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Franco – good day everyone and welcome to the talk show, I am Gerald Franco and I will be your host
for today. I hope you will enjoy this talk show of atomic theory were going to do some interviews now,
starting off with Democritus, how are you?

Okabe – I’m fine thank you

Franco – are you ready for some burning question?

Okabe – yes I am

Franco – how old are you Democritus?

Okabe – I’m 90 years old, I was born in 460 BC

Franco – wow, where are you from Democritus?

Okabe – I’m from Greece, I have lifted my whole life there.

Franco – can you tell us a bit about your research of the atom

Okabe – yes, it's around 400 BC I brought forth my theory that you cannot divide matter with an infinite
number of times as some point you will cease to divide better. I think that atoms are
hard particles, they're always moving made of different shapes and sizes and they formed different
substance when they joined together.

Franco - those are some interesting theories, how can you remember them all?

Okabe – and so that you did ask, so do you what lego’s are?

Franco – da, of course I love legos

Okabe – ok, good thinking this think of it this way I have a huge Lincoln building and I start taking part
piece by piece soon there's only one lego I can't make it apart anymore this is what you should
remember about matter there is a certain point that you cannot break it apart anymore just like they

Franco - I think I'm getting it now you are a destroyer of Lego buildings that took a lot of work

Okabe – no no, that’s not what I meant

Franco – yes, I know I’m just kidding, anyway we have more time for one more question, can you tell us
about yourself? Something interesting?

Okabe – well some people call me the “laughing philosopher” because I am passionate about my work

Franco – wow, me too thank you for coming Democritus now we’re gonna take a short break so see you
Franco – Hi were back and the second on our list is niels bohr, how are you niels?

Ferran – pretty good thanks

Franco – are you ready for some burning questions?

Ferran – yes I am

Franco – when were you born?

Ferran – I was born in Copenhagen Denmark in 1885 and that is where I stayed my whole life

Franco – what was your contribution to atomic theory?

Ferran - in 1913 I proposed that electrons move around the nucleus in a certain path and at a certain
distance for electrons are not necessarily tide to one level they can jump to different levels.

Franco - woah man I think you just brought me up a little, so how did you come about with this

Ferran - my mathematically equations and theories help me conclude this conclusion

Franco - what is a way for people to remember your discovery

Ferran – glad you asked you can think of it like rungs of the ladder the further up you are on the ladder
the more potential energy you have, the thirds are down the less you must be on a step in the letter not
in between similarly electrons must occupy a certain level in the electron cloud.

Franco - good stuff so the next topic might be rough and feel free to not answer if it's too difficult to talk

Ferran – ok, bring it on

Franco - so you were working during a very tough time in a tough place could you tell me a bit about

Ferran – yes, in 1914 the Nazis invaded Denmark and I was a prime target for either kidnapping or being
killed because of my work and how I spent my time I help scholars many of whom were Jewish the Nazis
wish to use me to build and develop atomic bombs in 1943 me and my family escaped to
England and shortly after New Mexico and that is where we stayed.

Franco – that is most impressive, thank you for coming today

Ferran – it was my pleasure

Franco – okay folks, were having a short break so see you later
Franco – okay were back again, today were going to interview JJ Thompson, how are you?

Lacsi – im fine thank you

Franco- okay JJ when and where were you born?

Lacsi – I was born in Manchester in the UK December 18 th 1856

Franco – what did you help about the atom

Lacsi – on april 30th 1897 I discovered that an atom is made up for electrons.

Franco – quite a contribution, how did you come up with this discovery

Lacsi - I used to get food grade tube which uses electron beams making electrical science signal visible to
the art

Franco - can you tell us something about yourself that others might not know?

Lacsi - in 1908 I was knighted by King Edward the 7 th

Franco – oh my goodness, my apologies sir JJ Thompson

Lacsi – oh its quite alright, I prefer just JJ

Franco – and the last burning question, how can we remember what you just taught us

Lacsi - which is easy as pie or putting in this case given Adam like from putting disciplines dispersed
throughout the pudding or electrons throughout the atom.

Franco – thank you JJ Thompson, lets take a short break and come back for more!!

Franco – and we are back, now we have john Dalton, ok how are you?

Okabe – im fine thank you

Franco – ok, first burning question, when and where were you born?

Okabe – I was born 1766 in eagles field UK

Franco – what were your contributions in atomic theory?

Okabe – in 1803 I said that all things are made up of atoms and atom is something that cannot be
created, divided or destroyed the different kinds of atoms that make up different types of elements
when atoms combine they form other substances

franco – wow, how on earth you remember that?

Okabe - you can think of it like a billiard pool or pool ball like billiard balls I don't hog impenetrable
moving forces using hooks item and traded how also the pool balls conjoined together forming
something different.

franco – and what experiments brought you to this discovery

Okabe - order my experiment is too easy that listeners can do it, in the comfort of their suits are actually
happen to be working out then waiting till you're off the treadmill. to do this one first grab pub in Flint
with water and then put a part of facing downward into the water the water around the border will rise
because the border takes up space and does not feel the water it is filled with hydrogen this experiment
can tell it person that amount of pressure in it to in depth of water.

franco - finally what is an accomplishment that you are proud of

Okabe - many people know me from my efforts on atomic theory however I am most proud of my
research on red green color blindness I am one of the first people to say that color blindness is
hereditary it also encourage deeper in research into the matter because both my brothers and I are
affected by the disorder.

franco – thank you for coming in john and that’s all for today everyone. Have a nice day!

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