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Expanding a Business into Services

This Competency Assessment assesses the following outcome:

MT450M6-6: Apply Marketing Mix principles to business or consumer services.
Environmentalgear is an office and home products company available online, through
a catalog mailed out every 6 months, and advertising via business magazines. “We
make life healthier” is their motto.
Founded 2 years ago by a scientist, a product engineer, and a retail marketing expert,
they started out with office products and have moved on to home devices since this
startup is such a success.
Their newest home product is a sleep-enhancing bed, which involves a soft, but
supportive bed with a detachable eye mask and neck collar that are both recyclable.
The neck collar is preset to be the right temperature to induce sleep. The bed
provides a choice of soft mantras or meditative sounds on very low volume for the
best amount of time per scientific sleep research. The consumer can set the sleep
time and soft volume choice of sounds that begin to gradually wake them up. The
temperature of the bed adjusts automatically throughout the night to be the right
temperature. It comes in navy blue, black, grey, pale green, and white, as do all their
Current home products:
 Indoor doghouses that have environmentally friendly bedding and autofill water
and dry food bowls with adjustable dispenser settings.
 Window shades that auto-adjust to your time schedule and the light and
provide insulation.
 Kitchen mats that are supportive, sustainable, and natural, while providing
cushioning for joints.
 Outside house lighting fixtures that are solar powered and adjust to the light
outside. They also store extra light, which is then transmitted to inside light
fixtures that provide general ceiling or wall lighting.
Current business products:
Office lighting fixtures that adjust to the light outside, the time of day, and work or
shift schedule to reduce blue light as you head towards sleep time and provide
optional lighting for winter climates.
Screens for all types of monitors that protect your eyes from blue light, especially
needed for those at computers all day.
Office furniture (i.e., desks, bookshelves, ergonomic chairs that auto-adjust to the
occupant’s needs and body weight and/or height and provide support, depending on
the product).
Desks that can adjust to any height at the push of a button or remote control.
The company now wants to expand into services:
1. Consumer service: They want to add an at-home service whereby a home
ambience consultant will visit you at home to help you adjust their home
products and make other recommendations for improving the home
2. Business service: They also want to add office consultants who can improve
the office ambiance so it is more conducive to the company’s goals, comfort,
and productivity.

 Choose business service or consumer service from above.

 Provide a synopsis of your research on the Internet regarding any competition.
 Explain why they might want to add services to their business.
 Using the marketing mix, provide the 4 P’s of this new consulting service for
home or office, developing the particulars that make sense based on the
scenario and the real world.
 Describe how they might want to launch these services and associate them
with their branding.
 Respond in a minimum 600-word paper with additional title and reference
pages in APA format and citation style.
Minimum Submission Requirements
 Respond to all the checklist items in a thorough manner.
 Submit your response using correct English grammar and spelling.
If work submitted for this competency assessment does not meet the minimum
submission requirements, it will be returned without being scored.
Plagiarism is an act of academic dishonesty. It violates the University Honor Code,
and the offense is subject to disciplinary action. You are expected to be the sole
author of your work. Use of another person's work or ideas must be accompanied by
specific citations and references. Whether the action is intentional or not, it still
constitutes plagiarism.

Passing criteria

Criteria 1: Chooses business or consumer services, and explains why
the company might want to add services to their business.

Criteria 2: Provides a synopsis of research on the Internet regarding
any competition.

Criteria 3: Using the marketing mix, provides the 4 P’s of this new
consulting service for home or office, developing the particulars that
make sense based on the scenario and the real world.
Provides the five determinants of the service quality model as applied
to the scenario.

Criteria 4: Describes how they might want to launch these services and
associates them with their branding.

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