A. Write Your Answers Below.: Official Assignment 2

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Course : Level 1 Name : Rizal Fahrurozi

Progress Test : Official Assignment 2 Student Number : 20200210050
Total Score : Department : Agroteknologi A
Date of Test : 15 Januari Faculty : Pertanian
Time Allocation : 90 minutes Lecturer :
Skill (s) : Reading Signature :

A. Write your answers below.

1 populer
2 customers
3 authentic
4 convenient
5 shipping
6 products
7 safe
8 pay
9 transaction
10 benefits

B. Write your answers below.

1 professional career

2 high responsibility

3 meet new people

4 the more experience
5 opportunities
6 quiet and low stress
7 conducive
8 pretty solitary
9 skills
10 social environment

Official Assignment 2_Gasal ( 2020/2021) Page 1

A. Write your answers below.

1 this
2 many
3 any
4 these
5 that
6 some
7 ones
8 much
9 any
10 those

B. Write your composition below.

There is a woman named Julie, she lives in South Jakarta. On this day Julie was very happy to hear someone's
conversation that there was a 50% discount at the pedia store. When she heard that, Julie then immediately opened the
pedia store application on her cellphone, then Julia immediately looked for the item she wanted. He wants to buy a bag,
there are three kinds of bag choices, namely a blue colored bag for IDR 88,000, a brown one for IDR 137,000, and a
pink one for IDR 279,900. Julie is still confused about which one to choose. One hour later Julie chose a pink bag for
IDR 279,900. The bag was chosen because of its very good quality and Julie's favorite color is pink. The payment has
been made by Julie. Julie just waited for the bag to arrive at her house. Then the bag arrived at Julie's house three days
later, which was escorted by a postal officer. The bag arrived safely without any damage or fraud.

Official Assignment 2_Gasal ( 2020/2021) Page 2

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