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Subiectul I
Fill the gap in each of the following sentences with ONE suitable word.
1. If you want to relax just lie on your back and look ............... the stars.
2. I will never tell them the secret, you can trust ...............
3. Perhaps it would be better to wait ............... the rain to stop.
4. I don‟t really care whether you stay ............... leave. [4 x 0.75 = 3p]
Subiectul II
Using the beginning / the word provided, rewrite each of the sentences below, trying to stick
to the original meaning as closely as possible.
1. The last time I saw them was in 2010. I…
2. Someone has stolen our car. Our…
3. Your camera was cheaper than mine. Your camera cost…
4. We really need another suitcase. What… [4 x 0.75 = 3p]
Subiectul III
Discuss the topic below. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
Time works wonders. [3p]
Subiectul I
Fill the gap in each of the following sentences with ONE suitable word.
1. ............... she ever been here before?
2. Please sit ............... and stop interrupting your colleagues.
3. I have ............... announcement to make.
4. If you need help just ............... the red button. [4 x 0.75 = 3p]
Subiectul II
Using the beginning / the word provided, rewrite each of the sentences below, trying to stick
to the original meaning as closely as possible.
1. Does this dog belong to you? Is…
2. It is essential that the project is finished today. The project…
3. His monthly salary is £2000. He…
4. I don‟t like being so short. I wish… [4 x 0.75 = 3p]
Subiectul III
Discuss the topic below. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
You can't always get what you want. [3p]
Subiectul I
Fill the gap in each of the following sentences with ONE suitable word.
1. Every ............... he visits he breaks something.
2. You can‟t have any dessert ............... you finish your broccoli.
3. Let‟s have a look at the menu, ............... we?
4. ............... long have you been waiting for the doctor? [4 x 0.75 = 3p]
Subiectul II
Fill the gaps in these sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1. This is the most horrible cake I ............... ever ............... (taste)
2. He rarely ............... TV because he has a very busy schedule. (watch)
3. They ............... definitely ............... us if we asked them to. (help)
4. I think Jane ............... in the garden when we rang. (work) [4 x 0.75 = 3p]
Subiectul III
Discuss the topic below. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
Describe the cultural / artistic life of your own town / region. [3p]
Subiectul I
Fill the gap in each of the following sentences with ONE suitable word.
1. It‟s not ............... fault the printer is broken, I haven‟t even touched it today.
2. ............... you tell me the truth if I asked you to?
3. She has lived here ............... she was a little girl.
4. There are a ............... tomatoes left, but not enough for all of us. [4 x 0.75 = 3p]
Subiectul II
Fill the gaps in these sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1. You wouldn‟t have such terrible marks if you ............... more. (study)
2. What ............... you ............... when the robbery took place? (do)
3. All the lights are off. She must ............... to bed already. (go)
4. She told us she ............... us again the following week and then left. (visit) [4 x 0.75 = 3p]
Subiectul III
Discuss the topic below. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
History repeats itself. [3p]
Comisia de admitere:
Preşedinte, prof. univ. dr. Tamaş Cristina Secretar, conf. univ. dr. Neriman Hasan
Subiectul I
Fill the gap in each of the following sentences with ONE suitable word.
1. That car is the ............... expensive item he has ever bought.
2. We do not have ............... paper to print the whole book.
3. What ............... he usually do when he leaves the office?
4. I think we should go, but that‟s just my point ............... view. [4 x 0.75 = 3p]
Subiectul II
Fill the gaps in these sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1. I really need a break, I ............... on my computer for nearly six hours. (work)
2. He will never lose any weight unless he ............... (stop) eating junk food.
3. When we finally managed to get there the meeting ............... already ............... (finish)
4. He fell off the ladder and ............... both his arms. (break) [4 x 0.75 = 3p]
Subiectul III
Discuss the topic below. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
There is a time and place for everything. [3p]
Subiectul I
Using the beginning / the word provided, rewrite each of the sentences below, trying to stick
to the original meaning as closely as possible.
1. I‟m sure he‟s telling lies. He must…
2. She suggested that he should work harder. She advised him…
3. He saw nobody in the garden. He didn’t…
4. She admitted having lost her key. She admitted that… [4 x 0.75 = 3p]
Subiectul II
Each of the following sentences contains ONE extra word. Read them and identify the
word which should not be there.
1. If no one will mends the roof, it will collapse.
2. She has never been going to the circus before.
3. The problem was being solved quickly once the manager arrived.
4. He said he was sorry that he has had kept us waiting. [4 x 0.75 = 3p]
Subiectul III
Discuss the topic below. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
Knowledge is power. [3p]
Subiectul I
Using the beginning / the word provided, rewrite each of the sentences below, trying to stick
to the original meaning as closely as possible.
1. They didn‟t go for a walk because they were tired. If…
2. A new job will be offered to me soon. I…
3. Walking on the grass is not allowed. You are…
4. I believe she is the best teacher in our school. I consider… [4 x 0.75 = 3p]
Subiectul II
Each of the following sentences contains ONE extra word. Read them and identify the
word which should not be there.
1. It would be a good idea if you have booked the tickets in advance.
2. We got to the airport and Jane appeared being nervous.
3. A voice announced: „We regret it to inform passengers that Flight 114 to Romania is been
4. People with solar-powered cars don‟t have need to worry about the price of petrol. [4 x
0.75 = 3p]
Subiectul III
Discuss the topic below. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
If you had the ability to become invisible, how would you put this advantage to use? [3p]
Subiectul I
Using the beginning / the word provided, rewrite each of the sentences below, trying to stick
to the original meaning as closely as possible.
1. It is not necessary for you to hurry. You don’t…
2. Don‟t worry, I will pay for everything. Don’t worry, everything…
3. The box was so heavy that the boy couldn‟t carry it. The box was…
4. She tried not to look at him. She avoided… [4 x 0.75 = 3p]
Subiectul II
Each of the following sentences contains ONE extra word. Read them and identify the
word which should not be there.
1. The day after the argument, he has found a red rose on his car windscreen.
2. By the time he died, Beethoven had been written nine symphonies.
3. If you‟re working till half past six, we‟ll have had dinner at about eight.
4. I have my groceries being delivered by the supermarket once a week. [4 x 0.75 = 3p]
Subiectul III
Discuss the topic below. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
The role of mass-media in society. [3p]


Subiectul I
Using the beginning / the word provided, rewrite each of the sentences below, trying to stick
to the original meaning as closely as possible.
1. It started snowing on Sunday and has not stopped yet. It has…
2. Jogging early in the morning gives him pleasure. He enjoys…
3. People say that he will be promoted soon. It is…
4. Her clothes are much more expensive than mine. My clothes… [4 x 0.75 = 3p]
Subiectul II
Each of the following sentences contains ONE extra word. Read them and identify the
word which should not be there.
1. By the end of the 19th century, a tea culture had been developed in Ireland.
2. I will buy a new DVD if I will get paid this week.
3. It‟s about time that hats have came back in fashion.
4. The chicken breast should have be brushed with oil and then fried. [4 x 0.75 = 3p]
Subiectul III
Discuss the topic below. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
Better be alone than in bad company [3p]
Subiectul III
Discuss the topic below. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. [3p]
Subiectul I
Using the beginning / the word provided, rewrite each of the sentences below, trying to stick
to the original meaning as closely as possible.
1. The building is too small to house the history museum. The building is not…
2. He left home because he didn‟t expect them to come that evening. If…
3. It is several years since I last met him. I…
4. We were surprised when he passed the exam. We didn’t expect… [4 x 0.75 = 3p]
Subiectul II
Fill the gaps in these sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1. Why … (not bring) me the letters for signature?
2. The police … (not find) the murderer yet.
3. He … (thank) me for lending that book to him.
4. Unfortunately when I arrived she just ... (leave), so we only had time for a few words. [4 x
0.75 = 3p]
Subiectul III
Discuss the topic below. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
Live and let live. [3p]
Subiectul I
Using the beginning / the word provided, rewrite each of the sentences below, trying to stick
to the original meaning as closely as possible.
1. She is too young to fly to London on her own. She isn’t…
2. You may forget anything except your passport. The only…
3. Can you trust such a liar? Is…
4. People said he was a hero. He… [4 x 0.75 = 3p]
Subiectul II
Fill the gaps in these sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1. … you by any chance … (know) where Bob is?
2. My family and I … (suffer) a great deal lately from the noise made by your guests.
3. I … (like) to come tomorrow if possible.
4. Radio broadcasts say that there (be) riots in France last week. [4 x 0.75 = 3p]

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