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Mid Year Exam 1st Certificate 1

A) Reading Task (16 marks)

1) Some visitors came out of curiosity a) they enjoyed the trip through the country
while others came because: roads.
b) the chestnut fair brought back memories a) take shelter from the rain.
of the past.
b) have a rest.
c) they wanted to go on a diet.
c) learn the recipes.
d) chestnuts are healthy.
d) cook chestnuts.
2) Why did the smell of roasting chestnuts
disappear? 6) How did Michel Bras sum up the
a) There were no chestnuts left.
a) He thought the food was excellent.
b) People were selling other things.
b) He was disappointed with the recipes.
c) The heavy rainfall put the fires out.
c) He said he didn´t like de chestnuts when
d) It was late in the day. he was young.

3) The cookery competition was for d) He was amazed by the high standard of
recipes which: the recipes.

a) Michel Bars had written in his book. 7) What does “it” in line 37 refer to?

b) were very old. a) an iron pot.

c) included chestnuts. b) pig food.

d) were used in the best restaurants. c) the atmosphere.

4) Michel Bras: d) a local dish.

a) finds ingredients for recipes when he goes 8) What was the dance like?
out of running.
a) formal.
b) uses only chestnuts on his recipes.
b) boring.
c) looks for chestnuts when he goes out run.
c) informal.
d) invited the idea of cooking with chestnuts.
d) confusing.

5) The village hall was packed because

some people wanted to see Bras and
wanted to:

B) Transformation. Complete the second sentence so that is has a similar meaning to the first one.
Use between 2 and 5 words. (20 marks)
1. I ought to arrive before midnight or my parents will get angry. (better)

I.................................................................................................midnight or my parents will get


2. Last week I threw away lots of things I kept at home and didn’t use any longer. (rid)

Last week I ................................................................................things a kept at home and didn’t use

any longer.

3. Sam doesn’t usually lose his things. (unusual)

It lose his things.

4. It´s impossible for me not to cry when I watch a sad film. (help)

I ................................................................................................when I watch a sad film.

5. Where´s the gig going to take place? (hold)

Where are they ........................................................................gig?

6. Jill ate more than me. (as)

I did ..........................................................................................Jill did.

7. I fell better if I sleep more. (the)

The more ..................................................................................I fell.

8. I´ve never heard anyone as good as him. (guitarist)

He´s ..........................................................................................ever heard.

9. He is too young to go on holiday alone. (old)

He is ..........................................................................................on holiday alone.

10. I haven’t written a letter for a long time. (since)

It´s a long time ..........................................................................letter.

C) Word formation (20 marks)

1. If you paid £ 30 for a hamburger, you’ve been ............................ Didn’t you realize? That’s
far too expensive! (Charge)
2. The ...............................of the painting from the museum, still remains a mystery. Nobody
has seen it ever again. (Appear)
3. We can´t rely on him when he promises to do something because he´s very .................... .
4. All the wires in the house need to be changed, so I´ve phoned an ..........................., and he
´s coming next week. (Electric)
5. I can´t stand ................................people. (Honesty)
6. He´ll never accept that you´re different. It´s ....................................trying to make him
understand. (Point)
7. Don’t be afraid of my dog, he´s big, but he´s .................................... (Harm)
8. I wanted to buy a new cell phone, but the shop assistant was so ..................................that I
left without buying on and went to another shop. (Help)
9. The Iguazú Falls are ....................................known as one of the world´s wonders. (Wide)
10. I love to spend my holidays sunbathing on a .............................................beach. (Place)

D) Multiple choice. (10 marks)

1. That T-shirt is too big for you. It doesn´t (match – fit – suit) you.
2. I have a party next Saturday and I haven’t got anything to wear. I´ll ask Jane for something
as she always has (shabby – tasty – tasteful) clothes for every occasion.
3. She´s got lots of (trouble – problems – difficulty), but she gets (trough – across – by) with
their help.
4. When we rented a car in London we (used to – had to – get used to – were used to)
driving on the left instead of on the right as in our country.
5. The (hosts – audience – spectators) at the theatre, raised, cheered and clapped at the
band when they played their most famous song.
6. The flute, the clarinet and the trumpet are (wind – stringed –tune) instruments.
7. John is really keen (on – in – of) nature, so he´ll probably become a biologist.
8. I´m bored (with – at – about) doing the same things every weekend.
9. The grass at the football (court – track – pitch) was really well-kept.

E) Phrasal verbs. Choose the correct one and put it in the correct tense. (22 marks)

Get off – take over – look for – look after – make up – take up – get over – come out – bring up –
make out – get by.

1. I like that round table, but it will ............................ too much space in our small dining
2. When Mr. Black retired, his son ............................. the company, but nothing has been the
same since them.
3. Have you heard? A new touch mobile phone has ............................ and it´s NOKIA, the
make you like.
4. My parents .......................... me .........................., encouraging me to be an honest person
above all.
5. He´s a liar, he´s always ............................ excuses for being late to work.
6. He speak so loud that I can´t ................................ what he´s saying.
7. ............................... the bus at Maipu Av. and Ugarte, there´s a Kevingston shop there. I´ll
be waiting for you there.
8. When my mother works, my grandmother ........................... my brother and me.
9. What are you .............................. ?... My keys I can´t find them.
10. Poor Mary! She´s never ............................. her fiancé death! She has never gone out with
another man again.
11. Although speaking various languages is very important, some people .......................... with
a dictionary when they travel.

F) Open Cloze. (12 marks)

For questions 1-12, read the text

below and think of the word which
best fits each gap. Use one word in
each gap. There is an example in
the beginning.
Writing (100 marks)

1. A wildlife magazine has asked readers to write an article entitled “The advantages and
disadvantages of owning a pet”. Write an article between 120-180 words.
2. Your penfriend has recently written to you saying that he/she is very unhappy with school
and home life. You have decided to write a letter of advice, offering your support. Write
your letter, making us suggestions and saying what results you expect if he/she follows
your advice. (120-180 words)

Writing (100 marks)

1. A wildlife magazine has asked readers to write an article entitled “The advantages and
disadvantages of owning a pet”. Write an article between 120-180 words.
2. Your penfriend has recently written to you saying that he/she is very unhappy with school
and home life. You have decided to write a letter of advice, offering your support. Write
your letter, making us suggestions and saying what results you expect if he/she follows
your advice. (120-180 words)

Writing (100 marks)

1. A wildlife magazine has asked readers to write an article entitled “The advantages and
disadvantages of owning a pet”. Write an article between 120-180 words.
2. Your penfriend has recently written to you saying that he/she is very unhappy with school
and home life. You have decided to write a letter of advice, offering your support. Write
your letter, making us suggestions and saying what results you expect if he/she follows
your advice. (120-180 words)

Writing (100 marks)

1. A wildlife magazine has asked readers to write an article entitled “The advantages and
disadvantages of owning a pet”. Write an article between 120-180 words.
2. Your penfriend has recently written to you saying that he/she is very unhappy with school
and home life. You have decided to write a letter of advice, offering your support. Write
your letter, making us suggestions and saying what results you expect if he/she follows
your advice. (120-180 words)

Writing (100 marks)

1. A wildlife magazine has asked readers to write an article entitled “The advantages and
disadvantages of owning a pet”. Write an article between 120-180 words.
2. Your penfriend has recently written to you saying that he/she is very unhappy with school
and home life. You have decided to write a letter of advice, offering your support. Write
your letter, making us suggestions and saying what results you expect if he/she follows
your advice. (120-180 words)
Key 2. Took over 7. Get
A) 16 marks 3. Come out 8.
1. B 4. A 7. D Looks after
2. C 5. A 8. C 4. Brought up 9.
3. C 6. B Looking for
5. Making up 10. Got
B) 20 marks over 11. Get by

1. Had better arrive before

2. Got rid of
3. Is unusual for Sam F) 12 marks
4. Can´t help crying 1. Can / Will 7. Since
5. Going to hold the 2. At 8. Not
6. Not eat us much us 3. What 9. From
7. I sleep, the better 4. For 10. That
8. The best guitarist I have 5. Because 11. Is /
9. Not old enough to go Was
10. Since I (last) wrote a 6. Even 12. A
C) 20 marks

1. Overcharged 6.
2. Disappearance 7.
3. Irresponsible 8.
4. Dishonest 9.

D) 10 marks

1. Fit 6. Wind
2. Tasteful 7. On
3. Problems – by 8. With
4. Had to get used to 9. Pitch
5. Audience

E) 22 marks

1. Take up 6.
Make out

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