Unit 4: Ingles I

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Daily Life / Vida diaria

Fecha de Entrega: 07 de Mayo del 2021.

Nikki: I’m fine. I’m getting ready to go to school here in
England it’s eight o’clock in the morning.
Read Jessica: It’s great to hear you! At what time do you enter to
1. Answer the question about the dialogue. Nikki: At eight fifteen a.m. I’m late call you back later.
Responde la pregunta sobre el diálogo.
Jessica: O.K. Have a nice day! Goodbye.
Nikki: Bye.
What kind of text is it?

a) a letter b) an article c) dialogue

2. Look at the pictures and read the dialogue.

Observa las imágenes y lee el diálogo.
Ring, Ring, Ring
Jessica: Hello. This is Jessica Flores speaking from Mexico.
Nikki: Hello. This is Nikki.
Jessica: Nikki, How are you? I’m almost going to bed here
it’s ten o’clock p.m.
3. Circle T if the sentence is True or F if it is False.
Encierra en un círculo la letra T si el enunciado es
verdadero o la F si es falso.

Nikki is in Mexico. T F
Jessica is in Mexico. T F
Jessica is going to bed. T F
Nikki is going to school. T F
Nikki enters to school at ten fifteen. T F

two o’clock 5:20
five twenty 10:15
Think nine fifty four 7:42

4. Go back to the dialogue. Answer the question and

complete the chart. 6. Answer the questions and draw the hands of the watches.
Regresa al diálogo. Responde la pregunta y completa la tabla. Responde las preguntas y dibuja las manecillas de los relojes.

We use to tell the time.

a) it’s Example: What time is in France?
b) its It’s ten sixteen.

Time Time Traduction

ten o’clock 10:00

What time is it now?

It’s .

What time is your English class?
5. Match the columns. .
Relaciona las columnas.

ten fifteen 3:20

What time is it in New York?
five o’clock 11:13
three twenty 2:00
seven forty two 9:54
eleven thirteen 5:00

Mom: You are right! You are in trouble young girl!
Lesson 2

It’s quarter past eight


1. Answer the question.

Responde la pregunta. 3. Circle T if the sentence is True or F if it is False.
Encierra en un círculo la letra T si el enunciado es verdadero o
Where is Jessica? la F si es falso.
a) at home b) at school Jessica is getting ready to go to school. T F
Jessica is way to school. T F
2. Read the dialogue. Jessica missed the bus. T F
Jessica’s mom is happy because Jessica missed T F
Lee el diálogo.
the bus.
Jessica is in trouble. T F

Mom: Jessica It’s getting late!

Jessica: What time is it?
Mom: It’s a quarter to seven.
Jessica: I’m almost done!
Mom: You are going to miss the bus! Think

Jessica: Mom, I’m in trouble! 4. Choose the answer that corresponds.

The bus had let me it’s quarter past seven. Elige la respuesta que corresponda.

We say _____________ when there are remaining minutes
to the hour. fifteen past ten 2:40

a) quarter to
five to eight 11:30
b) quarter past
twenty past five 4:15
We say when there are minutes plus.

a) quarter to a quarter to six 9:05

b) quarter past
half past eleven 7:55

5. Complete the chart. quarter past four 5:20

Completa la tabla.
twenty to three 10:15
12:50 ten to one
2:25 twenty five past two
Five past nine 5:45
1:15 Quarter
11:30 Half
1:05 Five

Write 7. Complete the information

Completa la información.
6. Match the columns.
Relaciona las columnas. Example: It’s two fifteen.
It’s fifteen past two.


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