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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), volume 81

1st International Conference on Social and Political Development (ICOSOP 2016)

Complementary Therapy in Handling ISPA in a Family that has Balita

Lufthiani1 , Adventy Tersania2

Lecturer, College of health sciences (STIKES) Siti Hajar Medan, Indonesia


Abstract—Complementary Therapy is medication which uses method, equipment, or

ingredients which are not included in modern therapy standard (conventional); it is used
complementary therapy. The use of complementary therapy by people throughout the world
(including Indonesia) is increasing each year. In coping with ISPA (Upper Respiratory Tract
Infection), especially which attack the upper respiratory tract such as cough, fever, flu, people
usually choose alternative therapies besides conventional therapy. The objective of the
research was to find out complementary therapy in handling ISPA in families that had balita
(below five year-old children) at Beganding Village, Karo Regency which included the
percentage of using therapy, its method, and the reason for a family in using complementary
therapy. The research used descriptive design. The samples were 32 respondents, the result
of the research showed that 28 respondents used complementary therapy in coping with
ISPA in their children. Of the 4 types of complementary therapy touching therapy was more
commonly used than the other three types of complementary therapy individually of in
combination. It is recommended thet the next researchers use qualitative design to analyze
deeply the use of complementary therapy in coping with ISPA in society.

Key words—Complementary Therapy, Family, ISPA

because the client wants to get services of

their choice, so that if the desire is fulfilled
INTRODUCTION will impact on client satisfaction. It can be
an opportunity for nurses to play a role
Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (ISPA) is
provide complementary therapies
a disease that often occurs in children.
(Widyatuti, 2008). The use of
Incidence according to age groups toddler
complementary therapies by people
estimated 0.29 episodes per child / year in
worldwide, including Indonesia growing
developing countries and 0.05 episodes per
year increasing. The National Center for
child / year in developed countries. It
Complementary and Alternative Medicine
shows that there are 156 million episodes
(NCCAM) classifies complementary
per year in the new world in which 151
treatment method alternatives into five
million episodes (96.7%) occur in
categories: alternative medical systems,
developing countries. ISPA is a leading
intervention mind body (mind-body
cause of patient visits in public health
intervention), biological-based treatments,
centers (40% -60%) and hospitals (15% -
manipulative and body-based methods and
30%). Influenza is a disease that can cause
energy therapy. World Health Organization
outbreaks. Complementary therapy is a
(WHO) has noted that nearly 70% of the
form of treatment services which employ a
world population use complementary
method, apparatus, or materials that are
therapies. Impression of the
not included in the standard modern
complementary therapies for ISPA shows
treatments (conventional) and used as a
that with the keyword "herbal therapy for
complement to medical treatment.
respiratory diseases" there are 126,000
Complementary therapies that there be one
websites that contain herbal therapies that
community treatment option. This occurs

Copyright © 2017, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press. 146

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), volume 81

are beneficial for patients with ARDs/ ISPA. respondents answered in accordance with
A survey of some families about the use of the circumstances that happened when the
complementary therapy in addition to researchers subsequently mark the
conventional therapy found that families answers given in the questionnaire
use complementary therapies to address respondents. In addition to charging the
the ISPA. Therapy is commonly used is a researchers examined data completeness. If
solution of lemon juice and soy sauce as no data is incomplete, can be directly fitted,
well as the provision of eucalyptus oil. then the data were analyzed.
Based on the amount of complementary
therapies are offered especially for patients RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
with ARDs and the number of infants who
suffered ISPA. The results of data analysis for
the selection of complementary therapies
MATERIALS AND METHODS used in addressing the ISPA family found
that out of 32 respondents, 87.5% (28
a. Type of Research people) used complementary therapies in
The design used in this research infants suffering from ISPA and 12.5% (4)
is descriptive which aims to determine the do not use complementary therapies. And
use of complementary therapies that are of the result is that 16 respondents (50%)
interest in addressing the ISPA in families using a combination of complementary
with toddlers. therapies. There are 28 respondents using
complementary therapies with honey
b.Analysis Unit / Informant ginger kind of solution, a mixture of lemon
The sample in this study is a juice and soy sauce, massage therapy,
family who have children who suffered steam therapy, blowholes therapy, and also
ISPA and treatment in Poskesdes. The a combination of several types of therapy.
sample size in this study use traditional Several reasons for respondents to choose
technique of total sampling as many as 32 a complementary therapy in infants with an
respondents ISPA is an ancestrally another choice of
medical treatment, additional treatment for
c. Type and data collection methods the family, and because of very good
The sample size in this study properties.
using technique of total sampling. The Complementary therapy is a
procedures performed in a data collection broad domain in the resource covering the
that is at the early stage researchers treatment of health systems, modalities,
applied for a permit implementation practices and characterized by theories and
research in educational institutions, then beliefs, a different way of public health care
the application for a license obtained from systems in the community or cultural
the Village Chief to investigate in the (Widyatuti, 2008). Complementary
Beganding village. Researchers determine therapies including the entire practice and
the respondent in accordance with criteria ideas that are defined by the user as the
established. prevention or treatment of disease or the
After getting prospective respondents, the promotion of health and well-being. the
researchers explained to the respondent results showed that the use of
about the objectives, benefits and how to complementary therapies in overcoming
fill out the questionnaire. After that, ISPA families who have children in the
respondents who were willing, were asked village of Karo Beganding majority (87.5%)
to sign an informed consent. Research of respondents use complementary
institute, and read the contents of the therapies as adjunct therapy. All
questionnaire to the respondent, then the respondents are families who also uses

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), volume 81

conventional therapy or medical treatment a therapy on the questionnaire the

to overcome the ISPA in infants. researchers, but at other points
Complementary therapies at the election of respondents filled with blowholes therapy.
28 respondents who use the therapy, 16 From the research results blowholes
respondents including using a combination therapy is the treatment most used by
of complementary therapies. Most respondents. Either singly or in
combined therapy is therapeutic touch or combination, the majority of respondents
massage with sprayed therapies. In a single use gushes therapy.
use other therapies or therapies spat is also Results obtained in total there were 15
a therapeutic option to address the respondents who used the therapy sprayed
majority of respondents ISPA in young as countermeasures for ISPA in infants.
children, and the second most chosen This data corresponds to the number of
therapy is therapeutic touch or massage. respondents who are mostly ethnic karo
Touch therapy or massage therapy is most (90.6%), due to blowholes therapy is a
often used family compared with the three traditional medicine from the public karo.
other therapies either singly or in Blowholes therapy that is often used karo
combination. society is a drug consisting of rice, forest
Found four respondents who only use the leaves, ginger, pepper, jerangan, nutmeg,
massage therapy and there are eleven and roots of medicinal plants which are all
respondents used massage therapy in roasted then crushed. In addition to these
combination. In other words, out of 28 materials based on interviews with
respondents who use complementary respondents blowhole therapy can also be
therapies, there are 15 respondents who made from betel leaf spices. How to use is
use touch or massage therapy as an attempt by spitting into parts of the body that are
to treat ISPA in infants. Touch therapy or considered necessary.
massage (massage) is one of the techniques The spat has benefits, among
that combine the physical benefits of others treat colds, abdominal pain, fever,
human touch with the emotional benefits heat and cold. In addition, according Katno
such as bonding (bounding). (2008) traditional medicine also be
Activities Massage lead to contact selected as a complementary therapy
between the child and the parent, the child because it can be obtained, mixed and
will feel at ease and comfortable as the planted themselves without medical
psychological effects of this massage is personnel. Traditional medicines are also
expressed affection. Moreover, if the derived from traditional medicinal plants
massage is done with heated so physically are used and reported empirically by the
giving the child's body will feel warm, while community to improve the health and
mentally relationship between children and treatment of various diseases.
parents grow intimate (Pratyahra 2012 in In the use of complementary
Setiawan, 2015). (Gichara, 2006) suggests therapies are a total of 10 respondents who
there are benefits of massage for children use honey ginger solution in an effort to
that includes two sapek namely emotional cope with ISPA in infants either in
aspects that can stimulate hormone combination or not. However, based on
products Endocrine (painkillers), causing a data analysis of respondents do not always
sense of comfort to the child and the use honey ginger solution when a toddler
physical aspect is launched breathing such suffering from coughs and colds.
as reducing mucus, treating coughs, colds, According to the assumptions of
ear infections, and disorders of the nose. researchers majority of respondents give a
Other therapies are most widely used in complementary therapy to babies only
addition to massage therapy is the when families remember. In the
treatment of blowholes. This therapy is not therapeutic use of ginger honey was found

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), volume 81

that the majority of respondents use other despite the use of complementary
traditional therapies are used therapies.
simultaneously (60%). The therapeutic use
of lime and soy sauce are a total of 11
respondents with one respondent who CONCLUSION
simply use multiple therapies lime and soy The results of the research that
sauce as well as the 10 respondents who has been done on "Complementary Therapy
use them in combination. However, the in Handling ISPA in a Family that has Balita
majority of respondents (63.6%) did not In the village Beganding Karo" was held in
always use a mixture of lemon juice and soy July 2016 concluded that the results of this
sauce as a toddler suffering from coughs research show the majority of family
and colds. In the therapeutic use of a members provides a complementary
mixture of lime juice and soy sauce found therapy in infants when experiencing ISPA
that the majority of respondents use other is by percentage 87.5% with a regimen that
traditional therapies are used is either sprayed therapies used in
simultaneously (63.6%). combination or alone gushes therapy. How
There were 15 respondents were to use therapies are not using the exact
found to have used therapeutic touch or rules, only when a toddler suffering from
massage in an attempt to overcome the cough and cold will give the family as
ISPA in infants and the majority of needed until the toddler recovered.
respondents did touch therapy whenever a Although respondents are already using
toddler suffering from cough and cold any medical treatment to overcome the
(66.7%). Touch or massage therapy in a ISPA in young children, complementary
majority of respondents are only given therapies remain an option as an adjunctive
when the infant cough suffered looks therapy for the treatment.
worse. In touch or massage therapy all This study is expected to be a source of
respondents using essential oils such as information in the curriculum-related
eucalyptus oil, oil Telon, or even traditional learning about the selection of
oil. A total of 66.7% of respondents who complementary therapies in a family that
use touch therapy or other traditional embraces a certain socio-cultural, and is
massage therapy during a period of illness expected as a material consideration in
in infants. future studies related to the socio-cultural
Based on the interview, respondents say research.
that it is not scared and worried to use
complementary therapies. Because of the
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