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MEMORY - just to pay attention? Different state of mind Repetition - a slow way to memorise Remembering is seeing Mnemonics - mind maps (he calls them memory maps) for written words. But: OBJECTS, LOCATIONS AND PEOPLE - best for traditional memory palaces. Keywords that trigger the info we want/need "Mental pegs" - you hang your imsges on thrm Mnemonics does not rule out actus! studying He has images for all numbers from 1 to 1000 Some situations are easier to remember (violent, funny, dramatic, absurd) To memorise 1000 facts/keywords you need 1000 memorable scenes We don't need to reprat it like a mantra, we need "to see" it to stick. LOCATION AND MEMORY RECALL Start woth your house Not many scientific books on mnemonics Memory areas Houses, people, walks and journeys The ones that you know well! Memory palace notebook, a list of "pegs" in the house - permanently placed LOCI - method of loci (locations) Take snapshots if it's a walk/journey Short- and long-term To memorize we need KEYWORDS Shinbun (Jap) - ‘chin’ + "bun', attach it to sofa Representational images - images/scenes that represent a word/phrase you arectryingbto menorise Gives examples with a shopping list, eg. to remember butter imagine that your door is mase of butter. MEMORISING NUMBERS each number from 0 to 9 stands for a sound (Major system) The keyword for 78 - coffee PAO-system - invented by Giordano Bruno. PEOPLE ACTION OBJECT Moonwalking with Einstein A deck of cards - attach a celebrity to each card You'll need to go through the deck 50 to 100 times to memorise!! After a few intense days, maybe

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