Overview On Oncology Nursing and Chemothraphy and Radiotheraphy 1

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Oncology is a specialist discipline of medicine that deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and study of cancer.
The term oncology refers to a field of medicine that studies tumors and cancers. The words "onco" and "-
logy" both imply "bulk, mass, or tumor," while "-logy" means "research." Oncologists are doctors that
specialize in treating cancer patients. Cancer therapy entails a variety of medical treatments, necessitating
the involvement of a specialized team. Oncology nurses provide care to cancer patients, acting as their first
point of contact and assisting in the coordination of many parts of their care during their treatment.
SUBJECTIVE Self-care After 8 hrs Established a Provides an emotional comfort After nursing
DATA: deficit related of nursing therapeutic nurse- that enables interpersonal interventions,
to chronic interventions, client relationship. interaction and decreases the client was
 The client condition as the client will anxiety. able to perform
reported evidenced by be able to self–care and
a lack of the inability in perform self- activity of daily
ability to keeping the care and living at the
Helping the patient with setting
do self- body clean activity of Establish short- highest level as
realistic goals will reduce
hygiene. and dressing daily living at term goals with the evidenced by
appropriately. the highest patient. taking a bath on
DATA: level its own.
of adaptive A disheveled appearance
 Unkempt, functioning Discussed
conveys a sense of low self-
soiled possible. personal
worth, whereas an attractive,
clothing appearance,
well-put-together appearance
 Foul- conveys a positive sense of self
dressing in clean
smelling to the client as well as to others.

The use of a buttonhook or

loop-and-pile closures on
clothes may make it possible for
a patient to continue
Use appropriate independence in this self-care
assistive devices activity.
for dressing as
assessed by the
nurse and
therapist. The efficacy of the bowel or
bladder program will be
improved if the natural and
Assess and note personal patterns of the patient
prior and present are taken into consideration.
patterns for
toileting; introduce
a toileting routine
that factors these
Adequate exercise increases
habits into the
muscle tone; consistency in
daily routine stimulates bowel
Increased daily
activity level as the
client progresses.
Chemotherapy is a treatment that uses drugs to kill cancer cells. It usually acts by preventing cancer cells
from growing, dividing, or proliferating. Chemotherapy has a greater effect on cancer cells because they
grow and divide quicker than normal cells. Chemotherapy is the treatment of any disease with medication.
Most people, however, associate chemotherapy (or "chemo") with cancer-fighting medications. It's critical to
understand that not all cancer medications and therapies act in the same manner. Traditional or regular
chemo used to be the only treatment that could treat cancer, but now there are many different types of
drugs that can be used to treat cancer. While traditional or standard chemotherapy is still the best way to
treat many cancers, different kinds of drugs may work better for others.
SUBJECTIVE Fatigue- Within 8 1. Have the patient 1. Helping in developing a plan After 8 hours of
DATA: related to hours of rate fatigue, using for managing fatigue. rendering
altered body rendering a numeric scale, if nursing care,
 The client chemistry: nursing care, possible, and the the patient BP
reported side effects of the patient's time of day when it was able to
2. Frequent rest periods and
a lack of pain and BP will be is most severe. verbalized
naps are needed to restore and
ability to other able to have reduced
conserve energy. Planning will
do self- medications, adequate rest discomfort and
allow the patient to be active
hygiene. chemotherap periods. have adequate
2. Plan care to during times when the energy
OBJECTIVE y secondary allow for rest level is higher, which may rest periods.
DATA: to periods. Schedule restore a feeling of wellbeing
Appendiceal activities for and a sense of control.
 Awake Cancer periods when the
on the Specific patient has the
bed with most energy. 3. Provides a sense of control
5 FU 3.6 Involve patient and and feelings of accomplishment.
gmc in IL SO in schedule
D5W x planning.
4. Weakness may make ADLS
 21.7 difficult to complete
gtts/min 3. Establish
realistic activity
 Body goals with the
malaise patient.
 Capillary
refill: 2 4. Assist with self-
seconds care needs when
RR: 21 indicated; keep the
cpm PR: bed in a low
72 bpm position

 blood
chemo IV
site -
Radiation therapy is a cancer treatment that employs high-energy beams to kill cancer cells. X-rays are
most commonly utilized in radiation therapy, however, protons or other forms of energy can also be used.
External beam radiation therapy is the most common type of radiation therapy. The high-energy beams
come from a machine outside of your body that targets the beams at a particular place on your body during
this sort of radiation. Radiation is delivered within your body during a distinct sort of radiation treatment
called brachytherapy (brak-e-THER-uh-pee).
Radiation therapy damages cells by destroying the genetic material that controls how cells grow and divide.
While both healthy and cancerous cells are damaged by radiation therapy, the goal of radiation therapy is
to destroy as few normal, healthy cells as possible. Normal cells can often repair much of the damage
caused by radiation.

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