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Class Association 1st Kahoot

Competition Questions
Part A) Mathematics
1) The figure shows a timer. Supposed the actual time is 8:30:15. What is the
absolute error?
A) 10 seconds
B) 0.25 minute
C) 20 seconds
D) 0.5 minute
2) Skippy measures a line segment with the ruler below. Find the length of AB
and the maximum absolute error.
A) length: 5 cm(cor. to the nearest 2 cm), maximum absolute error: 1 cm
B) length:5.5 cm(cor. to the nearest 0.5 cm), maximum absolute error 1
C) length:5.5 cm(cor. to the nearest 0.5 cm), maximum absolute error:
D) length:5 cm(cor. to the nearest 1 cm). maximum absolute error: 20 mm
3) The capacity of a container is measured as 38.5m 3(cor. to the nearest 0.5m3).
Find the range of the actual capacity.
A) 38.25 m3 < the actual capacity < 38.75 m3
B) 38 m3 ≤ the actual capacity < 39 m3
C) 39.5 m3 < the actual capacity < 37.5 m3
D) 39.5 m3 ≤ the actual capacity < 37.5 m3
4) Expand (9x - 5y)²

A) 81x² - 25y²
B) 81x² - 90xy + 25y²

C) 81x² +90xy - 25y²

D) 81x² - 90xy - 25y²

5) Factorize 3x² - 48

A) 3(x² - 4²)

B) 3(x² - 8x + 16)

C) 3(x+4)(x+4)

D) 3(x-4)²
[6] Skippy estimates the number of students in 2Y class is 33(cor. to the nearest
person), which is different from the actual value 31. What is the relative error
(correct the answer to 3 sig. fig.)?
A) 0.0645
B) 0.0606
C) 0939
D) 1.065
[7] Determine a² - b² = (a+b)(a-b) is an identity and explain.
A) R.H.S. = (a+b)(a-b) = a²+ab+ba-b² = a²+2ab-b²
L.H.S. = a²-b²
Because R.H.S. is not equal to L.H.S.
No, it is not an identity.
B) R.H.S. = (a+b)(a-b) = (a-b)² = a²-b²
L.H.S. = a²-b²
Because R.H.S. is equal to L.H.S.
Yes, it is an identity.
C) R.H.S. = (a+b)(a-b) = a²+ab-ba-b² = a²-b²
L.H.S. = a²-b²
Because R.H.S. is equal to L.H.S.
Yes, it is an identity.
D) R.H.S. = (a+b)(a-b) = a²-ab-ba-b² = a²-2ab+b²
L.H.S. = a²-b² = (a-b)² = a²-2ab+b²
Because R.H.S. is equal to L.H.S.
Yes, it is an identity.

Part B) Integrated Science

1) Which of the following are necessary for respiration?
A) Light and oxygen only
B) Oxygen and water only
C) Oxygen and food (glucose)
D) Light, chlorophyll, carbon dioxide and water
2) What is the function of sodium hydrogen-carbonate solution?
A) It breaks down to provide glucose for the plant.
B) It provides mineral salts for the plant.
C) It breaks down to provide carbon dioxide for the plant.
D) It breaks down to provide oxygen for the plant.
3) When iodine solution is added to a piece of breakfast cereal containing starch, it
changes from…
A) black to brown.
B) brown to black.
C) red to yellow.
D) brown to blue-black.
4) If a burning splint goes out quickly in a gas, the gas must be carbon dioxide.
A) True
B) False
5) What will be the colour of the hydrogen-carbonate indicator when the carbon
dioxide content is lower than the normal level?
A) Yellow
B) Red
C) Blue
D) Purple
6) Which of the following statements about oxygen is correct?
(1) Oxygen is used in some fire extinguishers.
(2) Oxygen is used in food packaging.
(3) Oxygen supports burning.
(4) Oxygen is used for cutting and welding metals when it’s mixed with fuel
(5) Oxygen is denser than air.
(6) Oxygen is used to help patients with breathing difficulties.
A) 1, 3, 4 and 6 only
B) 3, 4 and 6 only
C) 2, 3 and 5 only
D) 1, 2, 3 and 6 only
7) What will happen if we add a drop of water to the dry cobalt chloride paper?
A) It changes from blue to pink.
B) It changes from pink to blue.
C) It changes from red to yellow.
D) It changes from blue to purple.
8) What is light energy used for in photosynthesis?
A) It is to convert oxygen and glucose into carbon dioxide (by-product) and
B) It is to convert glucose and carbon dioxide into water and oxygen (by-
C) It is to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen(by-
D) It is to convert water and glucose into carbon dioxide and oxygen (by-
9) When the rate of photosynthesis is higher than the rate of respiration, there will
A) a net uptake of carbon dioxide
B) a net uptake of oxygen and carbon dioxide
C) a net uptake of oxygen and a net release of carbon dioxide
D) a net uptake of carbon dioxide and a net release of oxygen

Part C) Geography
1) Water cycle is the movement of water in different states between the ocean, the
land and A continuously. What is A?
A) Atmosphere
B) Space
C) Earth
D) Air
2) Water resources refer to the B that is available for human use. What is B?
A) Water
B) Seawater
C) Freshwater
D) Water(Surface runoff)
3) C accounts for the highest percentage of freshwater reserves. What is C?
A) Ocean
B) Glaciers and ice caps
C) Lakes
D) Icecaps
4) What is the surface water distribution on Earth?
A) Lake: 87%; Swamp: 21%; River: 9%
B) Lake: 2%; Swamp: 11%; River: 87%
C) Lake: 9%; Swamp: 21%; River: 81%
D) Lake: 87%; Swamp: 11%; River: 2%
5) Water cycle is the movement of water in different states between the ocean, the
land and A continuously. What is A?
(1) It accounts for 3 % of global water resources.
(2) It provides fresh water for human use.
(3) Rainfall is a major source of surface water.
A) 2, 3
B) 1, 2
C) 1, 3
D) 1, 2, 3

Part D) English
1) Joey only gets his necessities from the shopping mall. His nine to five job with
little pay forces him to buy little to no accessories or gifts. That’s why he shops in
______ amounts.
A) Careful
B) Manipulative
C) Modest
D) Thoughtful
2) “I just cannot live without alcohol. I know that being drunk is bad and all, but I
just cannot seem to escape its addictive nature. My friends say I am _____ with
A) Favoring
B) Facing
C) Obsessed
D) Dealing
3) “Daniel has a stepsister whom he adores and cares about. One time, his
stepsister got stuck in a forest during a camping trip, and Daniel drove outside to
pick her up! That incident showed the _____ Daniel had for her.”
A) Content
B) Affection
C) Mutuality
D) Fondness
4) “Josh is an animal rights activist at PETA(People for the Ethical Treatment of
Animals) and believes that _____ against animals is incorrect behaviour.”
A) Abuse
B) Overzealousness
C) Corresponding
D) Misinterpretation
[5] Mary, a compulsive shopper, realizes that the money she spent compulsively on
products she didn’t need, as her therapist consults, informs and relieves her during
the situation. She walked out of the consultation room, with white, almost soulless
eyes, as if depression and feelings of regret had shot her in the foot. It was a _____
A) Masterful
B) Aggravating
C) Melancholic
D) Distraught
[6] Mary feels downright disoriented and lost. But, she knows that the therapist had
tried to help her _____ the whole situation.
A) Deal with
B) Grasp
C) Cope with
D) Subvert to
[7] The sun begins to set as the cold of night emerges. Mary knows that continue
being a compulsive shopper can have _____ consequences. She must control her
feelings. _____ her, she would change drastically as a person.
A) Unaffecting; Without acknowledging
B) Dire; Unbeknownst to
C) Mere; Manifesting
D) Expressive, Masquerading

Part E) History
1) What does the word “renaissance” mean?
A) death
B) revival
C) resolve
D) replacement
2) The Europeans were no longer _______ but were more concerned with
A) self-centred; political affairs
B) god-centred; worldly affairs
C) extremely stupid; art
D) in denial; religious affairs
3) Who was not a famous literature author during Renaissance?
A) Dante
B) Shakespeare
C) Charles Dickens
D) Boccaccio
4) Who proved that heliocentrism was correct?
A) Nicolaus Copernicus
B) Albert Einstein
C) Isaac Newton
D) Galileo Galilei
5) What are the characters of the Renaissance buildings?
A) Pillars, pediments and semi-circular arches
B) Pillars, pediments and domes
C) Semi-circular arches and domes
D) Pillars, pediments, semi-circular arches and domes
6) Leonardo Da Vinci is a famous ____ as well as a _____.
A) Painter, designer
B) Artist, writer
C) Painter, scientist
D) Painter, politician
7) Who created the idea of "communism"
A) Marx
B) Deng Xiao Ping
C) Hitler
D) Geoffrey Chaucer
7) What shown below are influences of the Renaissance?
A) Abolishmentand redefining intellectual properties
B) Creation of entirely new styles and cultures
C) Rational thinking and exploration of traditional authority
D) Rise of humanism thoughts and education

Part F) Chinese History

1)後梁的首都是定都在 X,後唐的首都是在洛陽,X 是什麼?
A) 建業
B) 燕京
C) 洛陽
D) 開封
A) 青山
B) 鍋京
C) 燕雲之地
D) 鄭州
A) 高子進:十國政局穩定
B) 粉塵爆炸:宋太祖採用了先北後南的策略統一全國
C) 陳減樂:宋強幹弱枝
D) 張 A 平:宋重文輕武
A) 優禮士人
B) 壓制宗教
C) 國庫空虛
D) 胡人掌政
A) 漢族
B) 回紇
C) 契丹
D) 沙陀
6)文臣因政見相近而容易結成 X,各派堅持己見,互相排斥。X 是什麼?
A) 軍隊
B) 朋黨
C) 工會
D) 黨派
7)熙豐變法期間宋軍收復被 X 佔領的領土。X 是什麼?
A) 西夏
B) 大秦
C) 吐蕃
D) 遼
8) X 人擄走宋帝及后妃宗室大臣等 3000 多人北返,史稱 Y。Y 是什麼? A) 永
B) 永康之難
C) 青康之難
D) 靖康之禍

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