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1 Dwarven Water 2c mug 1 8 Save = no hit (basically watered down ale)

2 Swamp Water 3c mug 1 8 (Boza) Save = no hit
3 Halfling Tea 3c mug 1 8 Save = no hit (Fermented with yeast added during brew)

4 Bat Spit 3c mug 2 9 (Kvas) Save = no hit (Fermented rye beer)

5 Plains Milk 3c mug 2 9 (Kefir) Save = no hit (A fermented milk drink)
6 Bhuka Beer 4c mug 2 9 (Chicha) Save = no hit (Fermented corn beer)
1 Ale 5c mug 2 10 Sweet, full-bodied
2 Cider 5c mug 2 10 Fermented Apple juice
3 Dwarven Ale 6c mug 2 10 A strong ale
4 Mead 7c mug 3 11 Fermented honey and water
5 Wine 1S glass 3 11 Fermented grapes
6 Gnomish Wine 8c glass 3 12 Usually home-made from sugar
7 Bitter Sea Wine 8c shot 3 12 (Sake) (Fermented rice wine)
8 Elven Wine 3S glass 4 13 You subtley begin smelling of fresh flowers
9 Sea Spirits 1S shot 4 13 (Soju) (Distilled Bitter Sea Wine)
1 Treant Wine 3S glass 4 13 You subtley begin smelling of fresh apples
2 Hoarfrost Jenever 2S glass 5 14 (Gin) (Distilled juniper berry)
3 Orc Snot 2S shot 5 14 (Tequila) (Distilled lily fruit)
4 Batata 2S shot 5 14 (Vodka)
5 Silverfruit Spirits 2S glass 5 15 (Brandy) (Distilled wine)
(Whiskey) (Distilled fermented grain mash aged in
6 Aged Karrn 2S glass 5 15 charred oak barrels)
7 Blade 2S shot 5 15 (Rum) (Distilled fermented sugarcane)
8 Elven Brandy 5S glass 6 17 Distilled Elven Wine
(Fireball whiskey) Burp 15’ cone fire ignite unattended &
9 Dragon Drool 1G shot 8 20 flammable 3d6 to
If able, you you & a
grow others
largefail bushy
DC12 DEX save and
10 Dwarven Whiskey 2G mug 10 25 gain the ability to speak dwarven

Buzz - Hit adds up. When hit equals or exceeds CON, then CON save vs drink DC. Failure adds hit.
Drunk- When hit ≥ CON. Poisoned/disadvantage save. Hit adds. Save after drink. Fail dmgs max hp.
Pass - Pass out hit ≥ 2x CON. Max hp/poisoned not recovered after long rest (less resto or 2nd rest)
Looks like swamp water from Shadow Marches 1
Cows raised on Talenta Plains 3
Goblinoid (Menechtarun desert of Xen'drik) farms corn 4
Homebrewing can be explosive 20
From rice grown in Aundair on shores of Bitter Sea 25
Extremely Fine Wine 30
Distilled cider 40
Juniper berries grown in Hoarfrost Mtns. 45
Fruit pulp is reminiscent of Orc snot 50
Distilled from potato 55
Wine from Silverfruit grown in Thrane 60
Named after King Kaius III, ruler of Karrnath (proud
martial heritage and oldest of five nations) 65
Sugarcane only grows in The Jungle of Scimitars 70
bubbling liquid reeks of sulfur, hot to touch 80
Few know how to make this and only the best
Dwarven brewers can produce quality batches 90

Tavern - lower = 4,3,2 | middle = 5,4,3 | upper = 6,5,4
Inn/Dine - lower = 3,2,1 | middle = 4,3,2 | upper = 5,4,3

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