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Listening for IELTS (Collins) 2 Writing for IELTS (Collins) 2 Reading for IELTS Speaking for IETS (Collins) 2
Hours Hours (Collins) 2 Hours Hours)
IELTS General vs Academic Tests
13.11.2021 Unit 1 : Gender Roles 14.11.2021 Unit 1: Family Matters Unit 1 : People& Relationships
Unit 1: On the Move
Week 1

20.11.2021 Unit 2 : Being Young Unit 2 : Diet & Nutrition 21.11.2021 Unit 2: Healthcare Unit 2 : A Healthy Body
Week 2
Unit 3: Getting and
27.11.2021 Unit 3 : Climate Unit 3 : Educational Goals 28.11.2021 Unit 3 : Studies & Work
Week 3 Education

4.12.2021 Unit 4 : Family Structures Unit 4 : Biodiversity 5.12.2021 Unit 4: Water Unit 4 : The World around us
Week 4
Unit 5: Non-verbal
11.12.2021 Unit 5 : Starting University Unit 5 : Global English 12.12.2021 Unit 5 : Communication
Week 5 Clues
Unit 6: Scientists at
18.12.2021 Unit 6 : Fame Unit 6 : The Internet 19.12.2021 Unit 6 : Technology
Week 6 Work

25.12.2021 Unit 7 : Alternative Energy Unit 7 : Consumer Spending 26.12.2021 Unit 7: The Job Market Unit 7 : Hobbies
Week 7
Unit 8: Twenty-
8.01.2022 Unit 8 : Migration Unit 8 : Children and parents 9.01.2022 Unit 8 : Youth
Week 8 Somethings
Unit 9 : Community
15.01.2022 Unit 9 : At the gym Unit 9 : An ageing Population 16.01.2022 Unit 9 : Home
Week 9 Spirit

22.01.2022 Unit 10 : At the office Unit 10 : Fame 23.01.2022 Unit 10: On the move Unit 10 : Culture
Week 10
Unit 11: Cultural
29.01.2022 Unit 11 : Local Languages Unit 11 : The Car 30.01.2022 Unit 11 :On the move
Week 11 Differences

5.02.2022 IELTS Practice IELTS Practice 6.02.2022 IELTS Practice IELTS Practice
Week 12

12.02.2022 IELTS Practice IELTS Practice NO SESSION NO SESSION

Week 13

The instructors can make necessary adaptations in chapters and the program when needed.

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