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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Unit 3: This is my nose!

Lesson One Words

 To identify different parts of the body
 To understand a short story
 Language focus: speaking
 Vocabulary: arms, nose, face, legs
 Extra Vocabulary: Let's, put on, now, that's right, sunscreen
 Pronunciation tip: Make sure children pronounce /z/ when they say nose, and /s/ when they say legs, face, let's.
Resources and materials
 Student Book p. 20
 Workbook p. 20
 Audio Tracks 32–34
 Flashcards 36–39
 Story poster 3
 Number dice (one per pair of students)
 Worksheet 1: Body part matching game (One per group)
 One piece of paper per student
 Coloring pens or pencils
 A reader of your choice

Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather.
Song: Play a warm-up song.
 Tell children that in this lesson they will be learning the names of some parts of the body. Tell them that they will
practice “warming up” their bodies at the start of the class.
 Model some simple instructions, e.g., stand up, sit down, turn around as children follow your lead. Call out different
directions as children respond by their seats.
 Point to your arms, nose, face, and legs to elicit the vocabulary for this lesson. Point to them one at a time and
ask What's this? or What are these? Model any words that children don't know. Follow up using Flashcards 36–39.
 Ask a child to point to his/her own nose and say the word. Repeat with other children and other words.
 Say the word legs, and then model the sentence Point to your legs. (Make sure children are pointing to both legs for
the plural word.) Repeat with the rest of the new words.

Listen, point, and repeat. (Exercise 1)
 Ask children to open their Student Books and look at the pictures of the different parts of the body.
 Play the first part of the recording (Track 32, Listen and point) for children to listen and point to the appropriate
picture. Repeat if necessary.
 Play the second part of the recording (Track 32, Listen and repeat) for children to repeat.
 Play the recording all the way through for children to listen and point and then repeat the words.
Transcript (Track 32)
Listen and point.
arms, nose, face, legs
nose, legs, arms, face
Listen and repeat.

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Unit 3: This is my nose!

arms, nose, face, leg

Pointing Game
 Put Flashcards 36–39 in different places around the room.
 Call out one word.
 Ask children to listen and point to the correct flashcard as fast as possible. Have them repeat the word when they
Listen and chant. (Exercise 2)
 Play the recording (Track 33) for children to listen to the chant.
 Play the chant a second time for children to point to the correct part of their own body when they hear it.
 Play the chant again for them to say the words. Repeat (more than once if necessary).
Transcript (Track 33)
arms, nose, face, legs
Listen and read. (Exercise 3)
 Use Story poster 3 to present the story. Ask some questions about the story: Who can you see? How's the weather in
the picture?
 Focus attention on the first picture. Point to the various parts of the body (Rosy's arms / legs / nose, Billy's face / legs
/ arms) and elicit the words.
 Talk about each frame with the class. Ask What's happening? Encourage predictions from different members of the
 Ask children to look at the poster while you play the recording (Track 34) for them to listen. Point to each speech
bubble as your hear the text.
 Play the recording again as children point to the pictures.
 Ask comprehension questions, e.g., Does Rosy put sunscreen on her arms? Does Rosy put sunscreen on her nose?
Where does Billy put sunscreen? What's happening?
 Ask children to open their Student Books to page 20. Tell them to listen and follow the words in the story as you play
the recording again.
 Ask children to find and point to the words from Exercise 1 that appear in the story.
 Have children practice their pronunciation in groups and pairs.

Worksheet 1: Body part matching game
 Divide the class into groups.
 Give each group a copy of the worksheet and a set of word cards.
 Children work in groups to put the word cards next to the correct parts of the body on the boy. Have them glue the
words cards onto the worksheet and color the boy.
 Have some groups present their completed worksheet to the class. Display the completed worksheets in the
Throw the die!
 Put children in pairs. Each pair has a die with the numbers 1–6.
 Number the sentences in the dialogue like below:
1. Let's put on sunscreen.
2. First my arms.
3. These are my arms.
4. Now, my nose.
5. This is my nose.
6. Put it on your arms, your nose, your face and your legs.
 Children take turns throwing the die. Children read the sentence according to the number on the die. They keep score
by adding the numbers they get on each throw.
 Children tally the scores to see who the winner is.

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Unit 3: This is my nose!

Draw a monster
 Have children work individually.
 Give each student a piece of paper to draw a monster.
 Have children think about how many body parts the monster will have. Encourage them to draw a scary monster. For
example, children can draw four noses, eight arms, two faces, and one leg. Have them draw and color the monster.
 Display the completed pictures in the classroom.
Exercises: Workbook page 20
Story time: A reader of your choice

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Unit 3: This is my nose!

Lesson Two Grammar

 To say sentences with this and that
 To complete sentences with this and that
 To recognize the difference between singular and plural forms of nouns
 To act out the story
 Language focus: reading, writing
 Vocabulary: parts of the body
This is my nose.
These are my arms.
Resources and materials
 Student Book p. 21
 Workbook p. 21
 Audio Tracks 34–35
 Story poster 3
 Word cards: arm, arms, leg, legs, nose, face (one set per group)
 Big envelopes (one per group)
 Realia: whistle, bell, tambourine
 A reader of your choice

Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather.
Song: Play a warm-up song.
 Play a game of Simon says... to review vocabulary from the previous lesson and the phrases stand up, sit down,
and turn around. Include the phrase Point to your... and the body words they have learned.
 Ask the children to stand by their desks.
 Explain that you are going to give instructions. If the instruction begins with the words Simon says… , children must do
as you say. If not, they should stand still and wait for the next instruction. Any child who gets this wrong is out of the
game and has to sit down.
 Give the instructions Simon says: stand up/sit down/turn around/point to your (arm/nose/face/legs). Children pact
out as instructed.
 Intermittently insert an instruction which is not preceded by Simon says… (e.g., Point to your nose.) to see which
children are really paying attention.
 Continue the game until there is one winner left standing, or a group of winners if you prefer.
 Hold up Story poster 3. Ask children what happened in the story. Prompt with questions if necessary, e.g., What does
Rosy put on her arms? (sunscreen).
 Children check if they remembered correctly by looking at the poster.

Listen to the story and repeat. Act. (Exercise 1)
 Ask children to turn to the story on page 20 of their Student Books.
 Play the recording (Track 34), pausing for children to repeat each line.
 Divide the class into pairs at their seats. One child is Rosy and the other is Billy.
 Ask children to look at the pictures. As a class, decide on the actions for the story (see suggestions below).
 Children practice acting out the story as they listen to the recording again. Monitor the activity, checking for correct

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Unit 3: This is my nose!

 Ask some of the pairs to come to the front of the class to act out the story.
Story actions
Picture 1: Rosy puts the sunscreen on her arms. Billy holds out his arms.
Picture 2: Rosy puts some sunscreen on her nose. Billy points to his nose.
Picture 3: Rosy passes the sunscreen to Billy without looking at him.
Picture 4: Billy puts sunscreen on all his body parts and uses up the bottle. Rosy looks shocked.
Listen and say. (Exercise 2)
 Look at the pictures and ask children what they can see in each one.
 Write some single nouns on one side of the board and plural nouns on the other side (e.g., pen, pens). Ask children to
tell you the difference between the two sides of the board.
 Play the recording (Track 35) all the way through for children to listen.
 Play the recording again, pausing for children to repeat each line.

Pass the envelope
 Divide the class into groups.
 Give each group an envelope with the words cards for body parts.
 Play a song as background music. Children pass the envelope to a classmate as the music plays.
 Stop the music randomly. The student holding the envelope opens it and takes out one word card. The student reads
it aloud and points to his or her body part.
 Continue the game until there are no more cards left in the envelope.
Quick pointing
 Divide children into groups.
 Call out one body word (singular or plural form).
 Children point to their body parts as fast as possible and make a sentence with this, that, these, or those.
 Groups that say the sentences correctly and point correctly win points.
Find your partner
 Practice sentences with this and these. Make sure children understand the meaning of this and these.
 Give each student a picture of a body part (arm, arms, nose, face, leg, legs). Make sure that they can identify what
they have.
 Set a signal to start the game (blow a whistle, ring a bell, shake a tambourine, etc.)
 Have children stand up and ask each other about their cards: What do you have? (I have a face. / I have legs.)
 If they find a partner who has the same body part, they talk to each other using this and these and gestures. E.g., This
is my leg. (Points to one leg.) These are my legs. (Points to both legs.)
 Children continue looking for new partners until you give a signal again.
Draw this!
 Give each student a piece of paper.
 Say a body part. Have children draw the body part on the piece of paper. Have them describe the picture using this
and these.
 Display the completed drawings in the classroom.
Listen, say, and circle. (Exercise 3)
 Write the words book and books on the board. Hold up two books so that the whole class can see them. Ask children
to point to the correct word. Repeat until you are sure that children have understood that “s” is used for plural
 Repeat the procedure with other classroom objects, for example, a bag, a pen, and two erasers.
 Invite individual children to come to the front of the class and circle the plurals in the words on the board.
 Ask children to look at the exercise in their Student Books. They say and circle the correct words.
 Go over the activity with the class. Have children repeat the answer in chorus.
1. legs

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Unit 3: This is my nose!

2. arms
3. leg
4. arm
Write. (Exercise 4)
 Write This is and These are on either side of the board. Hold up Flashcards 36–39 one at a time and ask children to
point to the correct phrase.
 Put the flashcards of the legs on the board. Write the incomplete sentence my legs. Elicit These are my
legs. Complete the sentence on the board.
 Ask children to look at the exercise in their Student Books. Ask one child to read the example sentence for the class.
 Children complete the rest of the sentences individually.
 Go over the answers with the class. Children say the sentences together.
1. a. This is my face.
b. This is my nose.
2. These are my legs.

Let’s Practice!
 Ask students to look at the picture and speech bubble. Ask What words go in the blanks? (These are).
 Have a student read the sentence (These are my arms).
 Have students work in pairs and take turns saying the sentence. Tell them to use other vocabulary words on the page.
Exercises: Workbook page 21
Story time: A reader of your choice

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Unit 3: This is my nose!

Lesson Three Song

 To identify more school objects and use words in the context of a song
 To help children develop their listening and singing skills
 Language focus: listening, writing, speaking, reading
 Vocabulary: fingers, hands, eyes
Resources and materials
 Student Book p. 22
 Workbook p. 22
 Audio Tracks 35, 36–37
 Flashcards 40–42
 Word cards: fingers, hands, eyes
 Large pieces of blank paper (one per group)
 Paint sets and paint brushes (per group)
Culture note: Body language
In the United States, people usually wave to acknowledge each other from a distance. They nod their head to mean
“yes” and shake them from side to side to mean “no.” A shrug of the shoulders means “I don't know.” It is
considered rude to point to someone directly using your index finger.

How people greet each other in the United States depends upon their gender, their age, and the situation. People
usually shake someone's hand when they are meeting them for the first time, or if they are in a formal situation.
When greeting someone they already know, men shake other men’s hands and may kiss women once on the cheek.
Women also kiss other women on the cheek, or if they know each other very well, they may give each other a hug.
Many people also hug young children. It’s less usual for men to hug each other.

In adults, a ring on the fourth finger of a person’s left hand signals that they are engaged or married. It’s common
for both men and women to wear wedding rings, but usually only women wear engagement rings. Rules vary, but
most schools allow children to wear jewelry.

Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather.
 Play the recording from page 20 (Track 33) and say the chant together to review the words for parts of the body.
 Have children clap their hands once when they say This is. Have children clap their hands twice when they say These
 Use your own body or Flashcards 40–42 to introduce the three new words. Hold up the flashcards one at a time and
say the words for children to repeat.
 Ask three children to come to the front of the class. Give each one a different flashcard and ask him/her to hold it in
the air. Say the body words one at a time. The class points to the correct flashcard.

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Unit 3: This is my nose!

Listen, point, and repeat. (Exercise 1)
 Ask children to look at the pictures. Play the first part of the recording (Track 36, Listen and point) for children to point
to the words.
 Play the second part of the recording (Track 36, Listen and repeat) for children to repeat the words.
 Play the recording all the way through again for children to listen and point and then repeat.
 Ask individual children to say the words for the class.
 Hold up Flashcards 40–42 one at a time. Say These are... for children to complete the sentences.
Transcript (Track 36)
Listen and point.
fingers, hands, eyes
hands, fingers, eyes
Listen and repeat.
fingers, hands, eyes
Listen and sing. (Exercise 2)
 Ask children to look at the pictures. Point to the different pictures and ask what they think the children are doing.
 Play the recording (Track 37) for children to listen and point to the pictures when they hear the three new words.
 Then play it again as they follow the words in their books.
 Recite the words of the song with the class, without the music. Say each line and ask children to repeat.
 Play the recording again for children to sing along.
Changing your seats
 Give each student a word card for fingers, hands, or eyes.
 Play the song (Track 37). Stop the song randomly and say fingers, hands, or eyes.
 Children with that word card stand up and try to sit in another classmate's seat. Sit down in one of the children's
empty seats so that there is one student without a seat.
 The student who couldn't find a seat now plays the teacher. Continue several times.
Stand up.
 Give each student a word card for fingers, hands, or eyes.
 Play the song (Track 37). Each time children hear their word, they quickly stand up and sit down.
Sing and do. (Exercise 3)
 Ask children to look at the pictures to see what the actions should be for this song (see suggestions below).
 Practice the actions with the class.
 Play the recording (Track 37) for children to sing the song and do the actions.
Song actions
ten fingers – stretch out fingers and hold out arms
two eyes – point to eyes
one nose –point to nose

Big, big circle
 Children make a very big circle to sing and act out the song.
 Play the recording (Track 37) for children to sing the song and do the actions.
Be a painter and a composer
 Divide the class into groups. Give each group a set of paints, paint brushes, and a large piece of paper.
 Have children work in groups. Explain that they will be making new artwork for Exercise 3. Have them choose an
animal or insect and then paint a scene similar to the one in Exercise 3. The children then change the lyrics of the song
according to their new artwork. For example, if they choose an octopus, the lyrics would change to “eight arms on my
head” or something similar.
 Have volunteers present their new song and artwork to the class.

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Unit 3: This is my nose!

Exercises: Workbook page 22

Story time: A reader of your choice

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Unit 3: This is my nose!

Lesson Four Phonics

 To recognize the uppercase and lowercase forms of the letter i, j, k, and l and associate them with their corresponding
 To pronounce the sounds /ɪ/, /ʤ/, /k/, /l/ on their own and at the beginning of words
 To learn the names of the letters i, j, k, and l
 Language focus: listening, writing, speaking, reading
 Vocabulary: ink, jam, kite, lion
Resources and materials
 Student Book p. 23
 Workbook p. 23
 Audio Tracks 38–40
 Phonics cards 5–12
 Three copies of Phonics Cards, numbered 1–12 on the back of each card
 Dice (two per group)
 A reader of your choice

Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather.
Tracing on backs
 Review the previous phonics lesson. Divide the class into groups.
 Have each group make a line, with the first child standing near the board and the last child standing near the back of
the classroom.
 Pass out a phonics card to the last child of each line, but don't have them look at the card until you say, Go.
 Have children “write” the letter very slowly on their classmates’ backs with their fingers.
 The first child goes the board, writes the letter, and says the sound. The quickest group with the correct letter and
pronunciation wins.
 Write li, Jj, Kk, and Ll on the board. Point to each one, one at a time, and say the letter name and then the sound for
both uppercase and lowercase letters for children to repeat.
 Say the sounds again as children draw the letters in the air.
 Below the letters, write the corresponding words ink, jelly, kite, and lion. Circle the first letter of each word. Point to
the words and say the beginning sound (not the whole word) for children to repeat.
 Hold up Phonics cards 9–12, one at a time. Say the words for children to repeat. Hold up the cards in a different order
and repeat the activity.

Listen, point, and repeat. (Exercise 1)
 Ask children to look at the letters in their Student Books.
 Play the first part of the recording (Track 38, Listen and point) for children to listen and point to the letters.
 Play the second part of the recording (Track 38, Listen and repeat) for children to repeat the letter names, sounds,
and words in chorus.
 Play the recording a final time for individual children to say the sounds and words for the class.
Transcript (Track 38)
Listen and point.
Letter li / ɪ / ink, Letter Jj / d͡ʒ / jelly, Letter Kk / k / kite, Letter Ll / l / lion
Letter Kk / k / kite, Letter Jj / d͡ʒ / jelly, Letter Ll / l / lion, Letter li / ɪ / ink
Listen and repeat.

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Unit 3: This is my nose!

Letter li / ɪ / ink, Letter Jj / d͡ʒ / jelly, Letter Kk / k / kite, Letter Ll / l / lion

Throw some dice
 Make three copies of the phonics cards. Number the cards 1–12 by writing on the back of each card.
 Draw a 3 x 4 grid on the board and place one card in each box with the number side showing.
 Divide the class into two groups.
 Have one child from the first group throw two dice. Have children add the numbers from the two dice together.
 Then flip over the card for that number (e.g., If one dice shows a “2” and other dice shows an “8,” flip the “10” card.)
 Children say a word that begins with that letter.
 The group that has the most correct answers wins.
Listen and chant. (Exercise 2)
 Play the recording (Track 39) for children to listen to the chant.
 Put Phonics cards 9–12 in different places around the room. Play the recording again for children to point to the cards
as they hear the words.
 Play the chant once more, stopping the recording after each line for children to repeat. Repeat, and encourage
children to follow the chant in their book.

Listen to the sounds and connect the letters. (Exercise 3)
 Elicit the images in the activity (lion, jelly, and ink). Ask What does the lion have? Tell children they can find out the
answer by listening.
 Remind children that they will listen and draw a line to connect the letters.
 Play the recording (Track 40) for children to listen and link the letters.
 Play the recording again for children to check their answers. Repeat.
 Ask What does the lion have? (jelly). Then elicit the sounds children heard one by one, and write them on the board
so they can check their maze.
Transcript (Track 40)
/ l / lion, / ɪ / ink, / d͡ʒ / jelly, / l / lion, / k / kite, / d͡ʒ / jelly, / d͡ʒ / jelly
The lion has some jelly.
Read and circle the sounds i, j, k, I at the start of the words. (Exercise 4)
 Ask children to look at the pictures and tell you what they can see.
 Read the text for children to follow in their books. Write the first line on the board.
 Ask children to look at the circled I at the beginning of lion. Draw a circle around the I in lion on the board. Ask them
to find and circle other examples of i, j, k, and I at the beginning of words in their books.
 Children circle the starting letters for the chant in their books. As they are working, write the rest of the chant on the
board. Go through the answers, asking children to come up and circle the letters on the board.
The lion has some jelly.
The lion has some ink.
Look! Here is a kite.
Oops! The lion is a mess.

Let’s Practice!
 Ask students to look at the picture and speech bubble. Say Look at the kite.
 Have a student read the sentence.
 Have students work in pairs and take turns saying the sentence. Tell them to use other vocabulary words on the page.
Clap your hands, tap your desk, stamp your feet, and jump
 Write the following instructions on the board:
/i/: clap your hands

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Unit 3: This is my nose!

/j/: tap your desk

/k/: stamp your feet
/l/: jump
 Read each sentences from Exercise 4 one at a time. When children hear words beginning with /i/, /j/, /k/, or/l/, they
do the actions according to the instructions on the board.
Exercises: Workbook page 23
Story time: A reader of your choice

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Unit 3: This is my nose!

Lesson Five Skills Time!

 Reading: read and follow instructions; read a text and put pictures in the correct order
 Language focus: listening, writing, speaking, reading
 Vocabulary: Review
 Extra: make, body, cut (v), fold (v), paper, paw, glue (v), color (v), then
 Structures: Revision
Resources and materials
 Student Book p. 24
 Workbook p. 24
 Audio Tracks 37, 41
 Cut and Make 1: Paper lion (one copy per student)
 Colored markers or pencils
 Scissors, glue, string
 Word cards: body, paws, tail, legs, face, lion
 Pictures: body, paws, tail, legs, face, lion

Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather.
Song: Sing Ten fingers on my hands (Track 37).
 Draw a face on the board. Point to the face and ask What's this? Point to the ears, eyes, and nose and ask What's
this? / What are these?
 Draw a stick person. Point to the body as a whole and ask What's this? Elicit or teach the word body. Point to the
arms, legs, hands, and fingers and ask What's this? / What are these?
 Next to the stick person, draw a lion with big paws and a long tail. Teach or elicit paws and tail in the same way as
above. Say them for the children to repeat. Write the words on the board.

Point to parts of the body. Say the words. (Exercise 1)
 Ask the children to look at the pictures on the Student Book page. Ask children to predict what the text is about
(instructions for how to make a paper lion).
 Point to different parts of the lion's body for children to say the words in chorus.
 If you wish, ask children to work in pairs. They take turns pointing to different parts of the body and saying the words.
face, body, legs, paws, tail, eyes, nose
Listen and read. (Exercise 2)
 Play the recording (Track 41) for children to listen and follow the text in their books.
 Play the recording a second time. Answer any questions students may have.
 Ask simple comprehension questions about the text: e.g., What's this? Where's the tail? What color is it? Is it a bird?
 Look at the text again and read the captions as a class.
 Ask individual children to read different captions.
Read again. Number the pictures in the correct order. (Exercise 3)
 Ask children to look at the pictures again. As preparation for the task, play the recording again and ask children to
point to the pictures in Exercise 3 as they hear them described.
 Ask a child to read the text next to picture 1 in Exercise 3 aloud. Ask children which is the correct picture (the second
picture) in Exercise 4.

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Unit 3: This is my nose!

 Show children the example answer 1 in the box.

 Allow time for children to look at the other pictures and number them in the correct order.
 Go over the answers as a class. Write the answers on the board.
3, 1, 4, 2
Cut and make 1: Paper lion
 Give each child a copy of the Cut and make 1: Paper lion.
 Color the body parts.
 Cut out the body. Cut the face carefully so that it isn't detached from the body. Help children when necessary. Fold
the tail backwards so that it sticks up. Then fold the face backwards carefully so that the head sits up.
 Next, cut out the four legs and paws. Fold the legs accordion style (backwards and forwards in about 1 cm intervals).
 Stick the paws onto the bottom of the folded legs. Then stick the top of each leg onto the underside of the body.
 Attach a string to the top of the lion to make it “walk.”

 Give each child a word card of new body words: body, paws, tail, legs, face, and lion.
 Put pictures of body, paws, tail, legs, face, and lion around the classroom.
 Ring a bell to start the game.
 Have children walk around the classroom to put their word cards under the correct picture.
Exercises: Workbook page 24
Story time: A reader of your choice

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Unit 3: This is my nose!

Lesson Six Skills Time!

 Listening: listen for specific information to identify the animals
 Speaking: describe an animal's features
 Writing: identify complete sentences; count sentences; write about your body (Workbook)
 Integrated skills
 Vocabulary: Review
 Extra: long
 Structures: Revision
Resources and materials
 Student book p. 25
 Workbook p. 25
 Audio Track 42
 Word cards: body, paws, tail, legs, face, lion
 Worksheet 2: Unscramble sentences (One per group)
 Pieces of paper (at least 10) with descriptions of animals
 Pieces of blank paper (One per group and one per student)
 Crayons

Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather.
 Ask the class to stand up. Give instructions, e.g., Point to your eyes / nose / legs / hand.
 Now tell the class You are lions. Give the instructions Lions, lions, point to your legs / tail.
 Ask them Lions, lions, where are you paws?
 Children show all four of their “paws.”
 Point to the picture of the lion on Student Book page 24 and ask What is it? What color is the lion? What color are the
lion's legs? Alternatively, use one of the puppets from the previous lesson.
 Ask children to look at the other pictures on page 25. Point to the different animals in turn and ask What's this? What
color is it?

Listen and number. (Exercise 1)
 Explain that you are going to play a recording (Track 42) of people describing different animals. The descriptions will
be given in a different order from the pictures in the Student Books. Play the recording through once.
 Explain that children have to listen and number the pictures in the order that they hear the animals described.
 Play the first part of the recording, and then ask Which picture is it? Children point to the bird.
 Play the rest of the recording, pausing after each description for children to number the picture.
 Play the recording again for children to complete their answers. Go through the answers with the class.
Transcript (Track 42)
1. It has a blue and green body. It has a long, blue tail. It's a... bird.
2. It's black and white. It has a short tail. It's a... goat.
3. It's brown and has a long tail. It has two ears. It's a... cat.
(in order on page) 3, 1, 2
Look at the pictures again. Ask and answer. (Exercise 2)

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Unit 3: This is my nose!

 Draw students’ attention to the speech bubbles. Read the first speech bubble aloud for children to repeat, and then
the second. Model correct intonation for the class.
 Ask two children to read them for the class.
 Ask children to look at the picture of the cat. Elicit the following description from the class: It's brown. It has a long
 Ask children to work in pairs. They take turns describing the animals for their partner to guess.
 Monitor the activity, checking for intonation. Encourage children to give as much information as they can about each
 Ask some of the children to describe animals for the rest of the class to guess.
Run, read, and write.
 Prepare many pieces of paper (at least 10) with descriptions of animals.
 Put the description papers on the board so the children can’t see the descriptions.
 Divide the class into four groups. Each group has a writer and the others in the group are runners.
 Runners from each group take turns running to the board, choosing one piece of paper, and coming back to their
 The children in the group read the description together and guess which animal it describes. The writer writes down
the animal on a piece of paper.
 The next runner puts the description back on the board and takes another, and so on.
 The first group that has all the runners bring back a description and finishes guessing all the animals correctly wins.
What's your favorite animal?
 Divide the class into groups of four to six.
 Explain to children that they are going to draw an animal that they know in English (such as a bird, cat, dog, goat, or
 Give each child a piece of paper and each group a set of crayons. Children draw their favorite animals and color them.
Encourage them to be creative and use many colors.
 Children take turns describing their animals to each member of their group.
Draw and write about your face. Then talk with your friend. (Exercise 3)
 Ask children to look at the exercise in their Student Books. Write I’m _____ . on the board. Tell students they are
going to complete the sentence with their names. Have a few students read the sentence filling in the blank.
 Write This is _____. on the board. Tell students they are going to complete the sentence with a singular part of the
body. Ask a student to complete the sentence.
 Explain to children that they will be completing the sentences in their Student books with their own information.
 Children complete the sentences individually.
 Then have children work in pairs and take turns reading their sentences.
I’m [name].
This is my nose/face/mouth.
This is my nose/face/mouth.
These are my eyes/ears.
Circle each sentence. Then count. How many sentences? (Exercise 4)
 Copy the first two sentences from Exercise 3 on the board, filling them in with your information.
 Look at the example together on the board. Ask the class to read the first sentence, and then circle it. Do the same
with the second sentence. Count the circled sentences on the board and write the number (2).
 Ask children to look at the exercise in their Student Books. Allow time for children to circle the sentences and then
count them. While they are doing the activity, write the rest of the sentences on the board.
 Go over the answer with the class. Ask individual children to come to the front and circle the sentences. Then count
the total number of sentences together.
There are 4 sentences.

Worksheet 2: Unscramble sentences

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Unit 3: This is my nose!

 Give each group a set of word cards from the worksheet.

 Children work in groups to rearrange these words to make correct sentences.
Exercises: Workbook page 25
Story time: A reader of your choice

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Unit 3: This is my nose!

Worksheet 1: Body part matching game

arms nose face legs

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Unit 3: This is my nose!

Numbers dice

5 4 6

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Unit 3: This is my nose!

Lesson 2: Word cards

arm arms leg legs

nose face

Lesson 3: Word cards

fingers hands eyes

Lesson 5: Words cards

body paws tail legs

face lion
© Oxford University Press 2016 20
Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Unit 3: This is my nose!

Worksheet 2: Unscramble sentences

Hi I’m Lam Let’s

paper lion a make

color the face body

and paws cut legs

out now fold glue

on Look It’s

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Unit 3: This is my nose!

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 3

TOEFL Primary Unit 3 Speaking

1 Look and listen. Then point and say.
 Play the recording (Track 05).
 The children should point to each picture and repeat the words
Transcript (Track 05)
Boy: These are arms.
Girl: This is a kite.
Girl: This is a lion.
Boy: These are legs.
2 Listen, repeat, and point to yourself.
 Play the recording (Track 06).
 The children listen and point to the correct part of their body. Walk around the room and monitor to make sure
students are pointing to the correct parts of their bodies.
Transcript (Track 06)
Girl: These are my arms.
Boy: This is my leg.
Boy: These are my shoulders.
Girl: This is my hand.
Boy: These are my eyebrows.
3 Listen, and act or answer.
 Play the recording (Track 07).
 The children listen to the question and either do an action to answer or respond orally. If needed, give an example of
each. E.g., Say Touch your legs and touch your legs to demonstrate. Hold up a book and ask What’s this? and answer
It’s a book aloud.
 The children should answer together, chorally, but will have different answers for some questions. There is time
given for their responses.
Transcript (Track 07)
Boy: Hello. My name is Tim. What’s your name?
Boy: Nice to meet you. This is my book. Show me your book.
Boy: Thank you! Now point to your face.
Boy: Great. And touch your nose.
Boy: That’s good. I like animals. My favorite animal is my cat. What is your favorite animal?
Boy: I see. And what is your favorite color?
Boy: I like that color, too. Thank you!
4 Listen. Then tell your friend about yourself.
 Divide the class into pairs.
 Play the recording (Track 08). Students listen to an example, and then they listen to the
 Students take turns speaking to their partner to answer the task question.

Example answers
Hello. My name is (Kevin).
This is my (face).
These are my (eyes).
Here is my (nose).
I have (ten fingers).
I’ve got (two arms).
Transcript (Track 08)
Boy: Hello. My name is Ted. This is my face. Here is my nose, and these are my arms. I have two arms and two
legs. Tell your friend about yourself.
5 Listen and play. Talk to your friend.
© Oxford University Press 2015
Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 3

 Divide the class into pairs.

 Ask the children to look at the pictures. Check that they know the vocabulary.
 Play the recording (Track 09). Students listen to an example, and then they listen to the task.
 The children play the guessing game in turns using the picture prompts.
 Each child uses as much language they are able, in order to complete the task. They do not need to follow the model
on the recording exactly, but an example is given for the children to follow if they need to.
Example answers
bird: It has two legs/eyes. It has lots of colors. What is it?
dog: It has four legs/paws. What is it?
boy: He has two legs/arms/eyes. What is he? [allow “it”]
clown: He has a big, red nose/two legs/eyes/arms. What is he? [allow “it”]
doll: It has two legs/arms/eyes. What is it?
Transcript (Track 09)
Girl: Look at these pictures. Let’s play a game.
Boy: OK.
Girl: It has four legs. What is it?
Boy: Is it a bird?
Girl: No.
Boy: Is it a dog?
Girl: Yes, that’s right.
Now you can play. Ask your friend to guess the picture.

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Unit 3

Worksheet: Extra writing

1 Look and write.
 Ask children to look at Exercise 1. Divide the class into pairs. Children talk about the parts of the body they can see in
the picture. E.g., Two hands, one nose.
 Ask children to look at the word hands. Ask How many hands does he have? (two). Show children the word hands and
draw attention to the s.
 Ask children to look at the second blank. Ask them to follow the line and say what they can see (an eye). Ask How
many eyes? (two). Say Eye or eyes? (eyes). Ask children to spell the word and write in on the board as they do so. Tell
them to write the word on the blank line.
 Ask children to look at the third blank. Ask them to follow the line and say what they can see (a nose). Ask How many
noses? (one). Say Nose or noses? (nose). Ask children to spell the word and write in on the board as they do so. Tell
them to write the word on the blank line.
 Children complete the exercise individually.
 Draw a stick figure with a face on the board. Ask individual children to come forward and write their answers for the
rest of the class to check.
1 hands
2 eyes
3 a nose
4 a face
5 arms
6 fingers
2 Write.
 Ask children to look at Exercise 2. Draw their attention to the first picture. Ask what Alison is pointing to (her eyes).
Ask How many eyes? (two). Say This is or These are? (These are). Show children the words These are on the line.
 Draw children’s attention to the second picture. Ask what Jamie is pointing to (his nose). Ask How many noses? (one).
Say This is or These are? (This is). Tell children to write the words This is on the line.
 Children complete the exercise individually.
 Read the completed sentences aloud for children to check their answers.
1 These are
2 This is
3 This is
4 These are

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Unit 3

Worksheet: Values — Take care in the sun

 Colored pencils
1 Write  or .
 Draw a picture of the sun on the board. Draw a face without sunglasses beneath the sun and another with sunglasses
next to it. Point to the picture without sunglasses and say Good or bad? (bad). Draw an  next to it. Point to the
picture with sunglasses and say Good or bad? (good). Draw  next to it.
 Ask children to look at Exercise 1, and draw their attention to the first set of pictures. Ask them to point to the good
picture and then the bad picture. Ask them to check their answer with the people around them. Monitor to check.
Show them the  in the first picture. Ask them to draw a  in the second picture.
 Draw children’s attention to the second set of pictures. Ask them to point to the good picture and then the bad
picture. Ask them to check their answer with the people around them. Monitor to check. Ask them to write a  in the
first picture and a  in the second one.
 Children complete the exercise individually.
 Divide the class into pairs. Children check their answers with their partner.
1 
2 
3 
4 
2 Draw a poster.
 Ask children to draw a big sun in the top corner of the poster. Ask them to point again at the good actions in Exercise
1. Tell them to draw these actions on the poster.
 Children then color their poster.

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Unit 3

Unit test
Testing and evaluation
There are twelve one-page Unit tests which cover the vocabulary and grammar content presented in each core unit.
Each test contains vocabulary activities and grammar activities. The Unit tests can be administered at the end of each

Administering a test
Testing is an important part of the teaching/learning process. Students can become anxious about tests, so it is
important to create a calm and supportive environment. Before giving a test, have a quick warm-up session on the
language to be covered in the test. Explain the scoring system to the class so that they feel responsible for their
own learning process. All the Unit tests in American Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 have a total of 15

Grading for Unit tests is as follows:

14–15 Excellent

11–13 Very good

7–10 Good

4–6 Satisfactory

0–3 Needs further work

1 Match.

2 Circle the correct words.

1 one hand 2 four kites 3 three lions 4 one face 5 two eyes 6 five legs 7 ten fingers
3 Check () the correct sentence.
1 This is my nose.
2 These are my eyes.
3 These are my fingers.
4 This is my face.

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Review 1

Summative test 1
Testing and evaluation
There are five Summative tests. These are two-page tests which cover the vocabulary, grammar, and phonics of the
previous three units. The phonics activities include one listening. The Summative tests can be administered at the
end of Units 3, 6, 9, and 12 respectively.

Administering a test
Testing is an important part of the teaching/learning process. Students can become anxious about tests, so it is
important to create a calm and supportive environment. Before giving a test, have a quick warm-up session on the
language to be covered in the test. Explain the scoring system to the class so that they feel responsible for their own
learning process. All the Summative tests in Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 have a total of 30 points.

Grading for Summative tests is as follows:

24–30 Excellent

18–23 Very good

12–17 Good

6–11 Satisfactory

0–5 Needs further work

1 Match.
Answers ___/4
2 Look and write.
Answers ___/4
1 fingers
2 face
3 nose
4 leg
5 arms
3 Match.
Answers ___/4
4 Look and write.
Answers ___/3
1 These are my eyes.
2 This is your bag.
3 This is my teddy bear.
4 This is my bike.

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Review 1
5 Circle the correct first letter.
Answers ___/5
6 Listen and check () the sound you hear.
Transcript (Track 10)
1 d – dog
2 j – jelly
3 a – apple
4 b – bird
5 h – hat
6 p – pencil
Answers ___/5

Total: _____/25

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Review 1
Skills test 1
Testing and evaluation
There are five skills tests. These are two-page tests which cover the content of the previous three units and evaluate
the four key skills of Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. The Listening section of each Skills test includes two
listening activities (the audio is supplied on the Teacher’s Resource Disk). The Skills tests can be administered at the
end of Units 3, 6, 9, and 12 respectively.

Administering a test
Testing is an important part of the teaching/learning process. Students can become anxious about tests, so it is
important to create a calm and supportive environment. Before giving a test, have a quick warm-up session on the
language to be covered in the test. Explain the scoring system to the class so that they feel responsible for their own
learning process. All the Skills tests in Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 have a total of 30 points.

Grading for Skills tests is as follows:

24–30 Excellent

18–23 Very good

12–17 Good

6–11 Satisfactory

0–5 Needs further work

1 Listen and write the

Transcript (Track 11)
1 How old are you? I’m 2.
2 How old are you? I’m 5.
3 How old are you? I’m 9.
4 How old are you? I’m 3.
5 How old are you? I’m 7.
6 How old are you? I’m 10.
1. 2 2. 5 3. 9 4. 3 5. 7 6. 10
2 Listen and check ().
Transcript (Track 12)
1 What’s this? It’s a book.
2 What’s this? It’s a pencil.
3 What’s this? It’s a train.
4 What’s this? It’s a nose.
5 What’s this? It’s a kite.
© Oxford University Press 2015
Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3 – Review 1

3 Read and number.

Clockwise from bottom left: 1, 4, 2, 3
4 Read again and write T (true) or F (false).
5 Count the words in each sentence. Circle.
1 3 2 4 3 2 4 5 3 (Contracted forms are considered to be one word.)
6 Complete the sentences.
1 These are my hands.
2 This is my nose.
3 These are my pencils.
4 This is my kite.
5 This is my bag.
7 Ask and answer.
1 I’m fine.
2 I’m (seven).
3 No, I’m not. / Yes, I am.
4 It’s / My school bag is (blue).
5 It’s / My favorite color is (red).
6 It’s / My favorite toy is (my kite).
7 They’re / My eyes are (brown).

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