Materi PPP Grass Growth and Regrowth For Improved Management

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How grass grows is only part of the secret to better management. Grasses can be most
productive when clipped by mowers or bitten by animals. The word defoliation comes from
"folium," Latin for leaves. So the word itself is a great reminder that leaves are the primary
target when harvesting grass. And the term defoliation assumes those leaves will be removed
prematurely (not as a result of death).

Defoliation can be productive or destructive. There are several areas where plants grow
(roots, leaves, culm, rhizomes, stolons, and crown). But regrowth from the leaves is most
important for efficient regrowth after defoliation. For optimal regrowth following defoliation
there must be cell division and expansion in certain meristem systems. Knowledge about the
location and specific function of these meristems is critical for successful forage

Meristem systems
1. Apical meristem: the apex (primordium, growing point) of a shoot or tiller eventually
produces leaves, stems, and seed heads.

2. Intercalary meristem: located where a leaf blade (lamina) joins the sheath, represents the
collar of a grass plant. The intercalary meristem accounts for the increasing length of leaves
and sheaths.

3. Shoot or tiller: a cylindrical bundle of relatively immature leaf blades enclosed by sheaths
or more mature leaves. Leaves are formed from successive layers of cells in the apical

4. Basal buds: shoot initials in crown tissues which develop into new tillers (recovery
growth) when defoliation destroys the growing point of the "mother" shoot.

The plant crown is where the plant stem meets the roots. Most plants are planted so that the
crown is at soil level. Burying the crown lower than soil level can often lead to rot and the
eventual death of the plant.

Growth of Grasses and Legumes
Good grazing management will result in improved pasture yields. Understanding how plants
grow allows for better management decisions as to when to move livestock under different
growing conditions. This article will focus on growth occurring after grazing or mowing. All
plants require water, nutrients, and energy to grow. The current season, climate, and other
environmental factors also affect plant growth. Extensive defoliation caused by grazing too
closely, lack of a sufficient rest period, and environmental stress caused by drought, high
temperatures, or flooding can severely reduce the productivity of a forage stand.
Energy, which is produced through photosynthesis in the green leaf area, is required for
growth. Carbohydrates, the energy stores for the plant, are first used to maintain the plant.
After these needs are met, plant growth occurs. Any excess carbohydrates are stored within
the plant until needed for growth in the spring or after defoliation and for support of
respiration during winter dormancy.

Grasses regrow using the remaining leaf area and by utilizing stored carbohydrates. It is
critical that adequate leaf area remains after grazing to minimize depletion of stored energy.
Thus, the recommendation that fescue and orchardgrass plants be grazed to a 3-4 inch height
and then allowed a rest period. Tiller management is also critical for a healthy grass stand.
Basal buds in the crown develop into new tillers when the growing point of the initial tiller is
removed. The shoots or tillers produce new leaves and stems. If grazing or mowing is
managed correctly to stimulate tiller growth, stand yield may increase and the grass will start
to regrow more rapidly.

Legumes are more dependent on stored carbohydrates for regrowth. Legumes stems are
composed of the growing point, stem, leaves, nodes, and axillary buds in comparison to the
tillers in grasses. Legume stems begin to grow in length and leaves are arranged on opposite
sides of the stem. In the spring, stems grow from dormant crown buds using stored
carbohydrates. All leguminous species have tap roots in comparison to grasses which have
fibrous root systems. The tap root systems are ideal for carbohydrate storage. Legumes
mainly depend on the carbohydrates stored in the roots for regrowth. Because legumes are
not as dependent on remaining leaf area for regrowth, leaving high leaf area is not necessary.

In all species, it is essential to maintain healthy root systems in order to produce healthy
plants. The root system not only stores carbohydrates, but allows for the uptake of water and
nutrients for plant functions, and anchors the plant to the ground as well. Close grazing or
continuous grazing depletes the stored carbohydrates that are needed for both top growth and
root growth. Depleted root systems make plants less drought tolerant. Allowing plants to
have an adequate rest period and not overgrazing pastures keeps root systems healthy and

Pastures should be managed to favor the desired forages. It would be easiest to manage one
species as various plant species should be managed differently. Because of the many
advantages, species from the various groups, especially grasses and legumes, are often mixed
in pastures. Grasses and legumes differ in the way they regrow and need to be grazed

Certain forages such as Kentucky bluegrass, Bermudagrass, white clover, and other low
growing species have a growing point that remains low throughout the growing season and
can tolerate closer grazing. Tall growing forages, such as tall fescue, smooth brome,
orchardgrass, switchgrass, alfalfa, and red clover, elevate the growing point as they mature

and need to be managed more carefully. In pastures containing both grasses and legumes, it is
usually suggested to manage to favor legume growth. Grazing or mowing to low heights
favors plants that depend more on root reserves as it takes off a large amount of leaf area.
Therefore, grazing to lower heights will favor legumes.

Using a rotational grazing or management intensive grazing method increases pasture

production and quality as well as animal performance. Continuous grazing depletes
carbohydrate reserves which reduces future productivity. Plants need to be given an adequate
rest period to regrow and accumulate storage reserves. Because legumes rely mainly on
stored energy for regrowth, frequent defoliations are especially harmful. It is suggested that
legumes are given 30-35 days between defoliations. Continuously grazing tall grasses
suppresses new growth. Most of the leaves are grazed off along with the basal tillers which
greatly decreases production and can deplete stored energy. Moving the livestock quickly is
best. It is important that individual plants are not grazed twice during the same rotation. The
length of the rest and grazing periods and the stocking density will be dependent on the
available forage, season, and other environmental factors. There are many different species of
forages that are commonly used in Kentucky. Each species is unique and should be managed
accordingly in order to optimize plant and animal production. Understanding the traits of the
forages on your farm can be useful to make the best management decisions to maximize
forage yield, forage quality, and herd health and production.


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