Research On Another Employee Training Program.: I. Assignment #5

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1. Research on another employee training program.

 Etsy focuses on using a well-rounded approach to employee training and development. The offerings
combine proven methodologies, including organizational psychology, adult learning theory, and
sociology. Along with traditional learning opportunities, employees have access to coaching and retreats
as well as online resources.
 At Etsy, employees aren’t just learners, but teachers as well. Through “Etsy School,” participants can
learn about a variety of topics, including options focused on hard and soft skill development. Along the
way, those who teach also enhance critical skills, including organization, leadership, and perseverance.
 Additionally, the Etsy L&D team makes choosing a path easier. They work with employees to identify
options that can take their career in their desired direction, paving pathways for growth and advancement.


2. Create core competencies and skills that you will look for a candidate based on a position in your

Core Competencies and Skills

a) Behavioral Traits
 adaptable - applies information to new conditions
 detail situated - checks significant subtleties, guarantees there are no curve balls or holes
in required data
 even personality - controls feelings without fighting back against adverse conduct
 flexibility - adjusts to changes while staying zeroed in on objectives
 initiative - stays proactive while proposing enhancements and tackling issues
 innovative - looks for novel approaches to improve and develop; open to attempting new
 multitasking - happy with shuffling various tasks and needs
 persistent - oversees activities to culmination, driving forward in any event, when
confronted with boundaries or hindrances

b) People and Communication Skills

 collaboration - works with and through others to accomplish shared objectives and
wanted outcome
 conflict resolution - attempts to determine contrasts and keep up work connections
 effective listening - assembles understanding through tuning in to what others need to
state and reacting properly
 facilitative communication - utilizes language adequately to accumulate data and
encourage a trade of thoughts
 interpersonal relations - shows regard and comprehension of others to keep up
proficient connections
 persuasive communication - shows verbal and composed correspondence that impacts
 verbal communication - talks with clearness, exactness and reason in little and huge
 writing skills - has phenomenal composition and language abilities, including the
capacity to compose briefly, obviously and sensibly

c) Thinking Style
 analytical thinking - applies logic to solve problems and get the job done
 creative thinking - looks outside the box, develops new strategies
 decision making - makes decisions and takes responsibility for them
 forward thinking - looks beyond immediate tasks to consider long-term impact; always
considering what comes next
 high achiever - seeks to regularly surpass sales or performance goal
 problem solving - solves problems while ensuring rules and directives are followed
 results driven - achieves goals in a timely manner while providing excellent client
 supportive - seeks ways to support team efforts while contributing to overall
organizational success

d) Job-Specific Skills.
 client service - responds to clients and proactively anticipates their needs
 corporate training - implements professional development and training
 diplomacy - balances the needs and interests of multiple stakeholder groups to seek win-
win solutions
 evaluation skills - evaluates data and results according to accepted methodologies
 financial analysis - expertly uses formulas and financial tools to evaluate and improve
 management skills - possesses financial and people management skills, as well as the
management of information
 project management - brings together every component of a project, including resources
or planning, that are needed to complete it in a timely manner
 prospecting - diligently seeks to identify prospective customers through cold calling,
networking and other appropriate sales techniques
 risk management and assessment - evaluates and minimizes risks to the company and
its employees

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