Conservation Text 4

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Isti : Hello guys

Rouf & Julyansah : Hello ...

Isti : Guys, did you heard that “ Melly “ is getting sick?
Rouf : No, i never hear that
Julyansah : What kind of illness she got?
Isti : She got stomach, since yesterday
Rouf : Oh, i hope she get well in soon
Julyansah : I think we rather visit her
Isti : Sure, we visit her house tomorrow
--------- Melly’s house ---------

Isti : Hi Melly, how’s good today?

Melly : I am not feeling well, I am feeling so hurt

Rouf : Have you take a medicines?

Melly : Yes i have, but my stomach is not going very well

Rouf : So, how about the class tomorrow, will you join it?

Melly : I think i can’t join the class yet

Julyansah : So, what about the English assignment?

Melly : What assignment is that?

Julyansah : the teacher ordered us to make the conservation between 4 persons

Melly : I haven’t finished it yet because my body is not feeling well too

Isti : Dont worry about it, i will help you to submit it tomorrow

Rouf : I suggest you to make the permission letter

Isti : Don’t mind it, I will help you to write the letter

Melly : thanks for the help guys

Julyansah : that what friend use for

--------- at school -----------

Rouf : Ma’am, we went to tell you something

Mrs. Isti : What’s that?

Julyansah : Melly can’t join your class ma’am because she got stomach
Mrs. Isti : Thanks for the information, Has she entured you to give

me the letter?

Rouf : It is right ma’am, this the letter

Mrs. Isti : Okay thanks Rouf Julyansah, i wish she get will soon

Julyansah : Your welcome ma’am

Mrs. Isti : ok, go back to your seat

Rouf & Julyansah : Yes ma’am

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