,nms ...·,'h I", brake.". 'It'••
"".y .pcci.ol my, P'ul, ,... 't it?' OIAI'T!!" TWENTY·FlVII
She herll over ... oJ k.tiCd h"n, 'I love ylKt. 1'101. c." I,u" I·t<: called her /ivc m'nute> He he.,d he< h,..·y "CPO
",.ding" '10"'" com,ng down d>e IU'''''' Tl>e room .."ellc<l Mronlll)' offuel.
She .t<>ppN at the end of the 1,.11 .nd shouted out. '1'• .,1. ..e mOllg" when they mel Ihe Iiul. pool, of fuel whICh lay 1111 th~
you ",,,lJy f"mhed" "bk Ull both 'idel oflhe In>nc,ipt.
I'aullooked .t the huge pile of p.!",' on front of h"" Of> the ·OH. COD, NO!' Annie > 'NO! NOT
uble. It wI! wet wnh fuel. MISEIt Y! NOT HERI NO!'
·Wdl.· he o/lou.<d •.[ did lhe beu I could. "'nme,' I'.u! eould nOw f..,I,he M.. of'he Of> I", f..."
'1 e.n h..dly t,.,he\'e ,,1' .he .. it!, ' ... .1lthtS lime! I'm 10 'P ... UL. WH ... T ... ItE YOU DOING? YOU C ... N'T
UC1tcd I'll go and gn ,he ch.m~g"". I "''0<1', bf a mmu,e!' BURN MISERY, YOU DIRTY IllRI>. YOU!'
She llOUndcd Ioke a h..1e girl ....nd then she d,d exxdy ""h.. M had known >he ""oldd do:
lie M.<d II...- !he kllrhcn Hoot, The fndl" door she "'ttd ,he burmnll pile of pape'. Then she turned round.
'l!lIC'.kcd opm .nd ohm shu. >g.m. She ..."ed down ,he lull. "'tcndut/l '0 ,un to the bathroom ""th It and pul tl undcT ,he
lie fCached for !he bOlr of nutd>n and tool< OW ,he smeJc' up. Al soon " the ,urned II...- back on P.u! M pocked up the
m.",h He ....... ched II 'g.,n>l .be: ..oc, bo' n didn't lIgh•. She be:a"1 olod 'ype-wmn .nd Itf,a1l1 O"cr It" Mad. Tbc ..oc of the
"'as ""..Iy .. htS door. The th..d "me. the match In and hoe tYIIC',,·ntcr """ hoc .nd blist.... Ipr.U\II up on It" lund. He
w•• ched the ydlow H."", carefully_ 'llnoted the pa.. .and ,h,o,. the t)-pcwnler .. II...- I, hit II...- In
·1'.... ,h.. -·
hope' 'be m>ddk of II...- bxk.
$he ..oppN. I'.ul wn ht>IdJn&.he bu,nmg much JUi( .bowe 'OO-OW" Ann ... fdl forward on ro lhe fIoo•. on 'OJ' of
the plior of ~pet 1'.ul had rurncd the tOJ' page .round SO th.l ,he bul-nlnll pdc- of p.lper.
"'nn... COt.Ild '" " wllC'n ..... UtlO 1M room; MISER Y'S P.ulllOOtl up on htl one 11<><><1 leg. TOf>llun oflUm. ~tt to
It ET URN. by I'.u! Sheldon. Ann... •• moulh d,opped open_ p1.y .. 'M cdS" of Ann"', dod... and he eould .lr•• dy lmt:1I
·P.ul. ",h.,.,e you gomg:' bu.n'n/llk",. ~M K ..~mcd ,n ~"'. She .olled o\,a.nd lI.uggled
'[','r fi,,,shcd: he ,...d. ·... nd i,', good I" f.ct. flun .... I 'honk '0 hcr knen. Now M could tee b.oken KI... '" her arm••"d
It'. II" bell 'hmg I"'r eWet w<tllen. Now I'nl gOU1/1'O do. hllle farc. '00, So"'e ofh.. dOl .... h.d mel'ed on '0 he. ,ku,. lie d'd
trick wl,h tl 1t·,.l':ood trick. 1 le.rned tl f,om you.' not f.d at onlymp..he"e 01 lOrry.
'Pa"I, ""I' lie' wo;c. w .. full of P"" and ""den,."dlng. Hrr '0
Trn go",S to kill you.' she ",d.• nd ,u.ted to get hcr f..,t
I,,,,,,h ">ehed oot .nd ,he d'opped ,he rt",,'p.g". bottle and P.,,11e1 h"nself f.1I on top of her, Th" pu,hed her dOwn 0"
th. jI:!a,se' 0" to the floo,. They broke: ther. we.. p,ee" of /11." to the h••d typew"'er, She "re.",oo m .g"" .nd "Oed to
...d eha "'p'~'" e\'crywhe,•. pOlh him off, She ,olted o\'e' on 1o her bark, He ll,.bl>cd IOnte
·It'•• 1'tly d"t you'll neH' read it: I'alll la,d.• nd lmiled at P'p<'t. which W.l lying", • pool of o;hm'p.~tle. and kl".,hed i'
I,." II "'al 1m f,r« re.1 .n"l, f", month •. · "".Ily, I think into. b,11,
u', belter II..., • good nowd; 1 lI"nk ,t w JI"al nowe!. 'Co ~ff~!' Ihe shouted.•nd h.. mou,h opened w,d., 1'• .,1
"'nm.: p",hcd II>c b.n ofp'pe' tntO he. mouth,
Th. "'ateh w......"ng to b"m hi' t'nge". lIe dropped tl on ·H.,..', your book. AnntC,' he gasped••nd he lIubbed lO",e
'0 'he pile of p.t-pcr. For one ''''fol momem he thought II had mot(: p.per. :ihe struggled undc. h'm and h'l kf' knee 1m the
II"''' out. bu' tl>cn p.l~ blt><' fi", ,ushed .crOlI,he ,op p.t-/le and ground. The patn w'lterribk. bu' be kept hi, pouUot1 On tOp of

dO"'n ,he "d"" of th~ tYpelCnpt. 1ne fLtI"n /I"'w ulk. and be••nd roneely punched more pope' ""0 ber mou,h

He could h... her hch",d Inm. H....rted .CrOiI the h.oken
more ~nd more. un,il ,he firs, b.ll, of p.per wcrc deep in her gl...."d ,hcn he feh her h.nd clooc .round ,he Slu"'p of his ler,
,hro.', ",.k,n~ ",,,,pouible for her '0 bre..he, .nkle. He sc",.mcd.
She fough, b.ek wi,h .11 he. ,ueng,h .nd m.n.ged .0 pwh 'O;,,!' AnnlC en~d. I'.ullooked round '0 sec wh~,hcr s1,e h.d
t"", otT her, Her h..,d, reached for her ,wolkn ,hrN', There W" uU, ,he p.pc., but .he h.d,,'••• nd hCl f.ce wn .c..ung.o
wu lollie left of her clo,he< .. ,he fron, of her body and he ,urn pu,ple
could !oCt ,h.. her Rc-h w" ro<l.nd covered ",nh bJo"en It was ~ny fo, h,m 'Q pull hi. kg ou' of her S'UP hcou..
'.\lw",I'1' '\/~,I<I M~rlr!' Amue ..,d, She' "nlg~1cd '0 her f«t, ,he", was ".. fOOl for her to hold on '0. Bu, sJ..., ",ached ou,
I'.ul p"'hcd h,m1df back"'. . rd••Iong the lIoor, h.. Ic~ 1In,gh. .g.. n ....1 ..lZrd h,m h,ghe, III' .he Iq;;, Some broken gl...
OU"" f.on. ofh"n, li<' wa,ched her ",. .crully, <I.bbed ",to h.. elhow .. he cuntinucd trying.o erawl.,,·.y.
She ,ook on(' .. ep toward, hIm. dook,ng on <he p.per. Dtopo 'All' CA lI"000 011'"
of elum",,"nc it...., .he p.>per no do n her chill, Hn eyet Be ,u~ .It'''' .n.! now he, face was ""..Iy bb,k lie
.......ed at tum WIIh • 'I"""""': P_I, ""ttPt",IIJ I ...£f rnehcd f..r.he doo<fr....... nd pulled turd on n'o uy '0 "".pe.
• ntll'''t ,.... cJw.jNPt In, IIJ ,.... II.> ,"'. ,. _1 She took bu. her h.nd cl<*d on h" ,tugh.
•noIhcr 1Icp ~ feU lWer <he 'HX'wn,er 'pm. He. hew tu, II... .,'. .... he ened ,n rc......1 Jnpc<.."", He fel...... tunds ru"
w.ll hard as !he fell do,,'n and Ihc bndcd i>nvr'y on ,he ground Joke spodc•• up I". back and "'>eh hi. nc<:lr.. H~ f~lt <he- ",,,,gh. of
bh • Ioo>C' _k of bock>. hn body on hIS ltg., ponnmg h,m .0 <he lloor She "''''''ed
fur...... up h.. bod}'. '''ppmg him. h ","I d,lTlCllll for hIm to
The Dnll:0n Lldy. on ,or of h,,,,. She s«n>ed dllk and
AnnIe had f.llen on ,he m.", pde of b"m,n, p.per. her body immen.... The ,or w.. dm·en 0'" of her l"ngl as 0IK' fell on t..
h.d ,wpped n bum,ng. hi"" .nd h~, h.nd, dug <kep in,o h.. neck.
P.ul cnwlcd ,oward, hi, wheekh~,r. He h.d "",ned hu He scre.",c<i. 'I),t! C~w', yew Jit? Czw', rou l"" Jlt r
back, .hcre were blisters.ll over hi, ngh' h.nd, h.. head .chrd S"ddenly IlCr h.nd, we'" loolC .nd >he loy he.vily on ,op ..f
~nd I", "onlleh rolled with ,he ,ick_,wee' ,mell ofbumed flesh.
Bu, he wn frcc. The Dngon bdy w., rk.d ~"d he w•• He put1~d h,,'\ldf ollt from ""demeOlh her body ."d cr.wletl
Ilc W" h,lfw.y '0 hi. whe" Annie Ol",,,ed her lIl'O ,he h,lI, AT""e I.y silen, ."d face down in bloo.l ,,,,I'p,lIed
eyel, eh''''I'.~"e .nd p,eeCl of grC<'n gl.". W•• sht dc.d? She "''''I be
1'.,,1 W .. d'Cd, "nhchcv,,,~. whIle ,he ~O, 1I0wly '0 hcr kn..... de.d. I'.ul d,d n", believe oI,e w.. dead
Pc.h.p, she could n", be killed! Iler ey... we.e staring .nd He shu. the door .nd re.ched up '0 'u,," ,he key in the l<><:\:.
homble. A huge wou"d, pmk_r.d, show.d th.ough her h." 011 lie l.y d"", .., or' p.i" ."d exh.""i"", on .h~ 1100•. lie ".yed
,he kt. "de ..fhcr he.d. mood poured down her ,h~.e, only h.lf e""",ioul, f01 .n unknown pcnud of ,i",e, lie
'o..tJl' Ann'c cried ,hrough her .hroa,ful ..f p.lpcr She beg.n unly ",ovcd tvCntu.lly when h. hcltd • ",•• tching wund, A'
.0 enwl'uw.rdl h,m.
P.ul ,urned .w.y from her:tl1d startc<i,.. enwl for the door
f,,,,he .hough, " was the ' .., i...he eelb. Then A"",.', ,h"k

bloodll~,"ed f,ngerJ erepr under the door and tried to ",i.e the m.noged '0 underst.nd wh~t ]'.,,1 wat "'Ylllg 'hey loohd in I".
end of h,s shirt. I"ul > md punched at the f,ngers with .oom. raul luyed in tile corridor. Thcy ca",o out again and the
h,s fill, The (mgen did ,,0( d,,,,ppcor bock under the door. but der«ti ..e md, 'There', no one thcrc. Therc', a hell of a n,as -
.t leur they I.y 1(,11, blood and "'Ille .".1!tuff - and ,lie w",dow'l broken, but
1'...1 crawled furthcT down the lull. tOwont. the bothroom. 'h....·• no wom~" '" ,here.'
He was ,n 'errible p>in now. from hos legl. Ius back and his V~ul w.. mllleTc.m,ng whm he fain,ed.
burned hond. As $(I(It1 01 hc wu insodc he found thee pocken of They 'old tum IIlc' ,lut they f(>lU>l/ hc. '" the ~n,. $1Ie "·n
No"ril and swalloW<'<! three .. ble... He ut with hll back agam.. dead. bu' she "'.. grasp'ng the uc nghtly m hcr lund! ...d " ..,
,he door and slept. on ber ...ay bKit ,owards the h"",".
Whm he wokc up it WOI dark. H<- lIs.ened atnully fOt an)'
nOllft oullldc: ,n me mrndor. Thc more he l,!tmcd ,he more he
t«mcd '0 hea. "'Sh, IJODC:Io. nr;. i< <ruy, he ,ok! h,mself. S/Ir'J CHAPTER T'S'E.'ITY-SEVEN
. . . . . 6 .., , w:os tho,? Was tho, altgM fOOlllql on me IuU?
. ""' M.l«IIft_. Pa,,]'s leg> slowly rn:overnl tn ho<piul and ,he docto.. mad<
S/Ir _U nt.ptJ dI"""1I1/M .......... h,m ... excellen, In, fOUl .\fIH"J'" Rtno ... IOld m,lhon, of cupon
P....I, .Iv'. DEA Di .. , but Po,,1 M,I1 sen Ann", W,lk.. wo",ng for I"", ,n ct>t'rten.
Po..l had a problem. He n«<kd to ched: on It)mcdllng. H. '" lhodo..., on the .. rttU, '" ...·cry who e'·er ,db h,m
w.n'cd to ....e that the 'ypcKnpt w:,. ufe .. the .../ ,h... he" her f."O\In••• u,hor .
•ypncrtpt. Wh.. Anntelud ....... and tried to Ja"e wUJUIt a pik
of blonk p'g<'l .nd old. uncorrec,ed ",gCl wh,ch he had col_
lec,ed He had pu' the mI.-page on the lOp It) that Ann.. w",,1d
beli.e"e i, WII ,he book; bu' the ... Itypc>crip' wu", his room.
under ,he bed. Hc wonted i, .. re. he won,ed people to read i,.
He knew" wo. ,hc b<-u book he h.d w,ine.. , Til>! wo, the
problcn,. I)id he the cour~gc '0 go b~ek into the rOOm to
got th. ty?C>cnpt? Supp<»c Annie w" "ill .live!
He c..",led slowly down ,hc h.lI tow.rds his room. In the
,h.d"",. he im.gined AUnie cverywh<re: w.iling for him in ,hc
,iulll~'T<XI'" Or further down the rorridor. The bo~rds On tho
floor ",.de a no;", beh,nd him ond ho t"'''ed lou"d. Nothing
, , . th" "",c.
Outside, cor door ,""ut .nd he heord a m~,,'. "oice Sly. 'God!
Look n th'l. will you?'
'I" ""../' he $('Toamed.. /" Iw,,! 1'", ;M Iot"r

It "'U the: ,wo pohcnncn from the: doy before. When they

CIt.pI.,. I~

UEACISES 3 "'" ,"eM " n , _ In lilt 'Igh' _ ,

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oln" p*opl"O, "",,1 W!I~?

c,,~ l-e \ (Mh", 'lie hOl. IOIOrY '" P'''' SIIeIOon'o Imp'lsOnmIn, b~ ""nil In
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na mot n lin .... lIflCfl
• Who Ie "'"aw)' Cl>ef,1''''~ 2 y"" 0" _ 01 _ poIiDt oIlieln ....... _ " , hnd Paul. W,I.. J'OI"
b _ Ie ,,,," ' " , _ """II P..... hat j.>sllmlshtd?
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_PI' 01C><~. "'""".1.011>1' do'" bIe.....
A_ric: horror ototieo land filmll. In
2 _ _ $leph..... 1C""oI build up _
,lie pItyoic:t1 _ ,..... 'nd
a ~~ .., k..."... p,~, look.., ,n!lll P""lOg""" oltnl"' _ _ 1l>e <!wi,...., oj AMi. W,llotl••11P by 0101S'. In lilt,,,'" <hl4l4'" 01
, An",. <ul 0" P,~I'o lh","," _'Ll" ,h.o_1


A story by Stephen King - the master of horror.

Paul Sheldon is Annie Wilkes's favourite writer. She
loves all his books about Misery Chastain. When
Annie finds Paul after a car accident, she takes him
home to look after him. Then Annie dlscoven that
Paul wants to kill Misery and to write different kinds
of books. She is determined to stop him, and Paul
becomes her prisoner.

P.."..ln Rado.. is •• erie. ollimplified .<OrieI wIlich introduc... 70"

ltep-by·.tep to me 1It.......... e Wt has modo ~ 8ool<s world
w-... Thill...... oIIe.. you clauicl. belt_.eIIetI, """00... and orici"tI
.<OrieL bch book h:a> elttMlM! exerdses. a detailed introdu<bon and
dnr inIorma_ about <he oybbus. They ~ publnMd II ...... els
from aepUlel (JOO words) to Adv>n<rd (3000wonk).

S Uwor ••• , f to (llOO-l
4~_" '_(llSO_1
)"., . . . . ojlOSO_l

! e.--.,. (500-*,
I ...._ (lOCI,...",j,j

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lSI. 1I-"-?"'" 'l

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