Load Enhancement FAQ's

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‘TATA POWER-DDL Ut EAT ole Aetna eh *Whet is Maximum Demand Indicator (MDI)? How to Control your Maximum, Demand Indicator (MDI)? 2 Avoid using non critical load simultaneously » Use Energy Efficient Appliances.as per rating recommended by Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE). It is the highest average load measured in KVA or kW at the point of supply during a consecutive period of thirty (30) minutes inabillingcycle. Bera Piteon Nbtebyaustcmer FPN corres SP eens Ps Eure ved eo HI DISTRIB ED thi Government Joint Fi Asked Questions (FAQ) on Annwal Load Revision Process: ‘Qt. why is annual Load Revision done? |A.AnualLoad Rovisin fs done in comptance to Clause 17(4) ef Doth Electicly Reguatory Commission (Supply Cove & Performance Standards) Regulation 2017. Ths done to ensure Ha ixed chages and socuriy deposit are bed realized azcordng to approprite loud based on usage Ot (G2, Whatis the Basis of revision of sanctioned load? [A Sandtionod loa is rovisod on basis of tho highost of average of Maxanum Domand roedings ‘consecutive eelender months in tho preceding financial yar to, fom 1st Apnto Sot March, ouncod off to tho wor INogor 03, Why ie it necessary to declare toad / record Maximum Demand incieator (MDI) in use? [A Correct declaration ef sanctioned oad / MDIis required te plan adoquato capaciy of natwodk, ransformors, cabo, metor oie. This is aso to ensure ‘unintomuploe evpply to customer premscs round the dock. (24, Do! need to apply for reduction of eenctioned loadin case my sanctions [A No, howoverin cate you de-not wish to got your load roducod then concert wil bo roquirod with Idanlity root ef Registored Cencumar and same 's 10 be provide threugh the notice cum application form served through your regular bil load fs upto Sk? 25. Do! need to apply for reduction of senctioned loadin case my sanctioned load is above Skw? |A Yes, your consent is mandatory for reduction otload. Capy ef rotce cum applicaton form is alloedy embedded inthe load reduction notice given ‘through regular ba {Q6. What would be the effective date of load revision? [A Revised load would be made effective fram 01 of July each yee. Q7. in case my load fs enhanced, when can I getis reduced? [A.As per Regulation, you can get yourloud reduced from 1st Januoty 6.0. expty of sic months from dale ef revision) subject to, the reduction of load shallDelinvted tothe ighest of average of any 4 four) consecutive trorths masimum demand readings ef ost 12 (welve) month 26. Why is service line required to be changed? A. Senvooline and motor shoud bo of appreprate capasty in accordance to tho loed being drawn, Otvowice, &may lod fo unsafe situation ko fro, ‘hort eu, over hoating & damage to proporly incase of non-replacernan of undorsized cabs, 08. Whatls the benefit of load revision? A a)For Load Enhancement ‘Savings of 30% surcharge on fixed charges in case billd MDI is equal fo or loss than sanctioned load {except for Domestic catenory) & intorest on ‘Secuily deposits paid annually at Marginal Cos! of Fund based Lending rate (MICLR) as noified by Slate Bark of Inda prevaling on the ts fist Apilof that fnancal year, Rate ol irters! for FY 2018-19 was 8 15%, ) For Load Reduction: ‘Redction in monty bi through redustion in Fixed Charges as per Det Electroty Regulatory Commssion (DEC) Tail Schedule & aduusiment of excess seounty deposi in Dil. {Q10. wnat it Demand nete for Load Enhancement isnot pais within Due date? ‘A_On expiry of ue dato as mentioned on the domand now, tho cherges woul bo debied in the rox: bal and Late Payment Surcharge Charges (LPSC) would be charged as appicebe flowed by drsconnecton of supply a not pal, {Q11_In case | havea lft connection and the revised load is proposed to be below SK, will | be able to get it reduced? |A.Yes, you may getit reduced below SkW bul your 3 phase connecton would be converted to single phase which may not be sufcient to run ali. However, as per DERC guidelines ranimum SkW foad win 3 phase meter required for iS, ‘212. What is the basis of Secunty deposit rotund in case of load reduction? [A Incase of oad reduction, he excess Secunty dopost wil be rotunded whch stallbo the ctiarence of socurty deposit computed based on reduced ‘oad corresponding to prevaiing rates and the actual securty depost avazble. will be credted m your bil raised ater 1* Jay (213. What is the basis of computation of Security deposit in case of load enhancement? [A Fer uptard revs of oad, secunty depesit would be chergedal prevating rales.on additonal load which shal be tne toa load ater enhancement ‘minus existing sanctoned load, 214. wnat is the basis of computation of Service Line cum Development (SLO) charges’? AI sence ine change « recuited to be changed in upward revsion of lad, diferenial Serie Line cum Development (SLO) charges shall be ‘changed at prevating fates on adcitonal ad which shall bo the foal load eer enhancement minus maximum loed Corresponding Yo Mich SLD charges have already been paid Q15. Where can Irsise query or seek claffication forthe NDI considered for load revision? ‘A In cese of quey, visit contac us at, Wobste. ww Latapower-dd.com, 24x7 Tol Free Ho: 19124 oF please vist respective TATA Power-DDL (Customor Care Centro Morita to Friday 9:30 AM to $:30 PM and on Saturday 9:30 AN to 1 Pi), Except Publ Holidays, ea 1 cafes ats se eo fo rat = as ae cet ovr a 17 wy aa A flere ae a 2 fe fan aa Ps soak seen & ore ee oF sr @ gee Roars ch ae Pore Bee Re ae) ar 2 9 ee wT TT se egg te at after ae Ras GS Bates @ es ps ama sees Re ro Rh ch a ae at Saka ato A A ToT we ee eh ak awe ok ge FP wo ge eh eh ar sehr tor Rafe fer eon) as 7 Rete eer weet are ae ee a ree aR are RT RET A So BA Tae a a He ore BT TTT wwe Ps aaah a aA acer eS Ea eet set eh ee ca ae AER A eco et eo ao eer Meta a eae afer mpantes ote a arora 8 ef Is, RET Sh UE GT ACA Hw YR aT OTA STEEP [mR ats & ooh oe og coer ob wht ator oS wre Rr La YA fe oh ee Ree ARR a a aT 8 Ee BL as de sider & ost tare Ba area me ox gnfzoisd sant tem ‘ar, 0 Ber AO er eA A 5 eT EY sarc Facer HT Sm rag ano & aes ahh stan at & OR AE A oY ee OT & a A ma Rk 2 ar) aE aetoseoe wi oh Ro a ace) oe a An te Bree we Ae oh ars, fer er Sect arate ea AAs & SR EE ST eA A RC I, 2 aarp att 18 mG A ATH Ee, TEE TET TH ETE aT orn St git ta 8 ars he Rr er eer 1) As a Fe [RE POR A Se Som MATE A Te Ma RANE TE HLA. 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