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JUNE 2021


Crime prevention is usually not the concern of everyone. Crime prevention is

a series of strategies done by national government and local government units to
combat crimes and disorders. These strategies may include mobile patrol, imposing
curfew hours, information dissemination and others.

Moreover, police plays an important role in public service by responding

accidents, deterring and preventing crimes, and to apprehend the violators of the
law. Thus, through the police presence/visibility gives a sense of security to the
public and discourages those who may commit crimes in the absence of the police in
the public.

The crime in the Philippines is one of the concerns of facing every local
specially those living in the country’s larger urban cities. Maintaining security and
order is the biggest challenge of the police because of the increasing crimes rates in
the community. In recent findings, the most prevalent crimes in the Philippines were
theft and physical injuries (Sanchez, 2020).

The study of Patalinghug (2017), entitled the Implemented Crime Prevention

Strategirs Of PNP in Salug Valley, Zamboanga Del Sur, Philippines is a descriptive
research which aims primarily to determine the effectiveness of crime prevention
strategies implemented by the Salug Valley, Philippine National Policece (PNP) in
terms of police integrated patrol system, barangay peacekeeping operation, anti-
criminality operation, integrated area community public safety services, bantay
turista and school safety project as evaluated by 120 inhabitants and 138 pnp
officers from four municipalities of Salug Valley, Zamboanga Del Sur. Stratified
random sampling was utilized in determining the respondents. Index crime rate were
correlated with the crime prevention strategies of the pnp in town of Salug Valley.
Findings of the study revealed that the crime prevention strategies in four (4)
municipalities were “much effective” to include integrated patrol system, barangay
peace keeping operations, anticriminality operations, integrated area community
public safety services, bantay turista and school safety project in connection to the
responses of 158 participants.

This study attempts to determine on the criminal manifestation and how to

oppress them in Don Carlos, Bukidnon. Moreover, the researcher focuses on the
perceptions of the selected residents and police officers via survey on statistical
method obtained from the selected of residents and Police personnel of Don Carlos,
Bukidnonn. Thus, in some way, material for future law enforcement officer as well as
practitioners to be guided in their study.
Statement of the problem

This study aims to investigate the efficiency of police investigators in the

follow-up of investigations and percentage of solve crimes,

Specifically the researchers sought to find out the answer of the following

1. What are the crimes manifested in Don Carlos, Bukidnon?

2. What are the crime prevention programs proposed to oppress the crime
manifested in Don Carlos, Bukidnon?

Objectives of the Study

The main purpose of the study is to determine the crime manifestation and
how to oppress them in Don Carlos, Bukidnon.

Specifically the researchers sought to:

1. to determine the crimes manifested in Don Carlos, Bukidnon: and

2. to determine the crime prevention programs proposed to oppress the
crime manifested in Don Carlos, Bukidnon.

Significance of the study

By nature and purpose of this study the results or findings of the study will
bear significant contribution to the following persons:

PNP officials and other personnel’s. It is hoped that PNP officials and other
personnel’s will be able to assess different crime prevention strategies in order to
upgrade their performance in their duty. The result will give as an insight to
concerned administrators and government officials to know the kind of scheme to be
established in the different concerned community.

Barangay officials. This study may serve as an aide to give them knowledge
in dealing of the existing crime prevention plans and to be able them to understand
their role as an enforcement body in the creation and implementation of the PNP
mandate in every barangay.

Community as a whole .to the community members, this study will serve as a
challenge to utilize all the programs implemented by the PNP which is beneficial to
their life as a whole. This study also makes every citizen aware in their role to
participate to the success of crime prevention.

Students. This study may serve as an instrument to awaken their

consciousness in present situation of criminality in our country. It is also provided for
them to become more responsible students to be aware in existing problem of our
nation in maintaining peace and order.

Future researchers. The result of the study shall serve as a ready reference
for them with whatever similar studies they shall partake.

Scope and Delimitation of the study

This study will focus on the crime manifestation in Don Carlos, Bukidnon as
basis for proposed crime prevention programs. The variables covered in this study
include the assessment of crime prevention strategy in which can help by improving
in implementing programs to lessen or eradicate crimes from happening in the
Definition of terms

The following terms were used in this study and are being defined as follows:

Crime refers to rules or laws for which the Philippine government can
ultimately prescribe a conviction. While every crime violates the law, not every
violation of the law counts as a crime; for example: breaches of contract and
of other civil law may rank as “offences” or as “infractions”.

Crime prevention refers to the practices of the police in giving effort to reduce
crime in order to maintain peace by creating some ways to achieve its
objectives. It is the effort of the local police to remove those opportunities for a
potential criminal to take advantage of whoever will became the vulnerable

Crime profile it refers to the statistics of major committed crime in the town
locality. It shows the highest and lowest crime rate committed in the area.

Manifestation refers to an event action or object that clearly shows or

embodies something abstract or theoretical.

PNP refers to the Philippine Ntional Police of Don Carlos, Bukidnon.

Strategies refer to the means made use in implementing the objectives of

crime prevention in the community.

This chapter deals with the review of related literature and studies, conceptual
framework and research paradigm.


The Philippine National Police (PNP) indicate that the decrease in the volume
of crimes is attributable to the Philippine National Police crime prevention program.
Specially, the Philippine has reportedly increased police visibility made use of foot
patrol officers, established checkpoint, deployed motorcycle police, and undertaken
night matters operations among other initiatives. Moreover the Philippine national
police states in a press release that they posted a crime solution efficiency of 88.37
percent. Corroborating information pertaining to this crime solution rate could not be
found among the sources controlled by the research directorate (Taccad, 2016).

Police can effectively manage their operations through the design of the
command districts and the choice of patrol strategies of the police units within those
districts. There are three major types of patrol strategies for patrol officers: active
patrol, random patrol, and directed patrol. In active patrol, patrol officers should use
every opportunity to discover, detect, observe, and interdict the unusual event.
Random patrol means patrol routes should be random and varied so that the patrol
behaviors will not be predicted by potential criminals. In directed patrol, patrol
officers pay more efforts to hotspots of crime so they can respond quickly and
reduce the crimes in hotspots. In practice, patrol officers may choose one strategy or
combine them to accommodate the specific conditions in their area (brown,

Developmental crime prevention refers to interventions designed to prevent

the development of criminal potential in individuals, especially those that target risk
and protective factors discovered in studies of human development. Situational crime
prevention refers to interventions designed to prevent the occurrence of crimes by
reducing opportunities and increasing the risk and difficulty of offending. Regarding
the first question about these two types of crime prevention strategies, evaluations
and literature reviews have been conducted of many developmental and situational
crime prevention programs and projects over the years, and they have reported a
desirable impact on crime related to these prevention strategies. The current study
focuses only on the highest quality research studies and the most rigorous literature
reviews (Farrington,et. Al 2010).

Moreover, Clarke (2019) conducted a study entitled Situational Crime

Prevention: theory practice and evidence found out that Situational crime prevention
focuses on the settings for criminal acts rather than on the characteristics of offenders. It
provides a practical approach to improving safety and challenges criminological theories
based on offenders’ propensities for mischief. According to situational crime prevention,
crime is the result of an interaction between disposition and situation. Offenders choose to
commit crime based on their perceptions of available opportunities. Consequently,
situational factors can stimulate crime and addressing these factors can reduce crime.
Situational crime prevention focuses on very specific categories of crime or disorder, and
takes particular note of crime concentrations. Understanding how crimes are committed is
critically important to situational crime prevention. It uses an action-research model and
demands considering numerous possible alternative solutions. Situational crime prevention
has been widely used across the globe and has been applied to minor deviance (e.g.,
littering), standard crimes (e.g., burglary and robbery), and to extremely serious crime (e.g.,
international terrorism and maritime piracy). The evidence for situational crime prevention
effectiveness is substantial. Research clearly demonstrates that it does not inevitably
displace crime. In fact, it often reduces crime near prevention sites.

Marzbali et. Al (2011) conducted a study entitled a review of the effectiveness

of crime prevention by design approaches towards sustainable development found
out that the crime and the fear of crime must be considered in the development
process as effective indicators in achieving sustainability for community. Crime
prevention strategies if considered at the initial stage each development may able to
provide comprehensive sustainable outcomes namely environmental, social, as well
as economic benefits.

While the study conducted by Sohn et. Al (2016) finds out that the land use
diversity along with improved street connectivity has an adverse effects on
prevention of residential crimes and this calls the refinement of CFTED concept to
increase the discriminative controllability of potential crime attractors/generators and
preventers in the neighborhood .
The study of Patalinghug (2017) entitled implemented crime prevention
strategies of PNP Salug Valley is a descriptive research which aims primarily to
determine the effectiveness of crime prevention strategies implemented by the Salug
Valley Philippine National Police (PNP) in terms of police integrated patrol system,
barangay peacekeeping operation, anti criminality operation, integrated area
community public safety services, bantay turista an school safety projects as
evaluated by 120 inhabitants and 138 pnp officers from four municipality of Salug
Valley, Zamboanga Del Sur. Findings of his study revealed that the crime prevention
in four municipalities were much effectiveness to include integrated patrol system,
barangay peacekeeping operation, anti-criminality operation, integrated area
community public safety services, bantay turista and school safety project in
connection to the responses of 258 participants. There is a significant relationship
between crime prevention strategies employed and index crime rates.

Theoretical framework

Police effectiveness refers to the extent to which policing achieves its proper,
officially sanctioned goals consideration of police effectiveness tums out to be quite
complicated for several reasons, including (1) the police have multiple goals, making
their bottom line multidimensional: (2) the relative priority of police goals is subject to
discussion and debate among the public and within the police field: and (3)
assessing police effectiveness is methodologically challenging. Fortunately, these
issues have gotten substantial attention in the police field since about the mid-20th
century, and many effectiveness-oriented studies have been undertaken. These
studies can be organized according to police practices (strategies, tactics and
programs) and desired effects (such as reducing crime, solving crime, and
enhancing police legitimacy). Because researchers and police officials have made
police effectiveness a top priority, we know much more about ‘what works” in policing
than we did in 1970.

As studies of police effectiveness began accumulating in the 1970s so did

efforts to summarize and synthesize findings Kelling, 1978 is an early review
from one of the key researchers involved in the pioneering police foundation studies
of the 1970s, including the Kansas City preventive patrol experiment. Sherman 1986
makes the important observation that communities vary, and thus what works (i.e.,
what is effective) might vary depending on community characteristics. Cordner and
hale 1992 is an edited collection of essays on various “what works” topics in policing,
while Bayley 1998 provides reports from nine effectiveness-oriented studies.
Sherman 1997 and Weisburd and Eck 2004 provide updated reviews of police
effectiveness studies across a range of independent and dependent variables. The
most exhaustive and systematic review is Skogan and FRYDL 2004. Equally wide-
ranging is the collection of point-counterpoint essays on such topics as community
policing “broken windows” policing, and Compstat in Weisburd and Braga
2006.neyround 2001 provides a perspective on police effectiveness and policing
developments in the United Kingdom.


This chapter discusses the research design, locale of the study, respondents
and sampling used and statistical treatment of data.

Research design

The researchers will use the descriptive method of research which is a

definite procedure to characterize, describe, and classify data or materials needed in
relevance to the study. It also included proper scrutiny and interpretation of all
insights that will be collected.

Locale of the study

This research will be conducted in Don Carlos, Bukidnon particularly the

municipal’s police precinct.

Research instrument

The instrument to be used in this research will basically be the data to be

gathered from selected interviewees thru given questionnaire after the interview. The
questionnaire is composed of two parts. Part 1 deals with the crime manifestation of
Don Carlos, Bukidnon. While the part 2 deals the evaluation of crime prevention
program can be proposed in Don Carlos, Bukidnon.

Respondents of the study

The respondents of this study are composing of sixty five (65) police
personnel in Philippine National Police of Don Carlos, Bukidnon. The respondents of
this study will composed of males and female who are part of the Police officials in
Don Carlos, Bukidnon.
Sampling procedure

The researcher will used a probability sampling procedures in choosing the

respondents, particularly the simple random sampling method wherein every
member of the population of Don Carlos, Bukidnon has an equal chances of being
selected. Afterwards, the researcher will distribute the survey questionnaires to the
selected respondents in order to answer all the questions accordingly.

Data gathering procedure

The researchers will observe the following procedure in data gathering:

Asking permission to conduct the study.The researcher’s will give a letter to

the chairman of barangay for the purpose of conducting the survey as well as to the
Don Carlos Police Station for the same purposes.

Analysis and interpretation of data.The researcher will gather and analyze

the data gathered using the appropriate statistical tools.

Statistical treatment of data

The researchers will use the frequency distribution (percentage distribution)

and the computation of the weighted average means (WM). These statistical tools
will be used to come up with the summary of the results of the survey. Thus, these
results will be tabulated according to the problems of the study being identified.



Direction: Put a check on the top three (3) most common crimes in Don Carlos,

Part I. Criminal Manifestation in Don Carlos, Bukidnon.


1. Robbery

2. Theft

3. Drug Trafficking

4. Car napping

5. Illegal Cockfighting

Part II. Crime prevention programs proposed to oppress the crime manifested in Don
Carlos, Bukidnon.

Crime Prevention Programs/Strategies

1. Continuous specialized training of PNP under crime prevention program.

2. Commitment of police officers in prosecution of criminals.

3. Saturation drive conducted by police officers in club house, beer house, cockpit
arena, and other houses of illegal.

4. Intensified police community relation.

5. Crime prevention program facilitated by police officers.

6. Resourcefulness on getting informants to gather information from suspected

7. Random schedules of mobile checkpoint.

8. Visibility of mobile patrol along congested area.

9. Regular conduct of patrolling by police officers in the barangay.

10. Conduct of information drive for the community.

11. Preventive patrol (including inquiry and inspectional activity) oriented towards
prevention of crime accidents, maintenance of public order, and the discovery of
hazards and delinquency-causing situation.

12. Response to called-for service.

13. Coordination with the LGU's and NGO’s.

14. Investigation of crimes, offenses, incidents, and conditions, including arresting


15. Supervision of public order on community.

Direction: Put a check to the most effective programs / strategy in terms of:


1. Robbery 7


4. Drug Trafficking 7


7. Car napping 7


10. Illegal Cockfighting 3



15. Theft 7


Clarke, (2019). Crime Prevention: Theory Practice And Evidence

Farrington, 2010. The Future Of Crime Prevention: Developmental And

Situational Strategies. National Institute Of Justice. Rockville, MD:NIJ

Marzbali, 2011. A Review Of The Effectiveness Of Crime Prevention By

Design Approaches Towards Sustainable Development. / Journal For
Sustainable Development

Patalinghug, M. (2017). Implemented Crime Prevention strategies Of PNP In Salug

Valley, Zamboanga Del Sur, Philippines. / Asia Pacific Journal Of
Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 5, No. 3 /, August 2017

Sanchez, (2020). Crime In The Philippines- Statistics And Fact. Retrieved


Shon, (2016). Residential Crimes And Neighborhood Built Environment: Assessing

The Effectiveness Of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design.

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