City of Carlsbad

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Answer# 1:

Organization has functional structure. At public work department diagnosis situations are given
below in which some are in favor like employees have trust in their employer, new director at
public work. Department has believed in alignment of vision and organizational values,
Stakeholders have a positive view towards intervention and some isn’t in favor like role and
responsibilities are not clearly defined such as director of public work performing the task of city
engineer and director at the same time which may create some problems, in the organization
“individual teams are cohesive” but have not enough skills to work in team, multiple department
used same equipment which may the cause of conflict among them and also organization doesn’t
explain the reasons of intervention that create the mistrust, fear and conflict among employees
and director, consolidation of departments may cause of employee downsizing.

Answer# 2:

Organization should have focus on its expected result for this purpose kept some points in mind
like; Organization explain the reasons behind the change by engaging the employees through
empowerment and participation, ask from employees about their feedback and suggestion, teach
them about the process of change so that it can implement in other departments as well and
enhance the employees work appreciation. Because of mistrust and newly appoint director there
will be continue communication which may cause of good interaction. This interaction can be
happened in coffee talk and question/answer sessions as well in which discuss the service
condition and its improvement. If organization choose matrix structure which can reduce the
downsizing and conflict/tensions between departments in using of same resources.

Answer# 3:

Organization have some problems related to teamwork like individual teams are cohesive but
they have not enough skills, capabilities to work with the team, also have mistrust with top
management and other team members. To solve this problem some interventions must be taken

 Team building and process consultation

 Third party intervention
 Goal setting & Strategic intervention
 Techno structure intervention

Team building and process consultation intervention

In this intervention mainly focus on interpersonal relationship. OD consultant helps the

team/groups in defining their responsibility functions & build trust also give them some solutions
of problems related to these. Tell them how they can build effective team by improving team
cohesiveness. In this intervention a motivational approach should also be consider.

Third party intervention

After merger some problems occur related to interpersonal relationship between employees and
top management. These problems occur due to poor communication system so that employees
don’t understand the reasons behind the change. To solve this problem third party intervention is

Goal setting & Strategic intervention

Organization has unclear and undefined goals, objective, functional strategies. To overcome this
problem goal setting intervention is essential to set clear, challengeable goals & objectives also
communicate it to others.

Techno-structure intervention

It is essential to solve the problem of department coordination. Work department divide its work
into departments and manage those department in adopting and supporting the strategies. Also
some structural change will be held in this intervention.

Answer# 4:

It is already explained that organization’s major problem is its organizational structure. Techno-
structure is good in this scenario it may improve the department coordination and also reduce the
layoff. Organization should have to change the organizational structure from functional to
divisional or matrix structure. Matrix structure which is the combination of both functional and
divisional structure is good for this type of organization having many customers. The main aim
of this structure is to maximize the organization’s strength and minimize the weaknesses as well.
It will increase the motivation level of employees. Also it helps in improving the interpersonal

Action plan:

Problems that have been explained above need techno-structural intervention to find the solution
immediately. Before implementing of any intervention organization should communicate its
benefits. For this purpose goal setting and strategic intervention should implement firstly to
reduce the resistance. Motivational approach also consider as an important part of action plan in
which employee engagement is necessary through participation in the action plan also ask about
some suggestion which may increase their morale and satisfaction level. This thing may help
increase the ratio of change acceptance.

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