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Statistical Results

1. What are the challenges the students are facing in conducting research?

Table 1

The table below shows the percentage of the particular themes:

The challenges the No. of interviewees who Percentage of

students are facing in cited the challenges interviewees who cited

conducting research the challenges

Searching and Finding 6 60%

Finding respondents 2 20%
Writing of Chapter 1 1 10%
No difficulty 1 10%
Stress and Depression 5 50%
Time Conflict 3 30%
Lost of self-confidence 2 20%

and interest in research

2. What are the student’s perceptions towards research and its effect to them?

Table 2

The table below shows the percentage of the particular themes:

Students perceptions towards No. of interviewees Percentage of

research and its effect who cited the answer interviewees who

cited the answer

Positive Effects
2 22%
 Gained new knowledge and
information 1 11%
1 11%
 Learn time management 1 11%
 Being responsible
 Good impact to society
Negative Effects
2 22%
 Stressed and sleepless
nights 2 22%
 Can't pay attention to other
Learned Moral Lessons
4 44%
 Time management
4 44%
 Determination 1 11%

 Teamwork and Leadership

3. How do the students perceive the importance of Practical Research?

Table 3

The table below shows the percentage of the particular themes:

Importance of Practical No. of interviewees who Percentage of

Research to the Students cited the answer interviewees who cited

the answer
More knowledge and 5 55%

Contributes to our society 2 22%
Preparation for thesis 1 11%
Generating and Sharing 1 11%

Time management 3 33%
Determination 1 11%
Teamwork 2 22%
Skills and learning 3 33%

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