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Modeling and Experimental Verification of Solar Radiation

on a Sloped Surface, Photovoltaic Cell Temperature, and

Photovoltaic Efficiency
Yasser Aldali1; Ali Naci Celik2; and Tariq Muneer3
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Abstract: This article presents modeling and experimental verification of conversion of solar irradiation from horizontal to sloped surfaces and
photovoltaic cell temperature and an analysis of photovoltaic conversion efficiency. Modeling and validation of the models are carried out on the
basis of measurements conducted using the experimental system set in a city in southern Turkey. In addition to current, voltage, and cell temperature
of the photovoltaic module, environmental variables such as ambient temperature and solar irradiance were measured and used for validation
purposes. Correlation of conversion of solar irradiation from horizontal to sloped surfaces indicated that the presently used model is highly suc-
cessful because of the fitting parameters: the coefficient of determination ðR2 Þ ¼ 0.97, and the mean bias error ðMBEÞ ¼ −2.2. Similarly, the cell
temperature model used in the present article is validated by the following correlation parameters: ðR2 Þ ¼ 0.97, MBE ¼ 0.7, and root-mean-square
error ðRMSEÞ ¼ 2.1. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EY.1943-7897.0000082. © 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.
CE Database subject headings: Solar radiation; Solar power; Experimentation; Slopes; Models.
Author keywords: Photovoltaic cell efficiency; Solar irradiation; Conversion of solar irradiation; Photovoltaic cell temperature.

Introduction Photovoltaic Modules and the Experimental Setup

The global installed capacity of photovoltaic systems, which was The experimental system consisted of 120-W monocrystalline pho-
approximately 2 GW (Aratani 2005) in 2003, grew to 21 GW tovoltaic modules situated at the top of a building in Iskenderun
by the end of 2009 (Furkan 2011). According to the International (36°35 0 13 00 N; 36°10 0 24 00 E), on the eastern Mediterranean coast
Energy Agency (IEA), the grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) power of Turkey. The modules were mounted tilted at an angle equal
installed during 2010 was 14,098 MW for all IEA Photovoltaic Power to the latitude of the location, facing south. Fig. 1 shows the photo-
Systems Programme (PVPS) countries (IEA 2011). It can therefore voltaic modules situated on the roof of the building. Technical char-
be deduced that photovoltaic systems will be one of the key players acteristics of the photovoltaic modules are as follows: short-circuit
in the field of energy. The recent high growth rate of photovoltaic current at reference condition, I sc;ref ¼ 7.7 A; open-circuit voltage
power has also led to an increase in research projects on various at reference condition, V oc;ref ¼ 21 V; current at maximum power
aspects of photovoltaics, from development of novel photovoltaic point at reference condition, I mp;ref ¼ 7.1 A; voltage at maximum
cells (Breeze et al. 2004; Jean-François 2004) to performance analy- power point at reference condition, V mp;ref ¼ 16.9 V; and power at
sis, sizing, performance estimation, and optimization of photovoltaic maximum power point at reference condition, Pmp;ref ¼ 120 W.
energy systems (Celik 2002; Fanney and Dougherty 2001). These are provided by the manufacturer for the reference condi-
This article presents modeling and experimental verification of tions of 1;000 W=m2 of irradiance level, 25°C of cell temperature,
conversion of solar irradiation from horizontal to sloped surfaces and 1.5 air mass (AM), which is the ratio of the mass of air that
and photovoltaic cell temperature and an analysis of photovoltaic the beam radiation has to traverse at any given time and location to
conversion efficiency. The experimental system was installed in a the mass of air that the beam radiation would traverse if the sun
city in southern Turkey. In addition to current (I) and voltage (V) of were directly overhead (De Soto et al. 2006). The photovoltaic
the photovoltaic module, environmental variables such as ambient modules under study are made up of 36 cells connected in series,
temperature and solar irradiance were measured and used for each of 0.027 m2 , adding up to a total area of 0.974 m2 . The elec-
validation purposes. tron band gap, Eq , is 1.124 eV for this monocrystalline silicon
photovoltaic module.
School of Engineering and Built Environment, Edinburgh Napier The layout of the experimental system is presented in Fig. 2.
Univ., Edinburgh, United Kingdom; on leave from Faculty of Engineering, In addition to the photovoltaic modules, the experimental system
Mechanical Engineering Dept., Omar Al-Mukhtar Univ., Libya (corre- contains 200 Ah=12 V of sealed type lead-acid battery and a direct
sponding author). E-mail: y.aldali@napier.ac.uk current/alternating current (DC/ac) inverter of 600 W=12 V and
Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Dept. of Mechanical 230 V=50 Hz, with a maximum efficiency of 98%. The load con-
Engineering, Abant Izzet Baysal Univ., 14280, Bolu, Turkey. nected to the photovoltaic system is a number of lightbulbs, whose
School of Engineering and Built Environment, Edinburgh Napier power varies between 0 and 200 W depending on the state of charge
Univ., Edinburgh, United Kingdom. E-mail: T.muneer@napier.ac.uk
of the battery. The photovoltaic modules are connected to the
Note. This manuscript was submitted on November 28, 2011; approved
on May 16, 2012; published online on May 19, 2012. Discussion period battery and the load through an inverter and a charge controller.
open until August 1, 2013; separate discussions must be submitted for in- Four K-type thermocouples were installed and fixed on the back
dividual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Energy Engineering, surface of the PV module by thermal tape to measure cell temper-
Vol. 139, No. 1, March 1, 2013. © ASCE, ISSN 0733-9402/2013/1-8-11/ ature, and one thermocouple was installed to monitor the ambient
$25.00. temperature.


J. Energy Eng. 2013.139:8-11.

surface irradiation. Thus, validity of the theory used to convert
horizontal radiation to sloped radiation was questioned.
Solar radiation incident on any given surface can be decom-
posed into two components, the direct or beam component emanat-
ing from the sun and a diffuse component that results from multiple
reflections and scattering because of particles in the atmosphere.
The diffuse component may also include reflections from the
ground and local surroundings, where the surface in question is
sloped rather than horizontal. Differentiating between the two
components is vital for accurate calculations in most solar energy
applications; however, a number of steps may be required to arrive
at realistic estimates at an appropriate level of detail for a given
location depending on the basic data available.
The slope solar irradiation has three components—that is, beam,
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diffuse, and ground reflected:

I S ¼ I BT þ I DT þ I g ð1Þ

Fig. 1. Photovoltaic modules mounted at an angle of 36° situated on where I S = slope radiation; I BT = slope beam irradiance; I DT =
the top of a building in Iskenderun, Turkey sky-diffuse irradiance; and I g = ground-reflected radiation.
Hourly slope beam irradiance is obtained through
cos θ
The long-term values of wind speed are available at the National I BT ¼ I B ð2Þ
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) renewable energy sin ϕ
resource website (“Surface meteorology and Solar Energy”) and
If measured directly, I B can be observed as the difference be-
have been used in this paper for the city in southern Turkey.
tween hourly horizontal global (I G ) and diffuse (I D ) irradiance.
For purposes of measuring the PV performance, a HOBO
Muneer’s (2004) model for tilted surface diffuse radiation is
Silicon Pyranometer Smart Sensor with an accuracy of 5%
given by
was used. The measurement range for the pyranometer was
0–1;280 W=m2 over the spectral range of 300–1,100 nm with I DT ¼ I D cos2 ðβ=2Þ
1.25W=m2 resolutions.    
2b β
þ sin β − β cos β − πsin2 ð3Þ
πð3 þ 2bÞ 2
where I D = diffuse irradiance on a horizontal plane; and ½2b=πð3 þ
The objectives of the present article are modeling and experimental 2bÞ is given by
verification of conversion of solar irradiation from horizontal to  
sloped surfaces and photovoltaic cell temperature and an analysis 2b
¼ 0.04 − 0.82F − 02.0260F2 ð4Þ
of photovoltaic conversion efficiency. Experimental verification of πð3 þ 2bÞ
the modeling studies and the analysis of photovoltaic conversion
efficiency were carried out using the data measured from the photo- F is the sky clarity index given as follows:
voltaic system, solar irradiation on horizontal and sloped surfaces,  
and the cell and ambient temperatures. Data were measured at 30-s F¼ ð5Þ
intervals and were stored in data loggers and averaged further as IE
required. where I E = horizontal extraterrestrial irradiance and can be esti-
mated by the following formula:
Conversion of Solar Radiation from Horizontal to
Sloped Surface I E ¼ 1367½1 þ 0.033 cosð0.0172024 DNÞ sin ϕ ð6Þ

Solar irradiation measured on a horizontal surface was converted to where DN = day number. Ground-reflected radiation can be
that on a sloped surface and then compared with measured sloped obtained from the following equation:

Inverter Charge controller


Load Battery


Fig. 2. Layout of the experimental system


J. Energy Eng. 2013.139:8-11.

Fig. 4. Thermal losses represented by thermal network diagram for a
photovoltaic system
Fig. 3. Evaluation of presently used slope radiation model
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Eq. (9) was proposed by Swinbank (1963) for estimating rea-

  sonably accurate values of radiative heat loss to the sky.
I g ¼ ρI G sin2 ð7Þ
Wind Heat Transfer Coefficient
where ρ = average albedo of the ground. The surface albedo for Duffie and Beckman (1991) suggest the use of the expression given
sand is set to 0.34 (for white sand, the range is from 0.34 to by McAdams for flat plates exposed to outside winds
0.40) (Muneer 2004). hca ¼ 5.67 þ 3.8ν ð10Þ
Solar radiation data converted using the previous method were
measured in the experimental system from January 2005 to May where hca = heat transfer coefficient for the flat surface; and ν =
2005 at 5-min intervals. Calculated solar radiation data are com- wind speed. According to Cole and Sturrock (1977), 2 × hca is the
pared with those measured on a sloped surface in Fig. 3. One of heat exchange coefficient corresponding to the total surface area
the most important indicators of the goodness of fit of the model is of the module (i.e., two times the surface area corresponding to
the coefficient of determination (R2 ), which is 0.97 in this case. The hca because the heat is lost by the two faces of the PV module).
mean bias error (MBE) is −2.2, and the root-mean square error
(RMSE) is 60.9. Radiative Heat Transfer Coefficient
The radiative heat transfer coefficient hcs is determined by
Estimation of Cell Temperature ½σεc ðT 4c − T 4SKY Þ
hcs ¼ ð11Þ
It is well known that the efficiency of a photovoltaic solar cell de- T c − T SKY
creases with an increase in solar cell temperature. Cell temperature
influences the I-V characteristics and therefore the electrical where εc = emissivity of the PV module cover for long-wavelength
efficiency of the PV module. The model proposed by Mattei et al. radiation. For an operation without a cooling system, initialization
(2006) is used presently for calculation of the cell temperature. of temperature, T c , was first made as
This model is based on the energy balance with the following
hypotheses: T c ¼ T a þ 10
• The radiation loss from the back side of the PV module to I τ αð1 − ηcell Þ þ ðhcs × T SKY þ 2 × hca × T a Þ
Tc ¼ S ð12Þ
ground has been neglected. ðhcs þ 2 × hca Þ
• The temperature on the PV surface is considered uniform.
Thermal losses from the PV module to its surroundings are im- To set up the calculation iterative routine, T c is assumed to be
portant, limiting the thermal performance of a photovoltaic thermal 10°C above the dry-bulb temperature. With the given inputs of
system. Such losses can be associated with all modes of heat trans- dry- and wet-bulb temperatures, the sky temperatures are obtained
fer (i.e., conduction, convection, and radiation). Representation of from Eq. (9). Then, using Eqs. (10)–(12), the improved value of T c
thermal losses by a thermal network diagram for a photovoltaic (i.e., T co ) is obtained. This improved value is checked against its
system is given in Fig. 4. The model of the PV module was imple- old value of T c , and further iterations are carried out until the ab-
mented using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), which also solute value of the difference between T co and T c is less than 0.01.
made use of the processing features of Microsoft Excel. The energy Cell temperatures calculated using the previous equations are
balance is given by compared with those measured in Fig. 5 for the presently available
data. For this correlation, R2 is 0.97, MBE is 0.7, and RMSE is
I s τ αð1 − ηcell Þ ¼ ðhcs × T c − hcs × T SKY Þ
2.1. The measured data set that was presently used was collected
þ ðhca × T c − hca × T a Þ ð8Þ between June 18 and July 17, 2004, at Antakya, Turkey. The fre-
quency of measurement was 1 min.
where T c = cell temperature; T SKY = sky temperature; T a = ambient
temperature; hcs = heat transfer coefficient from the solar cell to the
sky; and hc = surface heat transfer coefficient for the front and back PV Efficiency
surfaces of the PV module. The simple relationship of power for a photovoltaic module is
Sky Temperature Calculations P ¼ IV ð13Þ
The following relationship has been used to calculate the sky The corresponding module efficiency is
temperature if ambient temperature is known:
T SKY ¼ 0.0552 · T 1.5 ð9Þ η¼ × 100 ð14Þ
a G×A


J. Energy Eng. 2013.139:8-11.

are closely predicted as indicated by the favorable value of
coefficient of determination, 0.97.
2. The knowledge of cell temperature is imperative to determine
the efficiency of PV modules. There are various theories
developed to calculate the cell temperature from some
commonly measured meteorological data. The method used
presently offers a sound theory to calculate the cell tempera-
ture on the basis of various parameters. With the theory used,
the cell temperature was predicted accurately.
3. The efficiency of a PV module and thus a PV system deter-
mines the technoeconomic viability of such projects. The
statistical analysis of efficiency showed that the bulk of the
Fig. 5. Evaluation of presently used procedure for computing cell efficiency values fell in the interval between 10% and 11%
for this system.
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This work has been financed by the Scientific and Technical Coun-
cil of Turkey (TUBITAK) under contract number MISAG-240.

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J. Energy Eng. 2013.139:8-11.

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