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English for Job Interview

Chapter 1 Interview Etiquette

Unit 4 Greeting Etiquette

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Unit 4 Greeting Etiquette (B) ©Acadsoc Ltd. All Rights Reserved.


A. Conversation Practice 5 min

B. Conversation Example 5 min
C. Mock Interview 8 min
D. Possible Answers 5 min

TI: No time allocated here.

Unit 4 Greeting Etiquette (B) ©Acadsoc Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

5 min Conversation Practice

(You may use one or more words for each blank.)

A: Steve, I think your body language in the interview needs to be ______.

B: Why? Isn't greeting language enough for a proper etiquette?
A: Greeting language is just a part of the interview etiquette. I noticed that you looked stiff
during the ________.
B: OK, how can I improve then?
A: First, you should ____ a firm handshake when greeting.
B: But I know in some cultures people dislike physical contact, even handshake.
A: Yes, except in a formal business setting, like an _______. Oh, don't forget to have a
______ smile and make eye contact with the _______.

TI: Help the student to fill in the blank.

Unit 4 Greeting Etiquette (B) ©Acadsoc Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

5 min Conversation Example

(This example is only for reference.)

A: Steve, I think your body language in the interview needs to be improved.

B: Why? Isn't greeting language enough for a proper etiquette?
A: Greeting language is just a part of the interview etiquette. I noticed that you looked stiff
during the interaction.
B: OK, how can I improve then?
A: First, you should offer a firm handshake when greeting.
B: But I know in some cultures people dislike physical contact, even handshake.
A: Yes, except in a formal business setting, like an interview. Oh, don't forget to have a
friendly smile and make eye contact with the interviewer.

TI: Explain the answers to the student.

Unit 4 Greeting Etiquette (B) ©Acadsoc Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

8 min Mock Interview

Q1: If you are going to a job interview, how should you address the

Q2: Body language is also an important part of the interview etiquette.

Can you give some examples of proper body language?

TI: Ask the questions to the student.

Unit 4 Greeting Etiquette (B) ©Acadsoc Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

5 min Possible Answers

A1: Basically you should address the interviewer by calling his/her last name.
You can use Mr or Ms before the last name, but avoid using Mrs unless
you are sure she is married. If the interviewer is a Doctor, you should
include the title “Doctor” before his/her full name in order to show respect.

A2: Offer a firm hand shake.

Don't shake hands with sweaty palms.
Make eye contact with the interviewer.
Avoid being stiff.

TI: Explain the answers to the student.

See you next class!

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