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Prepared by:
Jeewan Sapkota
Ass. Biology Lecturer
Jiri Technical School
Define Ethnobotany
Scope and Importance of Ethnobotany
Value and Importance of Ethnobotany
The branch of botany that deal with the knowledge of group of
people about the use of locally available plants in different field
like medicine , food, cultural activities, shelter etc. is known as

Ethno botanical knowledge is very ancient. It provides information

regarding the traditional uses of plant wealth which can be utilized
in integrated tribal development.

The term ethno botany was coined by J.W. Harshberger in 1895

to include the study of plants used by the primitive and aboriginal
people. Though this discipline has existed for ages, ethno botany
emerged as a distinct academic branch of natural science in
twentieth century.
Scope of Ethnobotany
It had been possible due to ethnobotanical studies that have
provided us a plenty of information data about plants either
useful or harmful.
The two major parts of ethnobotany ethno- the study of people
and botany- the study of plants.
Economic botany: Economic botany is the part of
ethnobotany, but it looks specifically at plant and plant
product that have economic market in the modern world, for
example fruits, cotton, coffee, orchids

Ethnomedicine: This is a field of research that deal with the

medicine derived from plants and used in the treatment of
various diseases based on the indigenous knowledge
Ethnotoxicology: Ethnotoxicology is the study of the use of
various toxic plants as fish poison in human societies

Ethnotaxonomy: Ethnotaxonomy deals with the naming and

classification of plants by human societies in their language

Ethnomycology: It is the study of folk knowledge of

mushroom, as mushrooms were long believed to be plants
which they are not
Importance of Ethnobotany
 Ethnobotanical studies help to document the existing
empirical knowledge of the indigenous people.
 It helps to identify plants of prospective commercial value
that are, at present, known only within a particular
community or geographical regions.
 It can help in the discovery of crude drugs.
 It provides knowledge about the treatment of disease by
using local plants
 It tells about how modern medicine has been developed and
provide the way of treatment of disease which has not been
achieved by modern medicine.
 It has an important role in conservation of biological and
cultural diversities.
Aims and objective of Ethnobotanical research:
 The documentation of indigenous knowledge on the
utilization of local plants resources by different ethnic
group or communities is one of the main objective of
ethnobotanical research.
 Preservation of unwritten traditional knowledge about
herbal plant
 To create awareness about its role in cultural social and
health of people
 To train student or people for utilization and conservation of
medicinal plant
 To increase and manufacture of herbal drugs
 Research for students and teachers
Value and Importance of TK
Traditional knowledge refers to the knowledge, innovation
and practice of indigenous and local communities around the
world. Traditional knowledge is transmitted orally from
generation to generation.

This knowledge is valuable not only those who depend on
their lives, but to the modern industry and agriculture as well.
Many widely used product such as plant based medicine,
health product and cosmetic are derived from traditional
Traditional knowledge can make significant contribution to
sustainable development. Most of the people used biological
diversity in a sustainable way for thousand for year

Some of their practice have been proven to enhance and

promote biodiversity at the local level and maintaining the
healthy ecosystem
Their skill and techniques provide valuable information to the
global community and useful model for biodiversity policies

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