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Autobiographical Essay

Going back to the day of May 21, 2000, a colored-brown baby girl was born. She was the
second child of Mr. & Mrs. Paladan that live in Poblacion, Aborlan, Palawan. She has two sisters
namely: Mariel M. Paladan, the eldest, Maricar Paladan, the youngest, and of course, Mary Joy M.
Paladan, the second daughter, and it was me. As to discuss my childhood period to adulthood period,
I may say that it was a roller coaster adventure of my life, yet full of happiness.
At the age of 3 years old, my parents allowed me with my sister and cousin to go to elementary
school but not to learn because they did it just to make me stop on crying that time. They said that
time that I want to go with them because I thought that they were playing at school. However, my
father picks me up there after an hour and he always caught me asleep in the chair. Somehow, it was
said that the age of 5 was the most children are ready to start learning in a school setting. However,
there are individual differences, thus not all children are ready to learn at the age of 3 or 4, and for my
experienced, I started school at age of 4 in Aborlan Baptist School. When I am in my 1st grade, I was
enrolled at WPU-BELS up to 6 th grade. During 1st to 3rd grade, my study habits during that time was
like when the class ended, I worked on my assignments when I got home early. In addition, during my
elementary days, my classmates told me that I am a bit shy and not talkative. I always preferred to
focus on my study than get together with my classmates. On my 5 th grade, that was the time that I got
my first period and many physical changes I have encountered such as, breast development,
underarm and pubic hair growth, and also my mood was changing when I have a period. Also, I have
many friends during elementary and until now, they were still my friends. In the house, my
characteristics being a child was a good, yet a little bit hard headed. My father always proud of me and
sometimes I heard him talking with her friends that I am the smartest and industrious among his
three daughters and that’s fluttered me a lot.
On the other hand, when I reached my junior high school or the 7 th grade to 4th grade of my
high school life, a huge change and also challenges I had faced during this time. The shy, studious,
good child, and a responsible student changed a lot during my 7 th grade. My social and emotional
development on my self has developed that influences me to become my opposite side of my
elementary period. I did not notice that time that my social skills had developed that I can make
friends from other grades and in other schools. I’m not studying my lessons unless we have exams but
I failed most of my subjects. I thought that I am adjusting but until the end of the school, my grades
were not improving. I didn’t expect also that during my 7 th grade, I have my first boyfriend and other
friends from different school. Until I came up to 8 th grade, I’m still not improving and it much worsen
until I reached my 9th grade. I didn’t focus on my studies instead I always chose to enjoy my high
school life, travelling with my friends and do some unimportant stuffs.
However, there was a little bit improvement during my 10 thgrade up until my grade 12, or the senior
high time. I made in on principal circle both 1 st and 2nd semesters. I didn’t know what happened and
wondering what’s my motivation and inspiration that time. I only remembered that during my senior
high school, I was truly knowing God and I started to be with Him, to praised Him, and served Him. I
started my days that time to prioritize God and always believe in Him. That was the start that I
noticed to myself that I am improving and I passed all the challenges I am encountering because I
know that God is always beside me. Until I reached my 1 st year in college, I had good grades and
having good friends that helps me a lot in adjusting being a freshman a year ago.
We have different paths to take in life but choosing right decisions and surrendering life to
Jesus was the best part of my life. It changed me to be a better daughter, student, and a friend.

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