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Teacher education student: Supervising teacher: Date:

Class: 11 Stage: 6 preliminary Unit title: Core 1- better health for individuals Lesson No. wk 8
Topic Question: what strategies help to promote the health of individuals
Outcomes: p3, p5, p6, p15, p16
Text: Outcomes 1 Third edition
Chapter: 3 strategies to promote the health of individuals Lesson title: principles of social justice

Students learn about Students learn to

principles of social justice identify strategies where the principles of social justice have been
 equity applied to promote the health of individuals.
 diversity
 supportive environments

Content/activity/time Teaching points Evidence of learning

greet students
Maintain classroom rules already in place
Introduction/ 1. One voice at a time
overview/expectations 2. Raise your hand when you want to talk
– 2 minutes 3. No getting out of seats
4. Respect the classroom, peers and your education

Teacher write learning intentions on board and succession criteria (class activities)

Activity 1: 10-15 Use Outcomes 1 (P121-123) to describe each of the social justice principles in relation to
health promotion and provide an example
Equity = description in relation to HP + example
Diversity = description in relation to HP + example
Supportive environments = description in relation to HP + example

Read the snapshot about remote community stores on page 122 and answer the following
Activity 2 20 minutes
1)According to the DAA, what inequities exist in relation to the availability of food for
indigenous people in remote communities?
2) outline the measures proposed to address these inequities?
3) explain how implementing these strategies would promote improved health for indigenous
people in remote locations

Activity 3 20-30

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