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Office of Teacher Education Program

General Santos City, Philippines
Document Type: Document No. : DAP-03-05-003-E-1
Controlled Issue No. : 00__ Revision No. : 00
Document Title: Effective Date : June 13, 2017
Final Examination Page 1 of 1


CN: 5214 TIME: 1 - 2 PM

NAME: ZIPORAH L. BAGUIO PERMIT #: _______________________________

INSTRUCTOR: MRS. ESTHER FACTURANAN SCORE: _________________________________

A - TRUE or FALSE: Support your answer. (10pts each)

TRUE 1. The most important ingredient in success is knowing how to get along with people.

Yes this is very true. Getting along with people is the most important ingredient in success.
This is very applicable to all of us, by interacting and learning from those people who are around us,
we can also learn from them and they will help to lift you up through your career. As the quotes says,
“No man is an Island” therefore we should keep having good relationship to the people that surrounds
us. Whether they are your family, friends, neighbors, classmates and colleagues, or even those
people that you don’t like; a competitor for example, you need to learn to build a good and healthy
relationship with them. Success is useless if you have bad blood to the people around you. It will only
destroy you as a human and people will be hating at you. Success is something that we can share to
others not just for ourselves.

TRUE 2. One is remembered for what one does for others not for what one does for self.

My answer is true. There is a saying that goes, “You can do 99 things for someone and all
they’ll remember is the one thing you didn’t do and the one thing of your mistake.” This quote is very
sad. As a human, we need to also put ourselves first before other. I would say that we should ignore
those people who are selfish to only want things for themselves. Rather than disregarding our sorrow
or flagellating ourselves with self-criticism, self-compassion implies to being warm and
compassionate toward ourselves when we suffer, fail, or feel inadequate. Not all the time we are
required to do things for others. We need to love ourselves first. We should be mindful of our own
feelings and senses. We should take care of our mental health and have self-compassion which has
a variety of advantages, including reduced anxiety and despair. Self-compassionate people realize
when they are in pain and treat themselves with kindness, which lessens anxiety and despair.

TRUE 3. Happiness is a by-product of an effort to make someone else happy.

Joy, pleasure, contentment, and fulfillment characterize happiness as an emotional state. It

conveys positive emotions and feelings rather than negative and has life satisfaction. We can always
find happiness in whether in simple or extravagant things. As long as you are not stepping down to
people and loves what you are doing. Being happy will always remind us that life is beautiful and we
are living in a colorful world. Surrounding ourselves with positive type of people will create an impact
of happiness to our lives. Happiness promotes a healthy lifestyle. It may also aid in the reduction of
pain, the reduction of tension, the enhancement of our immune system, the protection of our heart,
and the reduction of stress. Furthermore, it has the potential to lengthen our life.

FALSE 4. Before you can help others, it is necessary to be aware of your needs first.

Taking care of our self is the key to happiness and excellent performance in both job and life. It
is also a gift to others, which is just as vital. It's simpler to put other people's wants ahead of your own
when your own needs are addressed and you feel good about yourself. Putting yourself first entails
treating yourself with the same respect as you do others. It entails taking care of yourself so that you
may be more productive, organized, and overall a better person. It simply means loving oneself a bit
more, which is neither selfish nor unnecessary. This is statement is false because self-love and self-
care is very important for a human individual. How can you help others if you yourself is a mess? We
should fix ourselves first before helping other. By doing so, it is much simpler to put other people's
wants ahead of your own when your own needs are addressed and you feel good about yourself.

TRUE 5. To go through life without a true friend is to have missed one of the most challenging of
human experiences.

In the lives of others, a person has only one job to play: and that is to be a friend. True Friends
is very important in our lives especially in today’s world. When we go through hardships in life, we
don’t usually open up to our parents first. Hence, we share it to our closest friends, tell them about our
agony in life and seek advice from them. Friends have a huge impact to our lives. Friendships ease
stress, bring comfort and delight, and keep us from feeling lonely and alone. They are very good in
providing us the comfort that we need and help us be more of ourselves. When we have friends, life
becomes much easier and more colorful. They brighten up our life and supports us during our good
and bad times. We can also find the sense of belongingness and purpose that we want. Friendship is
a wonderful relationship that makes life more enjoyable. Our friendships teach us to share, love, and
care for one another, and most importantly, they help us overcome obstacles and achieve success.
Having true friends is a blessing.

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