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Name : Mutiara Farahdiva Anisa

Class : PBI 5C
SRN : 1903046105


Tips for Cross Cultural Communication

1. Slow down, speak clearly and ensure your pronunciation is intelligible.
2. Separate Questions. Try not to ask double questions. Let your listener answer one
question at a time.
3. Avoid Negative Questions. Many cross-cultural communication misunderstandings
have been caused using negative questions and answers.
4. Take Turns. Cross cultural communication is enhanced through taking turns to talk,
making a point, and then listening to the response.
5. Write it Down. If you are unsure whether something has been understood, write it
down and check.
6. Be Supportive. Giving encouragement to those with weak English gives them
confidence, support, and a trust in you.
7. Check Meanings. Summarize what has been said to verify it.
8. Avoid Slang. Even the most well-educated foreigner will not have a complete
knowledge of slang, idioms, and sayings.
9. Watch the humor. Many cultures will not appreciate the use of humor and jokes in the
business context.
10. Maintain Etiquette. Many cultures have certain etiquette when communicating.

Tips for Intercultural Communication

1. Be Patient. Patience with yourself and others helps move beyond such issues and
address how to avoid similar incidents in the future.
2. Establish Rules. Sometimes, if working in a truly intercultural team it may be
necessary for all to take a step back and set down some ground rules.
3. Ask Questions. When you don’t understand something or want to know why someone
has behaved in a certain way, simply ask.
4. Respect. By demonstrating respect, you earn respect and help create more open and
fruitful relationships.
5. The Written Word. Sometimes people who do not have English as their mother tongue
will read more proficiently than they speak. It is a good idea to always write things
down as a backup.
6. Time. Understand that for many people work is low down on the priority list with things
like family taking a much higher precedence.
7. Humor. Be wary of differences in the sense of humor and the acceptability of banter
in a business environment.
8. Always Check. The easiest way of minimizing the negative impact of intercultural
communication is to check and double check.
9. Be Positive. Stay positive, analyse the problem areas and work as a team to build
strategies and solutions to ensure the same never occurs again.
10. Self-Reflect. Reflect on your own communication, management or motivation style and
see where you can improve as an individual.

Tips For an Intercultural Leader

1. Learn about the cultures of people that you work and interact with. Start from scratch
and forget your assumptions and stereotypes. There are many free online resources.
2. Get a book about intercultural communication and learn about the subject from an
academic level.
3. Take some formal training from intercultural experts.
4. Try to attend events or occasions where you can submerge yourself in another culture.
5. Start listening and paying more attention when dealing with someone from another
6. Temper your own communication style. Pay attention to the rate at which you speak,
what non-verbal messages you may send, ask for confirmation of understanding, avoid
using slang and idioms.
7. Learn to tolerate uncertainty. There will be a great deal of unknowns when doing
business across cultures.
8. Be patient with others and yourself. Don’t give-up. A proper intercultural library of
knowledge only comes with time.
9. Keep on top of your own development. Continually assess your advancement and
10. Ask for help and don’t be afraid to apologize for mistakes. People are appreciative that
you are trying to understand them.

Benefits of Intercultural Training

1. Intercultural training helps people appreciate how culture may affect communication
with their colleagues or clients.
2. Intercultural training not only assists people working better with each other through
developing communication but also in other areas such as management, meetings
styles, leadership, reward schemes, retention, and recruitment.
3. The businesses that succeed in the future are the businesses that can tap the limitless
bounties of the global economy. However, to do so, you need people with the right
skills, experience, knowledge, and understanding.

Cross Cultural Communication Consultants

1. Academic Knowledge. Cross cultural consultants will have an academic background
either in special Courses such as ‘Cross Cultural Communication and Trade’ Or ‘Cross
Cultural Psychology’ or in related courses such as ‘International Relations’ or
‘Business Studies’.
2. Business Know-how. It is critical for cross cultural Consultants to have considerable
business experience.
3. Training Experience. Through courses and practical experience, a cross cultural
consultant will have knowledge of training techniques.
4. Living Abroad. Experience of living abroad, mixing with Different cultures, speaking
different languages, and working in foreign offices is vital for any cross-cultural
5. Speaking a Foreign Language. Language carries with it Cultural coding. All experts,
commentators and linguists Are unanimous that without knowledge of the language the
culture can never be appreciated.

Strategies for Success Abroad

1. Learn about the business beforehand.
2. Observe.
3. Ask questions.
4. Stay aware of yourself.
5. Allow for more time.
6. Look for individual difference.
7. Find the humor.
8. Learn to tolerate uncertainty.
9. Go early.
10. Build your intercultural skills.

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