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Assessment Task 2 Instructions

Carefully read the following:
You have been appointed as the Office Manager of a newly created team of office professionals. The
organization, Office Pro, that you work for is a medium-sized company with three departments: accounts and
finance; multimedia, design and production; and business administration. Your new team consists of four staff,
employed to take care of the office administration. Your role is Office Manager, and it is your responsibility to
provide information and training for your staff.
You have decided to conduct a number of information and training sessions with the new staff, with the first
one focusing on Health and Safety. To assist with the session, you have decided to develop three information
handouts, which you will provide to, and discuss with, the staff.
You would also like to consult with your staff to identify further training needs with regard to Health and Safety
as you believe that this is a key area for training for new staff.
As your appointment to the position is recent, you will be working closely with the company’s Operations
Manager while developing and conducting staff training.

Complete the following activities:

1. Develop health and safety information
You are required to develop three health and safety information handouts, which are to be provided to, and
discussed with, your team at an information and training session about health and safety information.

Read the requirements for each of the handouts below and then conduct research using the Internet to identify
the information needed for each of the handouts.

You should also review the organisation’s Health and Safety Policy and Procedures provided to you, and
reference this as required in your handouts.

The format and style for the handouts are as follows:

 Create clear and concise one (1) page handouts.
 Using simple and clear language that takes into account social and cultural diversity. For, example, use
simple English and avoid colloquial language or slang.
 Consider race, religion, culture, age and disabilities when referring to any examples.
 Using appropriately sized fonts and present well-formatted, grammatically correct information.
 Ensure that the handouts you create use the same layout, font, colours and style.

You will be required to present the handouts that you have developed at an information and training session in
the next part of the assessment task.

Handout 1: Legislation
The purpose of this handout is to clearly and simply explain important information about legislation.
Your handout should:
✓ Explain the purpose of Work Health and Safety legislation, including the function of a WHS Act, WHS
regulation and Code of Practice.
✓ Provide an overview of WHS legislation including name of Act, regulations and examples of code of practice.
✓ Outline key roles and responsibilities under WHS legislation.
✓ Include at least 3 references for further sources of useful information.
Handout 2: Identifying hazards and risk control in the office environment

The purpose of this handout is to provide information about identifying hazards and risk control, and
organisational procedures for dealing with hazards in an office environment.

You should briefly explain the process of identifying hazards and risk control and provide 5 common examples of
hazards that may occur in an office environment, including fire, emergency and evacuation. Include information
about how employees can complete an incident report and the investigation process undertaken by the business.

Choose one of the common hazards that you have identified and include a simple step-by-step procedure for
dealing with that hazard (risk control), using diagrams to illustrate each step where possible.

Your handout should also address and explain the hierarchy of control and how it is to be used in the workplace.

Handout 3: WHS/OHS Consultation

The purpose of this handout is to explain the requirements for WHS consultation under legislation and to indicate

how the business communicates WHS legislation and consults with staff as indicated in the organisation’s health

and safety policy and procedure.

You should also explain why it is important for a business to conduct WHS communication and consultation.
1. The Work Health and Safety Act 2011 and the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017
define the obligations both employers and workers have to health and safety in the

2. If you are an employer or business (or other PCBU) you must comply with these laws to
ensure the health and safety of your workers.

3. Regulations set out the standards you need to meet for specific hazards and risks, such
as noise, machinery, and manual handling. They also set out the licenses you need for
specific activities, the records you need to keep, and the reports you need to make.

4. Codes of Practice set out industry standards of conduct. They are guidelines for fair
dealing between you and your customers, and let your customers know what your
business agrees to do when dealing with them. Codes of Practice can relate to a single
business or represent a whole industry.

5. These do not replace the WHS laws, but codes of practice can be issued to help make
understanding what you have to do a little easier.

6. Courts may regard a code of practice as evidence of what is known about a hazard, risk
or control, and rely on it to determine what is 'reasonably practicable' in the
circumstances to which the code relates.

Examples Codes of Practice:

 Work Health and Safety consultation, cooperation and coordination;

 Managing the risk or falls in housing construction;
 First aid in the workplace;

All workers are responsible for the WHS impact of their own actions. They also have a duty to
make sure their work is carried out in line with WHS Management Procedures and any
applicable legislation. More specifically, workers must: take reasonable care for their own
health and safety.

If you see something unsafe report it.
Identifying Hazards and Risk Control in the Office

Common workplace injuries and accidents

relevant to office workers
1) Repetitive Motion Injuries;
2) Lower Back Pain;
3) Stress & Mental Health;
4) Manual Tasks;
5) Sedentary Work;
1) Prolonged periods of time sitting can
How you can deal with:
cause low back pain.
2) An ergonomic office chair is a tool
Lower Back Pain
that help you maintain good posture.
3) But prolonged static posture is not
good for the back and is a common
contributor to back problems and
muscle strain.
4) In general, moving about and
stretching on a regular basis
throughout the day will help keep the
joints, ligaments, muscles, and
tendons loose, which in turn promotes
an overall feeling of comfort,

Administrative controls and PPE are the least effective at minimising risk because they do not control the hazard at the source and rely on
human behaviour and supervision.
WHS Consultation

Many organizational decisions or actions have health and safety consequences for
workers. The WHS Act identifies specific matters that trigger the requirement for

Section 49: A person conducting a business or undertaking must consult with workers
identifying hazards and assessing risks arising from the work carried out or to be
carried out
making decisions about ways to eliminate or minimize those risks
making decisions about the adequacy of facilities for the welfare of workers
proposing changes that may affect the health or safety of your workers, and making
decisions about procedures for consulting with workers; resolving health or safety
issues; monitoring health of your workers; monitoring the conditions at the workplace
and providing information and training for your workers.

a. However, it may be useful to also consult workers about matters that are
not listed above, for example when conducting investigations into incidents
or ‘near misses.
b. Regular consultation is better than consulting on a case-by-case basis
only as issues arise because it allows you to identify and fix potential
problems early.
c. In the context of issue resolution where procedures are agreed to, the
Work, Health and Safety Regulations 2011 include minimum requirements
including that these procedures are set out in writing and communicated to
all workers to whom the procedure applies.
d. The Work Health and Safety Act (2011) states that while at work, a worker
must co-operate with any reasonable policy or procedure of the person
conducting the business or undertaking (PCBU) relating to health or safety
at the workplace that has been notified to workers

Why is it important for

Consultation is a legal requirement and an essential part of managing
health and safety risks.
A safe workplace is more easily achieved when everyone involved in
2. Send an email to the Operations Manager (your assessor).
The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like)
It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment and seek their feedback and approval to move
forward with the project.

Attach your three handouts to the email.

Your assessor will send you a return email advising you of the date and time of the meeting, as well as the
number of people who will attend the meeting.

You will need to print a copy of each handout for the number of people attending the meeting.

Subject: OHS Handout

Dear Marie
Attached to this email is the handout about Work Health and Safety Legislation, Identifying hazards and risk
control in the office environment and Consultation.
This is referred from our current OHS legislation and centers in the importance about identifying potential risks
and why it is important to consult the employees about it.
Please, take your time to check it and give me a feedback. I am waiting for your approval to continue the

Thank You In Advance .

Agus budiono

File attached:

Three Handouts

1. Conduct a hazard inspection

Prior to the meeting, in line with the Health and Safety policy and procedures, you are required to conduct a
hazard inspection of the meeting space using the Hazard Identification Checklist provided to you.

Your assessor will set up the room such that there will be at least two hazards for identification.
Complete the checklist in full using a pen.

You will also be required to record recommended corrective actions as well as future risk control measures.
You will be assessed on whether you have correctly identified the hazards and suitable corrective actions and
risk control measures.

When you have identified a hazard, implement procedures to control the risks involved. Give a verbal
commentary on what you are doing, so your assessor can follow the thinking behind your actions. In particular,
your commentary should demonstrate how you are using the hierarchy of control to determine the best
procedures to implement.

Your assessor is roleplaying the company’s Operations Manager, so hand your completed checklist to your
assessor before starting the meeting.


Hazard Inspection Checklist

Item Comments in Recommended What action should be

relation to immediate taken to make sure this
meeting room action action does not happen
inspection in the future?
Is the floor space free ✓ - -
of debris?

Is the area clear of NO Warning participants of Provide fasteners for

electrical the meeting to be wiring and channels.
lead/network cables? careful where they
step and place signs
warning of danger.

Are waste paper ✓ - -

bins free of
materials e.g.
broken glass?
Is there sufficient ✓ ✓ -

Are the lights NO Keeping the blinds Swap the lights, check each
working open. 15 days of the lights are still
effectively? working.
If air-conditioned, NO Open the windows and Call for maintenance, give
is it working put mobile fan. assistant each 6 months.
Are there any ✓ ✓ ✓
sources of
excessive noise?
Signed: agus budiono Date of inspection: 28/08/2021
2. Conduct the meeting
The meeting will be attended by the Operations Manager (your assessor) and several staff members (your
At the meeting, complete all of the following activities:
 Commence the meeting and explain the purpose of the meeting to staff.
 Provide a copy of the handout to each person attending the meeting.
 Provide a copy of the hazard identification checklist that you filled, and go through the identified hazards,
suitable correction actions and risk control measures
 Go through each of the handouts with staff and offer the opportunity to ask questions.
 Answer questions clearly and concisely.
 Ask staff members about their WHS training requirements. Encourage discussion among the team members
about the training that could be relevant for the staff of the case study organisation.
 Ask the staff members what specialists could be contacted for specific advice on WHS training.

During the meeting, you are required to demonstrate effective interpersonal and communication skills including:
 Speaking clearly and concisely
 Using effective non-verbal communication skills to encourage audience interest
 Responding to questions
 Asking questions to seek feedback
 Use of active listening techniques to confirm and clarify understanding.

Your assessor will observe you conducting the meeting, and you will also be assessed on your skills in building
trust and confidence with your team.

3. Write a meeting report.

The next part of the assessment requires you to follow up from the meeting, and conduct research about health
and safety training to meet the identified needs of staff. The report should be approximately one page, be clear
and concise and professionally presented.

Your short report should include:

a. Summary of the training needs identified at the meeting.
b. The range of formal and informal options for meeting health and safety training needs.
c. Research and describe at least one external training opportunity. Include details of dates, times and costs and
the benefits of completing this training.
Meeting Report

During the meeting, a survey on health and safety training was conducted. However, it has
been found that many team members do not know how to handle some specific cases. Such

1. How to deal in case of fire in the building;

2. How to prevent accidents with sharp objects;
3. How to adjust your chair properly;

How can I solve it?

How to deal in case of fire in the building;

✓ Call staff training on how to evacuate in an organised and efficient manner in case of fire;
✓ Let team leaders know how to better instruct their team members in the event of a fire;
✓ Provide informational material on how to deal with a fire;

How to prevent accidents with sharp objects;

✓ Explain basic first aid principles to the team and provide first aid course for team leaders;
✓ Tell team leaders how to better instruct their team members how to handle sharp objects
(stylus, scissors);

✓ Provide informational material on how to deal if any team member gets cut;

How to adjust your chair properly;

✓ Provide training for team leaders how to adjust ergonomic chairs that have been purchased for
✓ Promote a talk with a physiotherapist showing how to adjust the chair and the importance of using
it effectively, as well as mentioning the importance of moving every 30 minutes;
✓ Provide a handout with step by step how to adjust the new chairs;

We will conduct external fire prevention and fire extinguisher and hose handling training for our
team leaders and others on how to organize evacuation and how to prevent fire.
It will be October 5th at 2:00 PM in the company courtyard.
It will around $350.00 our cost, but there are a lot of benefits, because the team will be feeling
very confident and they will know how to deal if the building is firing.

4. Send an email to your team (your assessor).

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like)
Assume that your Manager has agreed to the external training opportunity you have identified.

The email text should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment, and outline the training that they
will be required to participate in.

The email text should also include the purpose and benefits of the training and associated details such as when,
where and duration.

Attach your meeting report to the email.

SUBJECT: Fire Training

Dear Tommy,

As agreed at the last meeting, it was decided that we will conduct fire training in the courtyard of
the building on October 25th at 2:00PM.
To do this, we will be called fire brigades who provides fire protection lessons and handout.
Training will be basically how to handle fire extinguishers and hoses for team leaders and
additional staff, how to evacuate the building in an organised fire and how to prevent fires. As
above, it will be on 25.10 at 2:00 PM and the duration will be around an hour.
The purpose will be to dispel workers' doubts and the benefits is make the confident group that
knows how to deal with it.
If you have any question, please do not hesitate to ask me.

Best Regards,

Agus budiono

File attached:
meeting report

5. Send an email to a specialist (your assessor).

Follow one of the recommendations that you received at the meeting for specialists that could be contacted for
specific advice on WHS training.

Use the internet to find an appropriate specialist, using their name and the name of the organisation that they
work for in the email.

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like)

Summarise the WHS area that the team could benefit from training in, and that the specialist has expertise. Ask
them if they would be available to answer questions or run a training session for staff. Ask them, in the event that
they are not able to help you with this, whether they could recommend someone who could.

SUBJECT: Specialist WHS course

Dear Teddy,

We are looking for an expert on how to make the team aware of how important it is to understand
legislation and how to have a safer and healthier job.

I have heard from your course at the last meeting we had about health and safety at work and would
like to invite you, if there is availability to take your course at the company premises or if you cannot
come if there is someone who can be as qualified as you?

Thank you in advanced

Agus budiono


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