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Q: Choose the correct adverb of manner to complete the sentences:

1. When my teacher talks too ___, it's difficult to understand him.

a. slowly
b. quickly
c. quick

2. I always study ___ for a big test.

a. goodly
b. hardly
c. hard

3. My neighbour used to shout ___ when he was angry.

a. loud
b. noise
c. loudly

4. Please close the door ___ when you enter my room.

a. stupidly
b. hardly
c. gently

5. I'm sitting ___ so I don't want to move.

a. comfortably
b. neatly
c. softly

6. The students participated _____________________ in the sports fest.

a. greatly
b. badly
c. enthusiastically

7. The baby laughed _______________ when she saw the puppy.

a. well
b. happily
c. angrily
8. After spending long hours, I could ___________________ finish my

a. slowly
b. largely
c. successfully

Q: Choose the correct adverb of place to complete the sentences:

1. Which is correct? When it's raining, the kids have to stay _______.

a. indoor
b. indoors
c. insides

2. After it stops raining, they can go _______ .

a. outdoor
b. outsides
c. outside

3. The office was closed, so we waited _______ until it opened.

a. near
b. nearly
c. nearby

4. There was nowhere to sit, so we had to just stand _______ .

a. there
b. where
c. thereby

5. If something is moving _______ you, it's getting closer and closer.

a. nearby
b. inwards
c. towards.

Complete the following sentences using appropriate adverb of time.

1. I saw him …………………..
a. yesterday
b. tomorrow
c. now

2. We go out for Chinese food ________________.

o Willingly
o Normally
o Weekly
o Perfectly

3. Have you done your homework _____________?

o Now
o Then
o Yet
o Still

4. Would you rather drive sometimes or take the train ______________?

o Still
o Never
o Every day
o To the beach

5. The patient is ___________ waiting to see the doctor.

o Still
o Never
o Every day
o Sadly
Q: Complete the following sentences using appropriate adverb of degree.

1. They were almost finished.

a. terribly
b. absolutely
c. almost

2. This cake is absolutely wonderful.

a. terribly
b. absolutely
c. almost

3. The temperature was barely above freezing.

a. barely
b. absolutely
c. almost

4. Our driveway is completely frozen.

a. terribly
b. completely
c. almost

5. We felt incredibly lucky after winning tickets to the World Series.

a. terribly
b. incredibly
c. completely
Q: Choose the correct adverb of place to complete the sentences:

 1. You must always update the calendar at the beginning of the month.

a. always
b. generally
c. never
2. Poetria ______________  takes notes during the Skype sessions.
a. always
b. daily
c. often
3. I am never late.
a. always
b. generally
c. never
4. Microsoft Teams is ______________frustrating.
a. monthly
b. occasionally
c. never
5. I pay my rent _____________ (once in two weeks)
a. monthly
b. fortnightly
c. daily

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