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Ld] Neetu Singh aD P P KD Publication ofk Chapter. 1 Chapter. 2 Chapter. 8 Chapter- 4 Chapter- 5 Chapter- 6 Chapter- 7 Chapter. 8 Chapter: 9 Chapter- 10 Chapter- 11 Chapter- 12 Chapter: 13. Chapter. 14 Chapter. 15 Chapter- 16 Chapter- 17 Chapter. 18 Chapter. 19 Chapter. 20 Chapter. 21 Chapter- 21 Chapter- 22 Idioms in Storics ‘Theme based Idioms Voeabularies from Root Words. Commonly Used Foreign Words Theme based Vocabularies Sentence Improvement Cloze Test Spellings Sentence Arrangement Comprehens:on English Practice Sets Verb as a Noun Infinitive Participle Inversion Parallelism Superfluous Expressions Phrasal Verbs Fill in the blanks Some Grammar for Practice Set Preposition Basic concept -1, 2 VERB - 1 & 2 VERB + Tense - 1,2 & 3 Subject verb Agreoment & Conditional Sentences -1. 2 He, She, Baby, Abode & Group Model Papers for SSC Ter & IL SSC Tier - 1 SSC Tier - 11 BL 45 51 54 70 95 123 - 140 + 167 205 278 282 289 - 202 - 296 299 305 324 - 352 373 379 385 394 400 413 30 44 50 53 69 94 122 139 166 204 217 281 288 291 295 298 304 323 351 ew a3 oD 384 393 398 412 481 Chapter. 23 dh (2) (3) Chapter- 24 Chapter. 25 QQ) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Essays Child Labour Women Empowerment Terrorism Letter writing Articles APJ Abdul Kalam Niti Aayog Politics on Reservation Article 370 Disaster Management Pornography Net Neutrality Subsidy Freedom of Speech (10) Black Money 482 484 486 490 - Idioms in Stories Let me teach you how to use idioms and vocabularies in sentences. Through nine stories based an some social current issues, I am going to teach you around fifty to hundred Words/ Idtoms/Phrases tn every story /article based on a soctal or current issue, The Ist story has been taken from the time when the cease fire violation at the border by Pakistan was dealth with by the NDA government very strictly. Story-1 A Cock & Bull Story? Kudos! to Mr. Narendra Modi, Now I do believe with eertitude? chat Indian soldiers will no longer be sitting ducks’, Kashmir hus been am apple of discord® for India ard Pakistan and both tac countries have been at daggers drawn’ ‘or this bone of contention’. Our iron-willed” army always prefers an olive branch! to bad blood? but untike Pakistan, in India the rating party is in the driving seat” and since long it had been felt that the foreign: policy of the LHA government was Inclis’s Achilles? heels", With its clean sweep" in the recent Lok ,the NDA government, it seers, wil! not bat an eyelid’ if our arny \kkes its eworn enemies head on'S, Mier getting elbow room" our soldiers are adopting tit for tat’’ policy and are fighting teeth and nail“ at the border. Our adversary’, unused® to such retaliation! soon hud to eat humble pie", It hud been for decades, moving heaven and earth for Kashitir, the Switzerland of India. The government ot Pakistan builds castle in the air and daydreams * about getting complete control over Kashar bul this lime it has burnt its finger*® by breaking ceasefire. Our strong government has given & befitting” reply to the pied piper of Pakistan and has made him realise Unat if he sows the wind, he will have to reap the whirlwind”, Pakistan will cow hem and haw around” avoidiry, taking the bull by the horns”. The will 0’ the wisp” of Pakistan of getting every inch of Keshmir, the paracise on earth, svems a faree* alter the U.N has decided ta sit on the fence®, United Nation's Sccretary Gencral Ban-Ki moon reiterated that the dispute of Kashmir must be solved through bilateral talks. The U.N's stand thiew sold water®® upor Nowaz Shari’s lust hope and Ban-Ki-mocn's refusal lo give ear to Pakistan's ¢ intervention has put Pakistaa in a tight eorner™. Our soldiers, are on guard and cre also gung ho! about settling the dispute of Kashmir onee and for all but our seasoned? Prime Minister is a PasL master * of tact anc knows that war always makes @ country pay through its nese“, Besides this, jt may turm ont to be’? a Pandora’s ox for the NDA government. Indic needs to weigh the pros and cons" of a full-blown wor, Meanwhile a befuddled! gid muddicheaded baby Bilawel Bhutto out there 1s erying for the moon*, His childish Chest-thumping* for every inch of Kashmir drew Imad laughter, ng him # laughingstock® cn all social media, na eleysie eqquest $ seon maki English for general competition, volume-— 2 ———————_{_ 1 ] 8. No. Words/Phrases/Idioma ‘Meaning in English ‘Meaning in Hindi pepo RPxADu 10. 1, 12, 19 14. 18. 16. 17. 18, 19, 20. 21 22. 23. 24. 28. 29, 30, 31 a2, 33. Cock and bull story Kudos Certitude Sitting ducks Apple of diseard At daggers drawr, Bone of Contention Tron-willed Olive branch Bad blood To be in the driving seat Achilles’ heels Clean sweep Not bat an eyelid Swom enemies Head on Elbow room Tit for tat ‘Tooth and neil Adversary Unused Retaliation To eat humble pie To move heaven and carth Castle in the air Daydream To burn one’s finger Refitting Pied piper To sow the wind and reap the whirlwind Hem aad haw around 7o teke the bull by the horns and resolutely Will’o the wisp Parce A cooked up story Praise given for achievement Certainty defenceless anil easy prey Cause of quarrel in a state of open hostility cause of quarrel of strong will-power A symbol of peace Animosity to be in control of a situation weakest point A complete viccory Not to show any shock, worry or surprise arch rivals in a very direct manner adequate space/freedem for work An equivalent given in return With all available means An enemy or opponent No: habitual Reciprocate to be forced to admit that you are wrang to do ell possible effort Plans that have very little chances of happening to think of pleasant though:s to suffer unpleasant result appropriate Aleader who makes irresponsible promises to start some kind of trouble that grows mush larger that one has planned to be evasive ta deal with a problem cirectly| A misleading hope Something that is so bad that it is scen as ridiculous ta-at ten game Gm met are at sim ordi rag saw sang sifra ea Fag PTR Bra spread tan an rar mo aes ah ater woh fat ea at eet so stas fa? a aa aa carey a ea dah ch TT sr a TREE English for general competition, volume - 2 ‘8. No. | Words/Phrases/Idioms Meaning in English Meaning in Hindi 34.__| To siton the fence Not ta take sides in a dispute | frat ar aera 35. | Reiterate repeat aera 36. To throw cold water to criticize or stop sameone afig ue ut hy from doing something that he is enthusiastic about a7, | To give car te listen to eat 38. Tight corner in a difficult situation ahem arene 39. | On guard Vigilant aa 40. | Gung ho Extremely excited sate sentra 41. | Once and for al! with finality ae at, iS fm 42. Seasoned experienced ayer 43. Past mester adept/ skilled fm 44, Pay through one’s nose | to pay neavily sat) a ger 45. Turn out to be to be foand to be ailas get 46, | Pandora’s box Asource of many troubles | w-areret=n att a7. To weigh prog and cons te evaluate the advantages and| S4-e1hr I SrRsM Fa the disadvantages 48. Ful-blown: Fully developed wept ee a Panta: fara eh 49, Befuddled Confused rage 4 eT 50, Muddle-head Stupid Both Sk, Crying for the moon to want something that is not | vt axe 7d} possible =a 82. Chesi-thumping Ue act a? practice of boasting | 2 aren Laughing stock one who is ridicules a He English for general competition, volume ~ 2 ~ Story -2 Nipped in the Bud Learning Vocabularies is fun, when innovatively done! A fow months ago, I saw the eorpus? of a tiny infant lying in a garbage bin. The grotesque? sigat made my heart bleed? That gruesomet glimpse? of an appalling* practice of killing gir) child sent shivers down my spine’ and day in, day out* it haunted” me. In India, the birth of a son brings a windfall” for the family while the fomily mzkes a wry face" if'a girl child is born, A female child is not accepted with open arms by the parents and often many female foetuses!® and infants give up the ghost" as foeticidel® end infanticide" are rampant!” under the rose". Now and ther, many gynaecologists"? and quacks® come under a cloud for running sex determination centres but nothing concrete” can be achieved if the society doesn't tun ever a new leaf. The whole society will have lo throw @ spanner™ in the plans of the seamy side of life™, All take up arms* to fight agains: this evil practice and will nave t be up and doing” *. wie YF us will have to macter of bringing the culprits™ to book *, This indeed will be a yeoman's service™, Besides this, the good Samaritans® must 2¢ argus eyed™ becouse through back stairs influence®* many ultrasound centres have mushroomed™ in towns andi cities and by the rule of thumb™, I can say that they are running nothing but sex detesmination centres. The Government will have te carry matters with high hand’ and clip the wings*” of these malefactors® and then only it will come home to® them that now the enlightened” society of India will not take this lying down’. Ilowever it is an open seeret® that many fomilice have eleven hoof of getting rid of female foetus and generation after generation we have proved that we are only the ehip of the old black“. ven the co be mother eaves in‘ before her in-laws! demands while at such time when she needs to bandy words‘ with them. [am quite amazed when even a blue stocking “’ blow hot and cold" while talking about a git! child. They go the whole hog’? to cxplain how a male chitd ix indispensable™ 10 ran the pedigree" and we have hebson’s cheice™ in this matter. My God! Are we the Inst descendants * of any dinosaur family that we do need te run our lineage ? I wonder ! but still | an in @ way® and hope that this practice will sonner or later** he done away with neck and crop®. English for generat competition, volume-2 B.lto.] Words Meaning in English Meaning in Hind! Nipped in the bud [to pat an end to something before | aq) @ ured ee ST it develops 1. | Corpus dead body cial 2. | Grotesque fncrrible sae : 3. | Heart bloed feel genuine sympathy for someone| frat = fam Fen area eT 4. | Gruesome horrible ware 5. | Glimpse A brie! look WFO 6. | Appelling fnorrible ware 7. | Sead shivers down — fio make someone feel very ag ane ea the spine irightencd aT a Day in, day out for indefinite number of ae fea aw CE successive days 9, | Haunt ho keep coming back in the mind | aan fat fa to upset the person femme af srrey Fore for tt 10. | Windfall JAn unexpected or sudden gain ararie wc a4 LL. | Way face Disappainted look rem fea 12, | With open arms ‘with happiness gaia 13, | Foetus An unborn baby el 14. | Give up the ghost fro dle mF 15. | Facticide jcilling of a foctus wT 16. | Infanticide ‘cilling of an infant TET 17, | Rampant uncontrolled aor 18. | Under the rose secretly ae a 19, | Gynacsologiat 1a epecialtse of tamale fee ty oe diseases and child birth ania 20. | Quack one who pretends to be a medical | dle sim practitioner 21. | Undera cloud fo he under suspicion aan 22, | Concrete factual, soal, strong’ aha . 23. | Turn over a new lea? |:o change for the better ard & fay fea ert 24, | Throw a spanner so sabotage a plan Saat ar FI die pec 25. | Seamy side of life Smmoral side of society Tem Sir am 6, | ake up arms to fight 3=T 27. | Upand doing active mm og. | Culprit JOne who is to blame are 29, | Bring to book to punish aa ot 30. | Yeoman’s service Excellent work acai =m a1. | Good Samaritan One who helps everyone a1 3G aa 32. | Argus eyed Careful, observant ane, sie 33, | Back stuits influence [by unfair means vem aie 34. | Mushroom (as verb) _ [to grow in large number au vl we wa een ae aT 28, | By the rule of thumb According to practical experience | a7 8 36. | With high hand very str! aa a English for general competition, volume-2 5.No, Words Weaning in English Meaning in Hindi 37. 36. 39, 40, at 42. Clip the wings Malefactors Come home to Enlightened Take lying down Open seeret Cloven hoof Chip of the old Liock Cave cn Bandy words Biue stocking [Blow hot and cold Go the whole hog Indispensasle Pedigree Hobson's eheice Descendant Lineage Ina Sooner or lot Do away with Neck and ezop to weaken the power one who is guilty of a crime to understand One who has good understanding or is net ignorant accept insult that many people know about but that is supposed to be a secret evil desire resembling one's parents in habits vield & argue educated but pedantic lady to speale in favour and against at the same lime ta do something thoroaghiy without which ane carnat do An ancestral line No choice at all one wha is the affspring of someone descend in « Eine from a Common forefather hopeful at some uncertain future Hime get rid of completely piace ve EH ww we Brg oe a are * ae ToT aig foeet a English for general competition, volume - 2 Story - Moot Point Politics is not my cup of tea but why not try my hand at it. In India corruption is brewing! unbridfed? in the echelons? of power. Some ministers feather their nests* by the virtue of * their posts as usually their subordinates and many business houses present costly gifts to them te curry favour with ther. Somewhere a son-in-law gets huge pieces of land for a song’ and somewhere « demagogue! lands for a rally straight from the gaol? to make a harangue about how his opponents have ever and anon" tried to make his career chequered. These so called severed™ puissants™ of India fight shy of * the reality that they arc damp squib‘ as far ag leadership is concerned but eke out!” their income by adopting sharp practices, They cock a snook”™ at the laws af the land though not publicly, These politicians work in eahoots® with one another and their activities and dealings are never above board". They even go the whole hog™ to cook the books” of the government departments and these barefaced lars hire veteran® lawyers who bend the truth™ in the court and then these scoundrels?” go scot free” Sometimes the ministers buy @ lemon® with the government fund al an exorbitant™ price and thus are hand in glove” with many had eggs" in the daylight robbery®*. They pull wool over the eyes" of the public with their pack of lies**. We need to understand that these politicians are snakes in the grass" and the common people of India ae down and out?” because of (hese people who have feet of olay™, I de believe that these politicians will lose ground® :f the public do not Lose their head on the d-day*!, People must nct vete for them just for ephemeral” loaves and fishes", Some dipsomaniacs* even give in* for a bottle of wine and some for a few rupees, In an impoverished country where many find it difficul: to keep their pot boiling™, the poor are all in a flutter when wine wich is am elixir for them are served to thom just a night before the festiva: of democracy. As a result they sell their integrity and the future of theit country for pittamce®®, A man of straw can lead bis county from palmy days"? to its last legs. His :rresponsible decisions put a spoke in the wheel of the development of the country. Recently India voted for development and not for caste, creed and religion. This of course hes thrown cold water" un (he politics of those who used to set people by ears* and steal the march’ at the time of election by using the word secularism as red herring S.No.] Words Meaning in English Meaning in Hindi Most point A debatable point ag-frag #1 FT 1 Brew | to star: to form ar Ue Bl 2. |Unbricled Unrestrained a 3, | Echelons 2 level in’an organization or Rett Prat yeas authority vel #1 2 4. _|Feather one’s nest | to carn dishonestly nee Tie 8 SAAT 5. By the virtue of by the power of aah 6. |Tocursy favour win favour wh ape ye steer with 7.__|For a song ata very low price ard oH STK English for general competition, volume—2 —__——_____|_7_ S.No.| Words Meaning in English Meaning in Hindi 8. | Demagogue A political leader who tries to [ast go ae wd chil @t get support by making false Ser eh wady eae claims and promises based on | 1 emotions rather than reasons 9 [Gaal wail oe 10, |Harangue An angry speech qe avo ao 11, | Ever and anon now and then aaa 12, | Chequered fll of ups and downs ma aT 13, fevered respectable wear 14, | Puissant pewerful ereaerett 15, | Fight shy of to attempt to avoid are 16, | Damp squib complete failure oi ert 17, | Bke out supplemeat income saad ert 18. |Sherp practices dishonest means mea a 19. | Cock a snook to show impudent contempt SRA AD AAT RA 20, |tn cahoots in conepiracy with eomeone fedt @ mews Y 21. | Above board honest ae 22, |Go the whole hog | to do something thoroughly ag a fear a oT 23. |Cook the bocks | to record false information cram wae aun ate oa a in order to steal moncy or show | Sit 7m 7H NM ST We wrong entry to hide stolen money| 24, | Barefaced liars Shameless liars tee aid o gar cafe 25. | Veteran experienced aan 26. | Bend the teuth not to speak the entire truth wa em a tens ae 27. |Scowacrels @ cruel or dishonest person ag sere 28, |Go sen: free to escape from punishment wa 8 4a Ur 29, |Buy & lemon to buy something that is worthless | tm Sr sito 30 | Fxorbitant very high aa SAT 31, | Hand in glove in extremely close relationship | aga Sire neem ot fd 22. | Bad eggs with someane who behaves in | Vil TEM wis | a bad or dishonest way an 33. |Daylightrobbery | blatantly overcharging or removing) wera ah @ feat na someone's money by foul play | 74 OT 34 | Pull wool aver ta deceive someone ier tt the eyes 38. | Pack of lies full of lies gem fe 36, | Snake in the grasa | a bielden enemy fan gen gE 37. | Down and out poor and ruined ada ait sale -English for general competition, volurne-2 S.No.| Words Meaning in English Meaning in Hind! 38, | Feet of clay hidden faults fot ee ease 39. | Lose ground Fail lo keep position seer er are wa aed eT 40. | Lose their head to be carried away ae 4 ae arr 41, | D-day Acay on which something fon fea a teeph aa important is planned or expected | tH ate # to Aapaen 42. | Ephemeral Momentary satire 43, Loav-> and fishes | Material bene ‘its ifr or 44, | Dipsomaniae one whe is addicted to art alcoholic drinks 4, | Give in yield en aH at 46. | Impoverished extremely poor aie 47, | Keep one’s pot earn hardly enough for living fee arr ae ah HT boating 48, | In a flutter excited aii ag. | elixir A magical liguid that can am cure illness or extend life 50. | Pittance small amount of money a 51 Man of straw Aweak man erat are 52. | Palmy days Prosperous days ord fr 53. | On last legs about to collapse aa HH OI 54. | Puta spoke in to ubsuruct an ser oT the wheel 55. | Throw cold water 1 discourage wis eer 56. | Set someone by ears |to incite people ota al 4eer 37, | Stea} the march to get ahead secretly grt a amt az am 58. | Red herring Something to distract attention | ai “aA szaTe English for general competition, volume -2 Story -4 The Fair Sex Being a woman, F ean give first-hand experiences of what it is to be a woman. ‘Women play second fiddle! in the society and since her childhood, a girl child has been brain fed? that she will one day leave her inith and kin’ and go to her husband’s house, She is taught to be mealy mouthed* and live-wire and is expected to stand by* her husband through all weal and woe? willy-nilly". The root and branch? of her very existence is for her husband and she is always expected ta be in tune with! her in-laws. A men is supposed and expected to keep his wife under his thumb" and he is looked down upon as an queer fish*? if he is unable to hold his wife to the leash. It’s all Latin and Greek’ to me es to why lakhs and crores are paid to the grcom’s father. Isn't it buying a pig in a poke"? Besides ihis, goods aad chatiles™ ure bougl.t for the girl and her to be husband but the items do not inclide any computer, study table or books. | mean nothing related to grey matter", 1am totslly at sea’ when I speak on this issue and when out and out” weird ® replies come. I feel as ifT have stirred the hornets nest and I am casting a slur * upon the age-old tradition, When the life partners are at loggerhead”, it is the woman who bears the brunt of the society. She usually tries to gild the pill even when her family life is at sixes and sevens™ and god forbids if the couple burn their boats”, it is the lady whose life comes to a standstill™ as it is not easy to get fair field and no favour in a patriarch society, She gets into hot water and her whole life is supposed to have gone to dogs"? once her married life meets its waterloo”, A girl always stands against all odd*and through thick and thin ® ir. her father’s and Ausband’s life but beware, once sae is pissed off * you will be really up im the creek * because bell hath no fury like @ woman scorned? Vocabularies S.No. | Words Meaning in English Meaning in Hind! Fair sex Women vieary 1, Play second. fiddle To have subordinate position | a7 7H 2 Taught fara 3. Near relatives carte frre 4. Mealy manthed Soft-apaken: free a aed are s. Live wire Energetic ahr 6 Stand by ‘Support mee 3a % Weel and woe Joy and sorrow wea 8. Willy-nilly Whether one wishes or not [wera 1am a 9. Root and branch Complete cou 10, | Be in tune with In agreement or mood enfa = 10 |}——____________Bnglitsh for general competition, volume-2 ‘woman scorned unpleasant as a woman who has been offended S.No. | Words ‘Meaning in English Meaning in Hindi 11. Keep someone under | To keep someone under ae TET thumb one's contral 12. | Queer fish Strange fafa 13. | Hold someone to leash | To restrain aq tat 14, | Latin and Greek Unable to understand wa ot 15, | Buy a pig in poke To buy a thing without feu we sta ot aw ‘iknawing its actual worth at 16. |Goods and Chattels | Belongings of home RF ATT 17. | Grey matter Intelligence ge 1a, [at sea Confused wae 19. out and out ‘Completely wae 20. | Weird Strange ‘tafe 21. | Hornet’s nest Controversy coi 22, |cast a sur ‘To disrepute Fert a are =r 23. | At loggerhead Quarrel wea 24, | Bear the brunt ‘To beur the main attack eet a as. Gild the pill "To cover -he unpleasant thing) fret af sh = fra with e pleasant thing da a oT 26. | At sixes and sevens | In a state of disorder aa-TA 27, | Burn one’s boat Point of no return area amr aif gen at 28. |Come toa standstill | To come toa stop ee 29, | Fair field and no favour | Equal opportunities to all Be fee wT FART 30, | Patriarchal Male dominated faqeeTrs 31, |Get into hot water Get into ‘rouble eren #73 3H 32, | Go to dogs Ruined wale 32, |Meet one’s waterloo | To face final defeat OH a FT 34, | Against all odds Despite many difficulties af areal & aa 38. | Through thick and thin | In all circumstance waren a 36. | Pissed off Aaroyed wer 37. | Up in the creel In serious difficulties aie wren & 38. | Hell hath no fury like a | There is nothing as um tfeen fame a eT fem THR, ere 7a ore af ae eT A wa Engjish for general competition, uolume-2 i Story -5 Rise of the Phoenix Arvind EKejriwal got unprecedented mandate in Z015 Dethi Legistative Assembly Election, I couldn’t keep my hands off his political career. Blec:lon fever had been at :ts peak in many states hut Aabs rise im a trie inspite of many Trojan horses? causing teething troubles* to the party made Delhi Assembly election @ hot potato*, Deihi, tat saw congress mule the roost! thrice, this time sent ‘t packing lock, stock and barrel®, This election was a two horse zace’, between AAP and BUP, BUP's performance proved wo be 2 damp squib! and Congress has now met its waterloo”. Both ‘ill have to cool their heels * for the next five years. The brown sturdy" of Congress, an age-olé party, turned into @ nightmare” in 2012 when Anna Hazere blazed the trail” that saw unprecedest™ big draw", By and by" the movement gained momentum", Anna banking on” his fuithful camaraderie set the Thames on fire“, He stole his rival thunder because he is aboveboard® and speake straight from the sho~"surs **, His fast unto death ruffled quite a few feathers** among the eck-!_ue~ o! power but the rot fet in the movement when later Arvin’ 7~)...al'¢ fast cidn’t steal a march on™ his Haeait, Nine days of fast proved ploughing the sands” and Congress 1 to his demands. The predecessor 4 for the whole tirte played fast and loose! und turned a deaf ea: meritocra(s™ of the movement put their heads together™ and soon rose to the occasion “and formed a political party AAP, This off hand** decision of the green horns rubbed Anna the wrong way’. He put his foot down™ but now nore of his zealots? except KGran Bedi end a few was ready to invest time and energy in a Quixotic" project. The movement finally petered out" and a new party saw the light of the day. ‘The debutant® Arvind Kejriwal in bis speeches portrayed India as a banana republic and the public especially the youths went bananas*®. He insisted that it is barking up the wrong tree“ if we cry to clean the dirt of polities without entering it. He said that the Congress Party had a ball” and now will have xo take a back seat“. Soon a whole new ball game® started when Coneral Assembly Election was unniounced in 2013, Kejriwal emerged usa dark horse® with 28 seats Zor the AAP in his kitty, The BUP leaders who were waiting for the result with bated breath without un dota" of doubt that i¢’s their turn now was in for a shock® and the result was 2 bolt from the blue for them, The Congress of course had w bite the dust® as it got the boot from the public’ and could ‘ag just 8 seats. The blood, sweat and tears" of the volunteers cf AAP bore fruits", Kejriwal was their blue- eyed boy buthe was a new kid on the block*. Overnight he became a big cheese” when he became the CM with the support of the Congress. Thoigk he remained betwixt and between" for sometime Lut ultimately he bit the bullet", when on the ground of Jan Lokpal he fell on his sword® ard the rein of Delhi went into the Eands of the Central ‘English for general competition, volume-2 Guvernment, fc beat a hasty retreat from Dethi and went to contest Lnk Sabha election from Varanasi, Overright & man who became the CM in his first attempt turned into a laughingstock"”, He was perceived as a queer fish sho was considered habitual of picking holes* in every person, He who rubbed the blue blood” of the Congress party the erong wey” was now trying to put a spoke in the wheel” of the winning spree” of the past mastet” of tact, Mr. Narendra Modi, the leading light™ of the BUP, Kejriwal threw down the gauntlet™ by filing his nomination from Varanasi, When the result came he had to eat bumble pie”. The whole hullabaloo” proved to be a damp squib. The media that were all eyes” during the Lok Sabhe election wrote him off? and many of his bosom friends" deserted him hooks, line and sinker". Kcjciwal was ridiculed™ on all social media bu: the fron willed man rose to the occasion* and his steady" eorts eaught eyes of the cortmon publie by and by. His fast and furious" campaigns and down to earth® attitude was afar ery” ‘tom what it was earlier when he accuseé and blamed every Tom, Bick and Harry’, The result of the Delhi Assembly election sealed the fate" of all oppositions and the nan who got the flak’ a few months ago was received with open arms”, Certainly this common man’s CM is here to stay™ and change the gear of governance”, Hope this time the Delhi government goes great guns’? but of course the high expectations of the people will keep the CM under the gun”. Kcjriwal, onee bitten twice shy” will hopefully pick up the pieces” and start afresh, though he knows, it wil! mot be that plain sailing’ Vocabularies Meaning in English Meaning in Hindi Rise of the phoenix (Tae whole phrase is + Rising of the phoenix’ frem the ashes) Phoenix is a Greek mythological fire bird that is reborn from the ashes of its own body. It hence means rebirth and resurrection or sevival from. the lowest point of one's own life. free we vie Ure ual @ a an toe & dat eit 2 wr fit ya: ‘sifer gia @1 a: the Phong’ a4 & ‘gi: Ter a MS aT Sag oH apa Very quickly ae a Someone or something that een th sa ar eat attacks the group or organization] Teen wry arat thet he/it belongs to or A trap intended to undermine or sabotage a company. Difficulties experienced initially. Ina trice Trojan horse Teething troubles arent) oreat English for general competition, volume -2: 13

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