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Cruz, Rhea Anne A.

BSN – 13 A Group 2

“Community Leadership

is all about the welfare of the people they represent.”

What are the considerations that need to be kept in mind when selecting a leader

within the community and the place of gathering to discuss community problems

in the community? Discuss.

A community leader is a title bestowed by the people on a person or a group

considered to be a representative of a community. A leader who strives to keep their

people united in order to achieve a common goal in their community, which is why when

selecting a community leader, careful considerations must always be kept in mind as

they are regarded as an influencer as well as a do-er who works for the welfare of

people by solving problems and raising awareness.

A first and foremost quality that makes for a great quality community leader is

that they are self-aware. As a community health nurse, it must be ensured that I will

elect those who have a deep understanding of the community they serve. Those who

understand that before they can lead others, they must first understand their own

capabilities. Because most leaders in our society are only good at making claims,

claims that make people hope for a change only to be met with criticism and

disappointment. Also, it’s important consideration for the community to have a leader

with empathy who understands every circumstance and think effectively in order to
respond. It’s also great to have a leader who has the ability to empower and inspire its

people. In times of difficulties, we need a leader that lift up our faith to transcend every

capability to possibilities. A leader who's approachable and knowledgeable to link ideas

for the community to grow and propel and develop creative interest towards community

goal and improvement.

In order to create community, whether in a rural area, a small town, or a large

city, it’s often necessary to bring people together so that they can get to know one

another. In this regard, community interaction is important.

However, there are also considerations to be kept in mind when choosing a

place. First, it must be ensured that the place where the community members will gather

and meet to discuss community problems in the community is agreeable to all of the

residents of that community. A place that is large enough to accommodate a large

number of people while also being comfortable for the meetings that will be held. A

place to which the majority of people have easy access. A place where people can

come and express their concerns without fear of repercussions.

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