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Fakta – Memuat tentang fakta bisa gambar menggantikan expressi kalimatnya dituliskan di
dekat gambar.(contoh ucapannya)
Berkenalan bertemu/berpisah
b. Konsep – Teori yang mendukung tentang wacana (trans/inter/mon/funct)
Greeting is an act of communication in which human beings (as well as other
animals) intentionally make their presence known to each other, to show attention to, and to
suggest a type of relationship or social status between individuals or groups of people coming
in contact with each other.
Parting phrases are elements of parting traditions, phrases used to acknowledge the parting of
individuals or groups of people from each other. Parting phrases are specific to culture and
situation, varying between persons based on social status and personal relationship.
c. Prinsip – Wajib dikenal anak Ungkapan ttg materi yg sedang dpelajari
Making introduction - Berkenalan bertemu/berpisah,

If you know two people who haven't met, you can introduce them to each other. If you want to
meet someone, you can introduce yourself. Here are some examples of phrases of

When Introducing Other People (starting with formal versions and moving to informal versions)

o I'd like you to meet Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms./Dr. (last name).

o I'd like to introduce (first and last name).
o (First name), this is (first name).

When Introducing Yourself (starting with formal versions and moving to informal versions)

o I don't think we've met. May I introduce myself?

o Hello. My name is (first name and last name).
o Hi. I'm (first name).

Greeting Responses that Follow an Introduction (starting with formal versions and moving to informal versions)

Greeting Response
How do you do? (It's a) Pleasure meeting you.
I'm (pleased, happy, glad) to meet you. (Pleased, Happy, Glad) to meet you, too.
(It's) (Nice, Good, Great) meeting you. Same here.
Greeting Responses for People You Know (starting with formal versions and moving to informal versions)

Greeting Response
Good (morning, afternoon, evening) (name). Good (morning, afternoon, evening) (name).
Hello, (name). How are you? Very well, thank you.
Hi. How are you doing? Fine, thanks. And you?
Hi, (name). What's new? Nothing much.
With friends who really want to know how you are, you can answer questions about how you
feel truthfully. Examples: "Not very well," "I'm feeling sick," "I just lost my job."
Leave taking
Simple good-byes (Formal)
Stay in touch.
It was nice meeting you.
I hope to see you soon.
Simple good-byes (Informal)
See you.
Talk to you later.
Catch up with you later.
Nice seeing you.
Leaving a place (Formal)
I have to leave here by noon.
Is it okay if we leave your home at 9pm?
What do you say we leave work a little earlier today?
Would you mind if I leave the dinner before it ends?
I need to depart for the airport in one hour.
Leaving a place (Informal)
I got to go now.
I’ll be leaving from the office in 20 minutes.
How about we jet off to the shops now?
I’m afraid I have to head off now.
Let’s get off work early

d. Prosedur – Pokok bahasan (urutan materi) menjadi acuan untuk deskripsi materi di SKL
langsung dibuatkan indikator soal untuk kemampuan yg di uji.
Mendengarkan dialog yang berisi ungkapan berkenalan,bertemu/berpisah, menyetujui
ajakan/tawaran/ undangan, menerima janji, membatalkan janji untuk
1. Mengidentifikasi makna tindak tutur berkenalan,bertemu/berpisah, menyetujui
ajakan/tawaran/ undangan, menerima janji, membatalkan janji
2. Menentukan topik yang diperdengarkan
3. Menentukan situasi pembicaraan
4. Menentukan ejaan kata yang disebutkan dalam dialog
5. Menentukan bunyi kata
6. Merespon tindak tutur berkenalan,bertemu/berpisah, menyetujui ajakan/tawaran/
undangan, menerima janji, membatalkan janji

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