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Self-check ‘ erb in each 4 Complete the questions and answers, Yee. © 1 Complate:the blog with ane v correct forms of the verbs. ‘th gap. ae © Where / you / 90 / yesterday? How fit are you? bil ojg) 1/.g0/ to the shopping contre Where did you go yesterday {think that have avery healthy lifestyle. | Lent to the shopping State q alotofexercise.1? _¢ swimming 1 Yesterday, /1/ meet / my friends /see/ aia twice a week and! often? {a¢¢_partin eat/ swimming competitions. I don't often win but burger and / have /a good time fesjey item aise ay basketball for Uey ship wal ms Peace, og the school team, So, do dberything | can to Saw obi oc bumePand hal cap ‘Veep _ fn. 2 *you/ play / any sports at school last una? © What bout your Are you worried about your 4X We f haye / exams / all week, fitness? Lei me know, DO; Vid gous pa ros ase} = Noah WE RLY cries of [4] 3. *Simon / win / his race? 2 Choose the correct words, 'd He /come / first by 5.2 seconds 1 My brother loves cj ses takes his bike aver yelist / cycle / eveling, He mal 5; 4p 2. There was no snow so the cafés were full of unhappy skiing / skied /skions 3 It’simpossible because itis, joggers 4 Tcould never be as because i got to walk along this path . always full of jog / jogging / 5 Compote the conversation with one wordin each gap. First letters are given. ling / saat Seasick on the water. Mike: Wo surimneis /swwan / to the island but it was the way there, ailor | | | so What do you °prefer? Indvidualsp0t | 5 swimming half way team sports? fi | impossible to get all Undsay: Oh, definitely individual sports. |e?) or) them much more than playing for he Gaza And t can't ?sftund. ae ‘gone | 3 Complete the blog with the correct forms of football and rugby. tm ake GP" | the vorbs in brackats, and things, tke Zumba, We do 83! | school. Flow about you? , I'm nor ‘really into sports atoll ‘© bo honest. Ido a fot of walking and cycling but that's just boca Miko: How fit are you? bit ° io | hepties: ot bee *, about my health, notre, ‘M1 Uke your blog. 'm interested Im koening fi tao, : mie My favourite * gn to) ery mel trst fa Ayn ow) lesen Aig, thee lcd tay vale wth mec ' sleeping! 6 Seestat Thai thine a shortest an, nee Audast fon) cycling in the: ork. Unt far, Away {hortred Op the way hun, sinned athe (oral naa ourant and ake, _ (eal an ota lange leza wth ham, sausages ond onions, 3 {cele my active day very much « th lest ast actiny wos 6 Choose the correct options A, B or C. 4 Where __ skiing last winter? Jdid you go B youwent —€ yougo 2 Merk does a lot of exercise but he doesn't __ healthy meels very often. Ado have C take 3 lisa__ snowboarding a long time ago and | think she needs lessons again now. jot B goes < went 4 x year, | went to one karate lesson but | do any other martial arts Adont — B)didn't C wasn't 5 Idon'treally want to __ sailing again. | didn’t enjoy it much last time. Ado B play 130 assessment 1 For each learning objective, circle the icon that best matches your ability. ©© =I understand and can help a friend, © =! understand and can do it by myself. © — =lunderstand some, but have some questions. @@ =! donot understand, 6.1 Vocabulary | can talk about sport and | can use the Past Simple to describe events in the past. 65 ©@ ee I can find specific details in conversations about sport. 6.2 Grammar 6.3 Listening oo ® 68 6.4 Reading I can understand the structure of ate oo @ 8® 6.5 Grammar Ian make questions and negatiyes in the Past Simple. ©8 (©) © 66 I cen ask for and give advice about g healthy lifestyle. 8 ©) ® ee can write 2 simple description of a sports event. eo 8 8B 6.6 Speaking 6.7 Writing 2 What can you remember from this unit? New words [Expressions | English | heard Iearned and phrases or read outside (the words you |I liked class most want to | (any expressions |(e.g. from remember from |or phrases you | websites, books, this uni think sound nice,| advers, films, useful or funny) | music) drscorer hove @ dladig luadache | "3 Ib a bungie sort | IP tebe maar mou @ | artadyg nekovirs. deme in lag 719

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