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Business Learn and Talk

Chapter 1 China
Unit 1 Macro Economy

Lesson 1 Survey: 97% of US firms in China are profitable

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01 Part 1 Passage (8min) 02 Part 2 Discussion (8min)


03 Part 3 Further Reading (4min) 04 Part 4 Review (3min)

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Part 1 Passage (8min) Expressions to learn:
The overwhelming majority of US companies are
making profits and witnessing unprecedented progress unprecedented /ʌnˈpres.ɪ.den.tɪd/ adj. 空前的
in intellectual property protection in China, yet they also never having happened or existed in the past
felt the pinch(捏,拧)of the trade tensions(紧张)between anticipate /ænˈtɪs.ə.peɪt/ v. 预期,预料
the world‘s two biggest economies, according to a to imagine or expect that something will happen
survey released by the US-China Business Council. tariff /ˈter.ɪf/ n. 关税
a charge or list of charges either for services or
But only a slight majority anticipate that revenue will on goods entering a country
increase next year, down 26 percent from last year, deteriorating /dɪ‘tɪrɪə,retɪŋ/ adj. 恶化的
showing that tariff uncertainty, the trade conflict, and a 3
becoming worse
deteriorating market environment are negatively
outlook /ˈaʊt.lʊk/ n. 前景,展望
affecting the business outlook for American companies,
the likely future situation
according to a press release.
press release /ˈpres rɪˌliːs/ n. (向媒体发布的) 新闻稿
The survey also identified the "top 10 challenges" for US a public statement given to the press to publish if
they wish
businesses in China, including US-China relations,
competition with Chinese companies, licenses and enforcement /ɪnˈfɔːrs.mənt/ n. 实施,执行
approvals, cost increases, data flows, and intellectual the activity of making certain that the laws of an
property rights enforcement. area are obeyed

For teacher: Go through the passage and explain new expressions. Let the student paraphrase if there is time.
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Part 2 Discussion (8min) Expressions to use:

1. According to the passage, what do the overwhelming majority • unprecedented

anticipate for the revenue next year of US companies?
• anticipate

• tariff
2. How much do you know about the trade conflict between 4
China and America? • deteriorating

• outlook

3. What do you think of American’s behavior on suppressing • press release

(打压)Chinese businesses?
• enforcement

For teacher: Discuss the questions with the student. Encourage the student to use expressions in Expressions.
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Part 3 Further Reading (4min)
Intellectual Property
• category /ˈkæt.ə.ɡri/
• Intellectual property (IP) is a category of property that includes
n. 种类,类别
intangible creations of the human intellect.
• intangible
• The main purpose of intellectual property law is to encourage the
creation of a wide variety of intellectual goods. To achieve this, /ɪnˈtæn.dʒə.bəl/ 5
the law gives people and businesses property rights to the adj. 无形的
information and intellectual goods they create, usually for a • intellect /ˈɪn.t̬ ə.ekt/
limited period of time. This gives economic incentive for their n. 智力,才能
creation, because it allows people to profit from the information
• incentive /ɪnˈsen.tɪv/
and intellectual goods they create.
n. 刺激,激励

Question: Explain the main purpose of IP law.

For teacher: Briefly introduce the concept to the student and let the student answer the question.
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Part 4 Review (3min)

What have you learnt in this lesson?

Share them with your teacher!

(You can talk about whatever you think of:

what the passage is about, useful words
and phrases, discussion questions, the
concept in further reading, etc.)

For teacher: Encourage the student to say whatever they learnt in today's lesson.
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See you next lesson!



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