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Information & Cyber Security

Naresh Singh, CIISA
Contact 9412000939, 01202755168
Mail at,
Tweet @naresh3913
• Introduction
• Broadways of Cyber Security Classification & Types of
• Information security concepts in cyber network
• Terminology in cyber security
• Common entry points for cyber attacks
• VAPT (Ethical Hacking Phases): Urgently required to
secure information i.e. avoiding cyber attacks
• Security Audit
• Cyber Security: Risk and Vulnerabilities
• Review Questions
Cyber Security has become the most essential
discipline in the current high technology information
systems era as there is always a lot of scope for
unauthorized access of information or resources
(Technically Hacking), as all these information
systems are always not independent and are
connected in a public network or private network
with every possible vulnerability from malicious
attackers out there in the cyber world(a digital
network either wired or wireless connected to all
PCs, laptops, Mobiles, TABs etc..).

Cyber security includes a lot of security

mechanisms like cryptographic and
steganography techniques including various
algorithms like DES, AES, MD5, SHA1/2/3
etc.. Not just these techniques, other
securities like Antivirus software, Anti-
spywares, Anti-Adwares, Firewalls, Proxies
also protect the systems from cyber attacks.
Four different Broad ways of
Cyber Security Classification


Mobile Cyber Server

Security Security

Types of Hackers


Gray Black
Hats Hats
Information Security Concepts

Three basic security concepts

important to information on the
Internet are confidentiality,
integrity, and availability. Concepts
relating to the people who use that
information are authentication,
authorization, and non repudiation.
Data/Information should have…
• When information is read or copied by someone not authorized to do so, the result is
known as loss of confidentiality.

• Information can be corrupted when it is available on an insecure network. When
information is modified in unexpected ways, the result is known as loss of integrity.

• Information can be erased or become inaccessible, resulting in loss of availability. This
means that people who are authorized to get information cannot get what they need.
Terminology in Cyber Security:
• Breach of security is termed as Threat.

• An exploit is the identification of a security bug or
loophole in the cyber system that allows the hacker to
enter the system to access various kinds of sensitive
• Remote Exploit
• Local Exploit
Terminology in Cyber Security:
• It is a software bug or logical error or implementation flaw that
causes damage or unexpected event to the cyber system.

Target of Evaluation (TOE):

• TOEs are either a system or a program or even a network
subject to attack.

• An Attack occurs if there is a vulnerability in the System. Ethical
Hackers should identify these vulnerabilities and rectify them
for avoiding attacks
Types of Attacks


Spoof Active

Attacks Distributed

Close in Insider
DoS stands for Denial-of –Service and this
attacking technique uses the bandwidth
available for the client or even a server so that
the server becomes overloaded or unavailable
to the client.There are two types of DoS
attacks :
• Attacks sent by a hacker to a single target system (Simple
• Attacks sent by many hackers to a single target
(Distributed DoS or DDoS).
A DoS may result in :
1. Overloaded Network traffic, thus preventing
actual or genuine traffic
2. Access break between connected systems
3. Targeting a particular user from accessing a
4. Break service to a particular system.
• This is the most dangerous attack that doesn’t require any
complicated tools to break a service. DoS tools should not be
used and hence not included.
DDoS consists of Three Parts :
1). Master/handler
2). Slave/secondary
3). Victim/primary victim
• The master is the attack launcher. A slave is a host
that is compromised by and controlled by the master.
The victim is the target system. The master directs
the slaves to launch the attack on the victim system
Phishing Attacks

This type of attack is based on sending a false

email , usually pretending as a Bank or a Financial
Institution . The email thus sent, requests the user
to confirm sensitive information like Bank account
details, passwords, PIN etc..Once the user
attempts to click the url given in the email, he will
be directed to a fake website. Now the Hacker
gains advantage and grabs this information to get
access to the victim’s account.
Example of Phishing Attack
• Cloning of website on a fake web server IP.
• Making hyper link to this fake web server IP with
a social engineering message.
• Sending this social engineering message to
numerous email IDs or share message through
social media platform.
• Trap users and forcing to click shared hyper link
through social engineering message for collecting
information or injecting malicious code.

Remote Entry Local
Network Points for Network


Tracks 5 Phases Scanning

of Ethical
Maintaining Gaining
Access Access
Phase-1: Reconnaissance: It is a process of
gathering the information and trying to access
the resources.
Passive reconnaissance:
• It involves gathering information about a
potential target without notice. This is
commonly in the form of searching internet for
valuable information about a particular
organization or individual. Social Engineering or
Dumpster Driving come under this category.
Other methods like sniffing the network using
various sniffers is also a passive reconnaissance.
Active reconnaissance:
• This is a slightly risky operation that involves
probing the actual ip address range, particular
host information or even servers information
being present in the network indicating the
existence of hacker, sometimes leading to
suspicion or even tracking the attacker. Active
Reconnaissance discovers the OS version,
installed software and other network
information that is useful for detecting
vulnerabilities from the hacker’s point of view.
Phase-2: Scanning: This phase involves
taking the information from phase-1 and
identifying vulnerabilities using suitable tools
• Port Scanners
• ICMP Scanners
• Ping Sweeps
• Network Mappers
• SNMP Sweepers
• Vulnerability Scanners
Phase3: Gaining Access :
• This phase is the starting point for real
ethical hacking. The loopholes detected in
the previous two phases are exploited here
for gaining access to the system. This
attack is possible now from either a LAN or
a public network or sometimes even
offline. Some examples of this phase are
mainly MITM Attacks like DoS, DDoS, ARP
Sniffing and Session Hijacking.
Phase-4: Maintaining Access:
• Once the network access is obtained, the hackers
maintain this access for subsequent exploitation
or attacks. Hardening process is also employed
sometimes to block access to other hackers or
even security professionals within the
organization by using various backdoor entry
tools, rootkits and Trojans. Once the system is
under the control of a hacker, he can use it for
further attacks. Such a system owned by the
hacker is termed as a zombie system.
Phase 5: Covering Tracks:
• The hackers try to hide their presence after
completing above phases so that the
security personnel may not be able to
identify their existence. They try to remove
all the traces of their attacks like
modification of log files, removal of IDS
Alarms which include techniques like
steganography, usage of tunneling
protocols etc..
Security Audits:
These are the essential audits required for ensuring
cyber security within an organizational framework.
The following steps are to be followed for conducting
Security Audits :
• Requirements are to be gathered from the client(organization) for
conducting security tests.
• Making Agreement with the Client for running these tests.
• Organize a team for ethical hacking with schedule of tasks
• Implement various tests
• Analyze the test results and prepare a security report on this.
• Submitting security flaws as a report to the client.
Sequence of Security Audit
Initial client

Agreement with

Evaluation Plan

Conduct the Test

Report and

Present Report
Questions and Answers
1. Which of the following statements best describes a white-hat

• A. Security professional B. Former black hat

• C. Former gray hat D. Malicious hacker

2. A security audit performed on the internal network of an

organization by the network administration is also known as .
• A. Gray-box testing B. Black-box testing
• C. White-box testing D. Active testing
• E. Passive testing
Questions and Answers

3. What type of ethical hacker tests access to the

physical infrastructure?
• A. Internal Network B. Remote Network
• C. External Network D. Physical Access

4. What is the first phase of Hacking?

• A. Attack B. Maintaining Access

• C. Gaining Access D. Reconnaissance
Questions and Answers
5. The security, functionality, and ease of use triangle
illustrates which concept?
• A. As security increases, functionality and ease of use increase.
• B. As security decreases, functionality and ease of use increase.
• C. As security decreases, functionality and ease of use decrease.
• D. Security does not affect functionality and ease of use.

6. Which type of hacker represents the highest risk to your

• A. Disgruntled employees B. Black-hat hackers
• C. Gray-hat hackers D. Script kiddies
Questions and Answers
7. Which step in the framework of a security audit is critical to
protect the ethical hacker from legal liability?
• A. Talk to the client prior to the testing.
• B. Sign an ethical hacking agreement and NDA with the client prior to the
• C. Organize an ethical hacking team and prepare a schedule prior to testing.
• D. Analyze the testing results and prepare a report.

8. Which of the following is a system, program, or network that

is the subject of a security analysis?
• A. Owned system B. Vulnerability
• C. Exploited system D. Target of evaluation
Questions and Answers
9. Which term best describes a hacker who uses
their hacking skills for destructive purposes?
• A. Cracker B. Ethical hacker
• C. Script kiddie D. White-hat hacker

10. MAC address spoofing is which type of

• A. Encryption B. Brute-force
• C. Authentication D. Social engineering
Questions and Answers
11.What port number does FTP use?
• A)21 B) 25 C) 23 D) 80

12.What port number does HTTP use?

• A) 443 B) 50 C) 80 D) 120

Question Answers

7/23/2021 Naresh Singh AD (IT) ALTTC 33

ITU CoE ASP - Broadband Access
21/11/2016 34

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