Task Cycle Draft

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- Topic: FEELINGS. It is important to highlight new words or phrases. Identify and name
feelings. Talk about how people feel, based on their expressions. Vocabulary: tired, scared,
angry, hungry, thirsty, excited, bored, worried, surprised, and silly.
- Engaging: the teacher shows the students picture cards with different persons showing
and representing their feelings.
The teacher tells the students that the persons in the picture cards are expressing their
feelings. She names as many feelings as possible.
The teacher may tell the students how she is/feel s after working all day long (tired), after
doing some exercise (thirsty), after arguing with a friend (angry, worried).
When she finishes sharing her feelings the teacher will distribute a picture card to each
student and ask: when they feel like the pictures given and why it is important to
recognize their feelings.



The teacher tells the Students in groups prepare The teacher will ask some
students, that in groups of to report to the whole class groups to present their
four, they will have to orally. reports to the whole class
identify in a comic strip The students tell the class and their mates will listen
which feelings the which comic strip they work attentively. The teacher acts
characters are showing. The with and what feelings they as a chairperson and then
groups will discuss about found and how the gives feedback or comments
what feelings they characters feel. on the contents of their
recognize. The teacher will be next to reports.
The teacher monitors and the group to give language
answers questions. advice and to make sure
that everybody in the group

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