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Protection of Personal Information (POPI) is an acronym that stands for "Protection

of Personal Information." Regardless of whether legislation exists or not, businesses
should evaluate what Personal Information they collect, manage, and retain, as well
as how to secure it. It is self-evident that this material is sensitive and should not be
shared. "Privacy by design" is one of the ideas that we should all consider. This
means that we should think about privacy implications in all our processes and
systems and incorporating security and privacy considerations into our daily
activities. Privacy is at the heart of POPI, which also includes security. The following
is a list of the laws governing the protection of personal information.

Act 4 of 201, Protection of Personal Information Act ("POPIA")

o Principle 1: Accountability

❖ This concept involves organizations outsourcing responsibility for enforcing

the Bill.

o Principle 2: Processing Restrictions

❖ Personal information may only be processed fairly and lawfully, according to

this principle.

o Principle 3: Purpose Specification

❖ Purpose Specification is a principle that aids in determining the scope of

personal information that can be processed by an organization.

o Principle 4: Additional Processing Restriction

❖ Once an organization has identified and gained consent for specific,

reasonable, and explicitly defined purposes Personal information may only be
processed to the degree necessary to achieve those objectives.
o Principle 5: Information Quality

❖ Clause 16 of the Bill provides in general that organizations are responsible for
guaranteeing and maintaining the quality of the personal information they

o Principle 6: Openness

❖ The sixth principle, "Openness," is intrinsically linked to a company's

obligation to process information fairly and honestly.

o Principle 7: Security Safeguards

❖ Principle 7 is founded on the premise that all personal data should be

safeguarded against loss. Unauthorized access, interference, modification,
destruction, or disclosure.

o Principle 8: Data Subject Participation

❖ Individuals have the right to access and/or request the correction or deletion
of any incorrect or misleading information. Misleading, or outdated personal
information kept about them.

Benefits and opportunities of POPI

1. It allows businesses to earn the trust of their clients and customers by

promising them that the personal information they provide will be kept private,
is being handled legally, with the express purpose of ensuring their privacy is
protected to the extent that it is fairly anticipated of your company to do so.
2. It is beneficial to your company's management. It necessitates an examination
of your office operations, paperwork, and customer interactions The audit's
goal is to ensure that when personal information is gathered, stored, and
used, it is done so per POPI. It's also extremely likely to automatically update,
streamline, and simplify the way your company or organization performs
tasks; and
3. It will instil a data security and data protection culture in your firm or
organization, making personal information protection your "regular way" of
doing business. When staff insist on doing things the same way they've
always done them, change can be difficult to achieve. However, the risk of a
data breach and the accompanying flood of negative media is worth it.

Adoption of Cloud Computing

In 2019, South Africa's software spending would exceed R33 billion, up 11.5 percent
from 2018. In South Africa, cloud computing is a new reality. Cloud services, such as
software as a service, platform as a service, and infrastructure as a service, are used
extensively by South African businesses. South African CIOs have begun to adopt
cloud-first initiatives.

CIOs must choose between building on-premises data centres and using the public
cloud, and the cloud is gaining ground. With both Microsoft and Amazon planning to
establish local hyper-scale data centres in 2020, cloud adoption and use in South
Africa will only grow. South Africa is a country in Africa. Users may easily get their
apps to market by developing in the cloud. Data security: Networked backups
prevent data loss in the event of hardware failure. Savings on equipment: Cloud
computing makes use of remote resources, which saves businesses money on
servers and other hardware.


Since cloud computing is a relatively new technology, there are numerous barriers to
cloud adoption in South Africa. However, one component that provides a chance to
alleviate information security-related issues is maintaining the security of personal
information through compliance with information security legislation. Develop trusting
relationships with potential Cloud users and, as a result, promote Cloud Computing
adoption in South Africa.


D. E. Skolmen and M. Gerber. 2015. Protection of Personal Information in the South

African Cloud Computing environment: A framework for Cloud Computing adoption,
2015 Information Security for South Africa (ISSA), 1-10. Retrieved from
Botha, J., Eloff, M.M. and Swart, I. 2015. Evaluation of Online Resources on the
Implementation of the Protection of Personal Information Act in South Africa. ICCWS
2015 10th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security. Retrieved from

Justice Department (South Africa). (Notice 912) Government Gazette, 37067:581, 26

November 2013. Protection of Personal Information (Act No.4 of 2013): (Notice 912)
Government Gazette, 37067:581, 26 November.

Protecting Personal Information Act,


Staff Writer 24 July 2019 South Africa is one of the fastest-growing countries globally
for IT spend

By Gunter Ollmann, CSO, Devo June 23, 2021 Trends in Cloud Adoption: Why
Cloud Computing is on the Rise

Dayne Skolmen KPMG South Africa, Mariana Gerber Nelson Mandela University
Protection of Personal Information in the South African Cloud Computing
environment: A framework for Cloud Computing adoption

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