BSBWOR501 Assessment V2.1017

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BSBWOR501 Manage personal work priorities and

professional development

Student ID Student Name

First Name:

Last Name:

Student’s declaration:
By submitting this assessment, you are acknowledging and agreeing to the following conditions:
Please check each item in the box, if you agree.

I have read and understood the details of the assessment.

I have been informed of the conditions of the assessment and the appeals process and
understand I may appeal if I believe the assessment is not equitable, fair or just.

I agree to participate in this assessment, and I am ready to be assessed.

I declare that the attached is my own work or in collaboration with other members of a group
as required.
I have acknowledged all sources where appropriate in accordance with ILSC’s Academic
Integrity Policy, and I believe other group members have done the same.

Submitting your assessment: Complete all assessment tasks, save, and upload in Moodle for grading. Please
view the videos on submitting work through Moodle in the FAQ section of your VET Orientation course. Check
Moodle grades and feedback on your submission. You will receive an email notification when your assessment
has been graded.

Assessor’s acknowledgement:
Please verify each of the following principles of assessment by placing a tick in each box. Refer to the
assessor's handbook for further information if required.

Authentic: The assessor is assured that the evidence presented for assessment is the learner’s
own work.

Valid: The assessor is assured that the learner has the skills, knowledge and attributes as
described in the module or unit of competency and associated assessment requirements.
Current: The assessor is assured that the assessment evidence demonstrates current
competency. This requires the assessment evidence to be from the present or the very recent
Sufficient: The assessor is assured that the quality, quantity and relevance of the assessment
evidence enable a judgement to be made of a learner’s competency.

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How to work through your assessment

This assessment is designed to evaluate your competence for the unit BSBWOR501 Manage
personal work priorities and professional development, Release 1. Your assessor will help you
understand how to complete this assessment.
The table below gives a detailed description of the assessment.

Features of the Explanation

assessment resource

Assessment This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to create
information and systems and process to organise information and prioritise tasks.
scope It applies to individuals working in managerial positions who have
excellent organisational skills. The work ethic of individuals in this
role has a significant impact on the work culture and patterns of
behaviour of others as managers at this level are role models in their
work environment.
The key outcomes are:
ž Establish personal work goals
ž Set and meet own work priorities
ž Develop and maintain professional competence

Assessment To demonstrate competency, you must successfully complete all

overview assessment tasks.
Task 1: Online Moodle Quizzes
Task 2: Questioning
Task 3: Project: Managing personal work priorities and professional
development at BizOps Enterprises
Task 4: Observation

Complete the ü Task 1: Online Moodle Quizzes

following tasks You will be completing online Moodle quizzes for each topic to
demonstrate your knowledge of the unit requirements. These are
ü Task 2: Questioning
You will be demonstrating a sound knowledge of the unit
requirements in your responses to short and long answer questions.
ü Task 3: Project: Managing personal work priorities and
professional development at BizOps Enterprises
You will be demonstrating the required skills and knowledge by
completing a scenario-based project.
ü Task 4: Observation
Your performance will be documented while being observed by your
assessor in a simulated off-the-job situation that reflects the

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TASK 1 – Please complete the following quizzes on

§ Topic 1 Online Quiz
§ Topic 2 Online Quiz
§ Topic 3 Online Quiz

TASK 2: Questioning
Purpose You will demonstrate a sound knowledge of the unit
requirements in your responses.

Instructions All questions must be answered satisfactorily for Task 2 to be

completed satisfactorily.
There is no restriction on the length of the question responses.
You must complete all questions unassisted by the assessor or
other personnel, but may refer to reference material as needed.

Resources required You can use the learning resource and documents and training
materials to research information when answering questions.

Assessment Assessment will be conducted in a safe environment where

conditions evidence gathered demonstrates consistent performance of
typical activities experienced in the industry capability -
workplace effectiveness field of work and include access to:
ž workplace equipment and resources
ž interaction with others.

Reasonable If you are unable to answer to the questions in writing, you may
adjustment request to have an interview with your assessor.

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Please provide answers to the following questions:

1. A leader must be self-aware and understand his/her own behaviour, personality and learning
style. Why? Give two reasons.
1 A good leader needs to understand the processes and learning styles of his team and only those
who are clearly aware of themselves can instruct the other.

2 The volume of tasks and activities to be developed can be large and present constant news.
Understanding your own learning process and personality helps you to optimize time to perform tasks.

2. Explain two techniques for managing, organising and identifying personal behaviour, self-
awareness and personality traits.
1 Personality tasks.
2 Keep a daily journal

3. Explain two types of learning styles and how they relate to individuals.

Visual: Someone who prefers visual learning enjoys looking at and observing items such as photos,
diagrams, written instructions, and more. This learning technique is also known as "spatial" learning.
When knowledge is given visually, people who learn by sight understand it better.

Auditory: When the subject content is reinforced by sound, auditory learners learn better. These
people prefer to listen to lectures rather than read notes, and they frequently utilize their own voices
to reinforce new concepts and ideas. These individuals prefer to read aloud to themselves.

4. Explain two principles involved in managing and organising personal goal setting as part of a
personal development plan.
clear: Your objective should be clear and precise. This is where the SMART goal philosophy
comes in handy.

Getting Feedback: Reflecting on your progress on a regular basis will help you keep on track,
inspired, and ensure that your goals remain relevant. Any changes you've seen are a wonderful
place to start a review. Changes in routines or behavior, as well as your cognitive processes and skill
set, could be the cause.

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5. Explain two principles involved in managing and organising personal performance


Employee Performance Expectations: employee performance metrics can influence an employee's
pay, job status, and growth possibilities. As a result, performance management plans must include
methodologies that allow for accurate and fair evaluations of employee performance.
Rating Scales in Graphics: graphic rating scales are appropriate for production-oriented workplaces
as well as other fast-paced environments like those seen in the food and beverage industry. A rating
scale consists of a description of job responsibilities, performance standards, and a scale for rating
employee performance, usually from 1 to 5.

6. Explain two principles involved in managing and organising time.

Planning: no matter what you do, planning is essential. Spend a few minutes in the morning
planning your day's plans. Minimize distractions as much as possible if you have a busy schedule.
Organize and prioritize your tasks: differentiating what is significant from what is urgent is the most
basic foundation of efficient time management. It's worth noting that the most important duties aren't
always the most urgent, and vice versa.

7. Describe how a leader may take the initiative to prioritise competing a tasks to achieve
personal goals, team goals and organisational goals.
leader must have a clear vision of their tasks, obligations, responsibilities and objectives. With
that in mind, taking the initiative to achieve a particular goal becomes easier. A good strategy is to
outline the objectives and define the order of priority of the tasks so that you can take action.

8. Identify the technology a leader can use to improve work efficiency.

Cloud-based system to optimize communication.

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9. Describe how a leader’s own work role contributes to broader organisational goals.
leader is expected to form teams, designate team leaders, assign tasks and responsibilities,
delegate authority as needed, coordinate resources, and build and/or strengthen essential horizontal
and vertical work relationships. In this way, the leader is a role model to be emulated.
As a result, if this person develops their work appropriately, their team is more likely to follow the
same pattern of behavior, so assisting in the achievement of organizational goals.

10. Describe two work methods that can improve personal performance and competence.
milestones: Setting milestones can assist you in achieving your moonshot objectives, whether
personal or professional. You'll stay motivated with each win if you break down those enormous
personal and professional projects into smaller targets. Setting individual success measures to
examine your goal can also help you maintain your motivation and energy.
Set SMART Goals: it stands for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely goals. To
ensure that your objectives are clear and attainable, each one should be:

Specifics (simple, sensible, significant).

Measurable (meaningful, motivating).
Achievable (agreed, attainable).
Relevant (reasonable, realistic and resourced, results-based).
Time bound (time-based, time-limited, time/cost-constrained, timely, time-sensitive)

11. Identify two ‘personal management’ development opportunities for a leader.

Receiving "negative" feedback: contrary to popular belief, feedback identified as negative are great
opportunities for a person to develop, since positive ones work on the individual's strengths, that is,
those already developed, while "Negative" feedback help to identify its weaknesses.
Facing a challenging situation: Facing a challenging situation: there is nothing better for a leader to
develop his skills as a leader and personal, than to be faced with a challenging situation, which
seems to have no apparent solution or for which new skills needed to be applied.

12. What organisational protocols might be considered when planning career development?

WHS protocols;

Protocols of respect for diversity.

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13. Describe the organisational plans that underpin an organisation’s operations.

Risk management plan; contingency plans; budget and finance planning.

14. List the topics that are usually covered by an organisation’s professional development policy.

15. List the stages used when developing a continuous improvement procedure.

Step 1: Establish a definition
Determine the process you want to improve; Organize and empower a team dedicated to
development; Describe the problems, worries, or possibilities; Gather information on current
performance; Make a flow chart.
Step 2: Determine
Customers and suppliers for the process should be identified; Define the inputs and outputs of the
procedure; Define the process specifications; Identify wastes and activities that create value; Make a
list of possible improvements.
Step 3: Make a decision
Set desired performance targets; Make a list of potential solutions and rank them in order of
importance; Establish the criterion for selection; Choose the best option (s); Define the process you
want to use.
Step 4: Put it into action
Create a strategy for achieving the objectives; Create performance metrics for the process; Make a
list of the solutions (s); Changes should be tested; Follow the action plan to the letter.
Step 5: Assess
Establish a system for continuous feedback; Follow up on the action plan's progress; Compare your
outcomes to your intended performance targets; Determine the necessary corrective steps; Rep the
process to identify new opportunities.

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TASK 3 – Project: Managing personal work priorities

and professional development at BizOps Enterprises
Purpose You will demonstrate your skills and knowledge by completing a
scenario-based project.

Task overview You have received an email from Gina Harris, Human Resources
and context Manager.
Subject: Personal development plan
BizOps Enterprises encourages and supports its staff to reach their
potential through mentoring, coaching and professional development.
We would like you to prepare a personal development plan that
describes your career objectives, your personal goals, the professional
development activities and the training required. The actions required
must be clearly stated.
This year, we had a few issues with our customer service team, and we
had several customer complaints. In our last monthly meeting, you said
that you believe people in your team are stressed because they do not
have a good work–life balance. I encourage you to do training or
mentoring for yourself, and that will be useful for others in your team at
a later stage.
You also said that you feel competent, but you know you need to keep
up to date with WHS matters to be an effective health and safety
representative. You also want to gain the Advanced Diploma in
Leadership and Management but you learn best through
demonstrations and being able to ask questions face-to-face rather than
online. You have said that one of your career goals is to improve your
networks and perhaps join a professional association.
Your role as customer service manager requires you to promote
continuous improvement in your team. You must also consider your
own needs for training.
Below you will find a to-do list, and a list of unscheduled events that
have occurred today. In the ‘Project tasks & Instructions’ section below
you will find a detailed description of what you must do to complete this
project. You will need to use relevant BizOps policies and your position
Gina Harris
Human Resources Manager

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To-do list To-do list – Monday

Time Task Priority Notes
(H, M, L)

9.00 am Read draft of improved L

Customer Service Charter
and highlight changes for
senior exec mtg 3.00 pm
9.30 am Research trends in customer L
service policy and
management for next week’s
staff meeting.
10.00 Interview with Craig Bullen H
am for sales rep position.
11.00 Call customer Mrs Janice M
am Smithers regarding her
complaint about the long
wait time until she received
the product – explain BizOps
process and arrange for next
delivery to be free as
11.15 Meet team to discuss: H
am ž new procedures for
communicating with on-
the-road sales reps.
ž updating feedback form
that is attached to
ž improved online
feedback form.
12.00 Meet with Liz to discuss L
noon coordination of
sales/marketing promotion.
12.30 Lunch

Unscheduled events that have occurred today:

ž Sales rep Roxanne bursts into your office, upset because a customer
has verbally abused her on the phone and is threatening to sue
BizOps. The irate customer insists on speaking to you.
ž Gina, the HR manager, telephones to ask you to come to her office
when you have a spare minute to discuss a situation that has arisen
with the recruitment agency she is currently dealing with.

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Craig Bullen, the interview candidate, telephones to say he will be 10

minutes late.

Instructions Read the project overview and context carefully.

To complete the project, use the following BizOps documents. See
“Resources required” section below on how to access these:
§ Organisation operational plan
§ Work–life balance policy
§ Professional development policy
§ A copy of your position description
Complete all project tasks in the section below.
You must complete the project unassisted by the assessor or other
personnel, but may collaborate with team members and refer to
reference material as needed.
All project criteria and instructions outlined must be covered
satisfactorily for Task 3 to be completed satisfactory.

Resources You will need the following materials to complete this project.
required Access them in Moodle Assessment tab for this unit.
o organisation-operational-plan.pdf
o work-life-balance-policy.pdf
o professional-development-policy.pdf
o position-description-cus-serv.pdf
Other resources required:
§ Computer and office software
§ Access to the internet
§ Access to relevant training competencies at:

Assessment Assessment will be conducted in a simulated environment where

conditions evidence gathered demonstrates consistent performance of typical
activities experienced in the industry capability - workplace
effectiveness field of work and include access to:
§ workplace equipment and resources
§ interaction with others.

Reasonable If you are unable to answer to the questions in writing, you may request
adjustment to have an interview with your assessor.

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Project tasks and instructions:

Read the information in the email to complete the tasks. Remember that your work ethic could
have a big impact on the work culture and behaviour of others, therefore your responses must
reflect the level of responsibility of a Customer Service Manager. use Word-Processing software
to write your documents for each task and upload on Moodle with your assessment.

1. Write a document that describes how you prioritised the competing demands for your time
on Monday morning.

2. Prepare a form asking for feedback to help you identify how you can improve your
competence. The form will be given to colleagues, staff and customers. Give your feedback
form to a work colleague or member of your team and ask them to review it. Ask your
colleague to sign off on the form, adding their feedback and comments.

3. Create a personal development plan in accordance with the BizOps organisational plans and
policies that outlines your:
a. career objectives
b. personal goals, aligned with BizOps’ plans and directions
c. personal skills and knowledge assessed against units of competency BSBCUS501 Manage
quality customer service and BSBMGT516 Facilitate continuous improvement (these
units can be found at
d. new skills that need to be developed
e. training and development opportunities
f. networking plans to help develop new skills
g. action plan for implementation.

4. Prepare a plan in accordance with your organisational requirements that promotes a healthy
work–life balance; it should be suitable to use with your team or in a presentation to the
whole staff.
Make a PowerPoint slideshow for your observation assessment (Task 4). The presentation is
directed at your team or the whole staff. The presentation must contain the best points from
your plan to promote a healthy work-life balance. Give advice to your staff on how to reduce
stress. See observation assessment instructions below.

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TASK 4: Observation
Purpose Your presentation will be assessed while being observed by your

Observation You will prepare a 10-minute electronic presentation. Slides must

instructions contain titles, points, images, and/or videos for project task 4.
Your presentation will take place in your classroom and class members
will represent the work team.
Your presentation should demonstrate the following:
1. how to make sure that stress is reduced and personal health
is looked after, as part of a work-life balance.
2. serving as a positive role model to others.
3. goal setting and personal development techniques to deal
with stress – for a “Work life balance”.
4. ability to connect and communicate with a diverse group.
5. Networking with others, so don’t just present – involve your
Your assessor will evaluate your skills and knowledge according to the
observation checklist.
Submit your presentation slides on Moodle with your assessment.

Resources The following materials and recourses are required for this
required observation to be undertaken:
o organisation-operational-plan.pdf
o work-life-balance-policy.pdf
o professional-development-policy.pdf
o position-description-cus-serv.pdf
o Computer and office software
o Access to the internet

Assessment The assessment will be conducted in a safe, simulated workplace

conditions environment, where evidence gathered demonstrates consistent
performance of typical activities experienced in the industry capability
- workplace effectiveness field of work and include access to:
§ workplace equipment and resources
§ interaction with others

Reasonable If you are unable to undertake the observation assessment as

adjustment designed, please speak to your assessor.

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Observation Checklist
You will be assessed according the following criteria:

ž Serving as a positive role model in the workplace through personal work planning

ž Demonstrating techniques involved in organising a personal development plan and goal


ž Methods of maintaining an appropriate work–life balance and ensure stresses

effectively managed and health is attended to

ž Using active listening skills and questioning to seek and receive feedback

ž Selecting and using appropriate conventions and protocols when communicating with
diverse stakeholders

ž Participating in networks to enhance knowledge, skills and work relationships

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