BS BIO 2A - Daria Jerico Clyde - The Good Life

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Daria, Jerico Clyde C.

October 20, 2021 Science, Technology, and Society
Instruction: Answer the following questions,
1. Does technology always lead us to having a good life? Which one and why?
In my opinion, almost all aspects of technology lead to the betterment of life. To enumerate
a few, the technological advancements that made life convenient and comfortable are in the form
of utilities, transportation and innovations that were devised to provide for our necessities or even
simplify processes. On the contrary, technology also has its cons or negative implications that
root from unethical, immoral, or even unmoral use of it. To give a specific example, the internet,
one of the most important inventions up to date, can be maliciously used to cause damages
through the form of exploitation, extortion, trafficking and illegal transactions which is an absolute
opposite to how we perceive and use the internet as a utility for communication and entertainment.

2. What is the relationship between good life and science?

Science can be considered as a pursuer and provider of good life. The pursuits made in
science allow us to flourish and attain all three important aspects of a good life (according to
Aristotle). This relationship between science and good life has long been embedded and
imprinted in our way of living as society has been able to progress through the efforts and
milestones that humanity reached in the sake of science. Our innate nature of hunger for
knowledge is what sprouted into the application of science to modernize and revolutionize the
way of life.

3.Is technology making your life better or worse? How?

Personally, life can’t get any better than what it is now. Although we are facing the
challenges brought about by the pandemic, life for me didn’t come to a halt. Through technology,
aside from education, socializing and building connections all around the globe became possible
as I was able to meet people of different culture and races, build genuine relationships, and
establish a web of connections despite my ripe age. Although challenging, learning in this time
against distractions and burnouts has been quite interesting. And despite all the hardships of a
pseudo-autodidacticism setup, I have managed to clutch and pull through with the aid of

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