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Benefit of using technology in teaching language

- We can create a draft, show it to others and, based on feedback, can make changes to improve the
text. The tools can also help us by showing that our spelling or grammar needs work, too.

- Linking your class to other classes around the world, using tools such as video conferencing,
can give a reason for a learner to ask a question and then try to understand the response
- Technology makes this possible wherever you are in the world. Teachers and learners can go
online to read or listen to material about different areas of interest, and can then write or speak
about what they have discovered, telling others in the class or other classes elsewhere in the

- learning management systems are software that we use in conjunction with our curriculum that
enable us to upload content, to create study plans, to reveal content in a way that corresponds
to our plans in the curriculum

- and also allows us to reveal and give assessments and keep records that are more reliable than
we may be able to do otherwise.

- If we take writing as a starting point, technology in the form of word processors (and the many
other ways we now have of producing text) allows us to work at the language.

1. Increased student engagement

2. Encouraging teamwork and collaboration 

3. Preparing students for life after graduation

4. Connecting students and teachers

5. Improved teaching outcomes

6. Supporting differentiated instruction

Less Time for Lesson Preparation

It was found that sometimes teachers were using the content as a tool without having enough
preparation. This was often a result of a lack of facilities for preparation before going to class. In the
pilot schools, there was one laptop that was not kept in the classroom during the school hour. Among
the project teachers, only three teachers had personal computers. This situation required that teachers
to complete their preparation for the lesson after school hours or during their breaks.
Maintenance and Troubleshooting

A need was identified to create a structured management system to provide technical support. It was
observed that the laptop and other equipment required a central office procurement system. This was
time consuming, took a minimum of three weeks and limited time for regular class activities. In addition,
a trouble-shooting system is essential for fast and smooth maintenance of the technology.

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