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Some countries are struggling with the increase in the rate of crime.

Many people think that having

more police on the streets is the only way to reduce crime.
To what extent do you agree?

Rapid inclination of the offence,

Increasing the police force on streets may help, crime rate is dependent on the number of polices
in the streets.

Others think can be done to prevent the crimes, (High tech security cameras monitored on
control rooms e.g. speed limit cameras, use of technologies to report the FIR instantly to give no
chance the criminal to ran away)

Over the last few decades, the rapid inclination in the offence has been recorded. There is often a
dichotomy in opinion, on whether, having more copper in the street will help the reduction in the
crime or not. In my view, in spite of increasing the policemen, the other measure should also be
taken which can help in controlling the act of violence.

To begin with, rather than mobilizing extra police force on the avenue, the technology could be
used to prevent the crime. To put in another way, if high technology CCTV cameras install on
the road which can be monitored in the control room, it will eventually help the law enforcement
agency to track down the offender easily. The most compelling evidence of this technology can
be witnessed through the robbery of the diamonds at the United Kingdom. Although, the thieves
were successful in robbing the diamond, they had been caught by the copper in the same day.
Police had got the help from the CCTV cameras installed near the crime scene which trailed
them to the robber’s hidden place.

Furthermore, in the past the lawmaker found it difficult to track the offender. The reason behind
it was due to late information to the police due to the lack in the advance communication system
in that time. After the innovation of new technologies, the first information report can be filed
online within a few seconds or the police can be informed much earlier through help line. For
instance, the Pakistani police force has opened an online portal which can be accessible to every
citizen of the country. Through, which the complaint can be registered online and the police start
the investigation within the few second after the complaint has filed.

To summarize, to prevent the crime in the society, the government should adopt the new modern
innovated technology. This will not only help in the reduction in the crime, but it will also help
the law agencies to track the serious offenders.
Some people think that women should not be allowed to work in the police force? Do you agree
to disagree?

Women in police force: women seem to be intuition, emotional intelligence, sensitivity.

Women seems to have strong communication and networking skills.

Women have the ability to boost the morale of other team members which is very helpful skill in
police agencies where failure is very common.

Over the last few decades, the women have been encouraged to join the police department by the
government. There is often a dichotomy in opinion, on whether, the feminine touch should
include in law enforcement agency or it has detrimental effects on the police department. I
strongly believe that the women`s ability are far more beneficial in the division of police.

To begin with, when it comes to emotional intelligence, women outrun the men. To put in
another way, the sensitivity and intuition of woman helps in the investigation of serious crime.
Even though, some offenders are hard to break, the torture is not the answer. The women can
perform well here to break the silence for the resolution of the case. To illustrate this, the famous
case of the serial killer where the copper had failed to provide the solid evidence against the
criminal. The female copper “Alexa John” had easily cracked the offender through emotional
conversation. If she had not opted at that time, the jury would have released him due to the lack
of evidence.

Moreover, the female has the power to boost the morale of the team member during the hard
time of work. To emphasize, if the clue had difficult to point out in any case, the team would
have frustrated and inclined toward the wrong direction of the case. The above scenario can
easily be hacked by the female officer acting as in charge of the case. They have the ability to
pump up the team to get into the flow of the work. For instance, the researcher has found out that
the when the case goes toward the pointless direction, the law department will prefer to involve
the feminine force for re-building the confidence of the team.

To summarize, women ability has outweighed the men, so administering the famine force is not
only helping the police department but also give them the power to resolve the difficult case in
the least time.
Some people think that because some children find some subject difficult such as mathematics
and philosophy they ought to be optional instead of compulsory. To what extent do you agree?

- Basic knowledge should be given – help in future which subject to follow in future
- Every subject matter is linked with each other – no subject is complete without leaving a

An academic syllabus plays a vital role in the early education especially during school stage.
There is often a dichotomy in opinion, on whether every course outline should be taught to the
student or only curriculum related to their interest should be focused. As per my perception, I
believe that at the early education teaching schoolchild all the courses will have far more
beneficial consequences in the future.

To begin with, at the early stage of education, school going children have not the ability to
analyses their interest and to understanding them which field to follow, they must learn the all
the courses timely to better visualized their area of interest. To put it another way, if they do not
study the basic courses of art, science or commerce, it will be difficult for them to opt the right
majors in the future. For instance, in most of the education system of different countries, they
allow the student to select the desired field after the high school. Before the high school they are
compelled to study all the academic program.

Furthermore, nowadays every area of study is linked with each other and most of the subject are
derived from another area. By all means, to get the higher skills in any subject required the
strengths in the other area of subject as well. For example, the graduate has expertise in the
computer, the knowledge in the other field is much required to design the program of
engineering or medical field of work. However, the professional skills are not mandatory.

To sum up, although the person cannot accomplish the higher efficiency in all area of the subject.
Yet the foundation expertise is required to coped the challenges in the future. The curriculum
should focus in every course matter until the student come to an age to decide which field should
be opting for the further studies.

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