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January 13, 2011

Dr. Indira V. Samarasekera

University of Alberta
3-1 University Hall
Edmonton, Alberta
T6G 2J9

Dear Dr. Samarasekera:

Re: CAUT Ad Hoc Investigatory Committee

Over the past six months, the Canadian Association of University Teachers has become aware of
serious concerns with respect to the administration of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry at
the University of Alberta. On two occasions, we have met with members of the academic staff of
the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry and with representatives of the AAS:UA to determine
whether there seemed to be prima facie legitimacy for the concerns being voiced and whether
there was a reasonable likelihood that the concerns would be resolved in the normal course of
affairs. The concerns seem serious and most, by their nature, seem not likely to be resolved in the
present circumstances. In order to determine the exact nature and seriousness of the situation
and, if serious, to recommend solutions, CAUT has appointed a three-person ad hoc
investigatory committee, under CAUT Procedures in Academic Freedom Cases which you will
find attached.

Members of the Committee are:

Dr. Keith Brownell, Professor, Departments of Clinical Neurosciences and Medicine,

Faculty of Medicine, The University of Calgary

Dr. Myron Frankman, Associate Professor (retired), Department of Economics, McGill


Dr. Robin Whyte, Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Dalhousie



The Committee is being asked to investigate allegations of:

 Pressure on tenure track clinical faculty to leave tenure track positions contrary to
the collective agreement;
 Introduction of new standards of evaluation not properly authorized and that
change the understanding of requirements at the time of hiring;
 Pressure from the administration on clinical faculty to accept the new standards
for promotion and tenure.
 Disparagement of those whose research deliverables are 30% or less
 Disrespect for the traditional system of collegial governance
 Creation of a climate of uncertainty, mistrust and fear;
 Questionable practices regarding the appointment to administrative positions

The Committee will report its findings on each of these allegations and on any other related
matters that arise in its investigation. It will also make recommendations as it feels appropriate.

The Committee will be contacting University senior administration, senior administration and
academic staff in the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, the AAS:UA and others, as it deems
appropriate, in the near future. The committee will be requesting meetings with the various
parties in order to get a full and fair understanding of the situation.

I hope you will encourage full cooperation with the work of the committee. Should you or your
officials have any questions, I would be more than pleased to answer them.

Yours sincerely,

James L. Turk
Executive Director

cc: Dr. Carl Amrhein, Provost and Vice-President (Academic)

Dr. Philip Baker, Dean of Medicine
Dr. Don Heth, President, AAS:UA
Ms. Brygeda Renke, Executive Director, AAS:UA
Dr. Penni Stewart, President, CAUT
Dr. Victor M. Catano, Chair, CAUT Academic Freedom & Tenure Committee
Dr. Keith Brownell
Dr. Myron Frankman
Dr. Robin Whyte


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