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1 VALUE of People

Situation : Phill is talking with his friend. Phill is unhappy with his girlfriend, Michelle. Why is
he unhappy?
Brian : So, how’s Michelle? You guys are still _______________ together
Phill : Yeah, we are, but. I don’t know. It’s actually getting
______________ I’m not sure it’s going to last.
Brian : Are you serious? Man,________________ a way to make it last.
Michelle is ________________ ! She’ s got everything!
Phill : Yeah she is great. Really________________
Brian : Yeah!
Phill : And fun _________________, and … But, this is going to sound stupid.
Brian : What?
Phill : It’s her __________________.
Brian : Yeah, so, what about them?
Phill : Well, first she got her nose pierced
Brian : Cool.
Phill : And then her ______________ .
Brian : Her _________________ ? Wow. I don’t know she did that.
Phill : I guess that was okay.
Brian : Yeah!
Phill : But then she went and got her ______________ . I don’t know if I can deal with it
Brian : ______________________ ? Have you kissed her yet?
Phill : Yeah, I did kiss her!
Brian : Cool, huh?
Phil : It was __________________________ !
Brian : _____________________?
Phil : It _______________________ ! And now every time I think about it I just start
wondering _____________ her body she’s going to pierce next.
Brian : Well, have you told her how you feel about it ?
Phil : Yeah, I tired
Brian : And ?
Phil : I asked her if she could stop____________ of them, at least when we were together.
Brian : What did she says about that ?
Phil : She said it was her right __________________. You know, she said something like,
“Look, you can’t
control______________ . You should accept me the way I am. “ I was, Like, what ?
Brian : I don’t know, man, I think you just don’t get it. You can’t let
________________________ get
between you and the women of your dreams.
Phil : Well, I don’t know if she’s the women of my dreams anymore.
Brian : What ??
Phil : Besides, now every time when we get together she tells me how good I’d look with
___________________ . It’s bad enough that she’s ______________________ . Now
she went me to do it , too?
Brian : Why not, man ? It’s no _________________ . And, you know, if it turns Michelle on
Phil : I cant’ believe you agree with her.
Brian : Totality.
Phil : I don’t know what I’m going to do.
Brian : You’re going to get a piercing, man !

2 VALUE of People

TV or Not TV?
Situation : Leach is talking about her time as a collage student. Why did she decide to stop
watching television ?

My family loves television. My ___________________ are of watching TV with my

family. I think we had five or six ________________ at home the bedrooms, the kitchen,
everywhere! At least one television was on all of the time.
When I went to university, I lived in ______________ my first year. Of course I had a
TV, so I continued watching ______________________. But after a while, I realized I had a
problem. My courses were had – much harder than high school- and there was a lot of
homework. Also, I _________________ in my new environment. I started watching more TV to
_______________________. Guess what? Soon I was spending more time watching TV than I
was on homework. Plus, I didn’t have a lot of friends. Maybe _________________ made me less
social. At the end of my first year, my grades weren’t very good, and I
was___________________ in myself.
At home that summer, I watched television with my family a lot. At first I thought it was
great. But then ____________________. We talked all the time, but … always about TV.
Something was missing. Television brought us together, but in a way it also
When I go back to university, I _____________________ to do better. I walked into my
dormitory, and started to turn the TV on. But then an idea______________ my head : “stop
watching TV!” suddenly it became __________________ : my old friend television was really
_____________________! It had kept me from getting good grades, and from making friends. I
had to stop watching TV.
I did. I quit. I _______________________ my television, and I’ve never looked back. I
started doing better in school, made more friends, actually started having more energy.
I don’t know if I’ll continue to lead a _____________________. But if I do watch
television again, it won’t be like before, I _____________ that television will never again be a
major part of my life.

3 VALUE of People

Beautiful Men
Situation : Yumi and Amani have just started dating. They’ re talking about each other to their
friends. What is Amani like? What’s Yumi Like?

Yumi : I’m so glad you __________________ to meet Amani, Because I think I’m falling in
love with him.
Sara : Wow!
Yumi : What did you think of him?
Sara : Come on. You can’t really be serious about a guy who___________________?
Yumi : Why not? I mean, He’s beautiful, and … and I think that men should be beautiful if they
want to.
Sara : But it’s just not natural, you know? I – okay – he was beautiful, and…..I don’t know if I

________________ a guy looking beautiful. Maybe more, you know, naturally good-

looking. ____________________, _______________________ .

Yumi : Why? I mean, you wear makeup. Look at you: you’ve got on
__________________________ .
Sara : I know.
Yumi : And how long did you spend on your hair this morning?
Sara : Well, an hour. But, okay - _______________________. I’m a woman. Women wear
Makeup. Women spend an hour on their hair in the morning. It’s just that’ how it is. It’s
totally different.
Yumi : And who came up with these________________ ? Why can’t men look beautiful if they
want to?

Amani : I’m so glad you finally _______________ Yumi, because I think I’m falling in love
with her.
George : Amani, she doesn’t wear any makeup.
Amani : Well, no, She doesn’t wear makeup, but that’s okay.
George : Doesn’t that ____________________ to you?
Amani : No. ________________________ with that? There’s no problem wit her not wearing
make up. She looks so beautiful without that…
George : Well, wouldn’t she be, then, more beautiful if she were to wear makeup? I mean, it’s
___________________ she needs it or not …. doesn’t it just strike you as a little …
Amani : Well …
George : ….. odd that she doesn’t wear makeup.
Amani: Well, I mean, why should she _____________________ to wear makeup, really when
you think about it? I mean, she doesn’t need it.
Goege : Because that’s what women do.
Amani : Oh, but who came up with these social____________________ ? Why do women have
to wear makeup ___________________________ beautiful?

Listen to the Following Texts and Fill in the Blanks to Complete
each Sentences!

1. The ___________________________ _____________________ in the biology lab.

2. _______________________________________________ of several people every day.

3. The application process is ___________________________________

4. The ____________________________________________________ end of the bay.

5. The cafeterias ___________________________________________________ and fish.

6. ______________________________________________ once the research is finished.

7. The module of the works is ______________________________________________

8. The key ____________________________________________________ hypothesis.

9. The commission of found _______________________________ has raised an argument.

10. _________________________________ a single object.

11. _____________________ books are at ________________________________.

12. The book was __________________________________________________.

13. ____________________________________________ with the criterion to approach

14. The ______________________________ were not yet ________________________.

15. _____________________________________________ were not new.

16. The _________________________________________________ articles and other

publications by faculty.

17. The ________________________________________on the fourteenth of September.

18. __________________________________________________, sandwiches and toast.

19. The coffee house _____________________________________________ this week.

20. The ______________________ will be under renovation during _______________.

“Don't Let Me Down”
The Chainsmokers

__________________, hit a wall

Right now ____________________
____________________, I need a miracle
Stranded, ____________________
I call your name but _______________________
________________________ but you're not around

I need you, I need you, I need you right now

Yeah, _____________________________
So don't let me, don't let me, don't let me down
I think __________________________________ now
It's _______________________, darling I hope
That you'll be here, when ________________________________
So don't let me, don't let me, don't let me down
D-Don't let me down

Don't let me down

Don't let me down, down, down
Don't let me down, don't let me down, down, down

Running ______________________
I really ___________________________ were on my side
But now there's nobody ______________________

I need you, I need you, I need you right now

Yeah, I need you right now
___________________________, don't let me, don't let me down
I think I'm losing my mind now
It's in my head, ____________________________
That you'll be here, when I need you the most
So don't let me, don't let me, don't let me down
D-Don't let me down

Don't let me down

Don't let me down, down, down
Don't let me down, down, down
Don't let me down, down, down
Don't let me down, don't let me down, down, down
Oh, I think I'm losing my mind now, yeah, yeah, yeah
Oh, I think I'm losing my mind now, yeah, yeah

4 VALUE of People

Cosmetic Surgery

Sitution : Ayu is 18 years old. She wants to have cosmetic surgery on her face. What does she
want to change ? Why ? What does her mother think?

Ayu : Mom, I have something ___________ to tell you.

Mother : What’ s up?
Ayu : I’m going to-have an operation to get my __________________ fixed.
Mother : What? Are you saying that you’re going to get______________________ ? At a
Ayu : Well, it’s … it’s not so expensive, and it’s only my_____________________ .
Mother : Only your _____________________ ?!
Ayu : Yeah, it’s not like I’m going to, know, do ___________________ . I’m just going to
fix it so I can look prettier. And mom, it’s my money. I’ve saved it. I’ve been working
to save my money, and I…’s my body.
Mother : So that explains it. That’s why you’ve been working all those jobs.
You’re beautiful ________________________. You look great.
Ayu : But, Mom, boys don’t see what ____________________. If I look beautiful, then, you
know, I’ll be __________________ by more boys. Maybe I’ll have a chance to get
jobs that I wouldn’t be able to if I didn’t fix my _________________ .
Mother : Honey, you should ________________ people with your inner beauty. Your
personality, your intelligence-not your looks.
Ayu : Mom, you don’t understand. Boy’s aren’t ___________________ by your intelligence
and your _________________. The first thing they see is your looks. If you’ re not
beautiful, they won’t approach you at all. Then how are they to know if you have

Mother : you can’t do this

Ayu : Mom, I’m doing it whether _______________.
Mother : I think you’re making_____________________

5 VALUE of People

I Can’t Say No.

Situation : Brad is a busy man, but somehow he is always helping people. Read is story. What is
his problem?

I hate to _________________ it, but I think I have a problem. Actually, I’m not sure
what my problem is. But ____________________, I need help.
It seems like I’m always ___________________ for people, and I never have time for
myself . I mean, I like people, and I want them to like me, but it’s getting to be to much.
You see, like this week, I’m taking care of Rex. It’s a dog that belongs to woman in my
office. How did __________________ taking care of this dog? I don’t even like dogs. I guess, it
was in the office, and Sheila mentioned that she was having _________________________, and
she said if she couldn’t find ______________________, she couldn’t go on vacation. And
suddenly I said. ‘Oh, I can take care of the dog for you. No problem. “Why did I say that? I
always seem to get into this kind of situation.
Just last week, this guy across the hall had a problem with his toilet. So he called me!
And I ________________ this guy. He said that another neighbor said that I was really good
fixing things, and that she was sure I ________________ to help him so how could I say no? So
I fixed it, and I really didn’t mind, it only took me about an hour.
It’s not only my neighbors and people at work. Like yesterday, my brother needed
helping fixing __________________. I drove two hours to his house to help. It only took ten
minutes to repair, but my whole day was shot. And Rex___________________ my sofa while I
was gone. ______________________ happen to me all the time.
Oh, there’s the phone. That’s probably Emily. She’s _____________________ this
weekend, and I told her I’d ________________________. I just couldn’t say no.
Oh, what am I going to do?

6 VALUE of People

Embarrasing Mother!
Situation : Risa is 15. Her mother is now 40 years old . Risa thinks her mother is acting strange.
Why does Risa think this?

Marie : Risa, I just saw your mom. It’s so cool that she___________________ that way. She
looks so __________________________.
Risa : ____________? ________________? Ugh! She’s so embarrassing!
She driving me crazy with the way that’s she always trying to wear young clothes and
talk to you guys about music and stuff.
Marie : But I don’t mind at all. I really like your mom. She’s fun
Risa : it’s not fun for me. It’s been crazy ever since her 40th birthday. She’s been trying to act
like she’s been trying to act like she’s our age or ___________________. It’s just
wrong. She wants to go shopping at the same stores as me, and half the time I can’t even
find my ___________________ because she “borrows” them .
Marie : Really?
Risa : She_______________ her hair, she started wearing these _______________ and short
skirts. And now she says she might get ________________!
Marie : No way!
Risa : If she does that I seriously won’t go out in public with her anymore.
Marie : I think it’s kind of cool that see wants to be your friend. She’s ___________________
than my mom. With her it’s always “ Where are you going? When are you coming
back? Who are you going with?” I mean, I would love it if she took me shopping or
asked me for _____________________
Risa : Yeah, but my mom has gone _____________________. And my dad, too. I mean, he
isn’t any help. He says she looks prettier and sexier than ever. “ you are just like a good
wine, “ he says, “ _________________________ with age.”
Marie : Eeewwww!
Risa : I’ts disgusting!

Listen to the Following Speech and Fill in the Blanks to Complete
each Sentences!

I’m sorry
But I don't want _________________________
That's not my business
I don't want to rule or _______________________
I should like to help everyone if possible
Jew, Gentile
Black man, White
_______________________________________ one another
Human beings are like that

We want to live by ____________________________________

____________________ other's misery
We don't want to _______ and ____________ one another
In ______________________________ for everyone and the good earth is rich
And can provide for everyone

The way of life can be free and beautiful

But we have lost the way

Greed _______________________________ men's souls

__________________________ the world with hate
Has goose-stepped us into __________ and ______________
We _________________________________, but we have shut ourselves in
Machinery that ___________________ has left us in want
Our knowledge ____________________________________
Our cleverness hard and unkind
We think too much, and feel too little

More than machinery, ____________________________
_______________________________, we need kindness and gentleness
Without these ______________________ will be violent
And all will be lost

The aeroplane and the radio have brought us closer together

The very nature of these __________________________ out for the goodness in men
___________________________________________________ for the unity of us all
Even now, my voice is __________________________________________ the world
Millions of despairing men, women, and little children
Victims of a system that __________________________________
___________________ innocent people
To those who can hear me I say
“Do not despair”

__________________ that is now upon us is but the passing of greed

The bitterness of men ________________________________________________ progress
The hate of men will pass
_____________________ die
And the power they took from the people
Will return to the people
And so long as men die
Liberty will _________________________

“A Thousand Years”
Christina Perri

Heart _____________ fast

___________ and promises
How ____________________
__________________________ when I'm afraid to fall
But watching you stand alone
_______________________ , suddenly goes away somehow

One step closer

I have died everyday, _________________________
Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you _________________________
I'll love you for a thousand more

__________________ still
Beauty in all she is
I will be __________
I _____________________________, take away
What's standing in front of me
Every breath, ________________________________ to this

One step closer

I ____________________________, waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

And ________________________________, I would find you

_____________________ your heart to me, I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

One step closer

One step closer

I have died everyday, waiting for you

Darling, ________________, I have loved you for a thousand years
_______________________ for a thousand more

And all along I believed, I _____________________

Time has brought your heart to me, I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

7 Issues in FAMILY

The Unborn Child

Sia and her husband , Ashat, have to make________________________. Sia, 38 years

old, and Ashat, 42 have always wanted a child. They have been married for 10 years and
_____________________ to have a baby.
Now Sia is _______________________. Their doctor just told them that
the___________________ is not developing properly. If Sia gives birth, the baby will be badly
__________________________, both mentally and physically. It will always need
_________________ and special schools.
Sia is ___________________. She is against abortion and she really wants to have a baby
now. Three years ago, Sia was pregnant but lost the fetus in the fourth mounth. This
_______________ may be her last chance. She thinks she can love and take care of the baby, no
matter how ____________________ it might be.
While Ashat has always been _____________________ to abortion, he is having second
thoughts. Ashat has a good job, and the ___________________ from his company will pay for
Sia’s pregnancy. But it will not pay__________________ of the special care and schools that the
child will need.
Ashat is worried about the future, after the baby is born. he wonders what kind of life it
can have . Ashat also wonders how________________________ baby will change their lives.
Finally, he is very worried about money. They will not have enough money for special care and
What should they do? Should Sia have an abortion? Or should she have baby and
________________ then? But she must consider the feelings of her husband. Together
they_____________ must make a decision.

8 Issues in FAMILY


Mae : I just don’t understand how you can think like that, Chew! It isn’t like you at all
Chew : My wife and I ________________ to send our daughter to a private school. That’s all.
And you act like I’ve killed someone! What’s the problem?
Mae : What about my daughter? You know my husband and I don’t have the money to send
Wai to a private school. She’ll have to go to public school.
Chew : And why don’t you have the money? Both you and Kuo have a good jobs, just like my
wife and I do.
Mae : You know why? We just bought a new house. All of our money
____________________ that new house.
Chew : Fine. If buying a house is more important to you than education, that’s
___________________. We want our daughter to have the best education possible.
Mae : But think how Wai would feel when ______________________ Shu-Ling goes to a
private school. Those two girls are very close to one another.
Chew : Yes, and I like that. But they’ll __________________, even though they won’t go to the
same school.
Mae : it’s not that simple. Your private school is ____________________ than the public
school Wai will go to.
Chew : That’s the reason we saved our money – so Shu-Ling can go to ________________.
Mae : But think what will be happen to the two girls, now, because they’re in the same class,

they go to school together, take ____________________ together and do their

homework together.

Chew : That’s right. Why ____________ of that before you bought your new house ?
Mae : Chew, listen to me. Don’t send Shu-Ling to private school. Don’t separate them. Wai
Chew : Perhaps, but she’ll_____________________

9 Issues in FAMILY

For the Sake of the Children

“Wali, the result of the tests show that your_______________________ is high… to high
for a man of your age. What’s wrong? ‘asks Dr. Netaka .
‘ I don’t know. Well, you know, I just don’t feel happy. I’m ______________________.
Is that strange?”
“No, not at all. Unfortunately, many people are like that. Do you have any idea
________________ your depressions?”
Wali hangs his head and___________________ the floor. He is __________________.
He starts to say something, but stops.
“Hmm, “says his doctor. “I think you know________________. You can tell me. I won’t
tell anyone else, not even your wife, Fionia.”
“My wife … Fionia. It’s funny that you should mention her name,” says Wali. “Actually,
I think my married is the problem. Did you know we’ve been married for 15 years?
____________________, “Wali sighs. “Our marriage is terrible. We _____________________
all the time. We can never agree on anything. It’s __________________ to live with her. I guess
… I don’t love my wife anymore.”
“What about your two children? Do you love them?”asks Dr.Netaka.
“Yes, very much. And that’s part of the problem. I’m afraid to _____________________
because of the children. I think Fionia and I will have to stay married____________________ of
the children.”
Dr. Netaka thinks about this for a minute and then asks Wali, Why? Why do you think
you have to stay with your wife because of your children?”
“Everyone know that children_____________________ when their parents get divorced.
I don’t want my children to_________________ and be unhappy and confused. And I don’t want
to lose them. If I divorce Fionia, she will probably keep the children. I would only be able to see
them every ______________________. I couldn’t _____________________. I would miss them
too much.”

Listen to the Following Dialogues and Fill in the Blanks to
Complete each Sentences!

Jessica Stanley : There is no way. He is _______________. It doesn’t ____________. Totally.

Bella Swan : Who are they?
Angela Weber : The cullens

Jessica Stanley : They are Dr. and Mrs.Cullen’s foster kids. They ___________________
from Alaska, like a few years ago.

Angela Weber : They __________________________ to themselves.

Jessica Stanley : Yeah.. .. ‘cause they ‘re all together. Like, together… together..
___________________, that’s Rosalie. And _______________________,
“Emmett”. They ‘re like a thing. I’m not even sure that’s legal.

Angela Weber : Jess, they’re not actually related.

Jessica Stanley : Yeah, but they live together. _________________. And, okay,
________________________ “Alice. She ‘s really weird. And she’s with
Jasper. The blond one who looks like he’s in pain. Ehmmm…. Dr. Cullen’s
like ______________________________________.

Angela Weber : May be _________________________.

Bella Swan : Who is he?

Jessica Stanley : That’s Edward Cullen. He ‘s totally ________________ , ___________.

But apparently nobody here’s good enough for him. Like I care, you know?
So.. yeah. Seriously, like, _________________________.

Bella Swan : I ___________________________ it.

Mike : Mr. Molina

Mr. Molina : Hi Mike… oh yes miss Swan. Hi.. …can I have ________________? Thank
you. Welcome to the class here. _______________________, okay? And I
got a seat for your right here. So come over the last one. Just follow along
till you catch up. All right guys today we are gonna be observing behavior
of planaria aka flatworms. So what we’re gonna do.
…..regenerate….Zombie worms. No cell phones. Guys, let’s get to it.
Gentle , gentle, certain areas. Please just don’t cut here. You won’t believe
this. Let’s try to focus. While we check those out, huh, guys?

“Alone & Sing Me To Sleep”
Alan Walker
Wait a second, let me ____________________
_______________ how it feel to hear your voice
Your lips are movin' I _________________
Livin' life as if we had a choice
I ____________________ for you
Anything for you
Melodies _________________ your head
________________ every breath
Sing me __________________
Sing me to sleep
Oh, just sing me to sleep now
Sing me to sleep


________________ mind
I wanna know
Am I _____________________?
Never let me go
If this night _________________________
_____________________ together
I know ___________________
I know I'm not alone
_____________________ together
I know I'm not alone
I know I'm not alone

10 Issues in FAMILY

Family Values
I was in the kitchen helping my mother when I heard _______________. I knew at once
what had happened. I _________________ and ___________________ to run toward the room
where the guests were, but my mother stopped me.
“Wait,” she said. ‘Lets return to our guests as if nothing has happened. Do not show
how________________________ you are.”
But mother, how can you say that? You know what has happened. Our
_____________________ has been broken. You heard ________________________. This is
My mother smiled at me and replied, “Yes I know. The vase that has been in our family
______________________ is broken. But we mustn’t let our guests know how
__________________ it is.”
With that, she _______________________the tea, and we returned to our guests. When
we entered the room, I saw at once that _____________________ was right-the priceless vase
was in pieces on the floor. And standing next to __________ was the 4-year-old son of Mrs.Kim.
Mrs. Kim had ___________________ on her face. The boy was starting to cry. He
looked very guilty.
“I…I….well, somehow, “Mrs. Kim began to explain my mother quickly said, ”Oh, that’s
all right. It was an old vase. It was _________________________.”
“But the vase just___________________ the shelf,” Mrs. Kim replied. “ Oh, don’t worry
about it. Everything is just fine. Would you like some tea? And what about some of
After our guests had gone, I asked my mother, “Why did you say that the vase was
_____________________? You know that it was very valuable.”
“What else could I say? “ my mother replied. “Could I say it was valuable? That the boy
had broken ________________________? Could I say that?”
“Well,” I said, “it’s the truth. We should always tell the truth. “ “Not always.” explain
my mother carefully.” Sometimes we must not tell the truth. Sometimes it is the
best______________________.” Is there no other way? ” I asked. “Believe me. I know. There is
no other way.”
11 Issues in FAMILY

Taking Care of Mother

Toshi : We have ______________________. Mother is too old to live alone.

Midori : Yes, you’re probably right. She is getting older, and since your father died,
she ________________________.
Toshi : Mother will need someone to take care of her in the near future.
Midori : Perhaps we could ______________________. You know, someone who could come in
during the day, clean the house, ____________________, make sure she takes her pills.
Toshi : But nurses don’t do all of those things. You’re _____________________ a nurse and a
housekeeper. Who __________________for that? It will be very expensive!
Midori : Well, Toshi, what are you thinking?
Toshi : Since I’m the only child, we have to take care of her. She can come____________ us.
Midori : Here ? In _________________? There are only two bedrooms. We can’t move our two
daughters________________ small bedroom.
Toshi : What else can we do? We can’t ____________________________a nurse and a
housekeeper. I’m her only child. Her husband, brother and sister are all dead. We have
to take care of her.
Midori : Maybe we could look for_____________________.
Toshi : In Tokyo? You know that’s impossible, We tried looking last year and everything in this
area of Tokyo is too expensive.
Midori : Let’s move away from the city.______________________________.
Toshi : But then I would be far away from my office. It might take me two or three hours on the
train. I ________________________ . No, the only solution is for Mother to live with
us here.

12 Issues in FAMILY

A Reward or a Bribe

Kimo : I’m so tired of asking Kam and Tasama to do their ______________. They
never do anything. They say they forgot or they were too__________________
Makana : I know what you mean. Yesterday, I was so_______________ Kam because he
didn’t make his bad that I almost hit him.
Kimo : Not a good idea! We’ve already discussed ___________________, and neither
of us believes that it’s a good idea.
Makana : I know, but what else can we do?
Kimo : I asked my brother for his advice this morning. He suggested that we pay the
children______________________ the house.
Makana : What? Pay them for doing what they should do? Never !
Kimo : Well, that was I thought. But my brother told me about a plan _______________
in other families
Makana : How does it work? I’m ___________________ to try almost anything.
Kimo : Firs we make a list of things that the boys have to do each day during the week.
You know, keep their room clean, make their beds, _____________________,
and so on. We put it on the refrigerator so everyone can see it.
Makana : OK, what next?
Kimo : Then we tell Kam and Tasama that they’ll get __________________________
each week if they do all of their tasks, but if they don’t do all the tasks, then

they’ll get no money. Nothing at all

Makana : Do you mean if the boys______________________, they get no money?

Kimo : Right. Then they wouldn’t have any money for going to the movies or buying
comics or anything.
Makana : Well, I don’t know. That plan____________________________ to me.
Kimo : __________________________ as a reward!
Listen to the Following Texts and Fill in the Blanks to Complete
each Sentences!

1. The morning’s _______________________________________ has been cancelled.

2. __________________________________ on the fourteenth of September.
3. The evaluation form will be _________________________________________.
4. The essay is ____________________ the research is _________________.
5. ________________________________________ coffee, sandwiches and toast.
6. Everyone _______________________________ during the fire drill.
7. Our professor is hosting ________________________________________ next week.
8. It is vital that you ______________________________________________.
9. ___________________________ make their lecture notes available ______________.
10. Your agent will __________________________________________ house they sell.
11. Please note that ____________________________________ for cleaning next week.
12. Inflation affects ______________, pricing and __________________ of most products.
13. The commissioner will collect fine among _____________________.
14. The software companies ___________________________________ new products.
15. ____________________________________________ exhibits more of a compositional
16. The extent of ______________________________ is open to much debate.
17. You can find _______________________________________ on the university website.
18. ___________________________________ to the city with expensive housing is hard.
19. An ancient text _________________ which were _____________________ ago.
20. It is hard to ________________________________________________ that they react.

“Marry Your Daughter”
Brian McKnight
Sir, I'm a ________________________
'Bout ______________ today
Still not real sure what I'm going to say
So________________ please
If _____________________________ of your time,
See in this box is a ring for your oldest
She's _____________________ and ________________ I know is
It would be _____________________ if I knew that we were on the same side
'Cause ________________________ that I...

Can marry your daughter

And ____________________ my wife
I want her ___________________________ that I'll love
___________________ of my life
And ____________________________ 'til the day that I die, yeah
I'm gonna marry your princess
And make _______________________
She'll be _______________________________ that I've ever seen
________________wait to smile
When she walks down the aisle
________________ of her father
On the day that I marry your daughter

She's been here every steps

Since the day that we met (I'm scared to death to think of what would happen if she ever left)
So don't you ever worry about me _________________________________
I've got most of my vows done so far (so bring on the better or worse)
And 'til _______________________ part
There's ______________________________
It's time
I'm ready to start
I swear to you with all of my heart...

I'm gonna ___________________________________

And make her my wife
I want her to be the only girl that I'll love for the rest of my life
And give her the best of me 'til __________________________, yeah

I'm gonna marry your princess
And make __________________________
She'll be the most beautiful bride that I've ever seen
I can't wait __________________
As she ____________________________

On the arm of her father

On the day that I marry your daughter
The first time I _______________
I _______________________ that I'd say "I do"


Friends and Lovers?

Akira and Keiko leave the university library after several hours of studying together,
something they do often. Suddenly, Akira tries to kiss Keiko. Keiko is __________________.
“What are you doing, Akira?” Keiko asks, _____________________. “You’re my best .
friend__________________________ friends for five years._____________________ to me
than my brother. And now you want to kiss me?”
Akira explains, I “ want_________________________ to be even closer.”
“No, no, no ! I ___________________ of you in that way. You’re my friend. Best
friends don’t act that way.”
Akira _______________________. “I don’t understand. Don’t you see me as a man?”
“Of course I do, “replies Keiko. “You’re a handsome man. But you’re a special man…
my best friend. So we can’t do this _________________________?
“No, not at all. Here is how I see it. You’re a woman and I’m a man. We like each other
very much. We’re very close. So let’s do what is natural _______________________________.”
“Natural? I think our friendship is natural. I thought I understood you. Maybe I was
wrong,” cries Keiko.
_____________________ is red. “So you really don’t like me at all. You just want
someone to talk to.” He_________________________ quickly away.
Keiko’s anger turns to__________________. In her heart, she thinks Akira is wrong –
men and women can be friends_________________. But now she’s not
sure.__________________ think like Akira?


Tom Cat’s Story

My name is Tom and I am a cat. I have ___________________ whose name is Felina.

Felina is my owner. You see, she doesn’t understand how people should take care of
___________. She has very strange idea about the relationship between people and pets.
Felina treats me like human child. She _______________ about me and tells me what to
do ______________. She doesn’t want me to go outside and play with the other cats. She makes
me sit in___________________ every night while she watches television. Boring. And the
programs she watches! ________________________________!
There’s more. Felina brushes and combs me twice a day. She takes me to
the__________________ once a week for a bath and shampoo. Really. Cats can take care of
themselves. Doesn’t she know that we have tongues that we use ____________________ and
keep clean? And the flea powder she puts on me-it __________________and I think it might
give me skin cancer.
Felina thinks she knows what kind of food I like. She doesn’t even ________________.
She feeds me__________________ and she puts it in ___________________. Really! Who
cares? All I want is some day- ________________. And a little water. That’s all. Is that asking
too much?
One time I managed to get out of the house. Did I have good time! I ran around with
some other cats in the neighborhood. We _________________ and ____________________. I
even killed a bird and ate it. Good fun. But when I returned home Felina went crazy. She was so
angry. She took me right to______________________ for a bath and shampoo, even though I
had just been there the day before.
Once I had a relationship with __________________ siamese down the street, but Felina
stopped it. Then Felina ____________________. Now I can’t be a father and have children, and
I have lost all of my interest in female cats.
To make__________________________, she wants to have me buried next to her! I
won’t to be free her even when I am dead. What a life.


An International Relationship

Dear Diary,
Tonight Amir asked to marry him!_____________________. I love him so much. It is hard to
believe that we have known each other for only eight months.
But___________________ I love him, I don’t know what to do. My parents would be
angry with me __________________ a man from India. They want me to marry only a Japanese
man. My mother has told me that___________________________.
And that’s not all. There are so many other problems. I mean, where would we live? I
think it would be very hard for me to live India. Would ____________________ to Indian
society? I don’t speak any Indian languages. I would have a difficult time
_____________________. And I don’t want _______________________ a housewife! That’s
for sure.
I don’t think Amir would fit in to Japanese society, either. He doesn’t speak Japanese. He
_______________________ when he tries to say a single Japanese word. It would be impossible
for him to find a job in Japan. Besides, he doesn’t even like Japanese food!
Maybe we could stay in the United States. Both of us will finish our studies in May.
I wonder if we could __________________ here. That might be difficult. But even if we could
stay here, I don’t know if I want to live away from Japan. I would miss my family and friends
and everything.
And what about our children? ______________________ might have a difficult time.
Would they be Japanese? Indian? What? It is all _________________________.
The more I write to you___________________, the more problems I see. I know that
marriage is difficult. More and more marriages _____________________. And I think that
international marriages are even more difficult!
Oh, I am so confused.

Listen to the Following Dialogues and Fill in the Blanks to
Complete each Sentences!

(What’s the hell is this?)

Lau : As you ‘re all aware. One of __________________. A relatively small
amount, 68 million.
Chechen : Who’s _________________ to steal from us?
Maroni : Two-bit wackjob, Wears __________________ and makeup. He’s not the
problem. He’s a nobody. The problem is our money being
Lau :Thanks to Mr. Morani’s well-placed sources. We know that police have
indeed identified ____________________________ and are planning to
____________________ today. And since the enthusiastic now DA has put
_______________________ out of business...... I am your only option
Maroni : So, what are you proposing?
Lau : Moving all deposits to ____________________________, not a bank.
Gambol : Where, then?
Lau : ______________________ but me. If the police were to
_______________________ one of you....... everyone’s money would be at
Chechen : What stop them getting to you?
Lau : I go to Hong Kong. Far from Dent’s jurisdiction...... and the Chinese will
not ________________ of their own.
Maroni : How soon can you move the money?
Lau : I already have. For __________________, I couldn’t wait your permission.
__________________ , your money_____________.
Joker : Oh, hee-hee haa. Ha, ooh, hee, ha-ha, ha ha ... And I thought
Gambol : ____________________________ why I shouldn’t have my boy pull your
head off.
Joker : How about a magic trick? I’m gonna make _______________________.
Ta-da .. it’s…. It’s gone…. oh… and by the way, the suit,
_______________. You ought to know, you bought it.
Chechen : sit! I want to ______________________.
Joker : __________________________ back a year. These cops and lawyers
wouldn’t dare cross any of you. I mean, what happened? Did your balls drop
off? Hmm? You see, a guy like me...

Gambol : A freek

Joker : A guy like me – look, listen. I know why you choose to have your little,
ahemm.... group-therapy sessions in _______________. I know why you’re
___________________ at night. The batman. See, Batman has shown Gotham
your true colors, unfortunately. Dent? he’s just the beginning. And as for the
television’s so-called plan.... Batman has no ________________. He’ll find
him and __________________. I know the squealers when I see

Chechen: What do you propose?

Joker : It ’s simple. We, uh, ________________.
Maroni : If it’s so simple, why haven’t you done it already?
Joker : If you are good at something, ____________________.
Chechen: How much do you want.....
Joker : uh _________________ .
Gambol : you’re ____________.
Joker : No, I’m not. No, I’m not. If we _______________________ now.... soon..
little, uh, Gambol here won’t be able to get a nickel for his grandma.
Gambol : Enough from the clown!
Joker : Ah, ta- ta –ta-. Let’s _________________....this out of proportion.
Gambol : You think you ___________________ and __________ away? Five hundred
grand for _______________. A million alive, so I can teach him some
Joker : Alright. So listen, why _______________________________l.... when you
wanna start taking things a little more seriously?
_______________________. Mm-mm…..


___________________ like a diamond

Shine bright like a diamond

______________ in the beautiful sea, I choose ________________

You and I, you and I, we’re __________________________
You’re a ______________________, a vision of ecstasy
When ____________________, I’m alive
We’re like diamonds in the sky

I knew that we’d _____________________ right away

Oh, right away
____________________ I felt the energy of ________________
I saw __________________ your eyes

So shine ________________________,
You and I
___________________ like diamonds in the sky
So _______________
We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky

Shine bright like a diamond

Shine bright like a diamond
Shining bright like a diamond
We’re beautiful______________________

Shine bright like a diamond

Shine bright like a diamond
Shining bright like a diamond
We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky

_________________________, as we moonshine and molly

______________________, we’ll never die
We’re like diamonds in the sky

You’re a shooting star I see, a vision of ecstasy

When you hold me, _____________
We’re like diamonds in the sky
At first sight I felt the energy of sun rays
I saw the life inside ________

16 issues in RELATIONSHIPS

20 Years of Pain

Abi L. is a small woman with a _______________ she speaks ____________________.

She seems like the nice woman who lives next door, not the kind of person who is in prison
____________________ her husband. Abi tells her story carefully, how the problem began, how
after ________________ she finally killed her husband.

Abi explains : “Before we were married, moon was ______________, ___________

man I had ever met. Maybe that is why I married him. He was so kind. The first two years were
wonderful. But then something happened. He started ________________, not coming home, and

She continues, speaking softly, “at first, when he was angry, he just ____________. Then
later he _______________ or _____________ my face a few times. After a while he started to
beat me badly. Once he __________ me so hard I thought I was going to die.”

Abi looks down at her hands. They still have ___________ from the time her husband
pushed her through a windows. The hands are small but strong enough to reach for a kitchen
knife and ___________ her husband to death. This is what Abi did last June when her husband
began to beat her again.

Wife – beating happens more often than most people know. Not just here, but all over the
world. In some societies, men believe it is their right to _________________. And though there
are laws against ________________, most men who hurt their wives are not punished.

The reason ?most women say nothing when _________. Abi did not tell her relatives or
friends. She ______________ the police. Abi explain: “The police do nothing. If a woman calls
the police, her husband can just give them money, and they’ll leave. Then he’ll beat his wife
more and more.”
Abi is now in prison, ___________________________ her friends say she should go
free. They believe she killed moon in self- defense. Other say she must pay for her crime with
her own life.
Abi’s eyes are sad and tired. “I don’t know what will happen now. All I know is that I
killed my husband because I didn’t know what else to do.”

A Chocolate Lover’s Nightmare

Situation: Sometimes a small act can cause a big problem. In this story, Lydia is in trouble why?
What does she decide to do next?
I’m in chocolate trouble! Last week our boss came back from Europe and brought some
______________________ into the office. At lunch, when I went to the employee refrigerator to
get my lunch, I saw the box in there. And I knew it was for us! But for the rest of the day, my
boss didn’t say anything. I __________________ the refrigerator, and back at my desk. I
couldn’t __________________ of the chocolate.
Then, around 4:00, I __________________ to go for coffee, but in fact I went to the
_____________________ and took out the box of chocolates. I was only going to smell it . But
when I had it in my hands I thought. “ it’s okay, it’s for us why not have my piece a little early?”
So I opened it up and ate one and went back to my desk.
____________________, I found myself back at the refrigerator. I looked at the box and
____________ that you couldn’t tell one was missing. The box still looked full. I thought, “I
might as well have a second piece.” It was so good. I was in heaven. Then I thought, “ well, three
isn’t so different from two… well, four isn’t so different from three. Then I suddenly I
_____________________ I felt really stupid. I knew that I’d have ______________ that I ate all
of those Chocolates. But, oh well – what’s done is done. I closed the box and retied
_______________ and thought, “ At least it __________________ from the outside.”
The explosion came the next day. The chocolates were for a client. When the client
opened the box and it was half empty, my boss nearly ________________________________
that was a week ago. Our boss is ___________________ and has been making everyone work
late. She keeps asking us over and over who ate the chocolates. She says she told everyone
__________________ that they were for a client. My colleagues are _________________ with
her attitude, but are also _______________ that “ the thief” hasn’t ______________________. I
think that they secretly suspect me. I never thought this problem would get so big. Should I quit
my job? Admit the truth? Just let things ____________________ ? I’m in so much trouble

Career Choice
Situation :Ted and Ken are good friends. They have just graduated from university. Ted has
been offered two job will he take ?why ?
Ken : So, how’s your ______________________ going ?
Ted : Great. You won’t believe this – I got a job offer from Wastrix! Oh, and one from
Econotron, too.

Ken : Wastrix or Econotron ? Wow, well, that should be _________________________

Ted : Yeah. I’m taking the Wastrix offer.
Ken : You’re kidding, right?
Ted : No, I’d be _________________ no to Wastrix. They’re a top company. I might never
get an offer like this again.

Ken : Wastrix has such a bad reputation. You know, the long hours… the stress….
Ted : Think about the money, thought. The salary they’re offering me is 30% higher than
Econotron! It’ll ________________ a little ___________________

Ken : I don’t know .you might ______________ in a few years. You’ll hate your life.
Ted : I have to at least give it a shot. It’s Wastrix! They’re the biggest company in my field.
Ken : You’re not even going to think about the Econotron offer?
Ted : Why should I ?
Ken : Well, I’ll tell you why. A lot less overtime, a less competitive atmosphere. I’ve heard
it’s __________________________.

Ted : Oh, ________________________ ? Come on, that’s ______________________.

Ken : Well, think about the environment, then. Wastrix makes all those ________________
and they have all those ___________________ about polluting the environment.
Econotron is, you know, a much more environmentally friendly company.

Ted : Now you’re really ____________ I don’t believe all of that stuff about Econotron. I
think they’re just saying they’re environmentally friendly. Look, I just have to take the
job that’s going to help me _______________

Ken : I don’t know. It just might be a mistake.

Ted : Hey, talk to me in a couple of years when I’m giving you _________ in my Mercedes.

Listen to the Following Texts and Fill in the Blanks to Complete
each Sentences!

1. The history of ____________________________________________ by several writers.

2. The final year will consist of ________________________ and __________________.
3. The result of __________________________________________ in the table below.
4. The following economic lecture_____________________________.
5. The commissioner will collect ____________________________________________.
6. The findings of researches are focused on ____________________ and ______________
7. The early work is _________________________________________ than experimental.
8. _____________________________________ due to a lack of demand.
9. The author’s previous works are ______________ and less __________________.
10. ______________________________________________ has drawn much debate.
11. The economic ______________________________, on the left.
12. The effect of advertising is __________________________________.
13. The schedule allows a lot of time for ___________________________________.
14. The same issue _________________________________________ of the problem.
15. The problem of research ______________________________________________.

“ I Knew I Loved You”
Savage Garden

Maybe it's intuition

But some things ___________________________
Like in your eyes
I see ________________________________
and there it goes
I think I've found _________________________
I know that ___________________ more than
_____________________ but I believe


I knew I loved you before ______________________

I think I ____________________________
I knew I loved you before I met you
I have been _________________________

There's ______________________ or reason

only ________________________
and in _____________
I see the ________________________
I'm __________________
I think I found ______________________
I know that it might sound more than
a little crazy ________________

[repeat chorus]

_________________________ dance around you

_______________ that I found you

[repeat chorus to fade]

Following Him
Situation : Kyle and Lyn are planning to get married in three months, but they have a problem.
Kyle’s family wants him to move back to his small hometown. Why does his family want to
move back?
Kyle :Hello.
Lyn : Hi, Kyle.
Kyle : Hey.
Lyn : How are you ?
Kyle : Great.
Lyn : How’s your father doing? Is he _________________?
Kyle : Uh, Lyn, I was just going to call you. We’ve got to talk.
Lyn : Kyle, we… we can talk when you get back.
Kyle : Well, Lyn…
Lyn : When are you coming back? I miss you.
Kyle : I miss you, too, But, but _____________________, you see, it’s difficult.
Lyn : What do you mean?
Kyle : Well, my… my father’s _________________
Lyn : Oh, that’s good.
Kyle : Yeah. Yeah. But he’s _____________, and he won’t be able to go back to work for a
long time.
Lyn : Oh.
Kyle : He..he wants me to stay here and… and work in the family hotel.
Lyn : What? Work in the hotel?
Kyle : Yeah.
Lyn : Like, __________________?
Kyle : Well, Lyn, my… my family really wants me to live here. In fact, I was thinking. I
wanted to ask you- how would you feel about moving here?
Lyn : Ah-

Kyle : I know, I know. It’s __________________, but really, it’s a wonderful place and it’s a
great place to live and…. And have a family.
Lyn : Kyle, You’re not serious! How can you ask me to leave the city? All my friends, my
family are all here.
Kyle : I know.
Lyn : I have such ______________________. __________________ life is here. What about
your job?
Kyle : I know, I know. If I stay here, then I’ll have to quit my job and..and just work in the
hotel. But my family they need me here.
Lyn : What about me?

Kyle : I love you, lyn. I know… I know this is _______________, and we weren’t
____________ it. But I want us to be together. Both of us, here. It won’t be forever.
Lyn : I don’t know, Kyle. I don’t know. I …. I just can’t see myself _________________
there. I love you, I ____________, but I don’t want to live there. I know I would be
really unhappy.

A Mother’s Worry
Situation : Margarita is a mother with a three- years old son. Marcos. She recently returned to
doing design work at her old company, but she has a problem. What is bothering her?
Hi, Rosa,
Sorry it’s been so long since I __________ you. I’ve been very busy since I returned to
work. Do you remember that two months ago I decided that Marcos was old enough to be
_________________ ? I think I _____________ you that I put him in
_______________________ and went back to my old job at the advertising agency.
Now I need to ask your opinion about something. You know that three years ago when
Marcos was born I ____________________. At the time. I thought it was the best. But you know
me. I loved my work, and my company always said I could _____________________ I wanted
Do you remember how difficult it was for me ___________ my husband? Raul it so
traditional. He _______________ Marcos. Raul works a lot and can’t help me that much. He also
says that children should __________ their mothers __________________ but finally he agreed
because, after all. He wants me to be happy.
It’s been fun. I like my job and _________________. But there’s a problem. It’s been
harder than I expected. Raul has started to complain. He tries to help, but he can’t cook and he
________________. Of course, he thinks he’s being a perfect husband. Marcos gets sick
sometimes at ___________________. So I have ___________________ to take him to the
doctor or home. ________________. I’m really stressed. When I finally get home after work,
Even thought it’s been harder than I expected, my job is very important to me. I know
that I can not be only a mother and a housewife. At the same time as a mother, Marcos is also
very important to me. The teacher at ____________________ said that Marcos seems fine. She
said that being with other kids is good for him. Maybe so, but I’m not sure if I’m doing the right
What do you think? I can always ______________. I hope everything is fine with you.
Take care,
A Good Parent
Situation : Darren is talking about his parents. And his relationship to them. What is different
about Darrent’s parents?
You know how people always ask you about your family… how many brothers and
sisters do you have , what do your parents do, questions like that?
Well, when I tell people about my family, __________________, they don’t believe me.
You see, ____________________ now, that’s not the hard thing to believe. A lot of people are
adopted. What’s different is my parents. I don’t have __________________________________.
I have two fathers. I was adopted by two men, __________________. My two fathers are the
only parents I’ve ever known.
My parents are great. Really open, __________________ I’ve always been able to talk to
them about important things – school, sports, friends, problem I’m having. And now that I’m in
college and live away from home, we still talk on the phone all the time. They’re really
_________________. I don’t have ____________ things like some of my friends have to hide
from their parents.
Okay , I know exactly what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, “Someone with two father
gay _______________, right ?” well, actually, I’m not and no, my parents aren’t disappointed.
They accept me just _________________. They’ve even met my girlfriend, Denise, and they
think she’s great.
It hasn’t always been easy, though. Once, when I was about twelve, I invited a friend,
____________ Rick, over to my house. When Rick met my two fathers, he didn’t say anything.
But later, Rick’s parents told him that he wasn’t ___________________ with me anymore. They
said I wasn’t ___________________ on their son. Even worse, they called my school. They
complained about my parents, and said my parents were_____________________ for no reason.
Well, to make a long story short… I actually _________________ that school and going to a
new one.
I don’t regret any of_______________ thought. They’ve taught me a lot about life, and I
learned that I can’t ____________________ my parents.
You know, people ask ________________ to be a good parent, and I’ll tell you : being a
good parent has nothing to do __________________ it’s all about love.
Listen to the Following Speech and Fill in the Blanks to Complete
each Sentences!

Soldiers, don't give ______________________________________

Men who __________ you, ________________ you
Who regiment your lives
Tell you what to do, _____________________, and _______________________
Who drill you, diet you, __________________________, use you as cannon fodder

Don't give yourselves to ___________________________

___________ men, with machine _______ and machine ________
You are not machines
You are not cattle
You are men
You have ___________________________ in your hearts
You don't hate
Only the unloved hate
The ________________ and the ____________________
Soldiers, _______________________
Fight for _________________

In the seventeenth chapter of Saint Luke it is written

“The kingdom of God is within man”
Not one man, nor a group of men, ______________________
In you, you the people

You the people have the power

The power to create machines
The power to create happiness
You _________________________ to make _______________ and beautiful
To make this life _____________________

Then in ___________________________
Let us use that power
Let us ______________
Let us fight for a new world, a ______________
That will _________________ to work
That will give __________________
And old age a security

_______________________ brutes have risen to power

But they lie, they do not _________________________
They never will
___________________ themselves
But they __________________________
Now let us fight to fulfill that promise
Let us fight to ________________________
To do away with __________________________________
Do away ___________________
With _______ and_______________
Let us fight for a world of reason
A world where ________________________ will lead to _____________________________

Soldiers! In the name of democracy, let us all unite!

Finally Found Someone"
(Bryan Adams feat. Barbra Streisand)

I finally found someone, who _______________ off my feet;

I finally found the one who ________________________
__________________, we started out as friends;
It's funny how from simple things; _________________
This time is different;
la lalala
It's all because of you!..
__________________ than it's ever been;
Cuz we ____________________;
My favorite line was "________________________?";
It's all you had to say...
To take ________________.

This is it!
Oh, I finally found someone; ___________________________;
I finally found the one - ____________________________;
Cause whatever I do
It's just ____________________!
_____________________________, I finally found someone...

Did I ________________?
I didn't mind
Baby, that's fine
I would wait forever
Just to know ______________________;
Ya Know - I love your hair...
___________ it looks right?
I love what you wear...
Isn't it too tight?
You're __________________!
I can't ________________________ of my life...


Losing Touch

Situation :Rozenn is 14 age, she grew up in Canada with her Canadian father and Brazilian
mother. Every year, she spends her summer vacation with her relatives in Brazil, but this years
she doesn’t want to. What will her parents decide?

Philip : Honey, I think we need to talk about Rozenn’s plans for the summer. I mean, I know

you ___________________ about Rozenn staying __________________

your family, but I think we should ______________ stay here in Canada during the

summer. She has band practice and the school summer camp.

Ana : Philip, my parents ______________ if Rozenn didn’t go back to Brazil. And you know
that’s their ___________________ to see her.
Philip : Well, I know that, but I’m just not sure we should make her go just because your parents
want to see her.
Ana : Oh, it’s more than that. Also she’s ______________ Portuguese. She needs to
_____________, or she’ll never _____________
Philip : Well, I know that’s important to you, but she’s had _________________ friends in
school, and the fact that she wants ________________ now is a good thing.
Ana : But she always has fun when she goes to Brazil. It’s for __________________ and

honey, remember when she was born, we promised to _________________

Philip : And we have done that. But she’s 14 and she wants to be ______________________
she can go next year.
Ana : She won’t want to go. Honey, you don’t know what it’s like to leave your country, and
your family. If Rozenn ___________ Brazil, she’s ___________________ with me.

Philip : Well, I know she’ll do __________________, but at her age I just don’t like telling her
what to do.
Ana : Yes, she’s a good girl. But you also know that she sometimes likes
_________________________. It’ll be better if she goes. She’ll thank us in the end.


A Daughter’s Decision

Situation : Roy and Martha Brown have an 18- years-old daughter, Jan. What does Jan want to
do? How do Roy and Martha feel?
Martha : Okay, Honey, well, I think we need ___________________ his some more. Yes,
let’s talk tomorrow. Bye, I love you, too.
Roy : Was that Jan ?
Martha : Yeah
Roy : What’s the trouble this time ?
Martha : I just _______________ Jan’s _______________ She wants to have an abortion.
Roy : That’s… ______________. You know? I had a feeling something like this was
going to happen. What did you tell her?
Martha : Well, you know where I stand – I told her that she _____________________
with it. She can’t have an abortion. We have to _______________ her to change
her mind.

Roy : I’m …. I’m not ______________________ honey. I think Jan is right.

Martha : You can’t be serious! You think she should get an abortion? Don’t you
remember? That’s what everyone told me when ________________ Get an
abortion. You’re too young to have a baby. It’ll _______________.” But I
didn’t. And I thought you agreed with me.

Roy : Well, I …. I did! Then. But that was you. You were ___________. You could
handle it. You knew what you were doing. And I was there to support you and
help you raise the baby. With Jan, it’s _________________she’s not
responsible enough to have a baby. And she can’t ______________ it. Look at
all of the trouble she’s having just taking care of herself. And she doesn’t want
to be a mother.

Martha : She’s just saying that now because ____________. We have to show her that
things will be all right. We’ll help her. and being a mother
_____________________. Jan ___________________ if she has our support.
Roy : But this ____________ Jan responsibility. You know, honey, sometimes I
think… I just think abortion is the right think to do.
Martha : I don’t believe that. You know that. We need to make her see that abortion is
always _______________. She’ll regret it __________________ if she goes
through with it, don’t you see?
Roy : I don’t know if it is a mistake for Jan. I just … I just don’t know.
Martha : Roy, this is something that _________________________________


Whose Child?

Situation : A surrogate mother is a woman who is paid to have another couple’s child. Here are
three women’s opinion about surrogate mothers. What is the process of being a surrogate
mother? What kind of problems can occur?

Lisa : What do you think about being surrogate mother? Let me tell you my story
Three years ago, I had a baby girl, Stephanie. She was so beautiful. And when I think
about her, I know ____________ her parents are. Max and Betty wanted a child so
badly, and this was ____________ the could have their own child. I was so happy to
help. It’s so exciting to make a family for someone else. I know how
_____________________1 have two lovely kids of my own – and I wanted to share
this with other people. I think more people should be surrogate mother. It’s
__________________________to give life to others.
Ann : What do you think of surrogate motherhood? Let me tell you what happened to me
and my husband. We are so sad. Our baby, Theodore, was born two weeks ago, and we
had everything ready for him : ____________________, the clothes, the toys, and
_______________ were ready for him to come home. But now we can’t even
___________________in our arms. It’s ________________, it’s because that…. That
woman, the surrogate mother refuses to give us our baby. She agreed to give us the
baby as soon as it was born. We
already ___________________, and already ________________, and we were
prepared to pay her the rest… when she _________________. Now she says she wants
to keep Theodore and she doesn’t want the money. She say’s that she loves him, and
she can’t ____________________. But she couldn’t love him as much as we do. He’s
our baby! It’s my egg that ________________ with my husband’s sperm in the
________________. So Theodore has our DNA, not hers. This is all difficult and
expensive. She has ___________________ our baby.

Maria : What do I think of being a surrogate mother? Well, let me tell you my story.
I had a baby six months ago, little Brian. He was supposed to go to _________________
who couldn’t have their own children , so they ________________, and they paid me
really well. But, unfortunately Brian was born _________________, and because he has
so small when he was born and he was born so early, he had _______________. Oh, he
was _____________, but with all of these heart problems, the couple decided that they
didn’t want him. They said the contract was for _______________. So, I decide to keep
him. I … I couldn’t _________________ for adoption. I’d had him. But so far, he’s had
three operations. He’s getting better, but the doctors say that he’ll still need operations
when he’s older. And I love him. I’m … I’m really happy to be his mother, but I’m really
worried. I __________________ to keep him.

“You ‘re Still the One”
Shania Twain Lyrics

Looks like ____________________________

Look how ___________________, my baby
We might took __________________
We knew we'd _____________________________

They said, "________ they'll _________________."

But just _________________ on
We're still together, ______________________________

(you're still the one)

You're still the one _______________________

The one that I ______________________
You're still the one I _____________________

(you're still the one)

You're still the one that I love

The only one_______________________
You're still the one _____________________

Ain't nothing better

We _________________ together
___________ we didn't listen
Look at what __________________

I'm so glad we made it

Look how far we've come, my baby

25 issues in SOCIETY

Helping Others

A crazy man with ________________________________ took over a city bus

with 15 passengers and drove it _____________________ through the streets. But taxi
driver Dal Chong Yang did not stop to think.
Driving his taxi as fast as possible, he _______________ the bus. He then drove
in front of the bus for three kilometers, ____________________ and warning people to
get out of the way. The bus hit his taxi five times, as the crazy man tried to kill. Yang.
Finally, the bus hit a tree and came to a stop with all of ___________________
the crazy man was arrested by police.
Mr. Yang’s action helped save many lives, police said. They believe that the crazy
man wanted to ______________________________ as many people as he could with the
The taxi driver, Mr. Yang, is now a hero. Everybody knows his name and praises
his _______________________. “I was afraid, of course,” said Mr. Yang “ But I knew I
had to do it or a lot of people would be hurt, maybe killed.”
But some believe that what Mr. Yang did was wrong “___________________
should not be trying ________________________________________________,” says
the chief of police, “ they really do not know how to do that, and they can get themselves
_____________ or ______________________.”
In fact, Mr. Yang was ____________________ and nearly
____________________ when the bus hit his car. He spent four months in the hospital
and two months at home. Now he is ___________________ his taxi. But he can drive for
only four or five hours each day because of ________________________, not like the 14
hours a day before his _____________________

26 Issues in SOCIETY

A Woman’s Place

Interviewer : Congratulations, professor Karlov, on your new book. A Woman’s

Place. I just finished reading it, and you really have
Professor Karlov : Yes. But my ideas are _____________________ Societies all over the
world are ___________________ Now, you have to think, why are
Interviewer : According to your book, Professor Karlov, you think the difficulties in
today’s world are _________________________________ could you
explain that for our audience?
Professor Karlov : With pleasure. By _______________________ I mean the changes in
our society in ___________________ and responsibilities of men and
women. As everyone knows, what women do in society – their
_______________________________ - has changes a great deal in the
pas 50 years.
Interviewers : Ok, I think everyone would agree with that. But so what?
Professor Karlov : Women in many Societies no longer ______________________ and take
care of children. They are jobs outside the home. This means they no
longer have the time ______________________ in today’s world,
children grow up with so many problems they ______________ of
school, they take drugs, they ___________. Today’s children are lazy
and confused. They need _________________, love and support that
only mothers who are in the home can give. Women should return to
__________________ children. They are ______________________ to
do so.

Men should continue to have the main responsibility for
_____________________for the family. We know from history that
men are suited for leadership and
women are suited for raising children. A woman’s place is in the home,
raising the children and _____________________. A man’s place is
outside the home, working the support the family. I know this is an old
fashioned, or____________, belief. But it is the one that fits the natural

27 Issues in SOCIETY
To Tell or Not to Tell

Dear Mohammed,
Thanks for the phone call yesterday; it was good to talk with you. You asked me if
______________________, and I said no. But you were right, older brother – something is
_______________________, _____________________
After talking to you yesterday, I decided to write you a letter. Writing often helps me
_______________________ and see life more clearly.
I accidently discovered that my company is _____________________ into a river near
one of its factories in the countryside. At first, I wasn’t concerned about this. I knew that the
owners of the company were _____________________ and would not do __________________
But then I read a story in the newspaper about ______________________ into rivers and
how many of these chemicals are _______________________ One chemical is very dangerous
to humans because, over time, it can ______________________ And this is the same chemical
that my own company is dumping into that river!
I was __________________ at first. So I checked carefully and found out that I was
right. The company has been dumping this __________________ for about 18 months, and the
owners know about it!
Well, Mohammed, I am _____________________. Of course, I could tell my boss. But
then he might tell the owners and they would fire me, ___________________ Should I talk to
officials of the government? The owners are powerful men and might ________________, and
then I would lose my job. Perhaps I could talk to the journalist who wrote the story in the
As you know, I plan to retire in four more years. I am ________________________ and
find a new job. Besides, I like my work. Well, I used to like my work. Now I am
____________________. It is getting difficult to continue my work as if nothing were wrong.
____________________, older brother. I don’t know what to do.

“This I Promise You
'N Sync

When ________________ you,
__________________ to your eyes
And all that surround you,
Are secrets and lies
I'll be ________________,
I'll give you hope,
Keeping _________ when it's gone
The one you should call,
Was _____________________ all along..

And I will take

You _____________
And _____________________ where you belong
Till the day ___________________
This I promise you
This I promise you

I've loved ________________________,

In lifetimes before
And I promise you never...
_________________________ anymore
I give __________________
I give you my heart (give you my heart)
This is a battle we've won
And ________________,
Forever has now begun...

Just close your eyes (close your eyes)

Each loving day (each loving day)
I know this feeling ______________ (no..)
Till the day my life is through
This I promise you..
This I promise you..

Over and over I fall (over and over I fall)

When __________________
_____________________ baby
I just wouldn't ___________________________.

28 Issues in SOCIETY

Why Don’t You Accept Us ?

Let me tell you about Wing. He’s ____________________ I know – he can always make
me _______________, even when I _____________________ He works hard at his job. And all
his co – workers think he’s great. He’s interested in movies and tennis and politics, just like me.
He’s _____________________ - only I can’t tell anyone.
Wing and I are couple – a homosexual, or gay, couple. We’ve been together for almost
six years. That’s a lot longer than _______________________ We try to spend as much time
together as we can, but because we are gay, there is always a problem.
When we go to parties, I can’t introduce Wing as my partner. I have to say. “This is a
friend of mine.” We never go to the same restaurant more than once or twice together because
people ________________________ us. We can’t live together, as other couples do. No one
wants to live near _________________________.
I can’t even tell my family about Wing. My parents don’t know that I’m gay. They think
there is _________________________ with homosexual, that we’re not “ normal.” So my
mother is always asking me, “ when are you going to find ____________________ and get
married?” I wish I could tell her that I’ve already ______________________________ for me.
But my parents would never speak to me again. They would worry so much about what their
friends would think of their homosexual son.
I know in some countries. Like the United States, this is not such a big problem. But it is
here. I wonder why society isn’t more understanding. Why can’t _______________________?
It’s not fair. There is nothing wrong with Wing or with me. We are just like everyone else. We
don’t have ________________________ that other people might catch. We are normal, ordinary
people who would like to be _______________________.
Wing and I don’t want _______________________. We don’t want to change the world.
We just want to be together _________________________. What’s wrong with that?

29 Issues in SOCIETY
Finders Keepers

Suddenly it was _________________ Money was falling from the sky and beginning to
cover the ground ________________.
David thought he was dreaming. He saw $100 bills everywhere. All he head to do was
_______________ and ___________________. He did. He did it again. And again. Soon he had
more $100 bills than he could hold. David saw __________________ on the ground. He
__________________ with more $100 bills.
He _________________ and saw, on the bridge over his head, _____________________
the truck _______________________ into another truck. The accident was so bad that all of the
money the truck was carrying ________________ the road. The wind was
____________________ so the bills were ______________________
David saw people running from everywhere. They were _______________________ to
each other _________________ they were _________________________ money and putting it
in ______________________. He had never seen people working so quickly.
David then heard the sirens and saw ________________________ on the police cars as
they ____________________ to the accident on the bridge. He left quickly.
When he got home, David counted the money he _________________________- almost
$25,000. He had never seen so much money. And it was his! It belonged to him!
Or did it? David began think about that. Did it really belong to him? If it
__________________, then whose money was it? Well, thought David, it might belong to the
bank. It was the ______________ that crashed. And the money came from that truck.
But the money was just __________________. He had not robbed a bank or stolen the
money from somebody. What he had done was different. And nobody knew him. Nobody could
say that he had ________________________ the money. And then David thought of all those
other people who were ______________________ the money, just like he had done.
But David was worried. He wondered if he should return the money.

30 Issues in SOCIETY

A Mother’s Story

My heart __________________________ joy when he was dead. I knew then, when the
electricity was sent into that man’s body, that I would finally __________________
Am I a monster? Am I _____________________? Do I get excited when people are
killed? No, no, no! I am not a monster. I am a mother whose 18 – years-old son was killed
____________________. Before Wang was killed, I had not thought much about
______________________. Maybe I thought it was wrong. After all, killing someone who has
killed someone else really doesn’t help much. The other person is still dead, and killing the
murderer just ________________________.
But that all changed when my only son was killed. It happened five years ago. Wang was
working at ______________________. He had just finished high school and was going to go to a
good university in a month. He was working ______________________ to help pay for his
education. Two men entered the store. They told my son to take all the money from
_______________ and put in a bag. He did this then __________________Wang to open the
safe. Wang told them that he did not have the key.
One of the men had a gun and __________________________ Wang. My son
_______________ him and told him that only owner had the key. The gun man than shot him
five times in the face and heart. My son _________________________
Both robbers were __________________. The one who shot my son was
___________________ in the ________________________. I asked to see him die. I wanted to
be there. I needed to be there. My son’s death had to be ______________________.
So I watched when they ________________________. I saw him beginning for his life.
Good, I thought, beg all you can. You must die for what you did.
I think about ___________________ often now. Killing is wrong. But if you kill, you
should pay with your own life. It’s the only way we can stop ___________________________.

“You and Me”
Shane Filan

Everyday I look at you

And I _____________________
Lying there next to me
It always _______________________
Busy streets___________ bars
Taxi cabs and cars
Life is fast probably last still together
What we have is beautiful
If _________________ then
I'd _______________________ all

'Cause this world would be

___________________ you
Scares me that this life would mean
Nothing __________________
____________________________ say goodbye
I need to let you know that I
Will never _________________________ between
It’ll only ever be
You and me

_____________ a glass of wine

A dinner made for two
All the noise of the city
Are _________________ for you
Then we kiss as we dance
I hope this feeling lasts forever
Life is fast, ______________, we're still together

And you're still so beautiful

If I lost you then
I'd lose it all
'Cause this world ____________
Empty without you
____________ that this life would mean
Nothing without you
Someday we'll have to say goodbye
I _________________ know that I
Will never try to fill the space between

It’ll only ever be
You and me

And you're still so beautiful

____________________ there
At lose it all
'Cause this world would be
Empty without you
Scares me that this life ___________
Nothing without you
Oh someday we'll have to say goodbye
I need to let you know that I
Will never try to fill the space between
It’ll ________________
You and me


Ash, David. 1991. People You Meet. London WCB 4 APH.

Brown, Gillian and Gorge Jule. Teaching the Spoken Language, Cambridge
Language Teaching Library.
Owen, Roger. People Talking British Broadcasting Corporation.
R. Day. Richard and Junco Yamanaka. 1998. Impact Issues. Hongkong : Longman
Asia ELT.
R. Day, Richard. Joseph Shaules and Junko Yamanaka.2003. Impact Values.
Hongkong : Longman Asia ELT.

You Tube, MP4 Video

You Tube, MP3 Audio


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