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Ventilatory strategies for patients with acute brain injury

Neil Younga, Jonathan K.J. Rhodesa, Luciana Masciab and Peter J.D. Andrewsa
Department of Anaesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Purpose of review
Medicine, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK and
Dipartimento di Anestesiologia e Rianimazione,
The ventilation of patients with acute brain injuries can present significant challenges.
Università di Torino, Ospedale S. Giovanni Battista, Frequently, guidelines recommending management strategies for patients with
Torino, Italy
traumatic brain injuries come into conflict with what is now considered best ventilatory
Correspondence to Professor Peter J.D. Andrews, practice. In this review, we will explore many of these areas of conflict.
Western General Hospital, Crewe Road South,
Edinburgh EH4 2XU, UK Recent findings
Tel: +44 131 5371666; fax: +44 131 5371021; The use of ventilatory strategies to control partial pressure of carbon dioxide in patients
with traumatic brain injury is associated with the development of acute lung injury.
Current Opinion in Critical Care 2010, Analysis of the International Mission for Prognosis And Clinical Trial (IMPACT) database
has confirmed the association between hypoxia and poor neurological outcome.
Although a recent meta-analysis has suggested a survival benefit for steroids in acute
lung injury, the use of steroids has been associated with a worsening of outcome in
patients with traumatic brain injuries and their effects on the brain have not been fully
There are unlikely to be randomized controlled trials advising how best to ventilate
patients with acute brain injuries because of the heterogeneous nature of such injuries.
Hypoxia should be avoided. The more widespread use of multimodal brain monitoring,
including brain tissue oxygen and cerebral blood flow monitoring, may allow clinicians to
tolerate a higher arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide than has been traditional,
allowing a less injurious ventilatory strategy. Modest positive end-expiratory pressure
can be used. In severe respiratory failure, most ‘rescue’ strategies have been attempted
in patients with acute brain injuries. Choice of rescue therapy at present is best decided
on a case-by-case basis in conjunction with local expertise.

acute brain injury, acute lung injury, acute respiratory distress syndrome, traumatic
brain injury

Curr Opin Crit Care 16:45–52

ß 2010 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

monary contusions, neurogenic pulmonary oedema and

Introduction developing an acute lung injury (ALI) can often be in
In the absence of a pharmaceutical agent with proven conflict with lung protective ventilatory strategies that
neuroresuscitative efficacy, the central goal in the man- are now considered best practice for mechanical venti-
agement of a patient with traumatic brain injury (TBI) lation in the critically ill.
becomes the prevention of hypoxic secondary insults
through the maintenance of an adequate cerebral per- Maintenance of adequate CPP (>60 mmHg), jugular
fusion pressure (CPP) and cerebral oxygen delivery. A bulb saturations (>50%) or brain tissue oxygen tension
number of evidence-based recommendations have been (>15 mmHg), in order to optimize cerebral oxygen deliv-
published by the Brain Trauma Foundation [1], which ery, frequently requires support of arterial blood pressure
include the treatment and prevention of hypoxic hypoxia, (BP). However, in patients with TBI, such support with
maintenance of CPP above 60 mmHg and avoidance of crystalloid loading and vasopressors is associated with an
intracranial pressure (ICP) above 20 mmHg wherever increased incidence of the acute respiratory distress syn-
possible. Standard practice is tracheal intubation and drome (ARDS) [2,3]. It is again clear that a conflict exists
mechanical ventilation of all coma-inducing head inju- between maintaining cerebral oxygenation and lung
ries, and of many patients with TBI who cannot obey protection.
commands. The achievement of good oxygenation and
low normal PaCO significantly contributes to ICP control, In this review, we will explore what we consider standard
and these are considered ‘first-stage’ therapies. However, best practice in the ventilatory management of patients
achieving these goals in a patient with aspiration, pul- with TBI, concentrating on those areas in which a conflict
1070-5295 ß 2010 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins DOI:10.1097/MCC.0b013e32833546fa

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46 Respiratory system

exists. We will also explore the evidence for techniques, (6 ml/kg) than was traditional. The patients in the low
which at present are used for ‘rescue’ in ARDS, with tidal volume group had a higher mean PaCO (44 mmHg at
regard to patients with TBI. Owing to the heterogeneity day 7) than those in the traditional group (40 mmHg at
of patients with TBI and ALI/ARDS, it is very unlikely day 7). Grubb et al. [14] demonstrated that cerebral blood
that double-blind randomized control trials will be volume is linearly related to PaCO . In patients with TBI,
possible that can conclusively demonstrate how best to who have low intracranial compliance, it is standard
manage ARDS in patients with TBI. Clinicians will have practice to ventilate to low normocapnia (e.g. 31–
to base care decisions on expert opinion, experience and 34 mmHg). If ICP control is not achieved then hyper-
the best compromise we can achieve. ventilation to a PaCO below 31 mmHg may be instituted.
This reduction in PaCO will cause cerebral vasoconstric-
tion, reducing cerebral blood volume and ICP. This may
Ventilatory goals have a deleterious effect on cerebral blood flow (CBF)
In this section of the review, we will discuss what we and should not be instituted without monitoring of the
consider to be best practice in terms of oxygenation goals, jugular venous bulb oxygen saturation, partial pressure of
and targets for the arterial partial pressure of carbon brain tissue oxygen or CBF. Although most patients
dioxide in the patient with TBI and an emerging ALI. with TBI will be managed with a PaCO in the low normal
We will also discuss what we consider to be best use of range rather than hyperventilation, even this may be a
positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) in the brain- challenge in the patient with ALI or ARDS. When ARDS
injured patient. and severe TBI coexist, a balance will have to be struck
between CO2 control and lung protection on a case-
Oxygenation by-case basis. Multimodal brain monitoring such as
Hypoxaemia has long been identified as a significant the parenchymal oxygen electrode or microdialysis
secondary insult following TBI, associated with poor may allow clinicians to tolerate a higher PaCO than has
outcome [4–6]. This has been confirmed more recently been traditional if cerebral metabolism appears to remain
by the analysis of the IMPACT study database, a merged intact. Alternatively rescue therapies for improving both
cohort of more than 9000 patients with TBI recruited to gas exchange and intracranial compliance may have to be
randomized controlled trials and series dating back to the considered at a relatively early stage.
1980s [7]. Arterial hypoxaemia will result in a double
effect: as well as decreased cerebral oxygen delivery, Aside from the difficulties of controlling PaCO with lung
cerebral vasodilatation will occur, resulting in an increase protective ventilation, it should be noted that high tidal
in ICP and reduction in CPP. Although the inflection volume ventilation in patients with TBI has been associ-
point for cerebral vasodilatation is classically taught as ated with the development of ARDS [15]. What this
50 mmHg, these data are based on animal research. A observation cannot tell us is whether patients receiving
transcranial Doppler study [8] in healthy human volun- high tidal volumes to achieve PaCO control develop
teers found the inflection point to be 58 mmHg or an S pO ARDS as a consequence of this strategy, or whether they
of 90%. Cognitive impairment following ARDS has been required higher tidal volumes to control their PaCO2
shown to correlate with worsening hypoxia [9]. The because they were already developing an ALI.
ARDSnet ventilation protocol [10] suggests a target
PaO of 55–80 mmHg or S pO of 88–95%. The Brain Positive end-expiratory pressure
2 2
Trauma Foundation guidelines [1] recommend avoid- The use of PEEP has been considered controversial in
ance of hypoxia (PaO < 60 mmHg), Addenbrooke’s the management of patients with TBI. A raised mean
neurocritical care unit protocol [11] recommends a intrathoracic pressure might reduce cerebral venous
PaO more than 11 kPa (82.5 mmHg) and the UK Transfer return and so increase ICP. However, McGuire et al.
guidelines [12] for patients with TBI recommend a PaO [16] found that provided the PEEP was less than the
more than 13 kPa (97.5 mmHg). We would recommend ICP then the associated rise in intrathoracic pressure did
that normoxia should be maintained wherever possible in not result in an increase in ICP. Observational studies in
patients with TBI, and hypoxia be avoided at all costs. patients with acute stroke [17] and subarachnoid haemor-
The ARDSnet target PaO2 of 55–80 mmHg would rhage [18] have found that higher levels of PEEP were
seem to be too low to be safely applied to patients associated with a decrease in CPP, and when autoregula-
with TBI. tion was impaired, a decrease in CBF. However, the
reduction in CPP occurred with the PEEP-dependent
Tidal volume and PaCO
decrease in mean arterial BP (MAP) rather than an
In 2000, the ARDSnet trial [13] found a decreased increase in ICP. When the MAP was restored, the
mortality and increased number of days without venti- CPP and CBF returned to baseline [18]. Thus, like
lator use in patients with ALI or ARDS, who were the study by McGuire et al. [16], ICP was not affected
mechanically ventilated with a lower tidal volume in a clinically important manner by the application of

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Ventilatory strategies for acute brain injury Young et al. 47

increased PEEP [17,18]. Furthermore, following TBI, patients with septic shock and ARDS [26]. However, an
Huynh et al. [19] found that increasing PEEP from 0–5 to ARDSnet randomized control trial [27] in 2006 was less
11–15 cmH2O resulted in a decrease in ICP and an supportive of the use of steroids to treat persistent ARDS.
increase in CPP. It has also been postulated that by There was no overall change in mortality in patients
increasing venous pressure it might be possible to re- receiving methylprednisolone for ARDS, although a tre-
recruit collapsed cerebrovasculature; however, at present, nd towards decreased mortality in those patients who had
this is conjecture and has not been studied clinically or in steroid commenced on days 7–13, contrasting with those
the laboratory [20]. commencing steroid from day 14 onwards, when there
was a significant increase in mortality. However, over the
Mascia et al. [21] found that when increased PEEP was 7 years of this study, low tidal volume ventilation was
applied to brain-injured patients with ALI, there was a introduced which by modulating the inflammatory
difference in the effects on ICP, depending on whether response in the lung may have confounded the outcome
the application of PEEP caused alveolar hyperinflation or of this study by reducing the potential for benefit in the
alveolar recruitment. If PEEP induces alveolar recruit- steroid treated group. Meta-analyses of corticosteroids
ment, we may expect a reduction in PaCO , with a in the treatment of ARDS have produced conflicting
decrease in ICP. In those patients in whom alveolar results, with the most recent meta-analysis finding a
hyperinflation occurred, there was an increase in PaCO , survival benefit [28], in contrast to previous meta-
with a concurrent increase in ICP. In contrast, in those analyses [29,30] that did not find a benefit in terms
patients in whom alveolar recruitment occurred, while of long-term survival. Although much expert opinion
the predominant effect was an improvement in oxygen- remains in their favour [31,32], the use of corticosteroids
ation, there was a decrease in PaCO due to reduction in for ARDS is not likely to be adopted by all critical care
dead space and no significant change in ICP occurred. physicians until an adequately powered randomized trial
is conducted.
Uncertainty as to the optimal level of PEEP for the
management of ARDS is long standing. An ARDSnet For patients with TBI, there has been a similar long
study [22] in 2004 found no benefit of an increased PEEP interest in the use of steroids to modulate the disease
strategy when compared with the standard ARDSnet process. As anti-inflammatory agents, they offer the
ventilation protocol [10]. Therefore, at present, it seems potential to modulate early inflammatory events occur-
that the use of PEEP to treat ARDS may be appropriate ring after central nervous system injury [33], and early
in the patient with TBI, provided that MAP is maintained administration in models of brain trauma has shown some
and close attention given to ICP and CPP as changes are benefit in the experimental setting [34,35]. However, in
made. In the absence of evidence for increasing PEEP clinical practice, benefit has not been demonstrated. The
above the levels used in the ARDSnet study, it would also corticosteroid randomization after significant head injury
seem wise to recommend that the minimum PEEP trial [36] studied over 10 000 patients with TBI and was
necessary for an individual patient should be determined. the largest trial of steroid use in TBI to date. Rather than
a benefit, it found an excess of mortality in those patients
treated with methylprednisolone. The treatment regime
Adjuvant therapies and rescue strategies with methylprednisolone was based on that used in
We will now discuss the options for adjuvant therapies studies of spinal cord trauma [37,38], which demonstrated
and rescue strategies for the patient with TBI and an ALI. benefit by subgroup analysis and multiple comparisons of
There is little in terms of evidence from randomized secondary endpoints. Doubt has, therefore, been cast on
control trials as to how these strategies are best applied to the validity of these results [39]. Furthermore, the dose of
patients with TBI. steroid approximated to 10 g/patient/day, which is orders
of magnitude greater than that used in ARDS treatment
Steroids paradigms. The actions of steroids on the brain are very
The use of steroids in ARDS remains controversial and is specific. Certain populations of neurones can be harmed
by no means universal. In 1998, Meduri et al. [23] pub- by elevated steroid levels [40], potentially protective
lished a report describing a large reduction in mortality neurotrophic factors may be reduced [41] and the vulner-
when methylprednisolone was used to treat unresolving ability of neurones to concurrent insults such as hypoxia
ARDS. More recently, the same group [24] reported that increased [42]. Furthermore, the inhibitory effect of
the early use of steroid was associated with significant steroids on inflammatory mediator expression may not
improvement in lung function and decreased ICU be universal [43]. Finally, the timing of this inhibition
mortality. In a post-hoc analysis of data from Annane may also be crucial as, for example, the acute antagonism
et al.’s [25] study of the use of steroids to treat septic of tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNFa) following experi-
shock, it was suggested that the reduction in mortality mental TBI can reduce the injury severity [44], but
with steroid treatment was actually in the subgroup of in animals chronically deficient in TNF, there is less

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48 Respiratory system

recovery of function over weeks following injury [45]. improved. These findings are supported by a meta-
This would imply a dual role for TNFa, not only acute analysis [54]. Recent work [55] has demonstrated anti-
expression being harmful but also a possible role in inflammatory effects of inhaled nitric oxide beyond the
resolution of inflammation or repair. These observations respiratory system, and it has been hypothesized that
made in experimental animals have not been completely inhaled nitric oxide may be of benefit when TBI and
verified in the clinical setting. It is, therefore, unlikely ARDS coexist. However, like the duplicity of TNFa
that sufficient understandings of the optimal timing, function after TBI, the role of nitric oxide after cerebral
dose, duration or therapeutic endpoints of steroid treat- injury appears to be complex. Acutely, nitric oxide
ment are known. It is, therefore, reasonable that as the released from infiltrating leucocytes or the activation of
Brain Trauma Foundation [1] surmised: ‘there is little inducible nitric oxide synthase has been regarded as
enthusiasm for re-examining the use of existing formu- important secondary injury mechanisms, contributing,
lations of steroids for treatment of patients with TBI’. At for example, to the accumulation of free radicals. Later
present, when the evidence for steroid use in ARDS nitric oxide appears to be protective and has been associ-
remains controversial, they have been associated with ated with reduced neuronal loss and improved cognitive
increased mortality in TBI, and pharmacological under- functioning. This may be due to improving CBF [56].
standing is incomplete, it would seem prudent to avoid
steroid use in patients with TBI when possible. High-frequency ventilation
High-frequency ventilation utilizes very high respiratory
Prone positioning rates in combination with tidal volumes, which are below
Prone ventilation is known to improve the PaO2 /FiO ratio that of the anatomical dead space. It has been postulated
[46] in ARDS but not to improve mortality, although a that this may reduce ventilator-associated lung injury and
recent study [47] that proned patients for a more pro- barotrauma in patients with ARDS. High-frequency
longed period (mean of 17 h for 10 days) demonstrated a ventilation has been shown to improve oxygenation in
nonstatistically significant decrease in mortality from 58 adult patients with ARDS [57,58], but the use of this
to 43%. It may be that future larger studies demonstrate a modality in adults is still relatively new. There is more
survival benefit. Despite the unproven survival benefit, than 20 years of experience of high-frequency ventilation
few critical care physicians would allow a patient with in neonatal and paediatric intensive care. Early trials of
ARDS to die of hypoxaemia without attempting a trial of high-frequency ventilation in adults utilized settings
prone ventilation. which were tried and tested in children; it seems that,
at present, we are still in a position of finding the optimal
In the patient with TBI, there are concerns over effects of ‘dose’ for high-frequency ventilation in adults [59,60].
prone position on ICP, and practicalities, such as risk of Until a randomized controlled trial compares high-fre-
displacement of ICP bolt, intracranial drains and diffi- quency ventilation with conventional low-volume venti-
culty of EEG monitoring to consider. Thelandersson et al. lation, as used in the ARDSnet trials, high-frequency
[48] showed no adverse effect on ICP of prone position- ventilation will remain a rescue strategy.
ing in neuro-ICU patients in contrast to Beuret et al. [49]
who found that prone positioning caused a significant Although experience with high-frequency ventilation in
increase in ICP. In both groups, there was an improve- TBI is limited, retrospective studies [61,62] to date have
ment in respiratory mechanics with prone positioning. found an improvement in oxygenation, without unma-
There is no clear evidence to aid the physician when nageable changes in ICP. One retrospective study [63],
deciding whether or not to prone a patient when ARDS which looked at high-frequency percussive ventilation,
and TBI coexist. It does not seem unreasonable to found a decrease in ICP when this was instituted,
attempt prone ventilation in patients with severe ARDS possibly as a result of improved gas exchange. Although
and TBI when hypoxaemia is a concern. The effects of the numbers studied to date are small, it would seem that
this intervention on ICP should then be observed in real high-frequency ventilation should be considered as a
time, with additional treatments for raised ICP or alterna- rescue strategy in patients with TBI and ARDS. High-
tive ventilatory strategies sought if ICP control becomes frequency ventilation has been shown to decrease cardiac
problematic. Increasing local pressure may compromise output and increase central venous pressure [58], and a
the vulnerable pericontusional perumbra, we would not concurrent increase in ICP or decrease in MAP or CPP
advocate this strategy in patients with significant frontal would have to be closely monitored and rectified as
injuries. necessary. PaCO2 should be frequently or continuously
monitored at the institution of high-frequency venti-
Nitric oxide lation. As end-tidal CO2 measurement is not compatible
In numerous studies [50–53], nitric oxide has been shown with high-frequency ventilation modes, transcutaneous
to improve oxygenation, but there have never been any CO2 measurement might have a useful role in the min-
convincing data that patient outcome and mortality are ute-to-minute monitoring of CO2 trends [64].

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Ventilatory strategies for acute brain injury Young et al. 49

Arteriovenous extracorporeal membrane CO2 removal ECMO is likely to remain a rescue strategy, used in the
Using arteriovenous extracorporeal membrane CO2 direst of clinical situations by those experienced in its use.
removal (AV-ECCO2R) has the attraction in the treat-
ment of ARDS of allowing CO2 removal without having Hypothermia
to increase the minute volume. This would allow a given Hypothermia has an inherent appeal in both the manage-
CO2 level to be reached with a less injurious ventilatory ment of TBI and ARDS: being able to reduce oxygen
strategy. Evidence from randomized controlled trials is consumption with a parallel decrease in CO2 production
lacking. The largest case series published to date [65], of should allow brain oxygen delivery and PaCO targets to
90 patients, demonstrated improvement in oxygenation be met with a less injurious ventilatory strategy. There is
and reduction in PaCO , allowing less aggressive venti- some evidence that mild hypothermia can inhibit the
lation, with the use of AV-ECCO2R. There has been a adhesion, activation and accumulation of neutrophils
small case series [66] published describing the use of AV- during the acute phase of acid-induced lung injury in
ECCO2R in five patients with TBI. In all patients, PaO / rats [71]. It could, therefore, be hypothesized that mild
FiO ratios improved and PaCO decreased; in some, there hypothermia may have the potential to reduce inflam-
2 2
was a concurrent decrease in ICP. The authors reported mation in ARDS. A very small study [72], of 19 patients,
no bleeding complications, although one patient devel- demonstrated improved survival in patients with ARDS
oped an ischaemic leg after removal of the arterial canula, treated with hypothermia.
which resolved with stenting. At present, great caution is
advised if considering embarking upon AV-ECCO2R in a The largest prospective randomized control trial [73]
patient with TBI; while the doses of anticoagulant are published to date in 2001 found no improvement in
lower than would be used for extracorporeal membrane outcome or mortality in patients with TBI treated with
oxygenation (ECMO), for example, 200–600 IU heparin therapeutic hypothermia. A large number of studies
per hour to achieve activated partial thromboplastin time have been conducted and several meta-analyses [74–
of 50–60 s, this is not insignificant. Concern must be 77] published, which demonstrate improved outcomes
expressed regarding the risk of intracranial bleeding. In or reduced mortality when hypothermia is used. How-
the case series of patients with TBI, the authors used a ever, when studies [75,76] are selected on the basis of
lower dose of heparin (100–300 IU/h) to achieve an methodological quality, such as baseline compatibility or
activated clotting time (ACT) of 130–150 s [66]. This allocation concealment, these benefits are lost. It may be
system can be run without additional heparin, as the that mortality benefit requires cooling for more than 48 h
components are heparin bonded, although the CO2 [74,77,78]. Furthermore, hypothermia is not without its
exchanger will need to be replaced more frequently concerns, particularly, those of the increased risk of sepsis
(personal communication, Inspiration-Healthcare for or cardiovascular instability. Therefore, seeking evidence
Novalung). An alternative, pumped, veno-veno system of efficacy is justified. Hopefully the ongoing North
is in development, although heparin is still required [67]. American Brain Injury Study: Hypothermia IIR [79]
and the Eurotherm3235 trial [80] will go some way
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation towards establishing the role of hypothermia in TBI,
The first international presentation of the results of the and perhaps ARDS.
Conventional ventilation or ECMO for Severe Adult
Respiratory failure trial occurred in February 2008 [68]. Surgical options to improve intracranial compliance
Fifty-seven of 90 patients in the ECMO group met the These include evacuation of haematoma, contusionect-
primary endpoint of survival and absence of severe dis- omy and decompressive craniectomy. When ICP cannot
ability at 6 months as compared with 41 of 87 evaluable be controlled through medical management or when
patients in the conventional ventilation group, giving a medical management might aggravate iatrogenic compli-
relative risk in favour of the ECMO group of 0.69 (95% cations, such as ARDS, surgical options should be con-
confidence interval 0.05–0.97). However, it is of note that sidered. A recent pooled analysis [81] of decompressive
22 patients in the ECMO group did not receive ECMO craniectomy in patients with malignant middle cerebral
because they improved without it, and that it took 5 years artery infarction has shown promising results in decreasing
to recruit 180 patients. There are case reports of ECMO mortality and poor functional outcome. There are cur-
being used in patients with TBI who have undergone rently two randomized trials [82,83] assessing the efficacy
concurrent [69] and recent [70] craniotomy, with sub- of decompressive craniectomy after TBI, which will hope-
sequent good neurological outcome. In the latter of these fully help further define the indications for this operation.
case reports, the patient did not undergo systemic hepar- However, the transfer and care of patients with ARDS
inization at institution of ECMO, and heparin-bonded requiring this major surgical procedure is not without its
circuitry was utilized. At present, ECMO is only available risks. If of proven benefit, it may be that decompression
in a limited number of centres and experience of its use in should be considered earlier in the patient with TBI
patients with TBI is very small. For patients with TBI, and developing ARDS. Conversely, compared with

Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
50 Respiratory system

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 of outstanding interest 25 Annane D, Sebille V, Charpentier C, et al. Effect of treatment with low doses of
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