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The Parody of Our Inhibited World.

3000 thousand years down the line, grey beards with naked eyes could tell that p
lanet Mars was red. In effect, offering to the God of war was done in the colour
of blood. Today we bank upon sophisticated lenses and space drones to get us sa
mple rocks from mars to get a colourful visual. They built the architecturally i
mposing and geometrically accurate pyramids a thousand years before someone woul
d write with ink on paper. Today modern buildings are blueprinted on touch sensi
tive screens, packed with steel reinforced concrete, exposed to sophisticated so
il, wind and endurance tests, and yet a slight gust of tsunami or a 7.5 on the R
ichter scale brings down densest of concrete jungles to handful of loose rubble.
Most of the world around has come into existence in the last three hundred years
. If there was an easier way, we’ve found it. If there was a nastier method we’ve tr
ied it. The country specific airlines that fly people to new worlds. This super
bright computer screen that makes your retina cells beg for mercy and the arrowe
d mouse pointer that trots behind your reading speed. The Nescafe that caffeine’s
up your numbness. The third Apple in the man’s pocket that wants you to talk to ev
eryone. The Google that knows more than it should. The smooth airbag safety fitt
ed Mercedes and Toyotas that kill more people than cancer and AIDS put together.
We have made ourselves accustomed to the things around us. Slaves of Made in Ch
ina. Unfortunately our body evolves according to the geological clock rather tha
n the race watch. That is why changes in the past few centuries have not been ab
le to alter our instincts and neither have we been able to adapt to the world we’v
e created for ourselves. The new technology boom has not yet sept into our syste
m. Rather than understanding the real world, we’ve created an artificial world so
engaging that we spend all our energy trying to know what other people already k
In earlier times people wanted to be educated, now we want to be entertained. Th
at’s why buttons on the TV remote are more curiously understood than the formation
of dew. The real source of knowledge is what has been there and exists naturall
y. However we find it convenient to learn up formulas and match equations becaus
e we find them logical. We are afraid to ask what has not been asked. We are afr
aid to answer those questions that reason can’t justify. There is no doubt that th
ere is some extreme all knowing and all controlling power that exists. A power s
o complex and strong that all our destiny, reason, logic and equations are small
talk in comparison to its might. There is indeed something we don’t know, somethin
g we cant explain or imagine. Something that makes the world go round. That make
s the season change. That makes the way gravity acts the way it does. That has t
he answer to the question, whether we are alone in this universe.
There is a parallel world that exists within us, the world we are not ready to e
xplore. The world we know very little of. There must be a reason, why no two thu
mbprints on this planet are exactly alike. Why no two hands have the same palm l
ines. Why déjà vu hits us at unknown places. Why when looking at that special someon
e for the first time lightening strikes you and you melt down even when you have
no idea of who that person is, does or have. Why does each part of the body fun
ction in that exact way, and who programmed it so complex yet perfect. Why can’t a
nything replicate the human brain. Why can’t laser light travel faster than a thou
We have to acknowledge the existence of the intense power. By closing our doors
to the unknown we’re just pacifying our incapability. There is that power that con
trols each one of us by limiting the extent of our control. All the decisions we
take are within that framework. That is why we can’t control everything that happ
ens with us or around us. The only way, to get closer to this parallel world is
by giving in to emotions. To realize that love and passion are blessings from th
e parallel world and hence no book, literature or experiment in our world can ev
en nearly explain their existence. They are the gateways to the amazing world th
at exists beyond any logic.
We are a very small part of the world we exist in.

Pranav Malhotra

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