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Preparing a Sterile Field Using a Packaged Sterile Drape

Goal: The expected outcome to achieve when preparing a sterile field is that the sterile field is created
without contamination and the patient remains free of exposure to potential infection-causing
1. Perform hand hygiene and Hand hygiene and PPE prevent
put on PPE, if indicated. the spread of microorganisms.
PPE is required based on
transmission precautions.

2. Identify the patient. Explain Patient identification validates

the procedure to the patient. the correct patient and correct
procedure. Discussion and
explanation help allay anxiety
and prepare the patient for
what to expect.
3. Check that packaged sterile Moisture contaminates a sterile
drape is dry and unopened. Also package. Expiration date
note expiration date, making indicates period that package
sure that the date is still valid. remains sterile.

4. Select a work area that is Work area is within sight.

waist level or higher. Bacteria tend to settle, so there
is less contamination above the

5. Open the outer covering of Outer 1 inch (2.5 cm) of drape is

the drape. Remove sterile considered contaminated. Any
drape, lifting it carefully by its item touching this area is also
corners. Hold away from body considered contaminated.
and above the waist and work
6. Continue to hold only by the Touching the outer side of the
corners. Allow the drape to wrapper maintains sterile field.
unfold, away from your body Contact with any surface would
and any other surface contaminate the field.
7. Position the drape on the Moisture-proof side prevents
work surface with the moisture- contamination of the field if it
proof side down. This would be becomes wet. The moisture
the shiny or blue side. Avoid penetrates the sterile cloth or
touching any other surface or paper and carries organisms by
object with the drape. If any capillary action to contaminate
portion of the drape hangs off the field. A wet field is
the work surface, that part of considered contaminated if the
the drape is considered surface immediately below it is
contaminated. not sterile.
8. Place additional sterile items Sterility of the field is
on field as needed. Refer to Skill maintained.
4-5. Continue with the
procedure as indicated.

9. When procedure is Removing PPE properly reduces

completed, remove PPE, if used. the risk for infection
Perform hand hygiene. transmission and contamination
of other items. Hand hygiene
prevents the spread of

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